Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 64: Inner & Outer Disciples

"Where is your weapon?"

The girl had a sense of chivalry. She hesitated to attack Lee who was standing barehanded. Lee smirked playfully.

"I don't use a sledgehammer to kill a cockroach!"


The aura of a peak Foundation Building realm cultivator swept across the arena. The enraging comment hit the bullseye. It was exactly what Lee intended. He wanted them to attack him as he stepped on their pride. The mastermind behind this crooked plan to bait his opponents was D.


A furious roar came out as the girl leaped forward. Her eyes burned with rage as Lee related her to a cockroach. Her speed was good, but nowhere near Lee. As her sword neared him, Lee evaded the strike by stepping into his right. As the female figure was right beside him, his left hand rose up and came down with a thud. The hit behind her neck knocked the girl unconscious as she fell on the floor.

Her companions and the disciples of Wind Jade sect felt humiliated by this act. The humiliation multiplied as someone shouted-

"Wind Jade, eh? More like fleeting clouds!"

Lee chuckled at the comment as he took the unconscious girl into his arms. He walked to the edge of the arena and threw her at her companions. They caught her in the mid-air and brought her to the ground.

"One could not do anything. Can you two even touch me?!"

Those with the mace and spear sprang up onto the arena. They shouted as they charged at Lee.

"Seven Phantom Spear Technique!"

"Twisting Mace Slaughter"

Lee slipped his hands inside the jean's pockets. Seeing this, the guy with the mace slowed down as the spearman thrusted his spear at Lee's neck, chest and forehead with near perfect precision. It was so fast that it produced phantom trails. Lee evaded as he jumped to his left.


11 A.M.

1820 Essence harvested.


D cried out in caution as an unseen danger descended down on him. Before getting a firm footing, Lee jumped up into the air with all of his strength, and a mace came down and touched where he just stood.


The hit did not put a scratch on the platform, but created a gasp among the Wind Jade sect disciples. They cursed Lee's luck as he evaded the combined attacks of the Chen twins. Even Xiu Fai had a slight difficulty in dealing with these twins.

Anger welled up inside Lee as he did not expect a sneak attack by calculating where he might land. D stated that they are now standing in an arena and must be ready for all kinds of attacks.

Lee came down and planted his leg firm on the platform. He stared at the spear guy and dashed at him. The spear came at him with vigour. Inches away from the spear, Lee jumped and did a screwdriver flip. As he descended his leg came down at the spear guy's face like a brick.


In less than 2 seconds, the spear had fallen. Lee caught the man by his leg and was getting dragged out of the arena. The mace guy was furious as his twin brother was being treated like a sack of potatoes.

Lee picked up the spear from the floor by its spearhead. The mace came down on Lee's head, but missed its target as he had flipped to his right. Using the momentum, the body of the spear came swinging at the man's face.


The short noise was accompanied with the sound of a hammer falling. The wooden body of the spear created a thick bruise on his face as he stumbled on his knees disoriented. The man could not open his left eyes as it stung with great pain at each attempt.

Lee threw the spear on the floor as he glanced at the quest window.



Progress: 3/450

Time: 23 hours 27 minutes 35 seconds


Glancing at the crouching man who groaned in pain, Lee teased all the disciples around him.

"Did you insects think that you could take me down? Or are you all a bunch of retarded sect disciples?!"

For once, the sect disciples got a common enemy. Their enmity was forgotten as they jumped onto the arena and attacked Lee ruthlessly. Their individual strengths were no match to Lee, but their sheer number posed a difficulty.

Lee could be seen dashing and jumping through the menacing hostile crowd. For a long time, he evaded the strikes as the uncoordinated attacks were full of escape routes. It took almost an hour for the disciples of three sects to conclude that teamwork is essential to take down the enemy.

Once the attacks were organised, the efficiency and strength of the strikes took up quality. Lee found himself in an omnidirectional battle. His defense was able to block hits, but he was very careful as to those that aimed at his eyes and neck. Lee danced through the horde as his legs delivered kicks and hands presented blows. Both Lee and the surrounding crowd lost their sense of time!

When the crowd dwindled to one digit counts, Lee felt a shiver down his spine with premonition. Without a second thought, he jumped backward and where he stood a second before exploded. The Foresight helped him see an arrow hitting the ground as soon as he lept backward.


Dust and smoke rose as the miniature explosive went off. Lee retreated to the edge of the arena as D informed him that the smoke contained sedative chemicals. His mental resilience fought against the sedative's effect. Lee peeped at the Map and saw 16 red dots over the surrounding buildings. The sect disciples were all coloured grey as they were knocked unconscious either by Lee or by the sedative explosion. An was struggling to stay awake, but Lee whispered at her to lay down and stay immobile. An sensed some greater danger outside the veil of smoke.

Lee did not know who they were, but he decided to consider them as his enemies as they intentionally aimed at him. He glanced at the quest window and was delighted to see the progress at 188. The time left to finish the quest was 22 hours and 39 minutes.

The vision obscuring smoke veil was beginning to disperse when Lee pulled out his bow and fired Ex-Ho arrows. The arrows flashed out of the bow as his focus shifted from each red dot in the Map. The first three shots marked it's victory with double take-out. The assailants became alert as they scanned their surroundings. They did not see any arrows exiting the smoke veil, nor did they expect one to.

Five more explosions and the next five fell unconscious. By the time they figured out the arrows' trajectory, they became confused. The smoke veil faded away as Lee stored the bow back in his Inventory. The newly acquired immunity to sedatives grew visible confusion on their faces.

"We do not know who you are, but you tried to trample over the pride of our Phoenix Claw sect. Blame your own foolishness for today ends your journey!"

D quickly scanned the 3 men and 2 women at the top of the buildings. As D expected, they were the inner court disciples of the three sects. And 11 of them got taken out as soon as they annoyed Lee.

"Chicken Claw sect? Since when did people begin to name their sects after chicken claws and mutton limbs?!"

Lee laughed aloud and his voice resonated in the ears of the inner disciples. The man who talked just now furiously glanced at his fellow female disciple. She immediately shot an arrow at Lee.

Lee took out his blade from his spatial ring. D warned that this arrow also contains a small explosive pouch. Lee inwardly nodded as he jumped backward.


There was no explosion, but a rising cloud of pista green colour. It dispersed to the surroundings and enveloped Lee and the arena.

['s poison! Lee…..these idiots used poison!! Then, why don't we give them the taste of their own medicine?!]

'You mean, Poison arrows?!'

[Yes, but twice the power. Fire a Poison arrow attributed with your Poison affinity. Don't forget the default Explosive Homing combo!]

As D instructed, Lee took out his bow and a Poison Explosive Homing arrow materialised as the string was pulled backward. Lee applied his own Poison attribute and the arrow literally became soaked in poison. The smoke screen was translucent and made Lee's actions obscure. Those that stood on the building top guessed that he's struggling against the poison.


Before the group could react, an arrow originated from the smoke cloud and raced towards them. The arrow had reached in front of the group even before they could raise their guard.

The arrow silently exploded and a thick dark mucus splattered towards them. The archer female who had a poison attribute recognised it, but the others could not. The other 3 males and one female became struck with paralysing poison!

"It is poison! Shook it off!"

The archer's remark skipped their beat. With horror filled eyes, they glanced at the receding poison cloud and saw Lee unharmed!

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