East Meets West (Cultivation World)

42- Posi-Nega-Tive Sutra

42- Posi-Nega-Tive Sutra  



‘-1 HP’  

Reading this, I suddenly realized that due to my ‘Defense’ stat, I encountered resistance when trying to make a cut and when I made a cut, I lost some HP.   

This means I can become immune to some basic weapons as my ‘Defense’ stat continues to increase in the future.  

Well, when you reach the ‘Evolver stage’ your body & skin becomes tough and strong and it is basically immune to some weapons, and that ability further increases when you reach the ‘Demi-Human Stage’. And when you reach Transformation level, basic weapons hardly put a scratch on you. And to hurt a cultivator who has reached the ‘Transformation Realm’ special weapons are needed.  

After making the cut on my finger, I passed the knife to Armelia.  

Armelia holding the knife, her hands were shaking and it looked difficult for her to make a cut on her finger.  

So, I sighed inwardly and asked,  

“Hey, do you need help? I assure you that it will only sting for a moment.”  

Hearing this, Armelia nodded and said,  

“I cannot do it. I am scared. You take the knife back and I will close my eyes, so you can make a cut.”  

With that, she passed the knife back to me and closed her eyes.   

Seeing her actions, I can only doubt how she gathered the courage to enter the ’Dark forest’.  

“Hey, please be gentle and do not make it deep”  

Hearing her pleadings, I can only shake my head and made a small cut on her finger.   


Ignoring Armelia's cry, I squeezed a few drops of our blood on the scroll and the book.  


When drops of blood fell on the Book and the Scroll, a white light started shining from the Scroll.  

The light was too bright, which made Armelia and me, cover our eyes.  

After a few moments, the light dimmed. We opened our eyes; an old man was standing opposite us. Or more like it was an old man’s projection as the one in front of us did not look like a solid entity.  

“Hello, my name is Kane. And what you see in front of you is nothing but a projection or a thought that I left in the Scroll.”  

The old man’s voice was heard from the projection. And he was looking at us with a smile.  

The Old man had a long beard and was wearing a red robe. He was tall and looked similar to a retired old man who lives in a village and spends his last moments, reminiscing his past.  

Seeing this old man, I had various ideas running through my mind. Well, my past life’s novels knowledge was what flashed in my mind, to be exact.  

And as I was about to ask something, the old man interrupted   

“I know you guys want to ask questions, but unfortunately what is in front of you is nothing but a trace of my spiritual projection that has been stored in the Scroll.”  

“I know it might sound disappointing but it is true, so whatever I am going to say is already a recorded projection. Because when I left this book and scroll here in this statue, I don’t know how many years has passed and when you got this book and scroll, I might have traveled to some other place. So, we may or may not meet in the future”  

“Since, you found the book and the scroll, which means you both are the fated ones”  

“In this book, I have left mine and my wife’s cultivation experience and various knowledge regarding herbs, weapons, skills, pills, alchemy, and all that is known to us are stored.”  

“But the information can only be assessed when both of you cross certain realms. This means if you are in the Mortal realm then you can only read a certain part of the information in the book and when you reach the Transformation realm, further information will be unlocked. And it goes on as you further cultivate.”  

“But remember, you cannot access the information in this book normally. And only when your cultivation progresses then you drop some of your blood on this book, and whoever has dropped the blood will get information according to set conditions. Meaning each will get information passed to their brains and that too individually. Think of it as a way to pressure you to cultivate for rewards.”  

As the old man was speaking, the old man’s projection dimmed.  

“Hmm...Looks like my time is up, so before my projection disappears, let me tell you one last thing.”  

“After I disappear, the scroll will transform into two lights and they will enter your head. Through this, I will be passing you a Cultivation art that my wife and I practiced together. This set of cultivation art is a type of ‘Dual-Cultivation’ art which must be practiced together as a couple”  

“Since, you have dropped your blood and other female’s blood on the book and the scroll. Then the cultivation art when practiced can only show its true power when you both practice it together. Yes, if by chance you do not want to do it together, then you can also do it with some other person of the opposite sex, but then the cultivation power will be halved.”  

“Well, if you are wondering, why I have left this book, scroll, knowledge and Cultivation Art here, then you will know it when you have received the complete knowledge from the book.”  

With that, the old man’s projection started fading and he said his final sentence  

“Well then, let’s hope we can meet in the future. Goodbye and if...”  

With that, the old man’s projection completely vanished before he could complete his sentence and the Golden scroll started shining and got split into two lights and entered between our eyebrows.  

And I heard the system’s notification  


‘Host obtained Posi-Nega-Tive Sutra’

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