Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie


Although somewhat frightened by the sudden action of her new master in killing a man so casually, the half-elf girl continued to walk behind her in silence.

「What is your name? 」

Once away from the auction area, Elena asked the girl walking behind her that question.

「N-Nia, my lady…」

「Nia, it's a nice name」

Even though the hearing capacity of the half-elves was lower than that of the elves, the half-elves were still able to perceive the feelings printed in the words of the people, thanks to this, Nia was able to perceive some sweetness in the previous words of her new master.

「C-could I know my lady's name? 」

「My name is Elena, as for my family name, for now, it is Lutrel」

For now? Was her new master about to get married? Considering her great beauty it was nothing to be surprised about, this was what Nia thought about that strange response.

「Where are we headed, Elena-sama? 」

「To get you some clothes but before...」

Elena stopped and turned to Nia.

「Elena-sama? 」

Elena just smiled and touched the bondage necklace to Nia's neck with her fingers.


Nia was totally surprised when she felt the iron necklace fall from her neck. This was a magical item of submission, something that would force her to obey anyone who held the chain attached to the necklace and an indispensable element to carry out the submission ritual that would make her a slave for life.

「You can choose to follow me or be free but don't worry, even if you decide to leave, I'll buy you some clothes」

From the beginning Elena planned to offer Nia the option of freedom, it was for this reason that she chose to kill the man who seemed so desperately interested in her. By killing the man, Elena made sure that no one in this city attempted to do anything against Nia by making them believe that she still belonged to her.

Nia's heart jumped at hearing that, and her soul shuddered at the honesty poured into those words. Her eyes filled with tears and contemplating the faint smile on Elena's lips, Nia felt safe for the first time in many years.

「I will stay by Elena-sama's side for the rest of my life」

Nia cried while exclaiming that.

「Silly girl」

Elena did not resist the urge to hug Nia, she did not deserve the gratitude of this girl, she had simply been selfish in doing for her what she would have liked someone else to have done for her mother.

After Nia managed to get her emotions under control, Elena took her hand and led her to the nearest tailor shop.

「How can I be of help to you, my Lady? 」

A middle-aged woman attended Elena inside the tailor shop.

「I want clothes for this girl」

Elena brought her gaze to Nia.

「I understand, what kind of clothing would be of interest to you, my Lady? 」

「Maid clothes! 」

Before Elena could respond, Nia stepped forward and answered for her.

「Nia, you don't need to take on that role to stay by my side」

Nia shook her head at Elena's words.

「Since I was little I was trained to serve, so that's all I can do to repay your kindness Elena-sama, so please allow me to serve you」

Unable to refuse, Elena accepted Nia's request, and Nia was led by the middle-aged woman to a dressing room where she handed Nia the full outfit of a maid.

The next time Elena saw Nia, her eyes widened in surprise. Nia wearing that maid outfit was cute, cute enough that Elena wanted to hug her.

After buying one more pair of maid outfits as a spare, as well as several pairs of pumpkin panties for Nia, they both left the town market and upon finding a suitable inn, rented a room for the night.

「What are you doing Nia? 」

As she stripped off her clothes to settle on the bed, Elena saw Nia spreading some blankets on the floor.

「I'm preparing my bed, Elena-sama」

「No way will you sleep on the floor」

Elena walked towards Nia and then took her to the bed to later strip her of her maid uniform. All that was left in sight were Nia's pumpkin panties, as well as her bare skin and her chest as sparse as Elena's.

After Elena stripped off her clothes, she practically forced Nia to sleep next to her. Although Nia initially resisted, it was not the right thing to do as a maid, in the end she fell asleep comfortably clinging to Elena.

As for Elena, she felt she was discovering a whole new world. Having the cute Nia glued to her like that, with her bare skin rubbing against her, inevitably led Elena to recall the part of Kaname's memories in which he had sired large numbers of children for his plan.

「Is this because before I was a man? 」

Elena muttered that to herself while feeling somewhat confused. Were Kaname's memories influencing her?

Despite possessing a good appearance and natural charm, Kaname did not use this to woo women in this world or his original world. Kaname only had eyes for a single woman, next to whom he tried desperately to return, so when he betrayed her by begetting a large number of children with several other women, Kaname abandoned all hope of seeing her again, he no longer felt he had the right to see her again, and deep in his heart, while cursing himself, he wished that she would find happiness so that at least one of them could be happy.

No, those memories did not seem the cause of this new world that was trying to knock on Elena's door, probably the reason was in her immunity to men, that attempted rape that she suffered.

Unable to find a reason, Elena stopped worrying about it and simply enjoyed the feeling of Nia holding on to her. Despite how vulnerable Nia was, Elena resisted the urge to try something, the last thing she wanted was to make someone feel the same way she felt when she was attacked by her half older brother.


Hearing a sweet voice calling her, Elena opened her eyes to find Nia standing on the side of the bed showing a faint smile, she was already wearing her maid outfit.

「Good morning Nia」

「Good morning Elena-sama」

Elena stood up and Nia rushed to assist her in dressing.

This caused Elena to smile faintly as she remembered her mother, who had been assigned by her father to personally serve him. If there was one thing Elena had to thank her father for, it was precisely that.

「Elena-sama, what are we going to do today? 」

「Oh, that's right」

As if remembering something important, Elena walked to the corner of the room where she had placed her armor, from there she took the daggers she had bought.

Under Nia's shocked and disbelieving gaze, Elena turned those low-quality iron daggers into beautiful mytril daggers.

Nia's shock was no less once Elena proceeded to do the same with a poor, simple iron sword.

After putting on their armor, Elena and Nia went to the same weapons store and exchanged two mytril daggers for fifteen hundred gold coins.

Just as Elena and Nia were returning to the inn to retrieve their horse and finally leave the city, a group of men stood in their way.

「So this is the little Lady who completely dismissed my name and killed the man who uttered it」

A pedantic-looking man leading the group exclaimed those words as he looked at Elena from head to toe.

「I am a merciful man, so we can solve this misunderstanding if my Lady accepts an invitation to dine in my little mansion tonight」

While Nia was nervous, Elena seemed unmoved.

「Who are you? 」

The man showed an unpleasant smile upon hearing Elena's question.

「Baron Simcha Rurd」

「I've never heard of you」

Simcha's smile abruptly disappeared upon hearing that.

「I understand, in that case, could I know your name, my Lady? 」

「Elena Lutrel, daughter of the Marquis Armand Eis Lutrel」

Hearing that, Simcha's face paled, a Marquis was far above him, and no one in the entire kingdom would care if a little Baron like him was destroyed by a Marquis.

「I-I see it seems to me that I have been mistaken, Lady Elena, I offer you my sincerest apologies」

Samcha forced a smile as he leaned down and cursed himself for his recklessness. He had heard that a merchant who was recently trying to win his favor had been killed after saying his name, the culprit as described to Samcha, was a young female knight of great beauty. Simply pushed by that, Samcha had decided to search for the young female knight and see if she really was that beautiful, and if so, then he would press her using his noble title to spend a good night with her. Seeing the young female knight and her maid, Samcha completely ignored the possibility that she had big support and he decided to act out drive-by lust.

「You come here, stand in my way, call me little lady, and accuse me of offending you, and now you just offer me an apology? 」

Samcha's skin began to sweat coldly, he hoped that was enough to solve the problem, but very soon he remembered that this young woman had murdered that merchant simply because he did not listen to her order to step aside. A person with such character and such support would in no way be satisfied with a simple apology.

「This is just about a misunderstanding Lady Elena, something that I am open to any suggestion from you regarding a compensation」

Elena showed a sinister smile when she heard that.

To Samcha's utter shock, the young female knight unsheathed a sword that made it clear that she was truly the daughter of a Marquis, a beautiful mytril sword.

「In that case, drew your sword, Baron」

「L-Lady Elena, it is not necessary to go to these extremes for a simple misunderstanding, I…」

「Silence! You have come here and offended me by inviting me to dinner at your home without resorting to the proper procedures, as a knight, it is my obligation to protect the honor of my family and my name. Unsheathed your sword or show me your hands to cut them off 」

Directly inviting a single noblewoman to dinner without first consulting her family, something like that was an offense not only towards that lady but towards that lady's family. There was no way out for Samcha at this point, if he refused to try to confront Elena in this place, the next thing that would await him was several knights breaking into his home to drag he face to Marquis Lutrel who undoubtedly would torture him and then throw him in a dungeon where he would die miserably.

Samcha unsheathed his sword, trusting that Elena's greatest skill was her support, if he defeated her here and spared her life, the Marquis would have no face to claim.

Samcha ran towards Elena, and relying on the difference in physical strength, he swung his sword in a descending cut trying to push her back to make her fall.

Elena showed no intention of evading Samcha's attack, she simply raised her sword, and without even using runic magic, received Samcha's attack.

Samcha's face completely paled and his skin was covered with cold sweat when his sword did not stop when it collided with Elena's sword and continued to advance, his sword was being cut as if it were made of butter.

「Lady Elena, I beg you to show mercy! 」

As soon as his mind started working again, Samcha exclaimed that plea, to which Elena simply showed a slightly mocking smile.

Guided by Elena's gaze, Samcha discovered that mytril's sword was already piercing his chest, it had taken him a couple of seconds to beg for mercy.

Elena withdrew her sword from Samcha's chest and he fell back against the ground in front of the astonished gaze of his subordinates.

「All my life I have been forced to duck my head in front of others, I have also had to hold it with impotence during the last years the unpleasant harassment of garbage like this, that will not happen anymore」

Elena muttered that to herself as she sheathed her sword.

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