Ebony's Fable

Chapter 30: Scarlet

'Hmphh. Grandma just left me in the middle of the forest after my Sub-Class procession was over, running off without a care. Telling me to take care of myself and wander around wherever I feel like it is so irresponsible of her. Forget it, it's not the first time she just left me alone in the middle of nowhere.

She brought me all the way across Elva to this barren place saying it was a crossroad of fate for me but there’s hardly anything here. The imperials we’ve met are all so weak here, even the monsters are so pathetic. There aren’t even any dungeons anywhere near from what the previous town informed us of.

How is this a crossroad of fate? There isn’t anywhere or anything that can help make me stronger faster here.

Oh, it's the edge of the forest already. A road, great, I do want to sleep on a bed, have a nice bath and proper kitchen. If I remember correctly it should be a town, either West Timber, Plainston or the small mining town I don’t remember the name of.'

“Halt. Ahh?! Oh err… miss… the town’s entrance fee…” the [Apprentice Warrior Lvl 42] stopped Scarlet. His expression of shock was something Scarlet had long been used to when most Imperials saw her.

“How much? And which town is this?” Scarlet asked. She was initially dumbfounded that there were still people taking apprentice Classes but it was clear to her now that it was not that uncommon in these parts. The surrounding area must be incredibly safe if a level 42 can be a guard on duty.

“2..2 Greys ma’am. This is the town of Plainston.” the town guard replied, changing his form of address nervously.

“...are you sure?” Scarlet’s voice deepened and it didn’t seem like a question when she said it. Small towns like this in relatively safe places usually only set their prices in 2-5 Blacks. Did they think she was an easy to trick fool?

“Wait a minute, miss. We dare not trick you. Please don’t misunderstand us, this is the new price set by Baron Foil, it has also been approved by the higher nobles.” the other older looking town guard who was also an apprentice warrior defended.

“Ye..yes. The Quest Hall had received a message from the nearest Mage’s Tower saying that mana irregularities were found near Plainston. They confirmed that a dungeon tower is forming as we speak and the Baron has already applied for a stronger barrier crystal. The increase in price is only natural.” the nervous town guard explained.

“...I see. The estimated strength of the dungeon?” Scarlet pulled out 2 Greys. Her grandma was right again with her divination. To think she would encounter a newly forming dungeon, usually perfect for young and low level fighters.

“I heard they are still determining it and the Quest Hall should receive more information over the next 2 days or so.” the older town guard said.

“Thank you. Where’s the Quest Hall?” Scarlet thanked and entered the city towards where the town guards pointed her to.

She walked into the open doors of one of the largest buildings in the town. The Quest Hall also acted as something like a town hall where the many administrative matters are done here. Every one of them were roughly the same design so it was easy for her to make her way around.

Getting all sorts of looks and stares before they quickly turned away when she faced their direction.

Pathetic, but more importantly how rude of them. Does not a single imperial know how to look in people’s eye when they talk?

“Hello Miss, how may we help you?” The lady clerk managed to stay professional despite the surprise she got from her latest visitor.

“What information is there on the new dungeon tower?” Scarlet cut to the chase.

“Ah, you sure are quick to hear the news miss. We know that it is closest to us towards northeast and should form no further than a few hundred gors away. More accurate readings will have to wait but the initial density readings obtained showed that it should not surpass common. The unlucky or perhaps lucky thing is how vast the area it seems to be drawing mana from. It should take weeks before it actually forms but it would likely be a relatively large dungeon tower.” the clerk explained.

A few hundred gors was not a large distance for monsters that has enhanced stats. It was not strange for a newly formed dungeon to be weaker. A dungeon tower forming was always seen as both a boon and not. A new dungeon like this will cause people to flock like birds towards Plainston. Many known dungeons have now grown to the point where people below level 100 aren’t able to survive in.

A reasonably levelled dungeon around 60 or higher are the majority’s favourite. The young could stand a chance to level many times faster. Retaining their young looks after evolution while their lifespan extends. Too high level a dungeon and people may not even stay there for long enough.

Furthermore, it was estimated to be a large dungeon. Meaning less competition. Plainston was likely undergoing rapid expansion in the next few weeks. All the Quest Halls are connected and those ambitious freelancers would race here, prices of everything would soar as well. Plainston turned into a land of opportunity or as her grandma said a crossroad of fate.

Scarlet asked for more information about the town, its surrounding monster populations, the current quests available and a good inn to stay for an extended period of time.

She took note of the usual quest that is almost always on their boards about some kind of rare monster part in the area. She would just have to look out for these monsters and bring the parts back and it was an easy non-time sensitive way of earning some ores.

She quickly got to the largest inn around which had available rooms and paid for a month’s stay before the prices got jacked up. The room was clean and simple with a bed, chest, wardrobe, table and chair. They had a bath too and she just had to pay by use, which she did. It felt good to be clean again. She also asked to borrow the kitchen as she was used to cooking her own meals.

After her dinner she went to the town training square for her training only to find the square mostly empty. She wanted to face palm at the laziness of the people here. No wonder they were so weak.

It was night time and she returned for another bath and checked her status before she went to sleep as a habit.

Name: Scarlet Rhael Ning Xin

Core Skill: Violent Heart Acceleration Lvl 91

Class: Genius Sword Witch of Flames Lvl 40

Class Skills:

Streaking Sprint Lvl 78

Fire Mana Control Lvl 93

Cascade Dual Longsword Mastery Lvl 96

Cascading Laceration Lvl 73

Heated Blade Lvl 68

Spear of Flame Lvl 60

Pinpoint Perforation Lvl 71

Sphere of Immolation Lvl 49

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Sub-Class: Wind Lightning Butcher Lvl 4

Sub-Class Skills:

Wind Mana Manipulation Lvl 32

Streamline Wind Enhancement Lvl 34

Lightning Mana Manipulation Lvl 35

Pulsating Lightning Enhancement Lvl 38

Lightning Inoculation Lvl 29

Revolving Razorwind Film Lvl 27

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Profession: Combat Chef Lvl 37

Profession Skills:

Combat Cooking Lvl 65

Heat Perception Lvl 72

Live Ingredient Processing Lvl 77

Empty Skill Slot

Empty Skill Slot

Health: 350/350

Stamina: 412/500

Mana: 154/550 [660]

Unallocated stat points: 0

Strength: 59

Vitality: 35

Constitution: 50

Endurance: 50

Agility: 130 [260]

Intelligence: 65

Wisdom: 55

Perception: 70

Generic Skills:

Xenese Lvl 9

Elcrian Lvl 9

Appraise Lvl 18

Running Lvl 33

Housekeeping Lvl 15

Sheer Agility Conditioning Lvl 9

Strength Conditioning Lvl 9

Intelligence Conditioning Lvl 8

Endurance Conditioning Lvl 8

Perception Conditioning Lvl 7

Silent Step Lvl 11

Pain Resistance Lvl 28

Combat Tenacity Lvl 36

Sheer Exhaustion Resistance Lvl 37

Immense Divination Resistance Lvl 59

Mana Compression Lvl 13

Mana Expansion Lvl 22

Sheer Heat Resistance Lvl 40

Sheer Poison Resistance Lvl 21

Cold Resistance Lvl 15

Earth Resistance Lvl 16

Sheer Wind Resistance Lvl 29

Sheer Lightning Resistance Lvl 31

Blood Mana Manipulation Lvl 22

Mental Supersaturation Lvl 20

Scent Tracing Lvl 27

Mental Processing Acceleration Lvl 28

Sublime Instinct Lvl 5

Seeing her Sub-Class already at level 4 she added her stats accordingly.

'Fortifications,' she thought.


Class: Genius Sword Witch of Flames

Mana Efficiency with Fire Magic increased by 250%

Fire Magic increased in heat by 250%

Casting Speed with Fire Magic is increased by 100%

Attack Speed when dual-wielding longswords increased by 250%,

Agility increased in effect by 100%

Sub-Class: Wind Lightning Butcher

Casting Speed with Lightning Magic is increased by 100%

Casting Speed with Wind Magic is increased by 100%

Mana Efficiency with Body Enhancement Magic is increased by 100%

Profession: Combat Chef

Control of heat increased by 100%

Control of precision when handling ingredients increased by 100%

'Hmm… Lightning magic uses too much mana in comparison to wind magic and I didn’t get mana efficiency like with fire magic. My Sub-Class’s fortifications are a little lacklustre compared to my Class but I guess it's only natural. Besides, casting speed is great too. I'll aim for mana efficiency for both before Master ranked evolution.

Magic is too mana intensive. I can only use magic a little in battle before running dry. Mana Expansion helps to decrease mana cost but my magic gets weaker with it. Mana Compression is just silly for now, it would only be helpful in the long run so it’s not like I should ignore it.

Only Fire Magic is sustainable enough with 250% mana efficiency and now enhancement magic can be used for a short burst as well. Mental Supersaturation increased my mana pool by 20% but I already reached my limit on it for months. If only I could evolve the skill now.

I should try to get my Conditioning skills to the same level and then attempt to merge them.

Did I take too long to decide on my Core Skill? There were hardly any chances in battle to use it, the monsters here are so weak. Well, a dungeon tower is going to form so I’ll have plenty of chances soon.

Oh, I forgot that I need to apply for a party…Bah, stupid imperial rules of needing a party of 5 before being allowed in.

I guess I’ll go after some hunting tomorrow. Bubble Hills for Cysaru arms, the plains for some Tynite horns or scale plates or the forest for some herbs and mushrooms. I got bored of the forest so maybe the hills, looking around the wide plains might be a nice change of pace too but tynite bisons are only about my level. Nevermind I’ll decide tomorrow, just some mental exercises and conditioning and then it’s time to sleep.


‘Oh my goodness, this ‘turkey’ smells delicious.’


‘Delicious! Maybe my discovery of turkey is the crossroad of fate grandma was referring to.’

Scarlet wandered the plains in the direction of Bubble Hills, deciding to just run around and hunt the one she encountered first. She leisurely streaked past the lands with blurring speeds that put even those Runner Classers to shame.

A pair of tynite bisons appeared in her vision as Mental Processing Acceleration helped accelerate her thought process, increasing her speed of thought and also casting speed. Scarlet wanted to utilise her Sub-Class to get it through its lower levels first.

Drawing both her longswords she imbued 30 mana worth of lightning mana into each of them. Sparks of blue zapped on her skin as a single Pulsating Lightning Enhancement step took her in between the 2 bisons who were sharing a dead uncooked meal.

Her swords sparked as wind howled and swished around them. She swung both hands down across their necks. The splatter of blood seemed to avoid her as she was spotless.

The bison were obviously enraged from the disturbance in their meal but the sudden literal shock stunned them for a short second. Enough for Scarlet to rain dozens of cascading blows, each strike increasing in strength and speed. She didn’t stop at decapitation as her longswords were like her kitchen knives at work.

Their heads flew as she dissected their bodies into scales, flesh, organs, bones in the matter of minutes. Wind magic helped to clean the farm animal and her twin blades absorbed the blood. They landed on a large cloth that no one but her noticed when she pulled it out or where she pulled it out from.

‘They do have pretty tough scales and body but to think they are considered ‘elite’ monsters. Luckily I didn’t cook them with Heated Blade. They don’t look so appetising after that turkey.

Do I have enough mana to get to level 10? I’ll just try, just 2 more levels anyway. Then I’ll go back early, I still have to register an application for that stupid party. Well, I guess dungeons are much more dangerous. Even I couldn’t fight or keep watch forever. My mana and stamina will run out fast if the dungeon is in the level 70 range… Fine a party isn’t a stupid idea. Please, they don’t have to be strong, just enough to not hold me back.'

Scarlet roamed around, looking for whatever looked delicious. The weather was nice and while there weren't many monsters around she still managed to find a few with her speed and Scent Tracing.

‘Okay level 10, perfect. Time to return. I will have to take the longer running, better paying jobs. The 2 Greys entrance fee is a scam for their own expansion, the barrier isn’t even used unless invaded.’

Scarlet sped back to Plainston and noticed there was already a line outside the gate, news spread fast and people acted just as fast. She tossed 2 Greys over before they stopped her and entered, making her way to the Quest Hall again.

Scarlet stopped as something caught her attention. She was passing by a small side alley when she saw a man with a large sword in hand reaching out to grab a small boy on the ground. She literally burst into action as she drew one of her blades and placed it in between the man’s outreached hand and the young scrawny boy. Crossing the short distance almost instantly.

‘Despicable, these imperials’ would even raise their hands against a powerless child.’

The man slowly pulled his hand back, Scarlet didn’t let him go as she poised for Pinpoint Perforations to disarm the thug. Thrusting stabs at his wrist, elbows and shoulders. Scarlet didn’t expect the man to be able to dodge and move aside in time. She didn’t use any skills and was not seriously trying to hurt the man but it was plenty surprising for her.

Thinking that the man was higher level than she thought, she no longer held back. She drew her other longsword and a flurry of slashes rained down on the man. It was only then that the creeping feeling in Scarlet grew, her new skill helped recognise the feeling.

This man was not normal but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She ignored it as her strikes landed causing a disturbing sound of metal scratching against each other to echo through the alleyway.

“STOP BULLYING MISTER!” a high pitched voice screamed as Scarlet felt a tug on her mantle.

Seeing the little kid pulling on her helped calm her down.

“I’m afraid there is a misunderstanding.” another unknown voice echoed. Something about the voice that seems to calm her further.

Scarlet looked around, only realising that there were 4 other men laying on the ground with their arms and legs frozen together and their mouths sealed with ice as well. The little boy was crying while he quickly hid behind the man she attacked trying to hide from her. Her Mental Processing Acceleration ran as she analysed.

‘Oh no, whoops?’ Scarlet thought. She mentally berated herself for jumping to conclusions before taking actions. The man didn’t even draw his sword and was using it with the sheath on. Fortunately, she didn’t try to kill the man outright and that he was able to dodge…

‘I forgot to Appraise him too…’

[Meditative Swordsman of Frostblaze Lvl 36] - [ ]

‘Wh..what? He’s lower level than me and no Sub-Class either? And he managed to react to my first strike? Now that I see, he’s not injured. No. It’s his robe that’s tough, I didn’t use full strength but to think I only scratched it. It’s well made.

That’s not important, his heart rate is so slow and stable, 20, 30 beats a minute?! A skill? He didn’t take me seriously at all despite getting attacked out of the blue. Can someone really be that calm when a blade was pointed at them and actually landed on them? Only if they were much stronger and had absolute confidence… is he looking down on me?'

Scarlet looked at the man properly for the first time. Blue hair, clean sharp features and those eyes… they felt endless and she felt like she was ultimately seeing herself in those eyes of his.

‘At least he isn’t like the other rude imperials that can’t even look at people’s eyes when they're talking.’ Looking closer he doesn’t look fully imperial, maybe he has some Xeng blood too. That greatsword is Xeng-make too, but the design is really old.

That would make sense, now she understood what her Sublime Instinct was telling her, this person was strong but meant no harm and was not hostile to her. She was probably still stronger than him by a large margin though. Probably.

‘Meditative huh, I really want that Combat Meditation mother used to tell me about but I don’t know how to do that. Frostblaze? Is he both an ice and fire mage? I only see ice being used here and there aren’t any remnant fire mana anywhere, I guess he doesn’t want to cause any damage in town.’ Scarlet scanned the alleyway quickly.

‘Hmm. Why is he just staying still? Did his heart just stop for a second there? Nah I must be imagining things.’ Scarlet had all sorts of things going through her mind but less than a second had passed.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. I’m sorry for attacking you. I thought you were trying to harm the little boy.” Scarlet moved to rub the little boys’ head only to be rejected by him hiding behind the man.

“Mmm. It’s okay, I could tell you weren’t trying to harm me. Hey there, come here. Thank the lady, she was trying to help you as well.” the man said and got the little boy to show himself.

“Ah. Ermm th..thank you mister. Thank you, miss.” The scrawny boy looks to be around 7 or 8. He reached his fingers out as a greeting which Scarlet obliged by removing her left glove and tetting.

“My name is Ivan. What’s about you, mister and miss. Ehm, please come to my house! I think we have some leftover russell stew.” Ivan proposed, remembering what his father taught him to be polite and repay kindness with kindness.

“Hello Ivan, I’m Ebony.” The man called Ebony also removed his glove and tetted with Ivan. He put his glove back on and raised his right hand towards Scarlet in greeting.

“Ebony Rime. You are?” Ebony reintroduced as monotonous as always.

“Scarlet Rhael.” Scarlet didn’t think someone as confident as Ebony would tet with his right hand as if acknowledging his inferiority. ‘…his fingers are so cold.’

“I have never seen such beautiful swordsmanship, Scarlet.” The name seemed to roll off Ebony's tongue but the compliment seemed sarcastic to Scarlet in his tone of voice yet her Sublime Instinct were telling her he meant what he said.

“Halt! What’s going on here?” an armed and uniformed town guard showed himself together with his patrol colleague. Town guards were always fashionably late after all.

The town guards then brought the 3 of them back to one of their guardhouses, maybe even the only guardhouse as it was a small town.

The boy explained that he was given grocery ores to get a week's worth of dinner, he was small and always got pushed around when he used the main road and the side alley was a faster way too. Then he got surrounded and his Blacks were taken, that’s when Ebony came to save the day.

When Ebony was going to help him stand up, Scarlet came into the story thinking Ebony was in cahoots with the 4 thugs or apprentice rogues and apprentice martial artists.

The town guards easily let them go soon after since they knew the thugs. They accompanied the boy to the market and brought him home. As expected, when the boy’s mother saw Scarlet she just thanked her and pulled her boy back in. Ignoring the young boy’s complaints.

“Sorry about that, now you can’t have any russell stew. She probably didn’t let us in because of me.” Scarlet said as the door closed on them. She was well aware that she was the reason why they were not welcomed. No matter, she couldn't eat here anyway. There was no privacy.

“Mmm. I should get going. Farewell.” The man called Ebony didn't seem to care.

“Wait where are you going? I want to apologise for attacking you and damaging your robe. And causing you not to be able to eat.” Scarlet didn't know why she said what she did but the man's tone was irksome.

“It’s alright. I’m going to the Quest Hall to register.” Ebony casually replied.

“I was on my way there too. Let’s go.” It was quite coincidental that Scarlet was going there anyway. But why did it seem like he was trying to get away from her? He didn't look like those that were afraid of her. Weird.

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