Ebony's Fable

Chapter 25: Weak

The rams roared as they quickly turned around. The air hissed as arrows were let loose aiming at the rams. The front wagon with Chris, middle with Ebony and last with Dina.

Chris cut them down with a single swing of his blade. Dina swung her arms with seemingly nothing in them but the arrows split into pieces and flew out of the air. Both looked towards Ebony to check on him but he handled himself as well as always. One of his shields floated, blocking the arrows while the 2 that by passed it were smacked away with ease.

‘Weak.’ his fully compressed 5 layered shield was just scratched or nicked either deflecting or bouncing the arrows off.

“Stick closer!” Chris called out to the coaches. The path was wide enough for 2 of the wagons to move together. The one Ebony was on moved up beside Chris’s while Dina’s closed the gap. The barrage of arrows continued from the 3, now seen archers. Most likely backed by a skill at the rate they were firing. They were just wasting arrows if anything.

2 shadows popped out from their covers as the rams charged past them. They aimed dripping daggers at the rams but Dina was long aware of them and her throwing knives found their way into their leather armour. Eliciting a scream and shriek from them. They panicked but managed to block more throwing knives towards their faces. Their daggers likely had poison or something on them.

Ebony shot his Ice Spikes at them as well, finding them doing their job and actually hitting for once. Another shadow jumped out from wherever he was hiding from. Ebony found a flash of blue flying towards him, his shield couldn’t move to defend him in time but he managed to guard with his greatsword.

The force rammed him right off the top of the covered wagon as he flew past Dina. Nobody saw the 4 shadows that flew past from under the wagons, along with Ebony. Leaving only the 3 fully strengthened ones stuck under them.

“Ebony!” Chris jumped off and made his way to the new offender and warrior.

“Hahaha! You chumps, and you call yourself elites. What a joke! Just 3 kids who haven’t outgrown their diapers, always protect your mage you dimwits!” the sword wielding warrior said as he surprisingly went after Ebony. Perhaps because he thought Ebony was the weakest link and also thinking that a mage was more important to deal with first. He probably hasn’t identified Ebony, nor did he see the huge ass blade he was waving around.

“Dina, protect the caravan I’m gonna get help Ebony!” Chris turned back to call out as he dashed after the warrior, possibly leader of the group.

“Don’t fall back too much. We don’t know if they got any more hiding.” Dina said as she fought both rogues with her dagger and somehow still swiping down any stray arrows flying towards them.

“Hey! You fools, keep him off me while I get rid of the damn mage!” the hoarse voice of the warrior yelled.

The throwing knife didn’t bite deep as one of the rogues slipped away to intercept Chris who was stopped by a couple of arrows. Two archers were supporting the one holding Dina off while the other helped keep Chris from following the warrior.

“Tchh! Ebony! That’s a mana blade, just hold him off long enough and it’ll run out of mana quickly.” irritation and stress filled Chris's voice as he was forced to fight the rogue with ranged support. He was the weakest of their party despite being 2 levels higher than Dina, because he hasn’t picked up a Sub-Class. It was also the reason why Ebony felt like he could defeat him in a real battle if push comes to shove.

‘Was that a flying slash of a blade? Hot damn! Right out of an anime.’ Ebony thought as he skidded to a stop. It wasn’t as strong as it looked as Ebony was unharmed.

‘Mana blade? So that was just a physical manifestation of mana, seems like a waste of mana from how little it managed to do. A battle of attrition? With me?’

“HAHA! MEDITATIVE and only level 33! We’ve hit the elling jackpot people! Change of plans. We're taking this one alive.” the bald and bearded man in old beaten leather armour and sword and shield burst out in joy. Stunned right as he said that as he hurriedly raised his shield, blocking an ice infused power stab.

Ebony let 2 of the shields down by the side while the other 2 went smashing the warrior in between. He had about 3 quarters of his mana pool now. Ice mana circulated through his body for his enhancement.

‘Hmm… Is it Intelligence or Wisdom that affects how fast or strong I can move my magic? Probably Intelligence.’ a thought popped up as the bald warrior knocked his shields aside

[Warrior Lvl 55]

Ebony thought of using the shields to bash his enemy as an idea from Rowent. It is a mana saving trick he used but requires a heck lot of control and its range and speed are pretty limited compared to Rowent. Ebony followed up exchanging blows with the bald warrior.

“Hahaha. As if being low level wasn’t enough you just had to choose to be a hybrid. You’re too weak and slow just give up and come be my mana generator. Don’t worry I’ll treat you well and catch some prey to power level you, you just have to add all your stats to Wisdom.” He couldn’t stop talking as he parried and blocked but he was actually starting to sweat as he had no real training in fighting.

The warrior’s sword and shield was slowly getting covered in ice. He was faster and stronger than Ebony but pushed into a defensive position. The stupid shields and occasional ice shards flying at him were annoying the heck out of him.

“Enough!” his blade glowed as he swung diagonally at Ebony, not even in reach but a familiar blue wave flew out of it. This time both employed shields managed to cover Ebony. The first completely shattered as the second cracked but stayed firm. The bald warrior saw that and sent another wave of mana over.

‘Can’t he stop laughing or something?’

Ebony just stepped aside now that he saw it coming, he brought another shield up as he continued his flurry. He swept the warrior off his feet with a leg sweep but he quickly rolled before Ebony could follow up with a stab.

“You cocky bastard!” The warrior was getting more and more pissed, getting pushed around by Ebony like that. He was like a child with a sharp weapon. Worse than Tiha at handling himself. He activated his mana blade to full power as he wildly swung around.

Ebony quickly put some distance between them as he weaved in and out dodging every flying slash with considerable ease. An Ice Spike pierced the man’s shoulder and another at the back of his knee in his wild rage.

“GAH!!” he screamed. A single step brought Ebony right up to him again, his greatsword stabbing right through the man’s shoulder and onto the ground. His wound and blood froze over as he screamed again.

“Quiet, my ears hurt. Are you wanted?” Ebony asked as he stayed on top of the man gripping his greatsword and pumping more ice mana in as frozen portions started spreading from the warriors shoulder.

“Arghh! Let me go you bastard! I’m Boom from Lure, they won’t let you go if you kill me.”

“Are you wanted?”

“Are you daft! Of course I am! I said I’m Boom from Lure!” a fitting name for such a loud mouth.

“So you still have value.” Ebony used his foot to shut the man’s mouth and froze it shut. Stabbing his other arm and both thighs before freezing the wounds shut. Encasing him between the curves of the 2 large shields and freezing them together as a cage. He kept knocking the warrior’s head till he knocked him out before dashing back to support Dina and Chris but they were finishing up too.

One headless rogue on the ground while Dina went to fish out the archers. Ebony was just in time to see Chris stabbing the other rogue through his stomach as he struggled to catch his last breath, coughing blood on Chris’s face instead. Chris was covered in blood and not just with the rogue’s but some were also his own but Ebony didn’t see any large or lethal wounds.

“You okay? Any large wounds? I can freeze them shut if you’re bleeding too badly.” Ebony asked in his usual indifferent tone of voice, though he was feeling a tinge of concern. It was the first time he saw a headless human body or someone getting killed but even he was surprised by his own calmness towards the fact. The blood, gore and smell didn’t seem all too different from when he slayed and hunted animals and monsters.

Ebony had never cared about the species of monsters that tried to kill him. Anyone or thing that was trying to kill him should only expect to be killed too. That was a fact beaten into him long ago, yet, even he was not sure if he would stay as calm as he always was if he killed someone. He was sure he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone after his life, human or not but it was true killing them wasn’t the first thing to come to mind.

“Haa..haa. I’m fine, you..you took him down already?” Chris panted, he sounded more downcast than actually wondering if Ebony took the warrior down already. Since the warrior was right beside Ebony, captured and knocked out. Faster than he did and the warrior was the leader and highest level, even if he was fighting the rogue together with an archer or two he was 20 levels higher than Ebony. His confidence had been taking a heavy blow through their spars already, but now it was almost shattered. ‘What kind of an ‘elite’ am I?’

The caravan had already stopped to the side as Andel waved them over. Dina also walked over from the other end.

“Everybody alright?”

“...yes.” Chris replied

“Yes.” Ebony plainly said.

For someone at level 55, the bandit or thief was too weak other than his higher physical stat. It seemed like they didn't train much or had weak untiered, low skill levels, unlike the escort team members. It was clear to Ebony the bandit warrior never properly learnt to fight, only using brute force.

“What are your orders, boss.” Dina asked instead but it didn’t sound like a question.

“First of all, who is that?” Andel pointed to the caged baldy.

“He said he’s Boom from Lure.”

“What?” Andel was astonished. Dina just raised a brow while Chris widened his eyes.

“Is he some kind of big shot?” Ebony asked, seeing their reaction.

“Boss your orders.” Dina ignored the question. Impatient.

“Oh yeah that can wait, we’ll move further away from the aberrant. Wattel spotted a large enough hill with a cave that can hide us away from the aberrant’s eye for a while.”


“I haven’t finished, it isn’t too far and there shouldn’t be any threat in the way. Dina go and help the others, aim to survive and escape, not to kill.”

“Yes!” She already turned away and ran as she answered.

“I’ll go too.” Ebony said. He let the bald warrior roll on the ground in his shelled enclosure as 3 shields under the wagons freed itself and Ebony picked the last one up on the way. He was too fast for Andel to stop neither did he have to follow his orders. Since there wasn’t any danger and it was nearby he was more interested in the aberrant monster.

It was supposedly very strong and the 3 most experienced on their team didn’t seem too confident beating it.

“Hey wait for me!” Chris was about to run after them but was pulled back by Andel.

“Stay right there young man! You’re our only escort left, I didn’t even want to let Dina go but Top and the others will need all the help they can to escape. Letting Dina go will also let them know we’ve dealt with the bandits and they don’t have to hold the aberrant back any longer. She’s faster on her feet as well. I need you to clear our path and watch Boom. I’ll prepare some ropes if Ebony’s spell runs out.”

“...Why didn’t you stop Ebony then?” Chris sceptically asked.

“He’s not our escort. You are. He understands the risk and seeing how he can capture Boom in such a short time uninjured he can handle himself.”

“You just don’t think I’m strong enough to back them up…”

“Chris… don’t worry. You’re not weak. Ebony already has a Sub-Class, you don’t. Don’t be disheartened and train harder if you don’t think you’re good enough. Right now we need you here” Andel lied.

Andel's Appraise skill already showed him that Ebony just had a Class. He was old enough to know how fragile a youths’ heart was when they were compared to more talented peers their age, especially proud ones that go around being called ‘elites’.

The Thoyas’ already mentioned what an oddity Ebony was to him and that he was to indulge Ebony's requests if possible. He was just a small time merchant, he couldn’t afford to lose the Thoya brand. Even though Roya no longer put their brand on her robes sold to them their robes are a hot seller.

‘The lady frost elf guide even found a destroyed underground mana facility. I shouldn’t stick my hand into these muddy waters. Just treat him cordially and with respect and hope he quickly leaves for greener pastures.’

“...yes boss.”


Minutes ago.


The three of them split up. Top charging to face it, Fergus to his left and Rowent to his right.

Fergus drew and nocked 2 actual arrows on his bow, pulling the full weight behind the string of his longbow.

An orb of fire formed above Rowent’s staff as it grew larger then smaller, getting compressed.

The scythed raptor remained still, it couldn’t help but grin. That creeped out the three of them, all of them stayed their hands and magic. This aberrant was not killing them on sight, the situation felt weirder and weirder.

Top stood 3 girs away, sword and shield ready.

“Why isn’t it attacking?” Fergus asked, bow aimed wind swirling around him.

“Pa..tieeenceee.” it hissed.

“Holy crap, It speaks!” Rowent was shocked but his spell casting wasn’t interrupted nor was his focus.

“Sooo… caaaan youuu.” it hissed again, the grin not wiped from his face.

“What do you want? We mean no harm.”

“Ssshh… that’sss exactlyyy what I wantss. I waass proomisssed… ‘eliteess’ tooo batttlleess.” It hissed before its grin seemed to grow wider.


“Iff youu manaaagee to huurr..haaahaa…hurttt meee. Perrrhaapss I-ee caan lett youuu goo alivveee.” it’s voice was hoarse and laughter crude and it obviously didn’t put any of them in its eyes.

“As you wish!” arrows whistled as Fergus called out.

Two arrows cut through the air as they were on their way to its eyes. It raised its thick and wide scythe arm and blocked the arrows, the arrows merrily bounced off. Metallic clinking sounded. A row of fireballs streamed at the raptor’s side as Top chopped at its neck.

Every fireball landed cleanly on it but it was unmoved. It crossed its scythe with Top’s sword as they stared at each other. Top didn’t stop there and rained heavy, relentless chops. The Cysaru was like an expert in its field as it repelled every blow with skill and grace. Ignoring every fireball and now only closing his eyes when an arrow was right in front of it.

Top took a deep breath and blew or spit a gushing stream of water in its face from his mouth. Using the opportunity to move to its side and giving its flank a good ol’ pierce. His sword stopped short with another clink of metal striking.

Normal Cysaru had thick brown leathery skin. This talking Nascent Cysaru had thick pitch black scales, looking like that of a pangolins and it wasn’t for show as Top only made a white dot of a mark on it. Fergus’s wind assisted arrows did absolutely nothing and Rowent Fireball was like the passing wind to it.

“Haaa…isss thaaaattt all?” disappointment in its voice.

The Cysaru’s thick tail swiped at Top, away sending him flying. Top managed to erect water around his buckler as he blocked the tail swipe with his buckler. It was not an uncommon attack among his people and he saw it coming but it was not good enough as his water barrier splattered and cracks filled his buckler and his arms creaked but survived the blow.

“You wish. Ro, we’ll cover you. Prepare that.” Top spit out the blood in his mouth.

Fergus took that signal to stop with his cautious pokes. Another arrow found its way to the Cysaru’s mouth, it bit on it like a snack.

“Got you.” the wooden shaft of the arrow wiggled and shifted as with all the others bounced off on the ground. Wooden vines entangled its mouth shut as the previous arrows on the ground climbed up its thick legs wrapping it up good.

Fergus didn’t let up as he continued firing at its feet. The wooden arrows rooted it to the ground as Fergus strengthened them with more wood from his arrows. The roots climbed up the Cysaru up to its hips as it thickened. Fergus was as much of a wood mage as he was a wind archer.

Top didn’t just watch, he kept the raptor’s scythe arms from cutting itself loose by keeping it busy. Every exchange shaking his bones and his arms numb.

Rowent had long started his personal chant. His hair blown back as a ball of air was being formed in front of his left palm not unlike Fergus’s magic. He raised his staff with his right as flames spurted forth, swirling and getting absorbed by the ball of air. He wasn’t just a damn good fire mage, he was also an air mage.

This combined spell of his was a no holds barred spell that he created, he only had enough mana for a single cast and it required his utmost concentration.

The waves of heat singed the grass on the ground around him but he didn’t stop. His outstretched hands started to burn but he was not done. His sleeves caught on fire but he was unbothered. His eyebrows and hair lit on fire, his bomb was ready.

“GET LOST!” Rowent was addressing all 3 of them.

Top quickly jumped back and continued to increase the distance between them while Fergus did the same. At full speed. Rowent held the spell back for another second before letting it loose at the arrogant Cysaru.

The Cysaru grin only deepened, Top’s attempt at stopping it from cutting the roots from its legs were unnecessary since it didn’t even think of trying to escape. It wouldn’t even need its arms to cut the roots, its strong, thick legs could easily break itself free from the flimsy roots. It hadn’t even planned on going after Rowent to stop his chant.

It felt the broiling mana approaching, the scorching heat burning the ground and air as it made its way to it. It watched as the spell came into contact with his glossy black scales. It gently touched and… detonated in the largest blast of force it ever felt. With him at the centre a 2 gir radius of flames burned for what felt like forever to the 3 escort party but only seconds passed.

“Fergus keep the flames going for as long as you can!” Rowent called out to Fergus as he knelt from exhaustion and brushed off whatever flames were on his clothes and hair, his hair only singed from the flames.

Fergus complied and the flames that were still going swirled like a mini tornado. He didn’t manage to keep it up for long as the fire mana ran out.

“Ro. Get a mana regen pill out, it's not dead. Fergus hold it down as much as you can.”

“I know it's not dead. Damn beast.” Rowent replied as none of them received the notification.

He was reluctant to use a mana regen pill since it was kinda poisonous to the body and overuse was not recommended. It forcefully increased one’s mana regeneration speed by multiple times so it was also a waste for someone of his level.

“The heat is in the way. I rather not waste mana to dissipate the heat.”

Top shot a stream of water from his mouth again right where the Cysaru was. Water sizzled as steam rose, the raptor’s form appeared through the steam and smoke.

“Keeek keek. Thaaankss forrr wasshhinggg thee ssooott offf meee. I-ee havvee sseenn eeenougghh.” The Cysaru coughed out smoke and its scales lost their gloss but if there was any lasting damage, it couldn’t be seen.

“Shit. Do you think the others are done with the riff raffs?” Rowent cursed.

“...It’s hard to say. Dina should be able to cope with the 3 archers with them being apprentice types as long as the warrior doesn’t stop her from taking them down first she can pick them off in time. Chris could help with the rogues but he’s not exactly ready yet.”

“Enough chit chat. We’ll keep it from chasing them for as long as we can.”

“Ssshh. Youuu peeoplle don’tt undeeerstandss, yooourr aaalliess arre oonly goonnee because i-ee leett themm. Yoouu anndd yoouu cann liivee. Yoouu, i-ee haavee noo neeed forr a baatth seervaantt.” It took its time speaking, pointing its scythe arm at Rowent, Fergus then Top and, for the first time since they saw it. Leaped, from its original spot which was now in cinders.

Top instinctually moved for a roll and brought his shield up as fast as he could. Only moving a little to the left with his arm reaching up to his belly before his reaper arrived. The Cysaru’s scythe pierced right along the top of the buckler and into Top’s chest, coming right out of his back.

It aimed right at the centre where it thought Top’s heart was but pierced through his lungs instead. But no matter, it thought, with such a gaping hole in his lungs he wouldn’t survive long anyway.

““LEADER!!”” a fire spear and barrage of arrows had been launched as soon as the Cysaru finished talking but it only hit where the Cysaru had been. The fire spear quickly made a u-turn as they both cried out.

Rowent’s feet went up in flames and pushed him forward at his maximum speed, Fergus desperately charged enough wind to attempt to push the monster away from their leader.

The Cysaru removed its arm as Top fell back onto his side, blood gushing forth from his wound and his mouth. He was struggling to move any part of his body but strength was quickly leaving his body. Rowent pointed his staff at its face as he stood in between the two within seconds. His spear of fire aided by Fergus’s wind magic burst forth landing on it and perhaps surprising it, pushed him back a gir or two.

Rowent quickly turned and grabbed Top out of the way, forcing a dark red pill he prepared down his leader’s throat.


Fergus’s shots of arrows and wooden entangle were but a nuisance that achieved nothing at slowing the beast down.

Fortunately, Rowent managed to react to his call. Slamming the butt of his staff down on the ground as he grabbed Top with his other hand. A burst of flame erupted from the point of impact as he tried to cover Top’s body while they rolled away from where they were with the propulsion from his flames.

Wiping away his nosebleed from the overexertion and side effects of the mana regen pill, he was bone dry on mana now. He didn’t manage to prevent Top from getting hurt from the last second manoeuvre as he was much smaller than the lizardman.

“Crud, I don’t want to die.” he merely bought themselves another second at most.

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