Eighth Crown

Chapter 1308 - False and true gods

“Thank you so much!”

Ajayi came to Liu Xia, lowered his head, and thanked Liu Xia in a deep voice.

Up to now, he has fully understood everything that has happened in the past. After combining the memories of his family and his own, he can judge that the **** really did the act that frightened him the most. .

Fortunately, he was able to meet Liuxia. With his help, he was able to resurrect from the bottom of the world, and even his lost family members returned to him.

“Thank you, big brother!”

Aixia both cried and laughed, and followed her with a face full of innocence.

“It’s great to be saved.”

Fujimaru Rika and Mash also cheered.

“This… what the **** is going on here?”

Only the middle-aged men and women next to them looked confused and at a loss.

“There are so many people in the Ajayi family, why do we forget? How can we occupy their home… It’s strange, why do we feel like we’ve forgotten something?”

The change here caught the attention of the neighbors, who looked at each other in dismay after seeing the complete family of nine and one dog in the Ajayi family.

Everyone sensed something was wrong.

But looking at the reunion of their family, they felt sad for some reason, as if they had forgotten something unknowingly, and everyone felt empty inside.

“Because of the resurrection from the dead, the cause and effect between them has been disrupted, and even their memories have gone wrong with the settings.”

Sherlock Holmes looked up and looked at Liu Xia leisurely.

“You must have already thought of a way to deal with that Almighty God?”

He looked confident, and expressed enough trust in Liu Xia’s abilities and methods.

“Of course.”

Lucia looked indifferent.

It can be seen from the Ajayi family that the result of this attempt was very good and basically had no negative effects. In this case, it can be promoted on a large scale.

Liu Xia’s gaze turned to the middle-aged man and woman, and the line of sight also extended from their cause and effect line, connected to the other self in the recycling station, and then found the data associated with them.


Along with the appearance of the same light, the silhouettes of two young men emerged from it.


“how come?”

The two were stunned at the same time, tears welling up in their eyes.

Liu Xia did not stop. Through the countless causal lines on these people, he continued to restore various discarded data in the recycling station, so that rays of light flickered throughout the entire town of Bhikshu.

After ten minutes.

The population of Bhikshu Town has soared tenfold, from nearly a thousand people at the beginning to nearly ten thousand people now.

Those who were all wiped out by the Almighty God in the past decades were resurrected by Liu Xia without exception at this moment.

Countless people were stunned, and countless cries filled their ears. In just over ten minutes, the entire Bhikshu town radiated vitality far beyond the past.

“God! You must be a god!”

“Yes, there is no other possibility other than gods to do this kind of thing!”

“God, please forgive my rudeness before, from now on I will definitely offer you my faithful prayers…”

Whether it was the original inhabitants or the dead who were resurrected by Liu Xia, they all fell to the ground, kneeling, kowtow, and praying in the direction of Liu Xia.

Everyone’s expressions are extremely pious, and no one is making up for it. Everyone is thanking the gods for their gifts and praying for the gods’ protection.

At this moment, the beliefs of the entire Bhikshu Town converged on Liu Xia alone.

“Aren’t you confused?”

With the sincere prayers of everyone, Liuxia used magic to make her voice resound in the ears of all the residents of Bhikkhu Town.

“Why do your family members and friends disappear for no reason, and even the memories about them disappear from your mind? Do you think they don’t deserve the approval of that so-called god?”

“That **** destroys the world again and again, obliterates the people you care about again and again, and doesn’t even allow you to keep even the slightest memory. Can such an unreasonable **** really be regarded as a god? Such a self-righteous **** really Can I protect you?”

There are invisible fluctuations in the words, which spread to the ears of all the people.

This is the special leadership that Liu Xia possesses. Although it cannot be used to govern the country, it can play a multiplied encouragement and inducement role when leading good and neutral subordinates.

“This… but the gods are still gods?”

“Are you willing to admit that that kind of **** is the **** we need? Obviously we didn’t offer a false prayer, but he killed our family!”

The whole Bhikshu town suddenly became a mess.

Countless people became excited, and they responded with anger and insults to the gods who killed them. Their belief in gods dropped to a freezing point. Even a few diehards were drowned out in the crowd.

“The evidence is conclusive, that **** doesn’t recognize our existence at all!”

“Compared with that evil god, this **** who resurrected us is the real god, isn’t it?”

“That’s right! Such a **** is worthy of our faith and prayers!”

The public opinion was almost overwhelmingly in favor of Liu Xia.

People’s dissatisfaction and anger towards the gods made them give up their belief in the evil **** who killed them, and turned to the good **** who raised them from hell.

That’s right, Good God Liu Xia, they all think so.

“The effect is better than expected.”

Holmes looked at the bhikkhu townspeople who were on their knees, and said with a genuine smile on his face.

“You guys are too black-hearted to actually play with the people’s pure beliefs…but I like it!”

Little Da Vinci first made a pretense of accusing him, and then he smiled wide-eyed.

After all, Liu Xia’s actions of resurrecting them and giving them favors are certain. It is indeed Liu Xia who is kind to them, and it is Arjuna who has hatred against them.

Arjuna did bad things, while Liuxia did good things, no wonder the people would give up Arjuna and choose to believe in him instead.

“Let’s go.”

Liu Xia turned around, her expression was still extremely calm, and she didn’t mean to be complacent because of the people’s beliefs.

“There are quite a few towns like this in this Lost Belt. In the next few days, it will be a little busy.”


Fujimaru Rika then shouted loudly.

This is the fatal blow!

Indeed, it is very difficult to reduce the number of people who believe in Arjuna from scratch, but it is easy to increase the number of people who do not believe in him in turn—it was really easy for Luca.

As long as there are more people who do not believe in him step by step, his belief will become cloudy and his omnipotence will gradually be shaken.

At that moment, it is time to overthrow the old gods and create new gods!

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