Earth Dies

27. Second Encounter

Two rocks came flying out of the cornfield on the left at Alice and Colin. Alice managed to dodge to the side, the rock whizzing past her, while Colin was unable to fully dodge but the rock skipped harmlessly off his shoulder and then back off into the corn on the other side. As he turned to see where the rock had gone, Colin spotted four kobolds stepping out of the corn behind the team.

"Four behind," he shouted to alert Alice and Bridgette, turning his body to face the threat.

"Three in front," Bridgette replied, as the three more kobolds stepped out in front of the team, two with slings and the third carrying a dagger.

"PEW PEW," Colin shouted unleashing magic missiles at the crowd of kobolds behind the team. Two bolts hit a kobold and killed it, knocking it to the ground in a spray of gore. The third bolt hit another kobold, seeming to do little damage. "One down," Colin relayed.

Alice reached into a fanny pack she was wearing around her waist, pulled out a small tube, and flicked a small bit of liquid at Bridgette and Colin. "Fi's blessing to you both!" she whispered to herself, while pivoting to make sure she could see Bridgette and Colin as well as all the kobolds facing them.

Bridgette grabbed her greataxe, took a deep breath, and screamed with rage at the sight of the kobolds. She then raced toward the first of the three kobolds. She unleashed a powerful swing of the greataxe, cutting the kobold in half and showering the small creatures on other side with entrails and blood.

Of the three kobolds left by Colin, the injured one decided to try to sling another rock. It quickly spun the sling, a whirring blur of leather and stone, and unleashed a rock toward the boy. This time, Colin wasn't so lucky and the stone hit him in the arm painfully. Alice saw his health bar drop in her interface.

<< Colin: 8 of 12 >>

At the same time, the other two kobolds rushed toward him, trying to stab at him with their daggers. Both succeeded, with Colin crumbling to the ground covered in blood, unconscious.

<< Colin: 2 of 12 >>

<< Colin: 0 of 12 >>

"FUCK! Colin's down." Alice screamed. The two kobolds next to Bridgette tried to attack her. The first one managed to connect, but the second missed.

<< Bridgette: 22 of 23 >>

Alice placed her hand on Colin's head and whispered, "Heal." Colin sat up with a gasp.

<< Colin: 12 of 12 >>

"Go get 'em, tiger," she encouraged the boy. From his seated position, with two kobolds standing over him, Colin pointed finger guns at the pair of creatures and shouted "PEW PEW." One kobold had a hole blown through his head, leaving him standing stunned for a fraction of a second before he topped over backward. The other two took bolts to the chest and coughed, blood foaming out of his mouth, but remained standing, swaying slightly.

Bridgette continued swinging her greataxe at the two kobolds next to her. Once again, she made contact and took the head clean off the kobold to her left. The axe hit with such force that the kobold's head was launched twenty feet down the road, rolling obscenely to a stop.

"Yasss! Slay!" Alice cheered.

Colin cringed, "Please don't ever say that again."

"Sorry," Alice said apologetically. "Was just trying it out."

Of the three remaining kobolds, only one seemed to be in decent health - the other two were both barely hanging on. However, they took their chance to attack, hoping to still win against the team. The kobold next to Bridgette tried to stab, but his dagger merely slashed through Bridgette's dress top, doing no damage to the girl but exposing her right breast. "Fucking pervert," Bridgette snapped.

The kobold standing next to Colin tried to stab the boy again, but fumbled and dropped his dagger at Colin's feet. Meanwhile, the third kobold spun his sling and tried to launch another rock at Colin. The stone struck the boy in the arm, causing him to wince and curse.

<< Colin: 9 of 12 >>

Colin again pointed his finger guns at the two kobolds, one right in front of him and the other about twenty feet away holding a sling. "PEW PEW!" This time, the bolts struck home and both kobolds died. "All dead in the back!" Colin shouted.

Bridgette pivoted, slicing back the other direction with her greataxe toward the remaining kobold. The axe cut through the small creature on an upward angle, starting around the left hip and exiting through its right shoulder. As Bridgette's axe left the body, and she rotated, controlling the weight of the large weapon, the upper half of the kobold's body started to slide to the ground, spilling entrails onto the road. The lower half of the body remained standing, stunned, creating an awkward tripod between the kobold's legs and tail. Bridgette raised a foot and kicked the lower half of the corpse over.

"All dead up front," she called out. Alice glanced between the groups of dead kobolds, chipping in a "Looks like they're all dead."

Bridgette slowed her breathing, seeming to shrink a little as she walked back to the other two. Alice helped Colin back up to his feet from where he'd been sitting, as he tried to scrub some of the blood out of his robe.

"Well, I think that went way better than the first time," Alice remarked. "Even accounting for Colin getting knocked down."

"Easy for you to say, you weren't the one getting stabbed by a bunch of kobolds." Colin grumbled.

"Great job you two. That was some awesome team work and while we took some hits, we pushed through and killed them all." Bridgette set the head of her axe down on the ground and leaned onto it, looking at the two. She then noticed that her breast was hanging out through the gash in her dress and that Colin was staring right at it.

"Colin ... " she growled.

Colin gulped and dragged his eyes up, meeting Bridgette's glare. "Sorry, sorry! Hey, you know - I have a spell that could help. It's a cantrip called mending, would allow me to fix the rip. If you want."

Bridgette sighed, "Okay, fine. That would actually be awesome, thank you. No need to walk into town with a boob hanging out for everyone to see."

Colin pulled out his spellbook and flipped through to find the right page, then glanced up at Bridgette and froze, his face an awkward grimace. "There _might_ be a small problem with casting it."

Bridgette's eyebrow quirked up. "What kind of problem?"

Colin gulped. "So, in order for me to fix your dress, I need to run my hand back and forth across the torn area for one minute while channeling magic to repair the damage."

Alice started laughing, "You mean you're going to spend the next minute rubbing my girlfriend's tit to fix her dress?"

"No, wait - there's a better option! She can take the dress off, and then I'll fix it."

"You want her to strip naked in front of you? Sure, Colin, that's definitely the less perverted option as opposed to just grabbing her boob for a minute."

"It's not like her clothes are covering much anyway," he muttered, blushing a scarlet red.

Bridgette stared, trying to figure out what option was less bad. Finally, she ground her teeth together. "Colin, if you pop a boner while your hand is on my breast, I will kill you. Please fix my dress."

Alice walked over and put her hand on Bridgette's shoulder. "It's okay, babe. I'm right here, and he won't do anything skeevy." She glared at Colin, "Right, Colin?"

"Right, nothing untoward at all. Just putting my hand on my friend's bare breast and rubbing it back and forth to fix her wardrobe malfunction, like any good guy friend would do." Colin gently placed his hands on Bridgette's dress, trying to drag the scraps of fabric back in place over her breast and began channeling magic, massaging the torn area as he worked.

Bridgette's face began to flush as the skin of her breast started to crinkle and her nipple stood at attention. She awkwardly shifted her feet, rubbing her thighs together. "It's tingling from the magic," she whined.

Colin was sweating heavily, his face starting to turn pale. As much as he tried to focus on casting the spell, he could not ignore his friend's obvious arousal nor the fact that he was continuing to rub his hand back and forth on her breast. "Fifteen more seconds," he gasped out.

Alice rubbed Bridgette's back, trying to distract the other girl. "Almost there, babe. You're doing great."

Finally, the spell finished casting and Bridgette's dress looked as good as new. Colin immediately spun away from Bridgette and sank to the ground, hands on his knees. Bridgette shivered, leaning heavily into Alice.

Alice peered at the other girl, "Are you okay?"

Bridgette cut her off with a savage kiss, pulling the shorter girl in close by the back of her head, roughly shoving her tongue into Alice's mouth. Alice, surprised by the intensity, resisted for a second and then leaned into Bridgette's assault. Her hands rose up, running across Bridgette's breasts. Bridgette then grabbed Alice by the throat and reached her other hand down, reaching under Alice's sundress, before the sound of Colin clearing his throat from behind Bridgette caused the two girls to stop what they were doing.

With a shudder, Bridgette pulled away from Alice. "Fi damn it. I need a really good fucking after that." Alice blushed in reply. Bridgette turned back toward Colin. "No offense, but I think next time I'm just going to take the dress off. I can't do that again."

Colin bobbed his head, "I totally agree. I had no idea the magic would act like that, but I'm not casting on items people are wearing anymore. Too much chance for inappropriate reactions."

Bridgette picked her axe back up and slung it over a shoulder. "That being said ... thank you for repairing my dress. I really do appreciate it. It would have fixed itself tonight, but better not to walk into town looking that shameless. Anyway, ready to keep going?"

The other two nodded, grabbed their things, and started following Bridgette down the road to Defiance. As they walked, a thought came to Colin.

"Hey Alice, what was that liquid you threw at us when you were casting bless?"

Alice blushed. "Uhm ... it's supposed to be something meaningful to my patron, Fi, so I used scented lube."

Bridgette blinked. "You blessed us with lube?" Alice nodded her head, a little ashamed. Colin stared, unable to think of anything to say. Finally, Bridgette shrugged. "Yea, you're right. That does seem like a Fi kind of thing," and resumed walking. "Just make sure you don't waste it all."

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