
Chapter 30


I think about the last place where I was and promptly am there.
Fortunately, the classroom is empty.
In hindsight, this was a little risky, as there is always the chance to get seen by someone who still lingers around.
Well, it might also have been a little risky to leave my best friend alone with a life-leeching demon in an empty world.

While I go to the next bus station to get to that shrine I rather clumsily write my first text to mum where I am going.
Yet after this, I get a crash course in texting, as during the whole drive I have a written discussion with her about if it's a smart idea to go to the exorcists.
In the end, the bus drives there anyway.
Also, it was excessively distracting that I regularly felt how something like a tiny spark inside my chest flared up.
Just when I paid attention but knowing that those two are there...
It's weird.


I end up somewhere in a rather remote place and find a signpost marking a path up a forested mountain.
The Honosuki shrine should be at its end, rather classicly located on the top of a mountain with a large stairway leading there.
I proceed to move upward.
The sun already starts to set and so I hurry since I don't want to worry mum more than necessary.

At least I need to grant these spiritual places that they have a special atmosphere.
Don't know if it is this demon thing or just the general appearance, but the light seems to linger here and colors the mountain in a gold-orange hue.

Is this place bad for me or can I be here without problems?
According to Zika, I should survive almost everything.
That mustn't mean I will find everything pleasant.
Yet until now, it's not like I feel like a vampire taking a sunbath or something similar.

So I walk up this mountain.
It's a very steep path and I don't envy Makoto for having to take this climb every day.
I mean seriously, this is blatant torture!

The only reason why I can put up with this is that I have some demonical powers which make it impossible for me to tire out.
Did Makoto know what he puts me through?
Maybe I really should reconsider our relationship.
How long am I already climbing here?
Five minutes?


Wait a moment!

Ten minutes?
This can't be right.
No matter how high this mountain is, my phone shows me the distance to my destination.
And I am walking a straight line up these stairs.
No matter how steep the path is, I should have reached the top long ago.

How can this be?
Something is definitely wrong here.

I focus a point in front of me and start to run with all I've got, just barely avoiding that my legs transform.
It doesn't work.
Yet during the run, I noticed that something shifted at the farthest border of my vision.
Considering the distance my phone shows I should have been able to see the shrine when I reach the place I focused.
So whatever prevents me from getting to that shrine becomes visible when I strain it.
But this doesn't help me in the slightest.
I mean what kind of shrine prevents people from entering?
This can't be right.

Wait, could it be?
This isn't preventing people.
This is against demons!

This is absolutely unfair!
Is this racism?
I call it racism!


"By every dimension's hell! I want to get through here!" (I)


Maybe it was my agitation, the stress from having to deal with all these demon problems, or the simple fact that I had some very hard days, but there's a sudden eruption.
My agitation burst out in a fast-moving, black-clouded wave.
However, it doesn't leave any residues, so I think it's fine.




Did something just break?
I don't know why, but suddenly I feel more at ease.
Like when someone lets fresh air into a room and you become more lively.
Kinda nice.

So with new vigor, I go forth.
And surprisingly see the end of the stairway.
It was rather hard to get here and I really will have to give Makoto a harsh talk regarding how to treat one's guests.
This is simply no way to treat someone you've invited.

So I proceed to take the last steps up to the shrine.
This is until suddenly a girl in Miko-clothing throws some talismans at me.
Is this some kind of welcoming ritual?
But it's weird how fast they fly and I wonder how someone can throw thin papers in such a straight angle.




The moment these paper planes touch me they burst into flames.
What the heck is wrong with these people?!
I directly pat the glims away.
Don't know if I or whatever my clothes consist of now are fireproof, but I'm not taking chances.


"What is your problem? How can you try to light people up? Do you soak those things in gasoline? Is this some kind of prank?" (I)


Seriously, I don't know how they can do something like this.
Even if this is just some special effects trick, you don't use fire on people!


"It's immune?!" (Miko)


Then a second one shows up.


"I will try something else!" (Miko 2)


Next, the new one takes some needles and throws them at me.
I think I'm freaking losing it!

However, instead of my body, they hit the ground around me and somehow stick there, even if I can't explain how this is possible on the hard stone.
Still, I'm starting to get fed up with this and just want to go up there and give Makoto a good scolding.
For a moment when I move forward, I feel something like a light breeze.
I only notice because the air was completely still here and also the mountain should obstruct any airflow from the other side.


"She broke through the barrier? No. No! I won't let you pass!" (Miko 2)


Honestly, I am pretty sure there are laws that guarantee my right, as a citizen, to access public shrines.
Those Mikos seem to think differently.


"Together!" (Miko 1)


Again the first one pulls those papers out and throws them.
I start to get the idea that those girls are crazy.
I can barely manage to block them with my hands and wave them away.
Nonetheless, there are flames.
There is some heat, but something tells me that I am not in danger and...



"Ouch!" (I)


The second Miko... just hit my head with a frickin staff!!!


"Wh-what? Why isn't it working?" (Miko 2)


I am now slowly getting really angry.
Not enough to give in to the feeling that tells me to release hell on her, which might either pull that girl into my dream or kill her.
Yet I feel enough to snap at her.


"Can you now please stop this? I am getting annoyed." (I)





"It has to work!" (Miko 2)


"Why?" (Miko 2)


"This can't be!" (Miko 2)



I think I'm gonna lose it!
Before she can beat me a sixth time I grab the staff, which looks like a monk's.
One of those with the golden rings dangling inside.


"Enough with this! What the hell is wrong with you two?!" (I)


She tries to rip it away, but I hold tight.
The second one rushes to help and both pull, yet I won't budge.
The situation aside, I think I grew stronger.
Which should be a given regarding my assumed powers.


"This cannot be! Vanish you fiend!" (Miko 1)



I would say something but am rather occupied with the fact that where I touched this thing, suddenly a black flame erupts.
I don't even feel any heat there and after some seconds it stops.


"N-no!" (Miko 2)

"The... the spiritual power! It's gone!" (Miko 1)


What are those psychos talking about?


"Okay, I don't know what is wrong with you two, but I am late and like this want now that you two let me through here!" (I)


Both of them stare at me with teary eyes full of dread.


"So excuse me, but I am now passing by. I am expected!" (I)


Those two might be one or two years older than me, but apparently, they are mentally only children.
So I will tell any family members that they shall scold them.
Probably Makoto.

Since I have no nerve to deal with mad folk I just squeeze myself past them and walk onward.
I never was at Makoto's home before and at least I have to admit that it's quite a sight.
I think I should ask in the main building for the direction, so I can find him and...

Sigh! Yes, I know!

I know it's already over and I am straining the limits in which I can pretend as if nothing happened and everything is fine.
Whatever I emitted before allowed me to enter, but also brought those two on the line.
And they should for safe know now that I am not normal.
If nothing else, I cannot explain this black flame.
Or the waves of quaking black aura I agitated emitted while I dealt with them.

I don't know why they try to defend the shrine with candle fires and needles when they have to deal with demons, but I also have no intention to ask.
The staff wasn't nice.
It didn't really hurt and I doubt that I will get a bruise with my invulnerable body, however, you simply don't hit people.
Like this, I don't want to interact with them anymore and keep going to the main building.




Or I would, if I hadn't suddenly two Mikos clutching themselves with all they have at my legs.


"Seriously?!" (I)

"We won't let you enter!" (Miko 1)

"You can't!" (Miko 2)


This is getting now too ridiculous!
I try to wriggle myself out of their grasp, but even if I can loosen the grip of one, the other one just clamps even harder.
Is this how Mikos should act?
I try to scramble away, but can't.
All I manage is to drag them a little bit on the ground.
And this really doesn't help my agitation.


"Goddamnit! Stop this! I came here with an invitation. So just set me free!" (I)


Now their faces are a mix of terror, confusion, and disbelieve.


"You can't go!" (Miko 1)

"We'll defend this place! Even with our lives!" (Miko 2)


I am honestly speechless.
They are annoying, but it's not like I ever threatened them.
Okay, my body had this little inner impulse to deal with them, but it's not as if I was actually going to give in.
At this moment, a figure comes out of one of the side buildings.
The clothes look traditional for religious folk and I see a sword in one hand.


"Makoto!?" (I)

"I-Iori? What..." (M)

"You invited me, remember? Do I need to know why you are carrying a sword? Wasn't there a law against this?" (I)

"What? Mizuko, Kohuka! What are you doing there?" (M)


If I interpreted it correctly, the one on my left leg is Mizuko (pink smoke) and on my right leg then hangs Kohuka (light blue).


Now I just need to know the connection.


"Brother!" (Mi)


That was easy.


"If those two are your sisters you seriously are owing me an explanation!" (I)

"I would like to know myself. There was an alarm. What are you two doing there?" (M)

"Brother! You need to run away! Alarm the others! I don't know how much longer we can hold this demon!" (K)


Something goes seriously wrong here.


"Demon? This is my childhood friend! Would you please stop this?" (M)

"No, this is certainly a demon! She destroyed the ancient barrier!" (K)


Can they sue me for this?
Apart from that, Makoto's look is something between confused and distressed.


"You wanted to talk to me, so here I am! And honestly, I didn't expect this kind of welcome when I traveled here." (I)

"Uhh, maybe we should go inside. You two, let her go. We talk in the side building." (M)


They don't directly comply, but their grasp weakens.
Enough of a chance for me to break out.


"You really should have told me that your family consists of maniacs!" (I)

"L-let us just go in!" (M)


He leads the way and I follow.
Looks like a long talk awaits me.




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