Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie


Elena’s violet eyes slowly opened.


Elena brought her hands to her head, a strong pain was piercing her mind.

「What happened…?」

Elena rose awkwardly. Her mind was in chaos and the intense pain was making it difficult for her to put her memories in order.

As she looked around, a black pyramid entered Elena’s vision. Immediately her eyes shed tears and the dream she had had came to her mind.

Elena had dreamed of the Kaname of that other world before he was summoned to this world.

Feeling that those feelings that had previously led her to lose consciousness were trying to return, Elena closed her eyes and forced her mind to keep an image of herself present, of her life and her surrounding people.

However, this was having the same effect as before, it only softened the effect a bit, but the poison that came from Kaname was creeping up Elena’s soul again.

「I have enough of my frustrations already!」

After exclaiming this with all the power of her throat, Elena brought her the most painful and frustrating memories to her mind. Her mother’s death, Richell’s attack, and her days in the Order of Saint Eclestine.

Even if Kaname’s feelings were strong, it was still the feelings of a ghost from the past. Kaname’s venom receded, but Elena could not celebrate her success, now she was drowning in her poison.

「Ah !!!!」

Elena fell to her knees, opened her eyes, and let out a powerful scream charged with all the weight of her frustration.

There will be no more… —this thought full of conviction crossed the mind of Elena.

There would be no more regrets or frustrations. From now on she would try her best, she would not escape again and she would destroy everything that stood in her way. She had faced the Xibil to become this kind of woman.

Elena got up somewhat awkwardly, her body still fatigued. She looked at her appearance and showed an ironic smile. She was practically naked and only the dried blood and dust prevented much of her skin from being exposed.

She could use sorcery to cleanse her body, but this would only leave her skin fully exposed. As for repairing her clothes with magic, she could only repair her pants. From the waist up there was not a piece of cloth left on her body.

Elena brought her gaze to the pyramid, and after taking a deep breath, she walked towards that structure whose mere presence had altered the memories she received from Kaname, transforming them into a poison that tried to consume her.

The absence of an anti-magic effect clarified that there was no other Xibil or Ajawab, yet was it necessary for Elena to check the inside of the pyramid with her own eyes.

Elena did not know how long she had been unconscious, she could not rule out that enough time had elapsed so that her father, Nia and the others felt worried. Perhaps even they were already on their way to this place under Necro’s guidance. However, checking the interior of the pyramid was something that could not postpone.

Elena activated her rune magic and her body was has been it surrounded by luminous runes that dispelled a bit of the darkness. Thanks to this Elena could temporarily weigh a little of the intense fatigue that was punishing every muscle and cell in her body, but this did not affect her mental fatigue.

Fifteen meters away from the pyramid, Elena stopped her steps when she saw on the ground many rusty fragments of armor and old swords.

By examining the area, Elena could see various fragments of what were perhaps human bones.

A battle… —this was Elena’s conclusion.

A group of many soldiers, mercenaries, or perhaps treasure hunters had entered this place a few centuries ago.

How did those people get so far? To reach this place, Elena had had to work hard, and twice she had almost died.

As she looked up at the pyramid, an explanation was it exposed in Elena’s mind. The gate that served as access to the pyramid was open.

That group of people who had come to this place did not face the Xibil in the corridor. The creature was not there. The Xibil had to emerge from the interior of the Balam once this group of people tried to open the access gate in search of treasures, and after getting rid of these invaders, the Xibil extended its protection radius to reach that corridor.

Just from the visible damage on the ground, Elena could tell that this group of people fought fiercely against the Xibil.

「That is…」

Seeing the rim of a crater several meters ahead, Elena left behind the rusted remains of armor and swords. What caught her attention was the sturdy hilt of a sword that seemed to be it stuck to the ground at the edge of that crater, a black weapon, an orichalcum weapon. Without a doubt, the weapon of that Xibil that she had defeated.

Elena reached the edge of the crater with her gaze fixed on the hilt of that sword. She took it and used all her strength to extract it from the ground.

Once the ground gave way, Elena took two steps backward with the heavy sword now in her hands, yet it was only half the sword.

Seeing the sword split in half, Elena couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Although the size of the sword in good condition had exceeded one and a half meters and its weight would have been something to take into account and forgetting the small detail that the sword blade was jagged, an orichalcum sword It would have been an invaluable treasure for Elena.

With such a sword in her hands, there would be nothing in this world that she could not tear with that serrated blade, she would wound even a god as a mere mortal by an orichalcum sword.

After letting out a slight sigh of disappointment, Elena approached the rim of the crater again and this time observed the place.

The crater was perhaps two meters deep and about five meters in diameter. The other half of the orichalcum sword was in the center of the crater.

Seeing more pieces of armor scattered all over the interior of the crater, Elena knew ​​what possibly happened in this place.

One person who entered this place bravely confronted the Xibil and cut off the creature’s two right arms. This crater resulted from the explosion of both severed arms, which caused the death of that person.

Who could have accomplished such a feat?

A god could have easily defeated the Xibil. The same was for a transmigrant. So Elena could dismiss both cases.

The anti-Xibil tactics designed by Kaname would have allowed a trained group of warriors to face a Xibil, however, if these people who came to find their end in this place knew about the anti-Xibil tactics, then they should also have known about of the consequences of cutting a limb from a Xibil.

「Aesir mode...」

The answer was simple. The person who had severed the Xibil’s two right arms was someone who could counter the anti-magic effect but was unaware of the Xibil’s battle capabilities. A person capable of using Aesir mode, and probably the person from whom the Xibil had learned Taunt.

Probably the ominous toothed sword of orichalcum had ended this way because of the explosion. Despite its ability to absorb magic power, orichalcum is a metal that does not surpass steel in terms of hardness, something that mytril does, although this thanks to its magical properties.

Without hesitation, accepting her conclusion about what happened in this place, Elena entered the crater and recovered the other half of the orichalcum sword.

Melting the orichalcum required high temperatures, the rudimentary blacksmithing of this world could not achieve that, and use magic would not affect, the orichalcum would absorb it. Despite this, Elena refused to give up such a treasure. There was still a possibility, although it was an absurd and complicated possibility, the fire of a powerful Ancient Dragon.

Elena left the crater carrying the two pieces of the sword, not even the difficulty of carrying such a weapon discouraged her from leaving it behind.

The access to the pyramid was on one side of the base, it had a height of two-and-a-half meters, and its width was one and a half meters.

The pyramid seemed to be it made entirely of black rocks, and this was not some kind of architectural finish. The pyramid was it made of blocks of black rock, though not ordinary rocks, but Aegis.

Mytril is the magic metal.

The orichalcum is the metal that devours magic power.

As for the aegis, it is a rock indifferent to magic power; it does not suffer any kind of alteration under the effect of magic. Aegis will not gain heat no matter it administers how much magical fire to it, it will not suffer any damage from a magical explosion and it will not even accumulate moisture when exposed to magic water.

However, by any other means, aegis is just a simple rock. An iron hammer could easily break an Aegis rock. Therefore, the aegis has no use, unless someone uses it to build a vehicle intending to protect themselves from the powerful magical storm that reigns on the wall between the worlds.

With her body still surrounded by runes and carrying the orichalcum sword in her hands, Elena reached the access and stopped half a step before entering.

Elena waited silently in front of the entrance for almost a minute. However, nothing happened, nothing emerged from inside the pyramid to welcome her.

After sharpening her senses to the fullest and mentally preparing to activate Aesir mode, Elena finally took the first step into the pyramid.

Elena took a second and a third step, nothing happened and slowly her steps gained speed.

The corridor was long, and at the sides were some doors that Elena deliberately ignored. From Kaname’s memories, Elena knew that behind those doors were only worthless storage rooms, places where the Ajawab kept worthless ceremonial treasures and their war trophies, the skulls of their victims.

Elena finally stopped in front of a closed-door which led to the central room of the pyramid, the command bridge so to speak.

The Balam couldn’t be too big, even if the aegis in their structure were indifferent to the catastrophic storm of magic power on the wall between the worlds, if these vehicles were too big, it would end up being crushed and turned to dust when contacting the otherworldly laws.

For this simple reason, each Ajawab had its own Balam, in which they transported only a handful of Xibils, and the tools necessary to survive in another world and to create new Xibils.

Elena pressed her hand to a small block of rock that protruded to one side of the door, and in response to her action, the door slid to the side generating a slight cloud of dust.

On the other side of the door was a compact room and in the center of this was what appeared to be a stone altar.

Above the altar were several colored crystals fixed on the rock that lined up forming various rings, the instruments, and command controls of the Balam.

Elena stepped into the room and immediately looked at her surroundings, her gaze was fixed on a large glass cylinder near the right wall.

That cylinder was it filled with a colorless liquid, and what seemed to be a black piece of rock floated inside it, connected to various cables.

Attracted by this, Elena approached the cylinder and quickly realized her mistake. What floated in there was not a piece of rock, but one head, or at least two-thirds of what was once head.

The head fragment was too large to belong to a human. The section of the mouth and the right eye were absent. The skin that covered part of the skull bone was black, there was no hair, the left eye was closed and the cables were it connected directly to the brain.


Elena felt a chill run down her back. That inside the glass cylinder was once the head of an Ajawab.

The left eye of the head suddenly opened, revealing a reptile-like pupil.

Seeing that, Elena instinctively recoiled as her skin had covered in cold sweat and fear tried to overwhelm her heart.


Just as her body showed signs of fear, Elena forced herself to step forward. Why should she be afraid of the head of an Ajawab? That thing wasn’t even capable of generating a weak anti-magic effect.

「You’re just a pitiful ghost from the past that refuses to disappear, just like Kaname…」

Elena raised her left hand in the glass’s cylinder direction, intending to perform a magical attack.

「If you know that name and have got here, then you should know what I am」

Taking Elena by surprise, a synthetic voice emerged from the Balam’s control panel.

「You are alive?」

Elena surprised, but there was no place for fear in her, this being was in a state in which even a weak slime could turn it into her food.

「If this can be call life, then I am a survivor, or as you have said before, a ghost from the past that refuses to disappear」

The Ajawab was using a synthetic voice to communicate. What was disturbing in this was that he was not using his language to communicate with Elena, but the most important language of antiquity, the Elvish Naia?

「I don’t care about your circumstances ... I know what you are and what you came to do to this world」

Elvish Naia was a lost language. The elves of today could not understand it. Elena could understand and handle the Naia thanks to Kaname’s memories.

As unusual as it was to listen to an Ajawab using language from this world instead of his, Elena knew that this creature was dangerous. Who could even imagine all that he had been planning for all these millennia in this place?

「If you eliminate me it will be my end, but what will you gain from it?」

「I will get rid of a latent danger for this world」

Elena kept her hand raised toward the glass cylinder.

「A danger? In my current state, I am only a living remnant of the remote past. If I could do more than record the passage of time, then I would have returned to my world or attempted to perform the task that I and my brothers failed to complete, devour your gods and take control of this world」

That made sense. If this Ajawab could do anything beyond being inside that glass cylinder, why hadn’t he already done it? So much time had passed since the end of the war and since that remote past, the time only can be it count in millennia.

「Devour the gods...」

Elena murmured that to herself, such words again stimulated in her the feelings of Kaname, his deep hatred towards the gods.

「You could tell the truth, even so, it’s not like I have reasons not to destroy you, and in fact, I have plenty of reasons to do so」

The Ajawab’s eye narrowed. Somehow Elena felt that this creature was not that simple.

「You can use warp, you beat a Xibil even under the anti-magic effect; you seem to know about what happened millennia ago and you know the name of the most fearsome of our enemies, but you don’t seem to come from another world」

The Ajawab could travel to other worlds, and although they were not be affected by the strong storm of the magic power of the wall between the worlds because they traveled under the shelter of their Balam made of aegis, they knew of the natural method to cross the wall between the worlds, and about its consequences, the invocation magic, and the consequent magical modification to which the body be subject.

Perhaps the invocation and its consequence, an abnormal body, was a much more profitable method to travel from one world to another, but it was a limited method, a one-way trip with no return and on which neither the summoned nor the summoner has the most minimal control. Summoning magic does not allow you to set targets, those summoned are it chosen by chaos or any kind of unknown law that governs the wall between worlds.

With their Balam, the Ajawab were free to move from one world to another as long as their Balam had the energy necessary to make the journey.

After having seen Elena’s performance at battle through the information that the Xibil transmitted to the Balam, this Ajawab was it convinced that this human woman was not a transmigrant, she had put too much effort into defeating the Xibil, however; she was not an ordinary human either, she could use warp and use the same sorcery that that annoying human named Kaname used.

A descendant of that group of transmigrants who defeated them? Much of this human woman’s quirks could explain this way, but not her ability to use warp. Only the gods and the transmigrants could use warp, and this was not something that could be transmitted either in knowledge or through blood, the warp was practically a skill, a vestige of times as remote that can only record in eons and not in millennia.

Elena’s lips drew a faint smile. This Ajawab was insightful, something unusual among those of his kind because these creatures were more likely to solve everything through force.

Perhaps this Ajawab had survived because he differed from his fellow species?

「That fact you can understand all this about me only contributes to increasing my motives to eliminate you」

「You won’t get anything by killing me. The Balams only be controlled by its original masters. If I die, the Balam will become just a pile of Aegis rocks」

That was new information. Truth be told, Kaname and his companions never tried to investigate how the Balam worked, so Elena couldn’t tell if this Ajawab was messing about to preserve his life.

「What would I want this thing for?」

Elena once more raised her hand, and her gaze glowed menacingly.

「Although it is hardly possible to get enough energy to allow this Balam to travel to another world, it is not entirely impossible to get enough energy to repair that orichalcum sword in your hands, or to create new Xibils」

Elena could not help to be affected by those words, not regarding the orichalcum sword, but to the subject of the creation of Xibils.

「I don’t know what you are, but there is something that I am sure of, they will not tolerate your existence」

The Ajawab added that and Elena’s body trembled slightly.

Warp, if the gods discovered that Elena could use this, they would stop at nothing until they captured or eliminated her.

Elena’s arm slowly dropped instinctively. Or perhaps under the influence of Kaname’s poison. Whatever the reason, Elena could not deny that the subject of the gods was a problem that could arise in front of her unexpectedly.

The gods had a habit of impersonating humans and living human lives. Although Kaname's instincts were supposed to allow Elena to see through the human disguise of a god, she was not very happy about depending entirely on something she had no control over.

Even if she was careful when using warp, she couldn’t blindly trust luck. On her confrontation with the Xibil, he used Taunt and this almost cost her life.

It was undeniable that in the worst scenario, with her becoming the target of the gods, Elena would be at a greater disadvantage than Kaname. She was no match for a god. In such circumstances, having a few Xibils on her side would make a vast difference.

Elena was already mentally exhausted enough, and the Ajawab’s words broke her little mental concentration and led her to sink into her thoughts. Her arm dropped even lower and her gaze reflected hesitation.

Inside the glass cylinder, the eye of the Ajawab caught that moment of doubt in Elena and perceived when she came under her guard. The eye emitted a faint glow and a small red sphere shot out like a bullet from the Ajawab’s forehead, breaking the glass and taking Elena by surprise.

Elena could not react in time, the small sphere hit her forehead, and her consciousness faded.

「Fake Salamander…!」

While her body plummeted to ground and darkness devoured her conscience, Elena used the last glimpse of her will to attack the Ajawab’s head.

The enormous head of a fire-made salamander emerged from Elena’s palm and snaked through the air until it reached the glass cylinder.

The salamander’s head hit the cylinder and a powerful explosion shook the entire room and probably the entire pyramid.

「Ahhhh !!」

The synthetic voice emitted a powerful scream as a scorching fire devoured the Ajawab’s head. The inability of the synthetic voice to transmit pain caused that scream to be disturbing.

The intense flames scattered throughout the room but quickly died out as they could find nothing else to feed on. The pyramid’s structure was has made of aegis, it was invulnerable to magic fire, and Elena had created the magic fire, except for the explosion that threw her body against one wall, the fire would not directly affect her.

Elena was in the center of a vast space surrounded by darkness, and before she could question herself about her situation, a two-meter-tall figure emerged from the darkness in front of her.

Two meters high, skin black as night, pupils elongated like those of reptiles and red as blood. A human face with white markings that mimicked the shape of a human skull. His chest is exposed, a necklace with many teeth hung from his neck, and his waist was has covered only by pieces of red and gold cloth. On the head of the being a golden crown shone from which feathers of different exotic birds emerged.


Elena’s lips murmured once more that word. However, this time the context was total and not referring only to the fragment of one head. Standing in front of Elena was one of the most fearsome beings that have walked on this world, an Ajawab.

「Human, your body is unworthy of my greatness, but I’ve already waited too long for a chance, so I must settle, I’ll take your body, so, disappear!」

The Ajawab emitted a powerful beastly roar, showing his sharp teeth.

Elena did not need a detailed explanation to understand what was happening. Taking advantage of a moment of Elena's hesitation, the Ajawab attacked her using blood magic. His goal was to take control of her body, and this place was a kind of mental plane where her conscience was trying to resist being eliminated by the Ajawab.

The powerful beastly cry reached Elena, and she felt as if her body was about to break. The pain was chilling enough to bring her to her knees and press her head into her arms.

「Resisting is useless, no common human can oppose the will of an Ajawab」

The Ajawab exclaimed that in a tone full of mockery and contempt. In the past, of all the races in this world, humans had been the most vulnerable species to the Ajawab’s blood magic.

The elves were too proud, their minds broke before enslaved by blood magic, and their bodies died.

The dwarves were too stubborn and they escaped from the blood magic.

However, humans were too mentally fragile to oppose or resist blood magic. Human ambition and fear was a very easy vulnerability for the Ajawab to exploit.

Elena’s mind filled with thoughts of defeat. She couldn’t resist, she was too weak; she was cowardly and fragile.

The thoughts soon changed, and Elena’s darkness was has reached. If she surrendered, all her lowest desires would come true. Richell would die in the most atrocious way possible, the kingdom of Varest would be it reduced to ashes, and Nia, Maya, Bryn and every beautiful woman in this world would belong to her in body and soul, all of them would become her slaves and she will enjoy their bodies.

Fear and ambition, the vulnerability of the human mind, the path the Ajawab used to make humans slaves, and in this case, to take control of Elena’s body.

The pain intensified further, Elena felt as if every cell in her body screamed in pain.

Is this the limit of your determination? —these words echoed once more in Elena’s mind.

‘If you give up the pain will be over,’ this thought echoed in her mind in response to the words above, tempting her to give up.

No physical pain could overcome the pain of losing my mother —Elena’s response was clear, and without wanting it, the image of Kaname of the Spring and the deep pain Kaname of the Winter also came to her mind.

‘If you give up, everything you want will come true’. A new thought arose to tempt Elena, painful death for Richell, Varest burned to ashes, and Nia and many beautiful women naked and chained at the mercy of her most low desires.

If I killed Richell, I will destroy my father’s heart. I will not reduce Varest to ashes, I will take it from the hands of the king and the rotten nobility of the kingdom. I do not want slaves without a will; I want to love and be loved freely —Elena was clear. Although these desires were deep in her soul, they were twisted desires originated by the hatred and natural longing of any human to submit to the will of others.

Elena stood up and looked at the Ajawab with a spiteful expression.

「Stupid human, resisting yourself will only cause you more pain. I will destroy your conscience with my own hands! 」

「You won’t, this place belongs to me, you don’t control me!」

The darkness shattered like glass in response to Elena’s determined words. What it showed now was the most important place for Elena, a ruined city, Izana. This mental plane belonged to her. In that case, why should she fear?

「You, you’re just a human!」

Filled with anger, the Ajawab charged towards Elena.

「Those are grand words coming from a decaying archaeological piece」

Both Elena and the Ajawab were surprised to hear a third voice emerge from the stage itself, a masculine voice that both recognized, a voice that was not pleasant for either of them. For one, it was the chilling voice of a fearsome enemy of old, for the other it was the voice of a ghost from the past trying to bequeath her with his frustrations and his hatred.

「Impossible! You can’t stay alive! 」

The Ajawab halted, his dismayed gaze moving frantically around every corner of the stage.

A transmigrant could live a thousand years at most, however, there was a way for that human to continue alive.

「Have you devoured the gods?!」

The very thought of it chilled Ajawab’s blood. Consuming a god would significantly increase the power of any creature, but consuming all the gods of a world would cause that creature to become the supreme god of that world, and this was the reason the Ajawab had come to this world, to their leader would become a supreme god.

「That’s none of your business, Camek」

The Ajawab’s body shuddered when he heard that voice pronounce his name.


Camek repeated those words repeatedly, just as it seemed like he could finally break free of that glass cylinder as this was happening. Was this all a trap from the start?

Camek’s look of dismay and fear fell on Elena. Had Kaname had sent this human to set him up?

No, such a situation was absurd. In his current state, Camek did not pose any kind of danger to someone like Kaname, so something abnormal was happening.

Sturdy crystal chains emerged from the ground beneath Camek’s feet, attaching themselves to his legs, arms, and neck.

「Your condition is no better than mine!」

Camek reached a late conclusion. Perhaps similar to his circumstances, Kaname had survived and what is left of him was now inside the body of this human who could use warp.

「Although you were always the best at adapting to complicated situations among your own, this was also always your biggest weakness Camek」

The Ajawab were beings who blindly trusted their strength, did not elaborate intricate plans and when their armies of Xibils and blood slaves were on the brink of defeat, what they did was abandon their position in the rear to charge head-on towards the enemy.

However, Camek was not like the other Ajawab, if he considered it prudent he fled, he made sinister plans using his human slaves to kidnap, assassinate and sabotage the armies of the alliance, but this peculiar nature led Camek to avoid bit unfavorable confrontations, which is why he never got any decisive victory.


Camek was filled with anger and tried to free himself, but the chains were unbreakable and many more continued to emerge from the ground and envelop his body.

「This will only temporarily stop me!」

Before the crystal chains completely enveloped his body, Camek expressed that shocking threat.

Elena who contemplated all this was speechless. What was happening?

「For a second I thought I would have to intervene to prevent your conscience from being destroyed, however, you resist with no help」

Elena tore her gaze away from the mass of crystal chains in front of her and her thoughts focused on Kaname’s voice.

「You... you are not Kaname」

Elena quickly processed everything that had happened and noticed something peculiar, although this voice sounded like Kaname’s, there was no hatred, desolation or coldness in his tone, but a monotonous tone of voice devoid of emotions that were familiar, the voice of the spell that had given Elena a choice between dying or receiving Kaname’s legacy.

「You are right」

「I thought you went…」

Elena let out a long breath and then sat down on a large rock.

「I am engraved on your soul」

As long as Kamane‘s soul had not destroyed, the spell would continue to exist to awaken again and again when the proper conditions met.

「What about that thing?」

Elena pointed to the mass of crystal chains.

「Destroying him is beyond my capabilities, I have only temporarily sealed him」

Elena stood up, and her face turned pale.

「At some point the seal will break, then you will have to face him by yourself」

「How long will the seal endure?」

「I can't perform that calculation」

This thing was useless! This is what Elena would have liked to scream, but she refrained from doing so.

「There is no reason to fear. You opposed him even though your mind was not in the best condition. If you face him in your best condition, it should be easy for you to defeat him 」

Elena let out a long breath. In this voice, there was no place for lies, so his words helped her relax.

It was the stage suddenly shaken, and many cracks appeared in the sky.

「What’s going on?」

「Your consciousness is coming back to reality」

Within seconds, the cracks spread and the stage broke.

Elena’s eyes widened abruptly.

The place was inside the pyramid, at the Balam navigation bridge.

Elena stood up feeling some pain on her back, took her gaze to the place where the glass cylinder was, all that was has left was pieces of molten glass and ashes. Then she brought her gaze to the two pieces of the orichalcum sword and felt that she had no more courage to take it.

「I should go back…」

Feeling profound weariness both physically and mentally, Elena created a direct warp towards her room in Izana.

Nia who was cleaning the room was surprised to see a warp appear, however, her surprise was much greater when she saw Elena.

Nia‘s eyes widened, her mind went blank, and her body froze. Elena’s body was partially naked, her skin was covered in blood and dirt, and her hair was a complete mess.

Elena was still trying to process what happened and thinking about what to do, she did not notice Nia‘s presence in the room.


Nia finally came out of her daze and carried away by the enormous concern caused by Elena’s appearance, she ran to Elena to take her by the shoulders and examine her.

Elena came back to reality when she felt Nia‘s small hands on her shoulders.

「Elena-sama, are you hurt?」

Nia‘s eyes showed moisture, she was seriously worried, how could she not worried? Elena was has covered in blood and her clothes were a total disaster.

Elena watched Nia‘s worried face in silence and the moisture in her eyes, she felt the warmth of those little hands and soon Nia‘s sweet fragrance reached her nostrils.

The memory of that bitter desolation came to Elena’s mind, that deep pain and indescribable hatred that flooded her heart and soul trying to devour her. At that moment to resist being devoured by Kaname's venom Elena hold on was the memory of Nia.


Elena’s silence only increased Nia‘s concern, however, she was surprised to have suddenly Elena hugged her.

That was sudden and Nia did not have time to process what was happening. Her concern increased even more when she felt Elena’s body trembling.

「Elena-sama, what happening—?」

Nia‘s lips were it sealed with a kiss.

Elena could not contain herself. Everything that had happened had taken her body, her soul, and her heart to the limit. After seeing Nia and feeling her small hands, Elena yearned for her warmth, she wishes to confirm that nightmare had ended and her lips instinctively sought Nia‘s sweet lips.

Nia‘s body shuddered, her cheeks reddened completely and her mind went blank.

Elena pushed Nia onto the bed, her lips never leaving Nia‘s lips for a single moment.

That brought Nia back to reality. Her face reddened even more and her body filled with a heat that she had not experienced since the day she received Elena’s blood during the ritual.

Elena’s right hand instinctively moved towards Nia‘s chest, and as she felt her chest being pressed by Elena’s hand, Nia let out a sweet moan.

Elena finally released Nia‘s lips. However, she immediately buried her face against Nia's neck and began stroking Nia's skin with the edge of her tongue.


Nia could not resist, her mind was in chaos and her body seemed to be under Elena’s control, reacting to Elena’s caresses and kisses.

Elena’s right hand released Nia‘s chest and slid slowly toward Nia's hip, then down reaching the edge of Nia‘s skirt in search of the smoothness of Nia's skin.


Nia let out a slight moan of pleasure as she felt Elena’s tongue and lips on her left ear.

Right at when Elena’s hand finally found the edge of Nia‘s skirt, Elena felt strong dizziness and stopped her actions and then collapsed unconscious on Nia.


Nia quickly returned to reality. Feeling Elena’s breath on her neck helped her relax a little, but it also made her remember the feel of Elena’s tongue on her skin.

While the tips of her ears reddened completely, Nia slipped Elena aside and then carefully checked her condition. Despite Elena being covered in blood, Nia didn’t find a single wound and this made her relax once more.

Nia let out a slight sigh of relief, Elena was only sleeping, probably she was it exhausted.

Without her mind clouded with worry or pleasure, Nia finally assimilated the situation. Elena was practically naked, and she had stolen a kiss from her and then pushed her down to the bed...

Nia‘s face reddened, and she tried to stand up. However, Elena’s hand was gripping the edge of her skirt.

「Nia… I love you…」

Elena mumbled that with a faint smile and Nia‘s mind went blank for several seconds, then her face and ears reddened like never and her heartbeat rapidly.

Nia‘s small hands moved on their own to cover her flushed face. She could not understand what was happening, the only true thing was that immense happiness that flooded her heart.

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