Eldritch Guidance

Chapter 51 – “The Mechanic”

“Chemical K-11, also known more colloquially as krimson, is a drug that is known to cause mutation within people. The drug is a dark red color similar to blood and is injected directly into the bloodstream. The form of these mutations is entirely random and can range from extreme animalistic features, such as claws, fur, and scales, to mutations that are not obvious to onlookers, such as growing an additional kidney.

“While the mutations are greatly varied, the one mutation people are attracted to are the ones that allow for the manipulation of aether, developing into magical abilities. This type of mutation is uncommon, with rates of only a 10% chance of developing aether manipulation.

“Additional application of K-11 in people that have already used it show no additional changes or effects from the injection.

“People that go through the more extreme mutation, developing a lot of inhuman traits, seem to also develop extremely high disease resistance. It’s theorized that because K-11 scrambles people's genetic makeup, it results in most diseases that evolved to target humans unable to affect a mutant’s changed biology. This also seems to result in most mutants being completely infertile.

“The known method of this drug production is very limited. According to reports, K-11 is produced from a concentrated version of the chemical and is greatly diluted in water. A liter of K-11 concentrate can easily make over a thousand liters of regular K-11. The production method of the concentrate is unknown. The chemical makeup of K-11 is unstable and constantly shifting, making analysis impossible. Researchers today still do not entirely know what it's even made of, or where it’s coming from.

“K-11 concentrate should be handled with extreme caution and treated as explosive material. K-11 concentrate will explode and ignite into intense flames when exposed directly to sunlight. Only once diluted is it no longer explosive.

“Krimson is prohibited in the union states and former Gix Empire, but has not stopped people from utilizing this drug for a variety of socioeconomic and political reasons. Records indicated that this drug's usage within the Western continent dates back at least over two thousand years.

“There exists some minor evidence to suggest that this drug is somehow linked to the Blood Caller cult, but there is no definitive confirmation of it being so.”

—“Report on Krimson” by the USHO (Union States Health Organization)

Scarlett quickly activated her illusion ring as she left John's store. The air around her shimmered slightly before her appearance suddenly changed.

She then followed behind Luke. They walked a few blocks before turning into a nearby alleyway. They looked around to make sure there was no one around.

It was narrow and the building was so tightly packed together that it left most of the alleyway in shadow. Overhead were a few more balconies obstructing even more sunlight from shining down. Besides where they were was a door lock behind a metal gate. The alleyway they stood in was devoid of anybody, but themselves.


Once they were out of public sight, both looked up and down at each other. Luke was the first to speak.

Luke: “Well now that we’re away from Master Li, let’s speak more candidly.”

Scarlett: “Yeah…” she said, still processing what she heard from John.

Luke: “You still seemed shocked, but I get it. I have never seen him not have an answer. However, that might be expected. I heard that divination is becoming even more unreliable lately. If the seers are having a hard time of it, I can imagine it’s the same with Master Li.”

Scarlett: “But… I thought he controlled fate itself.”

Luke: “What dream shrooms have you been consuming to think that?”

Scarlett: “C’mon, don’t tell me that you think all the weird stuff around John is just coincident.”

Luke: “No. But, it doesn't mean he controls fate. It could be that he just has a wider view of reality than people like us. Playing a grand elaborate chess game, and can see a few moves ahead.”

Scarlett: “Sign, I hate it when someone else might be right about John.” admitting that Luke may be right.

Luke: “Thinking about it. I get why someone like you might assume that John can control fate. It’s hard to tell where his influence begins and ends. Like this meeting today. Did Master Li do something to make it so we meet each other today, or is it really just a coincidence?”

Scarlett: “Don’t tell me it’s by chance. How many other patrons of John have you run into?”

Luke: “While visiting John’s place, zero. But, I still am in contact with at least two others, and now you. Which by the way I must ask, was it you who destroyed the Kang building in Port Vaal?”

Scarlett: “Yeah, why? Actually, how do you know that?”

Luke: “My main workshop is in Port Vaal.”

Scarlett: “OK… but that doesn't explain how you know I was involved in that explosion…unless. Oh, fuck me! You're the ‘Mechanic’ I was told about. You work for that bitch Yin.” she said, as she just realized Luke's connection to someone named Yin.

When she was destroying the Kang building in Port Vaal, she was told it was to help someone called the “Mechanic”. Scarlett connected the dots that the name “Mechanic” encapsulates what Luke Vaga is, a mechanical engineer who designs aether vehicles. Combined with the knowledge that he knew that it was her who destroyed that building, she could only conclude that they were the same person, and she knew that person specifically was working under someone named Yin.

Luke: “Correct. I asked Yin if she could do something about the Kang group. They were hindering my company's operation by funding a local gang to harass me, all in an attempt to make their expansion into the Aether vehicle market easier. Although, I didn’t expect half a whole building to be destroyed in the process of that. I was expecting something more subtle. Like underground economic warfare.

Scarlett: “Well bitch to someone else about that. Yin told me to get rid of them and I did. The entire leadership of Kang's financial holding is dead. So, you are welcome.”

Luke: “I guess. That company is basically ruined now, and not coming back after what you did. Eh, I doubt your action could link back to me in any way. I guess I won't worry.”

Scarlett: “Anyways, you ask me a question, now it’s my turn. What are you?”

Luke: “I'm not sure—” he was cut off by Scarlett.

Scarlett: “Don’t play dumb with me. I know you're not human.”

Luke just stared blankly at Scarlett, like he was processing something.

Luke: “Well, you were a former archmage. I shouldn't be surprised that someone like you would notice. But, I thought I did a really good job at hiding it.”

Scarlett: “My question still remains. What are you?”

Luke: “Human.”

Scarlett: “I said not to bullshit with me.”

Luke: “No, I’m very serious. I am human. However, what you are talking to is not me, but an arcane construct that I’m remotely controlling.”

It took a second for Scarlett to realize what Luke was saying. Her eyes widened with comprehension as she began to understand.

Scarlett: “A golem? Oh, I get it. All the little pockets of aether in your body are what animate all the joints.

Golems were arcane machines resembling a humanoid. Animated and powered by aether to replicate human movement. They were mostly created nowadays by students to help learn arcane engineers, or as a status symbol of wealth since they are expensive to make. However, most golems didn’t look as human as the one standing in front of Scarlett.

Luke: “Can you actually detect that? I thought the small aether crystals I used for the joints of this construct wouldn't be detected, and would only make it seem like I had very weak aether."

Scarlett: “Yeah, I’m sure it looks that way to most mages. Besides John, I’m probably the only other person who would notice. It also explains your stiff expressions. There are not as many points of aether in your face for proper movement.”

Luke: “Alas, creating golems that can properly express is truly the most difficult. Human facial expressions are not easily replicated.”

Scarlett: “I’m sure. But have you no decency to show up for John in person,” she said, a little mad.

Luke: “He is an understanding and kind being. He accepts me even though I didn’t come to him like many of his other patrons, and knows that I am a bit predisposed and can’t physically meet with him easily.”

Scarlett: “Also, where are you exactly controlling this golem from?”

Luke: “If you're looking to talk to me in person, you’ll have to come to Port Vaal.”

Scarlett: “What!?!”

Luke: “I did say my main workshop was there.”

Scarlett: “No, not that. How are you controlling a golem from so far away?”

Port Vaal was on the southern part of the Golgatta peninsula. It was at least 300 miles (480 kilometers) away if one could directly fly from Graheel over Gol mountain to Port Vaal. By road, it was closer to 500 miles (800 kilometers).

Scarlett thought that if Luke was remotely controlling a Golem, he would be somewhere within Graheel, she didn’t expect him to be as far away as he was. Controlling a golem remotely from such a distance would be impossible even for her.

Luke: “Well, if you come I can show you how.”

Scarlett: “Ugh, does that mean the workshop you wanted me to come to is also in Port Vaal?”

Luke: “Correct.”

Scarlett: “That’s like a seven or eight-hour drive from here if I’m lucky,” she said, thinking about the traffic she’d have to go through.

Luke: “You could always just ask Yin to use the secret teleportation network she has.”

Scarlett: “I’m not asking Yin for shit! Damn it. If I knew you worked for Yin, I would have never agreed to help you.”

Luke: “The thing I’m working on is all for the cause. I’ve heard that Yin and you don’t particularly like each other, but do you really hate her so much that you would purposely sabotage her and the people around her.”

Scarlett: “No, but I don’t have to like it. And, I reserve my right to complain about it, even if it’s for the cause.”

Luke: “Then just ask her to use the teleportation network.”

Scarlett: “I built that fucking network myself for that bitch. I don’t need permission from her to use it.“

Luke: “You built that teleportation network? Actually, thinking about it, that makes sense.”

Scarlett: “Archmage of enchantments, remember,” she said while pointing to herself. “You didn’t actually think Yin could build that.”

Luke: “Then what's the problem? Can’t you just use the network yourself if you built it?”

Scarlett: “The problem is that the network doesn't connect to Port Vaal.”

Luke: “Oh.” he said flatly.

Scarlett: “There is no teleportation circle in Port Vaal. Those circles have to be hidden and guarded. There was no one in that city to properly guard it at the time when I was building the network.”

Luke: “I guess if you set a circle up in my workshop, I could keep it hidden and guard it.”

Scarlett: “Great, more work. Just what I wanted,” she said sarcastically. “As if I don't have enough on my plate with what’s going on with Cid.”

Luke: “Yeah, that didn’t sound good. John not knowing what is going to happen is a first for me.”

Scarlett: “Me as well.”

Luke: “You know, this cooperation doesn't have to be one way. I can help you with this situation with that Cid person, who I assume is also a patron?”

Scarlett: “Yes he is. And, how would you go about helping me, if John couldn’t.”

Luke: “John didn’t say he couldn’t help. Only that he didn’t know what was going to happen. I’m sure he is doing something behind the scenes to help Cid. In the meantime, you should be taking every opportunity to ensure his safety.”

Scarlet let out a deep sigh.

Scarlett: “That's second time you annoyed me by being right. Fine, is there anything that you can do to help?”

Luke: “Not directly. Unfortunately, it sounds like taking any big action would draw danger to Cid. John said he needed to keep a low profile. So, I can't just supply him with weapons or gear like I normally do. I can however offer contingencies if he needs to flee.”

Scarlett: “What exactly are you offering?”

Luke: “I could supply you with funds if you need it. I have a lot of money incoming from one of my less-than-legal transactions. Or, I could supply you with a device that can be used to temporarily jam communications. If he needs to flee or hide from a group of people, it should help. Lack of proper coordinates makes groups of people significantly less effective.”

Scarlett: “I’m good for cash, and we don't know if it is a group of people we’re dealing with.”

Luke: “But, it’s most likely if the university is involved. I could see the danger coming from the faculty itself. Especially if they know you're involved with Cid.”

Scarlett recalled the ruthlessness of Lazarus. She thought she knew Lazarus well and were friends, but he turned on her so quickly. Taking the side of her treacherous students and trying to dispose of her, even when he probably knew the truth. They would definitely be after Cid once they knew he was connected to her.

Scarlett: “I suppose. Is there anything else you could offer?”

Luke: “Maybe if I know more, I can probably build something to help with it. When you come to my workshop, we can talk about it more and see where I would be most helpful.”

Scarlett: “Fine.” she said, followed by a long sigh. “What did you need me to make anyway.”

Luke: “Pure flame aether crystals. It’s for an invention I’m building for the cause. You and John are probably the only ones that could acquire or make them for me.”

Scarlett: “Those are difficult to make, but shouldn't be impossible for someone as wealthy as you to acquire. “

Luke: “It is, if I don’t want people to know about it. I would have to employ at least several dozen highly skilled enchanters to make the kind of flame aether crystals I need. The more people I have working on this invention, the more likely information about what I’m working on will leak. With the stuff I’m working on, I prefer to work alone. And, if I have to work with someone, I would rather it be you, a fellow patron working on the same cause.”

Scarlett: “It would have been a lot quicker and easier to ask John. It seems like he can acquire anything.”

Luke: “I limit my visits as much as possible and try not to ask for his help. We should be trying to trouble John as little as possible.”

Scarlett: “Why?”

Luke: “We should be doing things by ourselves. We can’t expect John to fix everything.”

Scarlett: “A convenient excuse. I feel like you're just scared of him. It’s why you didn't even bother to show up in person.”

Luke: “I already told you I’m preoccupied.”

Scarlett: “Yeah, and I don’t believe you,” she said dismissively of Luke. “Anyways, do you have quartz and enchanters carving tools at that workshop of yours, or I'm going to have to bring that with me?”

Luke: “I have everything you will need already in my workshop. But in case I'm missing something, please look at this,” he said, as he pulled out a piece of paper.

It was a neatly written list of all the supplies he had at the workshop.

Luke: “That is everything I currently have for creating flame aether crystals. I also wrote the exact specification on how I want those crystals enchanted.”

Scarlett: “Hmm, that’s actually quite complicated,” she said, as she read the details of how Luke wanted the flame crystals made.

Luke: “Is this beyond your ability?”

Scarlett: “I didn’t say that. If you already have all the materials on this list, it should take me about… let's say, two to three weeks to make the quantity you specified in this note.”

Luke's eyes suddenly widen and bulge slightly out of his head, staring intensely at her. Scarlett thought that he was trying to express surprise, but it wasn't working. He just looked a little unsettling and she could now see the stiffness in his face more clearly.

Scarlett: “Stop doing that with your golem’s face. It looks fake and creepy.”

Luke: “My apologies. I’m just surprised that you could do this for me in such a short time. I was expecting it to be at least three months even with your skills,” he said while reverting his face back into that deadpan expression.

Scarlett: “Archmage of enchantments. I think you're really underestimating that title I once had. It wasn't for show.”

Luke: “Clearly. Anyways, if there is nothing else you need for the aether crystals, I'll be taking my leave,” he said, preparing to walk away.

Scarlett: “Are you going to talk to Yin?”

Luke stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to Scarlett.

Luke: “…yes. I need to report to her about our cooperation,” he slightly hesitated to say.

Scarlett: “Don’t tell her about my involvement with whatever that thing you're working on. I can use this to one-up her later.”

Luke: “But I have to tell her.”

Scarlett: “You know, I have ways of making people's lives difficult.”

Luke: “This fighting that’s going on between you and Yin is so tedious.”

Scarlett: “And, I can make it even more tedious for you, so don’t tell her.”

Luke: “Fine… I guess I’ll tell her that I was able to acquire what I needed through John's help. I’m technically not lying,” he said, followed by a long moment of silence. “I’ll see you in Port Vaal then.”

Luke then just quietly walked out of the and left Scarlett alone within the shade of the alleyway. She continued to stand there for a few more minutes, lost in thought.

“Ugh, it's still a seven-hour drive. I guess I could ask ‘him’ to help get me there…nope. I would have to talk to Yin. So forget that. I guess I'm taking a bus to Port Vaal.” Scarlett thought, resigning herself to the long trip to Port Vaal.

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