
Chapter 32


Feeling a little bit left out, I decide to follow those who are now gathering in the courtyard.
Half of them I already know and the others give me strange looks, yet I hear steady chanting from the main shrine.
Is this how barriers are created?

Ignoring the hostile glares I am partly stunned how I could get into this situation.
I should have turned around and left the moment I realized something was wrong with the stairway.
However, I felt totally mocked by this space bending trick.
When you get challenged like this it's really hard to stop and let go.
And so I wanted to climb it all the way up.
Who could have known that one shout would be enough to break something important?

So I didn't and now I am here with a clan of exorcists who seemingly are preparing themselves for taking their last stand.
Not that I feel great sympathy for folk which throws me into hell, but I wouldn't want to let Makoto end up getting killed by demons.
But what I now see looks impressive.

The sun is almost set, coloring everything in fading twilight.
But there is still enough light to see that it's gone.
Or to say it more clearly, the bit of light is swallowed on one side by a huge black cloud, which visibly throws against something that I assume is the barrier and creates a black dome around us.
This stuff resembles the demon smoke I've seen with Zika.
But this much is concerning.
What kind of apex creature can create this?


"Wh-what is this?" (monk)

"How shall we defeat this?" (monk)

"Where are Naokiji and Haruna?" (elder)

"On a mission!" (monk)

"Damned, why now of all times?" (elder)


Wait, those names.
Weren't those...
Those might be Makoto's parents.
At least I believe that someone named Haruna once visited school looking for him.
It was a hard day back then so I didn't pay very much attention.
Now I've got rather interested if they could really make a difference.

The atmosphere in the courtyard is definitely threatening and I watch out for Makoto.
I have no idea how bad it will get, but in the worst case, I am ready to pull him in and teleport far away from here.
Might cause a trauma, but death is not much better.
The smoke becomes even darker and one can literally feel the pressure.




If I perceive this right, whatever barrier they've got back up there starts to crumble.


"You, tell the others to stop the chant and come! We will need every man here!" (elder)


Maybe a smart move, as I can just see them buying some time by maintaining this barrier.
And not even very much.




Suddenly a pulse runs through the smoke, spreading it further.
It becomes denser on the ground at its center.
Whatever drew close, it's there.
And it's definitely nothing one should underestimate.





Another pulse.
And this one strained the barrier even more.
It won't hold much longer.




This was an overestimation as suddenly the smoke's center breaks through and a wave of blackness floats at us.


"Barriers!" (elder)


I see several monks take some needles out, which as I now see have each a talisman wrapped around them.
They throw them in front of us and I believe to see some light emanating from them.
The wave of blackness gets obstructed, yet like an endless stream simply flows further around and encompasses everything else.


"So much miasma! What is this?" (monk)


I step a little closer to Makoto, just in case.
The little needle wall does its job, but the smoke around us comes closer.


"There you are!" (?)


A dark voice reverberates through our surroundings and some of the less steadfast monks start to tremble.


"You can't stop me!" (?)


Sounds female, yet the gender doesn't matter this much if someone wants to kill you, is my idea on the topic.


"I am already here!" (?)


Also, it's rather deep, guttural, and intimidating.


"Here with youuuuu!" (?)


Okay, now I get goosebumps as well.
Or a demonical shiver of things which want to rush out, devouring everything in the vicinity.


I'm coming!" (?)


At this moment, where the little provisional barrier stood, the same is suddenly gone.
Vanished in another gust of smoke.


"I've made it!" (?)


The very same squall of darkness rushes at us with threatening speed.


"Prepare yourself!" (elder)


My instinct says that I don't have to.
Nonetheless, I put my arms in front of my eyes when the wave comes close.
Naturally, I can't see well like this, but surely feel the forceful wind blowing around me.
I don't think it rushes with deadly power, but at least an intensity like in a storm.
The blowing stops abruptly and while I stand rather surprised I promptly notice that something clings to my waist.
I look down and spot long, ink-black, dirty, wet hair and a pair of ghastly pale arms.
Before I can gather myself and react an excited girl's voice sounds from there.


"Found you, mum!" (?)




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