East Meets West (Cultivation World)

21- Getting Started 1

21- Getting Started 1  


“HP... HP... HP?”  

Remembering that I still have to recover my HP, I remembered that I took the storage ring of the man whom I killed a few minutes ago.   

I remember that when building a connection with a storage ring; one needs to drip their blood on the ring and a connection will be established with the person’s mind.   

And if someone wants to steal another person’s storage ring and obtain all the things inside it, then there are two ways to do that.  

The first is that the person who owns the ring should be killed. When that person dies, the connection is naturally broken. And the new owner can establish a connection when he drips his blood on the ring.  

The second is that the storage ring must be destroyed. When the storage ring is destroyed, all the contents in the ring will fall out of it.  

But there are two types of storage rings, the first type is the Earthly Storage ring and the second type is the Heavenly storage ring.  

Earthly storage rings are made of material that has an affinity to ‘space element’. These materials have a different affinity, which means that depending on the Refiner’s skill and the material selected; a storage ring can be built with limited storage space. So, if a refiner has good skills and if he selects a good material, he can build a storage ring with a large space.  

While Heavenly Storage rings are only seen on legendary cultivators who have transcended the Royalty realm. Although, it is said that the Heavenly Storage ring is also made with a material having ‘space affinity’ but when it is built, the refiner uses ‘Space law’. This means the space inside a storage ring has exceeded the limits of Earthly storage rings.  

Earthly storage ring has a storage limit of about 1000 cubic meters or if a Weapon Refiner has excellent skills then it can also reach about 10,000 cubic meters.   

And the Heavenly storage ring has more than 10,000 cubic meters of space because the Heavenly storage ring has been connected to the ‘space law’. And if the refiner has a good understanding of Space Law, then the storage space can almost reach infinite, well that’s just a theory, I read in some book. To what extent that is true, only time will tell.   

If an Earthly storage ring is destroyed then the contents will fall out, but if a Heavenly storage ring is destroyed then the contents will get lost in a space tunnel and will forever drift in it.   

That means if someone kills or steals the Heavenly storage from the owner and if the owner does not erase the connection with the storage ring; then the other person cannot obtain the contents inside the rings. It is like:  

‘Since you have killed me for personal revenge or wanting to steal my treasures, then fusk you; I will not let you get those and anyhow those treasures will get eroded in the space channel, –so long loser--. See you in hell !!!’  

Plus, it is said that to use a heavenly storage ring, a cultivator needs to have developed a ‘Divine Sense Radar’, only then can they use it.  

All these things, I have read in the Leon clan Library, as I wanted to learn this world’s knowledge. I don’t know what this ‘Divine sense Radar’ is but I can be sure those are something similar to the power that allows one to scan long distances and the user can even watch an ant crawling from far away, which many novels introduce with different names. And the ‘Divine sense Radar’ is said to be developed when reaching the pinnacle of the cultivation.  

(Well, like hell am I going to believe that, Pinnacle of cultivation, my ass. I have read so many novels that at the end of a novel or an arc, there will be new cultivations. So, if the author feels that he cannot continue, then he will leave us hanging with some half-ass ending)  

I can be sure that the storage ring right in front of me is an Earthly Storage ring. I thought of breaking the ring but quit that idea as it will make some noise and that might alarm any guard, which may expose my location.   

And I cannot hurt myself because, if I do that then my HP might reach zero at a quicker rate, and then I will surely die.   

(Sarcastic tone) Luckily, I am injured and there are some scratches and little blood can be squeezed from them.   

And after some struggle, somehow, I got that little blood and a connection was formed with the storage ring.  

Now, I can easily access the contents of the ring.   

As I looked into the ring, I observed that the space is about a half cubic meter. Actually, my ring was about 1 cubic meter which was gifted to me by my mother. Compared to it, I feel this ring is not so big. If I remember correctly, it was said that my parent’s storage ring has about 3 to 4 cubic meters of space.  

(Well anyway, I should recover fast.)  

Though the space is small, there are a lot of things in this ring. Like pills for cultivation, healing, a sword, a shield, and leather armor. There is also money, animal parts, animal skin, and human parts...human parts?... what the...  

As I was having a quick scan, I was shocked and almost threw away the ring. I saw that there were human parts like hands, legs, and even eyeballs stored in some glass containers.   

Although, I agree that I just killed someone and I still feel guilty about that but this is too much.   

Are my doubts true? Is he a cannibal or practices corpse cultivation or demon cultivation or has some kind of fetish??  

When I continue to think about this matter, my body shuddered.  

If what I think is true then this man was not a good guy. As I think more about it, I feel less guilty and kind of feel relaxed. As I was lost in thought, the system’s notification woke me up,  


‘-1 HP’  

Host’s current Hp = 6  

As soon I saw this, I immediately took out the bottle containing healing pills and opened the lid, and saw that there were only 2 pills.   

“Damn bastard” I inwardly cursed the man whom I killed, because the man was injured and it seems that to recover from his injuries that bastard swallowed almost all the healing pills. And left only 2 pills as a backup.  

Although I wanted to curse the guy more, I swallowed only one pill to see how much HP I can recover and to save the last pill for backup.  


‘+100 Hp’  

‘System is removing the suppression.’  

***Warning suppression has been removed***  

‘The host will now lose 1 HP after 10 minutes’  

‘Host has HP=106. The host has 17 hours and 40 minutes left, when HP reaches zero, the host will die. The system cannot help the host again’  

‘The combination of poisons present inside the host has produced a negative buff. Every 10 minutes, the host will lose 1 HP.’

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