Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie

41.The Lily´s Esencie (+18)

Nia Elyris is my name.

My mother, Maya Elyris, is an elf woman who from a very young age gave her body and her soul to the Mother Goddess.

My mother chose the life of a priestess dedicated to prayer and confinement within a sanctuary. The priestesses of the Mother Goddess are not allowed direct contact with men, and therefore will never become mothers.

A virtuous life away from the impurities of the world, this is what it means to be a priestess. According to the traditions of the elves, at the end of their life’s priestesses will become lesser spirits who will serve the Mother Goddess for all eternity. They become Nymphs. It is perhaps because of this total dedication to a life full of virtue and purity, that the priestesses of the Mother Goddess are so coveted by human men, by Satyrs, and even by some elf men.

Because of the ancient traditions, the shrines of worship to the Mother Goddess should be close to the virtuous nature and away from the dirt of the cities. It is for these two reasons that the only three active shrines have practically been turned into fortresses with large numbers of soldiers protecting it since ancient times.

However, since priestesses cannot be in contact with men, the soldiers guarding the shrines are all elf women.

The same traditions oblige priestesses to leave the safety of shrines twice a year to perform religious ceremonies in the cities. It was on the way to one of these ceremonies that the caravan in which my mother was traveling was attacked by human bandits. My mother never told me much about what happened, but from the conversations of the other priestesses, I heard a little about it.

The bandits outnumbered the female soldiers escorting the caravan. Most of the priestesses committed suicide in the tragic's face of fate that awaited them; be completely at the mercy of the depravity of the bandits. Suicide is a direct offense to the Mother Goddess, for which, as a great devotee, my mother prayed.

The soldiers of the city joined forces with the protectors of the sanctuary and found the bandits to slaughter them and rescue my mother. However, it was too late. My mother's purity had been stolen.

The council of elders of the city and the elders of the sanctuary deliberated for several days on the fate of my mother, and they finally allowed her to continue in the sanctuary as a priestess, because, although her body had been stained, her soul was still pure. Nine months after that unfortunate event, I came into the world, and despite the consequences, my mother took care of me. 'This is the will of the Mother Goddess'. No one could deny my mother's words.

The Mother Goddess is the giver of life, and the Father God is the devourer of life, denying the words of my mother would mean opposing the Mother Goddess nature.

My existence in the sanctuary was tolerated, but I was never accepted in the hearts of the other priestesses or the elderly. I grew up not interacting with anyone other than my mother, and my only friends were the old shrine books. Despite the cold glances directed my way, I was happy next to my mother. However, that happiness was destroyed when I was seven years old. A human kingdom was threatening the territorial boundary of the city-state to which the shrine was affiliated, and because of this, more than half of the female soldiers guarding the shrine had to leave.

Just two days after that, the shrine was attacked. It happened during a quiet night. The emergency gong sounded several times in the middle of the night, and by the time my mother and I emerged from our room, several of the shrine buildings were already on fire. The Satyrs were well aware of the priestesses' priorities, all of them would prioritize protecting the ancestral legacy, and amid several fires set by flaming arrows, priestesses and female soldiers prioritized dealing with the multiple fires before trying to figure out what was happening. By the time we realized it, many Satyrs had already broken into the sanctuary.

In the middle of the chaos I ended up separating from my mother, and when I found one elder, I did not hesitate to agree to follow her. Priestesses and old elders are virtuous people, and even though my existence bothered them, they would do nothing to hurt me. This was my naïve way of thinking. My expectations and beliefs were shattered when the elder did not hesitate to hand me over to human merchants for supplies. I would never see my mother again. This notion penetrated deep into my heart and I wept bitterly for days after a bondage collar was fastened around my neck. The merchants sold me to a prominent slave trader, and under his care, I was trained to become the obedient slave of anyone willing to cover my high cost.

For years, I had to endure seeing all kinds of unpleasant situations; Human children being sold as objects, women being outraged every night by slave trainers, and even other slaves.

Thanks to my elf blood I received better treatment than other slaves, and he to ensure that no one could devalue my price by stealing my virtue, the slave merchant made sure to only place me under the care of other women, and not content with it, he forced me to wear a chastity belt. I stayed strong only because I trusted Mother Goddess to hear my prayers and allow me to see my mother again.

Someone finally became interested in acquiring me, a nobleman from a kingdom called Varest. By then I already understood a lot about the harshness of the outside world, and even so, I continued to trust in Mother Goddess mercy.

While I was being transferred to the place where that person who would buy me was, the caravan was attacked by bandits, and despite believing that it would end up suffering the same fate that my mother experienced and that led to my birth, the bandits prioritized the gold over a moment of satisfaction.

'If we touch this cute worm with long ears and poor chest, we will only get a little pleasure, but if we keep she intact and sell her to a slave trader, we will receive enough gold to get drunk and fornicate dozens of women in a brothel for a whole week', these were the words of the bandits at making their choice.

I ended up being exposed for sale at an impromptu auction inside a walled city. It was the first time I had seen a real city, but there was no way I could enjoy the view. Its high walls seemed to me the suffocating walls of an enormous prison from which I would never escape.

With my clothes being reduced to pieces of cloth that barely covered the important parts of my body, I felt as if all those gazes I was targeting touched every corner of my skin trying to devour me.

When fear and despair overwhelmed me, she appeared.

For a moment, I thought she was an elf woman, but her ears were too short, and despite her great beauty, there was no pride in the aura that enveloped her.

She was as beautiful as the priestesses in the sanctuary, yet there was something else about her that was captivating and bewitching. Her magical violet eyes radiated with the confidence of someone who could take the world in its hands, her voice was charming as the song of a Nymph and firm as the roar of a dragon.

A purple butterfly adorned her golden hair, and her garb was that of a warrior.

Violet eyes like the hair color of the Mother Goddess, the butterfly that is the smallest spirit, and the most loved by the Mother Goddess. For a moment, I thought the Mother Goddess herself had descended to save me from the tragic fate that awaited me.

By the time I came back to reality, I had already been bought by that beautiful woman, and although it was not the Mother Goddess, she really saved me and gave me enough strength to fear of nothing, except to never see my mother again, and perhaps, to separate from her.

Elena, just saying her name made me feel like hundreds of butterflies were fluttering inside my stomach.

The night of that same day, Elena-sama forced me to share the same bed with her, to my surprise, instead of feeling afraid of being enveloped by her warm arms, I again experienced a feeling that I had already forgotten, I felt safe. Perhaps hearing Elena-sama's story, and her listening about my life helped ease my pain, but the only certainty is that from that moment my feelings became confused.

A ritual to become strong. This is what Elena-sama offered me and which I did not hesitate to accept.

A kiss to gain power, I became stronger thanks to the ritual, but I also knew my heart and body were vulnerable to Elena-sama.

During my slave training days, I was taught through visual examples to satisfy both men and women alike, all for the sake of becoming a slave of great value. I saw women giving themselves to men, and I also saw women being touched by other women. However, because of this, I developed a great fear of being touched by other people.

Being aware that even a woman could desire another woman because of my training as a slave, I had no trouble understanding my own feelings, Elena-sama had not only stolen my first kiss, she had also stolen my heart.

However, no matter how much love I felt for Elena-sama, was someone like me worthy of being by her side? This simple concern led me to hide my feelings, but it was difficult, Elena-sama is too captivating, I cannot refuse to sleep next to her, and I am completely convinced that, despite my doubts and the fear that I developed to be touched, if Elena-sama takes a step further, I cannot oppose myself and will completely surrender to her.

Elena-sama, why do you have to be so perfect?

By decision of the Mother Goddess, or perhaps because of the aura of divinity that surrounds Elena-sama, I ended up finally meeting my mother again.

Happiness overwhelmed me far beyond what I could contain, and my love for Elena-sama multiplied infinitely many times.

However, the happiness that being reunited with my mother brought also caused a bit of bitterness, I could no longer continue sleeping next to Elena-sama.

Elena-sama∽ Auah…! Haa…! Ah∽ Elena-sama!!

The loneliness that overwhelmed me at night pushed my hands towards my body, to touch the parts of myself that longed to be touched by Elena-sama's hands. This is something that completely surprised me. Despite my fear of being lasciviously touched, I had touched myself while yearning to be touched by Elena-sama's hands.

Elena-sama, her existence is overwhelming, even my mother lost her breath upon meeting her and is wondering if Elena-sama carries elf blood.

If my mother's assumption is correct, then Elena-sama wouldn't be out of my reach, she would be like me, a half-elf.

To clear my mind and become stronger, I joined the training that Bryn, Erin, and Teo undergo daily by Armand-sama and Harlan-san.

Armand-sama approached me, he wanted to know more about Elena-sama's present time and being unable to resist, I asked him about the Elena-sama that I didn't know.

Hear about Elena-sama's childhood was fascinating, she was always beautiful and determined, although Harlan-san describes her as a tenacious woman.

However, hearing about Elena-sama's past made me question once again whether someone like me deserved to be by her side. She had defended her virtue with courage and had escaped to making herself strong. While I, I could never do something for myself.

While I sank into my worries, Elena-sama returned from her journey from a strange place found by Necro. At first, I was surprised to see her covered in blood and dust with her torn clothes, but she did not give me room to look for answers, Elena-sama pushed me onto the bed and I felt that it would finally happen, Elena-sama would take me and to my surprise, I was not afraid and my body did not resist, but she was too exhausted and ended up falling asleep.

"Nia... I love you ... "

When I tried to move away from Elena-sama, one of her hands grabbed the hem of my skirt and she exclaimed those words with a smile while continuing to sleep. Immense happiness overwhelmed me, and for a moment I had to struggle to contain the desire to bring my face closer to Elena-sama and steal her lips.

Elena-sama, even if it's only in a dream, being loved by you is more than I deserve.

After taking charge of cleaning Elena-sama's body, I reported her return to Armand-sama, and hurriedly retired to my room.

Despite the immense happiness that continued to stir my heart, my body felt dissatisfied that Elena-sama's hands did not reach any further. The caresses I received from her became material to feed my nocturnal imagination, and once again, I was surprised that my supposed fear of being touched was not present.

Lynette Lilstar arrived at Izana and according to Harlan-san, she was a genius craftswoman of magical items.

She was a beautiful human lady with long black hair tied in two pigtails, her face was adorable and her eyes were bright. Her height is not too different from mine, her slim figure is a little more voluminous than mine, but her breasts are more prominent than mine. I felt a bit dejected over the defeat.

However, my sense of defeat quickly turned to jealousy. Even though Elena-sama didn't show it with her actions, her eyes had been fascinated by Lynette Lilstar's charming figure.

As for Lynette Lilstar herself, it was easy for me to see in her eyes she had been totally captivated by Elena-sama, and her insistence on staying in Izana proved it.

Inevitably I compared myself to Miss Lynette, and the result was an overwhelming defeat. I was just an ex-slave, a half-elf, I had nothing to offer Elena-sama. Instead, Miss Lynette was a genius craftswoman and belonged to an important family. It was easy to understand which of us was more worthy of being next to Elena-sama.

Miss Lynette being more useful to Elena-sama than I, I decide stepped aside and settle for just being by Elena-sama´s side as her maid, but Elena-sama would not allow me, that night she asked me to sleep next to her, I simply could not refuse even though I was already determined to step aside.

That night my body trembled most of the time, and my belly contracted countless times. My body yearned to be taken, but once again, Elena-sama just wrapped me in her warm arms and claimed some kisses from my lips, and then fell asleep.

Elena-sama, sometimes you are so cruel...

The next morning, I convinced Elena-sama to wear a dress so she would finish captivating Miss Lynette completely. The result ended up overwhelming even me. I fell even more in love with Elena-sama.

Miss Lynette and Elena-sama had a private conversation inside Elena-sama's private study. It was bitter for my heart to imagine what was happening inside there, and when I saw Miss Lynette's face when she left the room, I felt a little irritated, Elena-sama, how many of your caresses did you give to Miss Lynette? While asking me this mental question, Elena-sama took my hand and led me into the room and then overwhelmed my mind and my heart with her kisses and caresses.

How many moans of pleasure escaped my mouth? Even though I was immensely happy to be touched by Elena-sama, I also felt embarrassed enough to keep my distance from Elena-sama. Ironically, my fear of being touched was reversed and became yearning, my body wanted Elena-sama's caresses, and this caused a different fear in me, I feared that Elena-sama might hate me for being a pervert girl.

Bela-sama, a homunculus created by Elena-sama. A girl who looked as fascinating as Elena-sama herself, and according to Harlan-san, very similar to Elena-sama as a child. Elena-sama as a child must have been so cute and charming as to provoke the jealousy of the spirits, or perhaps them adoration as the maiden of legends, the one whose tragic death provoked the wrath of the spirits and brought the world to the brink of destruction.

If I could have a daughter from Elena-sama, that girl would be as adorable as Bela-sama and as beautiful as Elena-sama. It is a pity that this is impossible as is my love for Elena-sama, that level of happiness would be so great as to make me explode.

During the last few days Bryn had been down, so when I heard that Elena-sama would look for her, I felt that everything would be fine, the mere presence of Elena-sama would help Bryn recover.

Elena-sama returned from Bryn and I could see it in her eyes, she had touched Bryn, and for a second a painful image was generated in my mind, Elena-sama kissing Bryn in the middle of a magic circle.

By questioning Elena-sama about what my mind showed me, she confirmed my suspicions, and I felt extremely upset and hurt.

Although I know that I am not worthy of being anything other than Elena-sama's personal maid, the ritual is something that I selfishly considered special, something that only belonged to her and me.

"Elena-sama, why did you offer Bryn to perform the ritual?"

With an attitude unbecoming of a simple maid, I ask that question feeling angry and full of bitterness.

"Does it bother you I allowed Bryn to perform the ritual?""

"I thought it was something special... "

I surprise myself by being honest about what I am feeling right now. I was supposed to step aside and settle for just being her personal maid, but my feelings for Elena-sama are much more overwhelming than I imagined.

"Nia, come"

Even though I'm supposed to obey, my body is reluctant and anger chokes my throat. I feel so ashamed of my attitude and I end up avoiding Elena-sama's gaze.

This is not correct; I was supposed to settle for just being her maid...

Suddenly my body is enveloped by two warm arms and my nose is saturated with a sweet fragrance that has already become an addiction for me.

"Elena-sama, I... "

I must apologize for my disrespectful attitude, I'm just a simple maid...

My mind is stunned by a surprise kiss. Elena-sama's sweet lips, the taste of her tongue wrapping around mine, and the heat of her body overwhelming my heart.

My lips are released, some words try to emerge from my throat, but once again my breath is stolen by a passionate kiss full of intense moisture that ends up reaching my belly.

"Nia, what is special between us is not the ritual"

Barely releasing my lips, Elena-sama surprises me with those words.

“Since my brother tried to abuse me, I lived my days distancing myself from men and hating them. I sealed my heart and thought all I had was the simple and basic desire to continue living so as not to worry my mother, but that is something that changed when I met you, Nia"

My heart skips a beat. Elena-sama shows me a face I did not know, a face full of pain and bitterness, and yet I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by happiness knowing that I am someone special to her.

“Thanks to you I could feel that I could open my heart, that this world was not so cold. Your warmth made me feel alive once more and led me to wish for more than just stay alive. Nia, I really love you..."

Some tears shine on the edge of Elena-sama's beautiful eyes, her tone of voice fluctuates according to the emotions she is trying to convey to me. Elena-sama doesn't lie, I don't even need to use my elf´s senses to realize it, I can understand her words and gestures because it is about the person I love.

“I love you too, Elena-sama!"

I cannot contain myself, the happiness I feel overwhelms me and leads me to confess my true feelings.

Elena-sama shows me a dazzling smile while a pair of bright tears fall from her eyes.

“Hearing that you love me makes me immensely happy, but I am a bad person, I am a mean woman who aspires to be loved by many beautiful women. Can you forgive me for being unable to be entirely faithful to you? If you cannot forgive me, I will understand perfectly and seal my love for you at bottom of my heart so as not to bother you, and even if you want to leave me, I... "

My body moves instinctively and for the first time, I am the one who steals Elena-sama's lips.

I already knew, there is nothing for which Elena-sama should apologize, you are the person I love, there is no way that I have not seen through you.

Elena-sama is a charming and somewhat perverted woman, her eyes show a glint full of fascination and greed when she sees other beautiful women. This is the person I've fallen in love with. Why would I try to make her change? I love Elena-sama just the way she is; strong, tenacious, beautiful, greedy, and somewhat perverted.

In true love, there is only room for two people, but I don't think so. I love my mother and I love Elena-sama.

Share Elena-sama with other women? Although I can't help but feel jealous, somehow the idea bothers me less than imagining Elena-sama in the arms of a man.

My destiny was to be used by men and women as a mere object of pleasure for the rest of my life. Even if Elena-sama didn't love me and only used my body to satisfy her desires, I would be thrilled.

There is no way that anything can keep me away from Elena-sama, I had already resigned myself to being only her personal maid. What does it matter if I should share her caresses and kisses with other women? I belong to Elena-sama and from her, I can boast of being the one who opened her heart, of having been the first to taste her lips, of having been the first to receive her caresses.

"I am also selfish, Elena-sama. I want to be by your side forever no matter if it is just as your maid!"

"Chrono Collapse "

As soon as Elena-sama uttered those strange words, a magic circle appeared on the floor and then grew in size until it occupied the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room.

"E-Elena-sama? "

The look Elena-sama shows me is like that same look that those men had at the day she bought me. That time I was scared, but this time my belly shudders as a sensation of moisture reach my underwear. Being looked at that way by the person I love makes me immensely happy.

"I have slowed down the flow of time in this room, an hour in here equals only a minute outside."

Make the time go slow? Is something like that even possible? Elena-sama never ceases to amaze me.

"E-Elena-sama w-why did you do something s-so strange? "

Elena-sama's gaze continues to cause my underwear to get wet, if this continues, I'm afraid I could end up urinating in front of Elena-sama.

My worries were stolen by a passionate kiss that drives my belly to the limit of containment. By the time I come back to reality, I am already on Elena-sama's bed.

“E-Elena-sama…? "

I can see it in the brightness of her eyes, Elena-sama wants my body, and I can't deny that I want to give myself to her, but my underwear is a mess, and just imagining Elena-sama discovering this fills me with anguish.

Once again, my worries are stolen, but this time not only my lips are desecrated, Elena-sama's hands move over my body, pushing my clothes away in despair.

"E-Elena-sama…! "

When I come back to reality, I discover that all of my clothes, only my underwear remains over my body, however, I do not have the mental room to worry about it, my eyes widen when I see Elena-sama taking off her own clothes in a hurry.
I cover my face with my hands when I see Elena-sama removing her panties.

My breathing stops when I feel Elena-sama's hands taking my underwear. She would realize my accident! The fear of ending up being hated leads me to resist being stripped of my panties.

“E-Elena-sama, w-what are you trying to do?"

Of course, I understand what Elena-sama wants, but my mind is not working properly. I am immensely happy that she wants me, and my body wants to surrender, but I don't want to be hated by her for doing something as embarrassing as wetting my own panties.

"What am I trying to do? I will make you completely mine. I will use your body as a means to leave my mark right at the bottom of your heart. I will make sure that you can only love me"

My heart leaps and I can feel the amount of moisture growth on my underwear.

"E-Elena-sama, you don't have to do that, I... "

She stole my lips once more.

Elena-sama…! Elena-sama∽ !! For a second my mind stops and my thoughts are saturated with the taste of Elena-sama's lips.

"Ahh... !! Hah… hah… !! "

As my lips are released, a groan of pleasure escapes from my throat. My underwear has already been removed and one of Elena-sama's hands caresses my embarrassing crotch that is undoubtedly soaked.

"E-Elena-sama, these are… uah… hah!!!"

My heart beats fast and my belly shudders as my reasoning fades.

"Nia, I'll make you completely mine"

Elena-sama whispers this in my ear and my body shudders. How many times have I imagined this during the last nights?

"Uah! Hm… hah… ahh∼"

"Nia, you really are beautiful..."

The pleasure escapes from my lips when I feel Elena-sama nibbling on my left ear. The ears are very sensitive for elves, and I am naturally as sensitive as an elf.

"Hmm! Hah…!! Ah!!"

The sensitivity in my ears is so extreme as to overwhelm my mind, I can barely feel my breasts being caressed and my nipples twisted, and by the time Elena-sama releases my ear showing me a malicious smile, I feel something entering my body.

“Elena-sama, that´s is— !! Ghaaah… Ah…! Ahh ∽ !! "

For a second, I felt as if something inside me had broken and for an instant, I felt fear, but this feeling was quickly overwhelmed by a senseless sensation; pain and pleasure.

"Ghaa... !! Hmm… hah… Ah!! Ha…!! "

"Nia is now completely mine"

Elena-sama's fingers have entered my body, and as absurd as it may seem, the pain and pleasure that I experience are mixed with the happiness of giving my virtue to the person I love.

"A-ah! Elena-sama∼ hm… hmm… ghaa!!"

Elena-sama's fingers caress my insides, reaching the deepest point of my belly again and again.

"A-ah...! Hmm… mm… Ah… haa!"

"Nia, your face full of pleasure is so cute!"

Was I supposed to be afraid of this? No, I'm sure if it were someone else, my body would resist being touched in this way, but in Elena-sama's hands, my body wants her caresses, wants her to touch every corner of my skin and claim it as her own.

"Ahh... Elena-sama...! hm... mmm...!!"

A pair of tears of happiness fell from the edge of my eyes. Only Elena-sama could make me feel this way.

"There is nothing to fear, I will take care of everything, just enjoy and make me enjoy showing me the pleasure that I cause you"

Elena-sama's eyes shine like a predator's. My belly contracts pressing on her fingers, and the sensation of pain is gradually overwhelmed by the sensation of pleasure.

"E-Elena-sama this... Ghas!!"

As she continues to slide her fingers inside me, Elena-sama suddenly caresses my clit, and the sensation of pleasure multiplies.

"Uh...! ahh...! hah!!!"

My hips moved to the rhythm of Elena-sama's fingers.

"Nia, you are so beautiful..."

She brings her face closer to me, and my moans of pleasure are interrupted when she sealed my lips, and my mouth is desecrated by her tongue.

"Hmmm…!! Mmm... Uhmm! "

My tongue completely surrenders and submits to Elena-sama's aggressive tongue.

"Nia... mmm... hmm!"

Elena-sama's beautiful eyes shine with desire, she is also enjoying touch me.

"Mm... hmm... Uhmm∼"

I am supposed to be the one to make her feel pleasure, what was taught to me during my training as a slave is the only thing of value that I possess, however, at this moment this has no meaning and I cannot care about it.

My hands move by until meeting Elena-sama's chest.

Her breasts, though no bigger than mine, are exquisite, soft, and radiate irresistible temptation like two priceless divine treasures.


Elena-sama releases my lips and shows me a mocking smile, and although this causes an indescribable sensation of heat in my heart, I cannot remove my hands from her breasts.


Elena-sama's pink nipples harden and my fingers cannot resist the urge to play with it a bit.


A faint scream of pleasure emerges from Elena-sama's throat in response to the actions of my mischievous hands.

"A-ah... uhm... Who would say that you're actually so naughty, Nia...? ahh∼"

"Uah...! Elena-sama∼ haa ahh∼ "

This kind of feeling, this kind of happiness, now I understand everything; the course of my whole life was fated to meet this woman, Elena-sama, my beloved Elena-sama.

The pleasure stops for a moment, and with a bit of disappointment, I watch Elena-sama withdraw her fingers from inside my belly.

My body shudders at the sight of Elena-sama's fingers stained with blood, and my heart contracts once she brings those fingers to her mouth.

"E-Elena-sama, this is…!!!"

My belly contracts, but my mind fills with shame.

"It's Nia's taste∽"

My belly contracts once more and with greater force, and my back trembles as I see Elena-sama lick her fingers and consume the unequivocal proof that my virtue has been taken by her.

"Nia, I've changed my mind, I want to enjoy you too, so don't show me that expression of dissatisfaction"

I can feel my face redden completely from embarrassment. Even though my mind froze for an instant seeing Elena-sama lick her fingers, my previous expression of dissatisfaction remained intact. I cover my face to hide my embarrassment.

When I feel my right leg being lifted, I come back to reality to see Elena-sama sliding her crotch over my left leg. I can feel the moisture emerging from her belly on the skin of my leg, and this causes my hips to shudder.


"It's my first time doing something like this, I just hope it feels as good for both of us as it says in that other world"

I can't understand Elena-sama's confusing answer, but she doesn't give me room to think too much about it either. Elena-sama's crotch reaches my crotch and our clits touch each other. This causes a chill to emerge from my belly and travel up my back to reach my mind.

"Ghaaah∼ !!!"

Elena-sama only makes a small movement, and this is enough for my throat to emit a loud scream of pleasure.

"Ahhh∼ It seems it really works, I felt an electric current shake my spine, so let's enjoy together, Nia∼ "

Without waiting for an answer from me, Elena-sama moves her hips, which causes her clit to rub against mine, and my wetness mixes with hers.

"Ahhh... !! Elena-sama!! Uahhh…! Hah ha!! "

My own hips moved.

"Uah... Nia∽ hah... hmm∼"

Elena-sama moans and her face shows me a new expression, she is experiencing pleasure.

“Elena-sama∽ Uhmm!! Elena-sama…!! ghaaa!!"

The current sensation of pleasure completely surpasses the previous moment, when Elena-sama pushed her fingers inside my belly. See Elena-sama feeling pleasure is too stimulating. My mind goes numb and my throat sings with pleasure.

“Nia∽ Ahaa… hah… uah! Nia!!"

"Ghaa∼ hah... ahh... Elena-sama!! Ahhh!!"

The pleasure takes control of my thoughts and pushes my hands towards Elena-sama's breasts, seeking to once again enjoy their softness.

"Hah! Haa... ahh...!!"

I can feel something build up in my belly in response to the overwhelming pleasure.

"Hah...! Ahh... Elena-sama∽ Ah...!! Something is coming∽!!!"

My belly contracts continuously and my hips continue to move in rhythm with Elena-sama's hips. I can feel it, what has accumulated inside me has finally reached the limit.

"Ah..! I'm on the limit too∼! Aaah... let's come together, Nia∼ hah... haa... Ahh! "

My back shakes and my belly shudders, what has accumulated inside my body tries to escape the overwhelming pleasure, and for an instant fear shakes my body.

"Uah...! I love you, Nia∽ Ahhh!! "

"Haah…!! Elena-sama∽ aaaaahh!!! "

The fear disappears completely and what I was trying to hold escapes from my body as my back arches and my mind goes blank.

With my last thread of sanity, I can see how Elena-sama's hips are bathed by a large amount of liquid that escapes from my belly. However, the pleasure ends up drowning my thoughts and I cannot care about this shameful act.

Elena-sama collapses on top of me, her breasts pounding onto mine and the sweat on her skin mixes with mine.

I can feel the rapid beating of her heart, and my heart tries to adjust to her rhythm.

I hear her heavy breathing and my lips tremble slightly, wanting to taste her breath once more.

Its enchanting aroma reaches my nose, and this causes my mind to go back time for an instant, to my days living in the sanctuary of the Mother Goddess, when I played happily with my mother among the wild lilies that grew behind our bedroom.

Elena-sama's addictive natural fragrance is like the scent of lilies.

"Nia... hmmm∼"

As if listening to my heart's desire, the first thing Elena-sama does after catching her breath is to claim my lips.

"Hmm... Elena-sama∼ uhmmm…"

My body is reluctant to give up Elena-sama´s heat, and my arms move of their own accord to embrace her body.

Elena-sama, I don't know if you have been sent to me by the Mother Goddess, but to me, you are my goddess, my beloved goddess.


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