Eighth Crown

Chapter 1343 - \\\"—Check that there is no such person.\\\" (3/3)

She is a very important person.

I don’t know why, but just seeing her figure, he began to feel this way in his heart, and just looking at her made him feel quite satisfied.

He subconsciously wanted to speak.

But she opened her mouth, her lips were squirming, only to find that her name could not be called no matter what.

“Do not force.”

She smiled to reassure him.

“It doesn’t matter, when you wake up tomorrow morning, it will be over and everything will be back on track.”

“Before that, let me talk to you first.”

Her eyes gradually drifted, and she began to talk aimlessly.

“Now that I think about it, this was a bad move from the very beginning, and it actually allowed me to create your life. I can sit back and watch other selected people fall into the trap one by one, but I don’t want to see my son become that. Vice appearance, after a reset is over, it will become like a stranger or something…”

“Ryuguin Seiya is really amazing, he actually noticed something was wrong so early, and he left behind to avoid the world reset, and even forced me to make a decision, whether to continue to pretend to be confused, or decide to resist, if not for him , I’m afraid history is still repeating itself, but how can I choose…”

She babbled and started to say something that Liu Xia couldn’t understand at all.

When she said these words, her face was full of disappointment.

“Sorry, I’ve been complaining all the time, maybe I’ve been hiding it in my heart for too long.”

She suddenly laughed again and shook her head mockingly.

“Forget it, it’s meaningless to talk about it now. When you recover, you will naturally know the truth of everything. I just hope you don’t hate me when that happens.”

“Let’s get back to the point.”

She took a deep breath and her expression became extremely serious.

“Liu Xia, I will give everything to let you retrieve your memories, escape your original destiny, gain supreme power, and break absolute taboos, but in this way, the real mastermind behind the scenes will surely wake up early.”

“You must win! Whether it’s for me, or for yourself, or for Shiki, Ori, Esdes, Musashi, and those you care about!”

“Listen, don’t despair even if you know everything, you still have people by your side.”

Her figure suddenly became negligent and ethereal.

“This should be the last time between me and you, Liuxia, my child… I wish you a wonderful life in the future.”

under a gentle smile.

The pure white space is gradually blurred.

The girl’s figure also turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of him.


Suddenly, Lucia opened her eyes.

His eyes gradually turned from confusion to sober, and colorful light flashed in his eyes.

“Liu Xia? Why did you wake up so early today?”

The ice-blue long-haired woman sat up from his left side, rubbed her eyes, and looked at Liu Xia in disbelief.

“What? Could it be that Liuxia-chan has recovered?”

The silver-pink long-haired woman sat up from his right side and cast an expectant look at Liu Xia.

Both were wearing pajamas.

Only he was as naked as he was yesterday.


Liu Xia’s eyes fell on the two of them respectively.

The originally blank memory suddenly reappeared in his mind as if it had returned to the cage.

A promise with Musashi.

A trip with Esdes.

All the memories of the two came back to his mind.

“Are you really recovered?”

Musashi suddenly cheered, threw himself into his arms with joy, and dawdled violently.

“Go away!”

Esteston’s eyes froze, and his breath became extremely cold.

“It’s up to you! I’m happy!”

Musashi hugged Liuxia’s neck and made a face at Esdes with a stern look on his face.

When the two quarreled again.

Liu Xia’s mind was like an away movie, and he lived through his life so far, whether it was the world of the Blade of Ghost Slayer, the world of Crimson Eye… all memories were quickly recovered.

He remembered who he was, remembered Esdes and Musashi, remembered all his journeys so far, and everyone he met along the way.

I also remembered the two ceremonies, the first meeting of the two, and everything after knowing each other.

I also remember the beautiful night I spent the night before.


Liu Xia sat up suddenly, her expression suddenly tense.

The dream from last night gradually came into his mind clearly, and what Esdes said to him yesterday came into his mind at the same time.

An ominous foreboding rushed into my heart.

No, not so much, even if they finally have a solid relationship, Shiki should be just an ordinary lover’s idea for him, how could it reach that point…

When he thought about it like this, the words of the two ceremonies that night came to his mind again.

“I will not allow you to forget me in the future, so I will leave a mark on you that will always belong to me.”

At that time, how did she say those words?

Lucia’s face gradually darkened.

So far, why did he suddenly regain all his memories overnight when he was clearly losing his memory?

He didn’t want to think about it, and he didn’t want to guess.

But the more he was reluctant, the more cunningly that thought broke into his mind.

“In any case, we still have to catch up. Confirmed state, but the anonymous spiritual foundation…”

Lucia’s expression gradually became anxious.

But he didn’t have time to notice this at the moment, his eyes fell straight to the lower left and lower right of his perspective.


The two templates were all gone, and the anonymous spirit base did not respond at all.


Suddenly, when Liu Xia didn’t know what to do, a clear voice sounded in her mind.


Immediately afterwards, a transparent screen appeared in his field of vision, as if it had been rebooted.

The Lingji template in the lower left corner and the task template in the lower right corner are exactly the same as in memory.

“Why did it suddenly appear?”

Liu Xia was stunned for a moment, not sure what was going on.

But this is undoubtedly a good thing, the return countdown on the quest template shows zero days.

“Follow the trajectory of the two rituals and go to the world where she is now.”

Liu Xia did not hesitate, and immediately gave an order to the anonymous spirit base.

Even though he was very anxious, his brain was still calm and there was no panic.

But the familiar world channel has not been opened.

The next moment, without waiting for Liu Xia to feel doubts, the anonymous Lingji gave him feedback.

“–There is no such person.”

When these large characters appeared on the transparent screen, Liu Xia’s breathing completely stopped.

Not only that–


“Liuxia sauce…”

At the bedside, Esdes and Musashi looked at each other. They noticed his expression and words, and their faces showed puzzled expressions.

“Who are you talking about… Who is it?”

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