Elaxi Dice

Chapter 09

She examines the young man who she guesses to be in his mid-twenties. Recalling his story before the duke title bestowed to him before he even had his coming-of-age ceremony, she couldn’t help but relate to him.


She remembers having no choice but to take power early due to her parents' sudden departure. She felt resentful at first but as time passed, she didn't have much resentment towards them. But whenever she harbors thoughts of them she doesn't understand why they would leave their children behind leaving no words behind.


"Now speak. Why were you out so late, outside of your slumber time? And all dressed in black at that."


She couldn’t help but flinch, nodding in response before speaking.


"I... I just wanted to take a breather but seeing... so many guards, I..."


She purses her lips, looking down tearfully.


'You can do this. Just like how you fooled those pathetic fools who want nothing but power and riches, give your utmost pitiful act you can set forth!'


"I wore these clothes, so I won't stand out and disturb you, master. After all, I would never think to cause trouble to the one who saved my life! I... I just wanted to see the beautiful lake once more... once more when you showed me when you freed me from my abusers!"


She rambles, reaching out her hand towards him with pleading eyes but the rope restricts her, having her trip and fall onto the ground straight at her face. She inwardly cringed and couldn't help but inwardly facepalm from embarrassment.


But it was the truth according to Aria's memory so she shouldn’t feel ashamed. Either way, her pride had already set aside once she accepted the mission and the challenge she was going to face, achieving her goal.


Oh, how useful will her ability be in this situation if it weren’t for the restrictions...


Jason stares at her with an unreadable expression. Questions were running through his head, wondering who this person was and what exactly she was talking about. It was true he had saved many back when he was younger. But due to the many obstacles he had to face later on, the faces he genuinely saved were now a blur.


But maybe, just maybe...


He frowns a bit before raising his eyebrows, he gestured to his knight to help the now kneeling woman. He widened his eyes as he noticed her staring at him, her brown eyes giving a luminescent glint before her messy bangs fell back, making him doubt what he saw. 


"...What's your name?"


Arianna brightened at his question. It seems it won't be long before she finally leaves this place or at least warms up to him. She gave a smile filled with relief, speaking loudly with passion.


"Aria, master!"




He mutters her name under his breath, in deep thought.


'Aria. The name does ring a bell...'


He widens his eyes in surprise as he stares at her. She was one of the first victims he found under that evil mastermind he was after when he first came into power. That case stuck to him after seeing many children’s small and unkempt frames with many bruises and scars on their body other than the face, arms, and legs. There was also the evil sect involved that had the elite under the royal family go hunt them personally.


He felt his blood boil at the result of the case. There was no news of the mastermind being captured until now. He felt like a failure having to have the mastermind on the run even after apprehending their accomplices and their left-handed man. Even after torturing them, they couldn’t figure out the mastermind’s identity. He clenched his fists in frustration.


'If only...'


"...Aria, how have you been along with the others?"


Arianna pauses at his question and gives a closed-eyed smile.


"Yes? Yes, we are doing alright. Although some are still getting used to their jobs."


"But it has been several years?"


She smiles sadly. She didn’t have the heart to voice out that they were being discriminated against and they had to grit their teeth to make money without any complaint even if it meant being treated as servants. A few even passed due to overwork and abuse by their supervisors.


Along with him being the one responsible for taking them in, nasty rumors have spread about them. She didn't want him to see the dark side of his people and they treat them just based on baseless rumors. On second thought, maybe she should mention their situation. The issue that made her rethink her decision is that other than saving their lives, he introduced them to many public services and paid for their needs monthly. The downside is that the supervisors are taking most of the money that was given by the Duke to the victims.


"Our bodies are still managing to get used to their current jobs. So, it will take time."


She knows her statement is unclear. In the end, she didn’t speak up for them. Despite this child having to go through a lot with being mistreated and vile rumors going around based on her position and past, she only thought of the benefits she needs to go through the mission faster.


‘How selfish.’


Yes. Adults like me can only think what benefits them the most. Truly selfishness is the greatest cure for humanity. She can’t help but inwardly mock herself. Humans can't be trusted fully yet she’s become similar to them.


Oh, how she despises humans. She pictured that horrible woman who put her hard-earned peaceful life to ruins and took her remaining sister away.


It appears the knight who was standing by his side whispered to his ear about something as she was in thought.


"...So, it seems. Then I will leave you with Marcos. It appears that it needs to be dealt with sooner than scheduled."


He gave a nod in the direction of the knight, giving him permission to walk her out. He gives a slight bow then glances at her and walks ahead. She hurriedly gave a bow towards the Duke who was staring at the moon and was relieved to be able to leave this dark room where only moonlight shone through the glass wall.


Now that she was out, she took advantage of the opportunity to scan the location where she had been taken. It appears to be an ordinary hall, with rich colors of amber, purple, and blue. Slowly losing interest, she turns to the knight, who somehow managed to keep her arm secure while she was distracted. She was dragged somewhere other than the main mansion which she quickly realized they were heading towards the building where the workers reside.


He had a shade of dark skin along with his messy short jet-black hair. His dull blue eyes keep glancing back towards her and then to his destination.


'What a diligent knight...'


She can't help but be reminded of her loyal subjects who stayed behind and were slaughtered at the hands of her youngest and his companions. She pursed her lips, her eyes glowing a luminous warm orange glow before shattering away to a dull brown.




She flinches at his deep cold tone, nodding at his words. She opens her door then closes it and she turns to see him still watching her.


'How terrifying.'


Locking the door, she yawns and changes into her nightgown. She needs a good sleep after what happened to her. Going under her blanket, she cuddles her spare pillow before falling into a deep slumber.


Morning came and the first thing that greeted her waking up was ruckus caused by her roommate, Anna. Seeing her awake, she hurriedly runs to her and shakes her shoulders in anger. Watching her scream and complain had Arianna completely dumbfounded.


"Aria! What have you done?! The duke had called for our presence to the dining room along with other workers. What exactly did you do to grab his attention?!"

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