
Chapter 42


It is severe!


"Hi, sweety!" (S)


In front of me stands mum, showing me her motherly smile, giving me a hearty welcome.
The only problem?
Her aura totally consists of pure black smoke.
Aside from that, I can't see any difference with mum, but who knows if there is something, even if she looks fine.


"H-hey mum, how was your day? Everything alright?" (I)


It can't be wrong to ask nicely.


"Didn't you look at your phone? I texted you." (S)

"Oh sorry, I was a little distracted." (I)

"My! Something serious?" (S)

"Uhh, no. But what was it that you texted me about?" (I)

"You better look yourself." (S)


At this, her smile intensifies.
Then why do I feel so uncomfortable?
I take my phone, switch it on...
And see that I've missed thirty messages.
All from mum!

My expression becomes a little restless when I start to scroll down.
The contents are all about the same topic and follow a predictable pattern.
It starts with "Where is Kuri?".
Then the contents switch to stuff like "Iori, strange things happen, do you know something?", for around five texts.
After those, it continues with, "Why the heck is Kuri here?!", for ten messages, followed by "I start to feel strange", for five more.
The last ten are clearly agitated, asking me why I still won't reply.
And the very person in question still smiles at me.


"Did you read everything, sweety?" (S)

"Gulp!" (I)

"I take that as a "yes". So would be so kind to tell me why Kuri was the whole day practically glued to me?" (S)

"Is she alright?" (I)

"She's grounded, in your room." (S)


Mum can be terrifying at times.
At least, I totally believe that she's the one person who can ground a walking calamity capable of destroying the town.


"Ehm, maybe I was a little worried to leave you out there on your own. You know, with all the ghosts and such." (I)

"And so you decided to put her in my shadow?!" (S)

"We had a short talk and she got fired up, while I had to go to school." (I)

"And like this, thinking it would be fine, you left her there without saying a word." (C)

"Can you hold it against me? My exchanges with ghosts and demons aren't the best. I am really worried something might happen to you, or worse, because of me! I was attacked on the first day by a stray ghost that tried to eat me!" (I)

"The few I've seen didn't look so bad." (S)

"You can see ghosts!?" (I)

"I wrote to you that strange stuff started to happen." (S)

"I'm so sorry, mum. I was just so distracted. Stuff happened and I had some... issues." (I)

"Issues? What kind of issues." (S)


Oh, that was a mistake.


"It's a little complicated and problematic and... and I really had no idea something was wrong with you!" (I)

"Iori, you said you would tell me everything that concerns you!" (S)

"Everything?" (I)

"Yes, everything!" (S)


Then first this!
Let's see how it develops!


"I, I cannot sleep!" (I)

"What!?" (S)

"I mean when I try I get just teleported away like we did last time. I don't sleep anymore and have somehow to get through the nights. Oh, but I don't grow tired, so it's not really a health issue." (I)


Still, it's worrisome and exhausting, and I wouldn't know how mum could help me with this.


"Oh, my poor girl. That must be hard." (S)

"It's a little difficult to occupy myself. Zika suggested a solution. But it would be a little risky." (I)

"Risky?" (S)

"She said I could meditate, but then I wouldn't be able to wake up on my own." (I)

"And this would differ from your usual mornings?" (S)

"This is no laughing matter! I might never wake up again if there is no one to help me!" (I)

"Okay, I understand, but do you really think I would let that happen? And you could ask Kuri. She's very sophisticated in fulfilling her tasks. Sigh!" (S)

"Was it this bad?" (I)

"No, not directly bad. Taking aside that I couldn't make her leave she was a treasure." (S)

"G-good to know." (I)

"That leaves the question of what is wrong with my vision." (S)

"What even happened? You're... Uh, you look different." (I)

"Oh you want to know how my day was?" (S)


The way she says it, I would rather decline.


"Well, then I will tell you!" (S)






- Satomi's POV -


My little girl is gone to school.


"Sigh!" (S)


I have still no idea how to behave in front of her.
For now, I should maybe look for my new girl.
Or grandchild?

I honestly feel too young to consider myself a grandma.
Just in my early thirties and already have someone who calls my fourteen-years old daughter "mum".

However, I can't find her at the moment.
Not like she would be good at hiding with all the smoke that comes from her.
Or especially because of that.
I really hope that stuff is no problem.

But if she's not here she could be anywhere.
Iori said she had a private world.
So maybe she's there?

This all is so confusing.
But I don't think I have to worry about her.
Iori also told me that she's strong.
No idea in which way, but my knowledge about demons is limited.
She doesn't look like she could harm a fly.
Well, there is nothing I can do about this now.
I have to go to work.

At least I will send Iori now a message that I can't find Kuri.
If she doesn't answer, then Kuri is probably with her.
It might be just a part-time job in an office and is not even well-paid, but I can't stay the whole day at home.
So let's get going.


Maybe I should have made my driver's license, but it seems like a waste for me.
I' don't have to travel to many places and the way to work is fine with public transportation.
At least I don't need to pay attention to anything and have time to think.

What happened to Iori was a bit much to take in, but today she looked fine.
Also, she's healthy and her friend accompanied her, so they're still friends.
This is everything a mother could wish for, right?
And now I have another girl.
It was a little off-putting when she was introduced to me as a demon, but she wasn't the slightest bit like this Zika.


"Hah. I guess it could be nice to have a new family member. And she's a real sweetheart." (S)




Was there something?
Maybe that came from one of the other people on this train?
No idea.

My workplace is not very far from the station, so I wouldn't even know where I would get attacked as Iori said.
Everything is the same as usual.
I go inside the building, take my place and start going through the documents I have on my table.


"Hi, Satomi! Early as always!"

"Hello Marika!" (S)


Marika is one of my colleagues.
We started around the same time and I get along with her quite well.


"So you finally made it here! Do you know that your work from yesterday and the day before was a huge mess?"


Who I don't get along with is my senior, Asano.
She's quite difficult to endure at times.
Especially in these.


"I'm sorry. I have some worries concerning my daughter. I was maybe a little bit distracted." (S)

"Separate work and private life! You already work less than all the others here, so you can show some effort." (A)


I work less because I am only a part-timer and that goes down in my pay-check.
Honestly, that I am troubled should be fine.
It's not like I'm a machine!

But I just nod, so that I can end this discussion.
Asano turns around and promptly stumbles over a chair.


"Ughh, who put this thing here!?" (A)

"Wasn't it the whole time there? You came from that direction." (M)


Asano just grumbles and turns away.


"You have problems with your daughter? Is it puberty? She's already fourteen, right?" (M)

"I wouldn't call it problems. She can't really be held responsible for it. It's just that she is so... burdened and I don't know how to support her." (S)

"I think it's enough if you're there for her. You're a great mother. Simply that you think this much about her is proof enough." (M)

"Thank you. Nice to hear. But we better get started or Asano comes back." (S)

"Oh, you're right. Who would want this?" (M)


I start working, but the morning fatigue takes its toll.
In addition, I don't sleep that well at the moment.
With all my worries I can barely calm down at night and have trouble finding sleep.
This last adventure in this nightmare world didn't help either.
That said, it gets better.
I see that Iori is fine and so I start to cope better with everything.

Still, a coffee would be great now.
But first I have to actually do some work.
I get started and work my way through the documents.
Yet suddenly I notice a smell.
I look to the side.

Did Marika bring the cup?
Or someone else from the staff?
Maybe I should ask her later to give my thanks.
At least, it really helps.
But after some time I again grow tired.
It honestly starts to become difficult to keep my eyes open.


"Satomi, are you fine? You're a little pale." (M)

"Don't know. Maybe too little sleep." (S)

"Shall I take a bit of your load? You really don't look well." (M)

"Oh no, this is my part. I would never burden you." (S)

"If you say so. But tell me if you change your mind." (M)


Marika is too good for this world.
I try to continue, but my performance worsens.
After a while, I think I grow sick.
My vision shifts and I start to see colors around my coworkers.

Wait, colors?
Didn't Iori say something about this?
I better send her a message to ask what happens here.
She should be in class right now, so a call is not possible.
However, she doesn't answer.
Neither to my following texts.


My condition worsens.
Something definitely doesn't feel right.
I feel sick! A virus?
That could be.
Stress weakens the immune system, right?

I should maybe take the rest of the day off.
And those shifts in my vision only get worse.
I can barely keep myself on my legs anymore.

Suddenly I feel a sudden surge of energy.
I mean at least it's not as hard to keep myself upright anymore.
On the other side, I feel much worse for the rest.
I grow nauseous.
I... I think I'm going to puke!
Fast! To the toilet!




I can barely contain it and throw up into the sink.
With this, I feel a little better.
But something isn't right.
I mean, I had coffee.
And coffee is black.
But not like this!
This stuff is somehow different, much denser, and deeper in color.
And... did it just move!?

It looks like...
I wash fast the remains away and run into the toilet cabin, locking the door.


This looks like what comes out of Kuri!
I've just now noticed, but I guess I saw a bit of that black smoke that always surrounds her.


"Kuri, are you there?" (S)


I don't see anything.


"I'm not angry, but I will if you don't show yourself now." (S)


Promptly below me, there's a shift in my shadow.
Was my shadow the whole time this black?
A face forms in the center.


"So you were really here, Kuri?" (S)

"I'm sorry." (K)


Just a third of her sticks out, making this discussion difficult.


"Are you responsible for my sickness?" (S)

"It should be better now!" (K)


While my condition really improves, this is absolutely worrying.
Not to speak of how I shall explain this little demon child.


"Okay, get out there now!" (S)

"I can't do this." (K)




"Why? I want that you leave my shadow. Now!" (S)

"Mum is worried. And I am too! I must protect you!" (K)

"Protect me? Protect me from what?" (S)

"Everything! Nothing can happen to you!" (K)


The problem is, I believe her to follow up on this.
If I might get in a car accident it will be more like "poor car".
She has this determination in her black voids for eyes.
Also, there is this seriousness in her voice that tells me she won't get out.
Still, it's rather unsettling, so I try to grab her and pull her out.
After all, this is a rather extreme variant of intruding into my privacy.
But at the point where I touch her, she turns into smoke at contact and fast delves back down.


"Kuri!? Kuri!!!" (S)


I don't really have any idea what I shall do.
She's in there, in my shadow, and it's not like I can get a hold of her.
And this darkness in my shadow seems not to be affected by light.

What is left is that I can message Iori to do something.
Kuri listens to her.
But there's still no answer from her.
I have no real choice and leave the cabin.
But out there stands Asano.


"What are you screaming here like a mad person?!" (A)


Before it was rather vague, but now I can clearly see that there is dark-green smoke around her.
For sure I have to relate to Kuri's doings for that.


"I don't feel so well. That's all." (S)

"You are wasting working time! Get back or I will report your negligence!" (A)


Is that really the way you treat someone who has apparent health issues?
She passes by me and then suddenly trips.


"Waah, you little... How dare you?!" (A)

"I stand here. How can you blame me?" (S)

"Grmph!" (A)


However, the truth is, I am rather sure it was a shadow that got in the way of her foot.
Yet blaming my shadow now would look a little weird.


"Satomi, are you alright? You suddenly ran off! Maybe you should really go home now." (M)

"It, it should get better now." (S)


Marika has a rather friendly yellow around her, along with a hint of orange.
It's a little bit distracting to see all these colors.
On the other hand, Iori does always see this, so I shouldn't complain so much.
I could experience how she feels about this.
With time my energy really recovers, even if I had frequently to run back to the toilet.
Whatever Kuri did, it turned my stomach into a mess.

After a while, it settled down.
Even if Kuri persistently refuses to get out.
Sometimes she would answer, but always something along the line that she can't get out and that it's important that she stays in there.
Not a chance at this front.
And this while Iori still won't answer.

Oh, one reply came.
That she would stay longer at school!

I am really not doing great today.
But can anyone hold it against me?
One can!

Two if you count Asano, but more important is my boss.


"Nomia! Why is the Takano contract still not on my table?"


Yet all I can think about, is that this dark-brown looks unflattering for him.


"I'm sorry Mr. Daikora." (S)

"Satomi looks really ill today. She needs some rest." (M)

"I don't want to hear excuses! I want results! Fast or this will have consequences!" (D)

"Yes, sir." (S)


I grit my teeth.


"Loud! And look me in the eyes!" (D)

"Yes, sir!" (S)


 This is hard, but more concerning is the blanc expression he suddenly got.


"O-okay, then please bring them later. I'll wait." (D)


What the heck was that!?
Things are really weird today!
But even with this I'm feeling better now and can actually get some work done and even manage to bring that damned contract.
A bath this evening will be great.
That is if Kuri is back out at that time!

While it's nice to always have a coffee if I just think a moment about it and all the papers I am looking for magically arrange themselves the moment I don't focus the place in front of me, it's still unsettling to know that someone is there.
Another point would be that I don't grow hungry.
I have my bento, but no appetite.

Which is very unusual for me.
Especially considering that my stomach should be empty by now, as frequently I had to puke.
Yet that I don't feel bad is not bad in itself, so maybe I should stay calm.
If Iori would just react to one of my messages!!!

The good at working part-time is that I can leave soon.
So I can after this weird day get on my way home.
I had enough strange occurrences for today.
Still, there are everywhere these people with the smoke around me.
I should better ignore it and just get home.

While I wait at the station for the train, I notice this one person in front of me who is so close to the border that I fear he might either fall by accident or plans to jump.
Worried I stand up to make sure he's fine.

"Ehm, grandma..." (K)

"Excuse me, sir? Are you alright?" (S)


He slowly turns around.


"Ehhk!" (S)


And I look at an extremely disfigured zombie-face.
He slowly steps to me.


"S-sir?" (S)


Is something wrong here?
What is with that man?


"Graaahh!" (ghost)


Does he want to eat me?
Can a mouth possibly open this wide!?
This can't be a human!


"Not grandma!" (K)


At once, darks tendrils shoot out of my shadow.
Some spike him, but most wind around his figure.
Soon he's wrapped up.
Then my shadow expands towards him and he sinks into it.


"Wha-wha-wha..." (S)

"That was a ghost, grandma! But don't worry, I'm here!" (K)


This was certainly unsettling.
I should try to calm down.


"You must be careful! There are many more and they react to you! You have mum's scent on you!" (K)


I, I guess this is how she protects me.
But now the train comes.
In there it should be safe.


Or not!

How comes that half the sitting places are occupied by ghosts?
I would like to sit, but not next to these monsters.
There are almost no other people, but in this situation, I can only keep standing.
Far away from the monsters, that is.
At this Kuri emerges from my shadow and whips to the side.
A gust of blackness that just affects the ghosts completely frees one cabin.


"Now it's free, grandma!" (K)


She blew everyone out here.
Yet it's hard to scold this innocently smiling girl.
After this, I really need to sit down and so I do.
And suddenly Kuri sits next to me.
The normal humans all haven't noticed anything.


"Now you separate?" (S)

"I didn't, I'm still connected." (K)


She points down and I see that her foot still reaches into my shadow, strangely elongated.


"And how do you plan to do this? Do you intend to always to stay like this and be my bodyguard?" (S)

"Not at home, but when you're out! I must be with you! This is important!" (K)


Sigh! I really have no idea how to reply.
She means well, but it sounds tedious.
On the other hand, it might be an issue to send her to school.
But it feels wrong to keep this up.
Really straining!

Yet she seems to be tired and lays her head against my side.
How could I abandon her?
This sweet child.


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