Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie

13.Izana Knights

「Elena-sama, are you planning to sell those two armors?」

Nia watched as, at the cost of consuming the magical power of various magical cores, Elena had transformed those two sturdy iron armor into two stylized ornate armor of pure mytril. Surely that Dur arms merchant would go mad at the sight of just one of those armors. Mytril was such a valuable mineral that full-body armor made from mytril must be worth a fortune.

「No way」

Both of these armors were shaped to be worn by men with a height of one meter and ninety centimeters, in no way did Elena plan to use them for her, so Nia was quite confused.

「Bring the two cores S and you will understand」

Faced with what would undoubtedly lead her to be surprised once again, Nia could only let out a slight sigh as she went and brought the two 'S' cores.

「There are three factors that determine the quality of a puppet, the material, the quality of the core and the skill of the puppeteer」

Hearing that, Nia could intuit what Elena was planning.

Elena took one of the 'S' cores and threw it inside the armor.


Although she knew what would happen, Nia could not help being surprised to see how mytril's armor began to shiver and then began to move.


「I guess we can call them Izana Knights, Nia」

Elena showed a triumphant smile. Creating a puppet using mytril armor was something Kaname had thought, but due to various factors, he was never able to implement this idea and could only settle for stone golems.

After consuming the magic power of another low-quality core, Elena used the remaining 'S' core and created a second Izana Knight.

Since puppetry had been lost in the past, any ordinary person who saw these two Izana Knights would think that they were ordinary knights serving a king or nobleman wealthy enough to give their knights full-bodied mytril armor.

The only negative point of the Izana Knights was that although they had intelligence on a human level, just like the rock golems, they were unable to communicate and could only limit themselves to following orders without giving opinions.

「Until now we have been buying the magic cores, but with these two, we will be able to start getting our cores, at least the low-quality ones」

Elena had created some magic circles that generated water for Izana, however, these magic circles consumed the power of several low-quality magic cores daily.

Nia gasped at that. These mytril puppets could certainly face 'S' level monsters and even if they were unable to defeat them, it was unlikely that any monster below 'S' level could cause them any damage, no, it was unlikely that they not could escape from a monster level SS thanks to their bodies made of mytril.

Elena handed a mytril sword to each Izana Knight.

「Go and get the magic core of any monster within our territory」

Hearing that order, the two mytril puppets nodded and then left the place. The puppets did not need to rest and as long as their nuclei were not destroyed, they could continue working forever.

Two more days passed and the city wall was finally rebuilt. As for the palace, since Elena had used the glitzy Palace of Versailles in Kaname memorabilia as the basis for its design, the construction work required a lot of thoroughness and detail, so only a third of the construction was complete.

Building a wall and a palace of such magnificence in just weeks seemed crazy, but the work was being done by golems and skeleton soldiers, beings who did not need rest and who had absolute patience that could lead them to polish a diamond using only sand.

With the Izana Knights continually bringing magic cores, Elena spared no use of her magic power to create a large number of mytril swords and daggers. Additionally, she used each 'A' core to create new golems, sadly there didn't seem to be any 'S' level monsters within Izana's territory. The new golems were immediately destined for new projects, a military fort near the palace, and a defensive pit around the Izana wall.

With twenty mytril swords and forty daggers in her possession, Elena considered that it was time to go and obtain funds to buy everything that the skeletons and golems could not build, the furnishing for her palace.

The skeletons loaded the wagon with mytril weapons while Elena donned a beautiful light mytril armor she had created for herself.

Given the value of the cargo, she would carry into the city, Elena felt that it was necessary to let anyone who had murky intentions know that they should think well before trying something stupid, therefore she decided to take the two Izana Knights with her.

The two Izana Knights boarded the wagon alongside Nia while Elena rode her horse.

Elena opened a warp, but this time her destination was not Dur but Lendolf. Seeking to obtain as much gold as possible, Elena chose to go to a larger city. Furthermore, the furnishing worthy of her palace could only be acquired in a city like Lendolf.

The group appeared on a nearby plain from where you could see Lendolf's wall.

That striking group became the target of gazes full of wonder and shock as soon as they entered the city.

The young noblewoman who led the group possessed enormous beauty that was accentuated by the brave aura emitted by her violet eyes. Her golden hair was adorned by a single violet butterfly brooch, even though this brooch was not adorned with any kind of gem, being on the young woman's hair it could already be considered a treasure of great value.

The slim figure of that young woman was dressed in a beautiful ornate pale blue armor, clearly mytril, which was adorned with various butterfly engravings. The beautiful white cape that fluttered behind the young woman was stamped with a coat of arms that corresponded to a violet butterfly.

Even if people did not want to take their eyes off that young woman who looked like a Valkyrie of legends, sooner or later their eyes fell on what closely followed that young woman, a simple cart.

The simplicity of the wagon was forced to be ignored due to what was traveling over it, a beautiful and charming half-elf girl wearing the outfit of a maid, as well as two knights dressed in full body armor made of mytril and adorned with butterfly engravings.

A princess knight from some neighboring kingdom? This was the kind of thought on the minds of many as they associated those two knights, who by the butterfly carvings on their mytril armor served that beautiful young noblewoman.

Elena did not expect to attract so much attention while keeping her expressionism impassive she could only imagine the fuss it would cause if people found out that she was the famous Varest's Valkyrie.

On the wagon, Naira's eyes sparkled with admiration as she saw the effect that Elena's presence had on people.

When the group entered the city market, the shock it caused was not less. Choosing to ignore everything around her, Elena headed straight for what was the best weapon shop in town.

Having heard rumors about the presence of a princess knight in town, the owner of the weapon shop left his shop only to be surprised to see a crowd that seemed to follow a young horseman lady. The man's surprise was even greater when he recognized the young rider who was approaching, it was that Lady who sold him a mytril sword not long ago. However, once he observed that the young woman was wearing a beautiful light mytril armor adorned with butterfly engravings, he completely lost his breath.

The name of the blacksmith Bela came quickly to the man's mind. Recently the rare weapons forged by this unknown woman were causing a huge uproar throughout the kingdom, something that was only surpassed by constant rumors about the Varest's Valkyrie.

Once that young woman stopped her horse in front of the man, he opened his mouth trying to greet her, however, the words drowned in his throat once he saw two knights wearing full-body mytril armor and adorned with butterfly engravings.

「My Lady...」

Barely catching his breath, the man was only able to utter those two words.

「My master is no longer a simple Knight, she is now a Baroness」

In a tone full of pride, a charming maid exclaimed that and the man turned pale.

「M-my apologies, Excellency」

Elena could only smile in response to Nia's action.

Once the crowd around heard that the young woman was not a princess knight but a Baroness, confusion filled their minds. Although they must have been surprised that a woman received a title of nobility, the intrigue did not allow them to think about it and instead they questioned, can a Baron afford to equip himself and his soldiers with mytril armor?

「No problem, let's forget about that and move on to more important issues」

Following Elena's gaze, the owner of the weapons store watched as one of those soldiers removed a blanket that covered the cart's cargo to expose a large number of mytril swords and daggers.

The man's feet moved on their own as his breath stopped completely. The crowd gathered there was also shocked to see so many mytril weapons gathered.

「Excellency, this is…」

「Weapons forged by Bela, which I am interested in selling」

The man simply had to see a butterfly engraved on the blade of those swords and daggers to feel the blood rise to his head.

Blacksmith Bela's name had recently been echoing throughout the kingdom, and although her fame was less than that of the Varest's Valkyrie, no one could deny that she had heard at least once of a talented female blacksmith who was making swords and mytril daggers of high quality, therefore, hearing that name from Elena's lips caused a new commotion.

「Are you interested?」

「Of course, Excellency!」

The man forced his body to recover using his spirit as a merchant. There was no way he could miss out on acquiring such weapons in which nobles throughout the kingdom were so interested.

「Excellency, are you by chance Elena Izana?!」

As Elena dismounted, someone in the crowd asked that question. Elena was somewhat surprised that someone knew her new name, if they had asked about Elena Lutrel, then there would be nothing strange, although discreetly, she had lived in this city for three years.

「That's right, I am Elena Izana」

Elena could see how her response without exception caused everyone present to completely lose their breath.

「It's the Valkyrie!!!」

Someone finally broke the silence with that scandalous scream. Elena did not know it, but during these days that she was in Izana, the name of the Varest's Valkyrie had already been made public, although not the noble title that had been conferred on her.

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