
Chapter 9


I am rather uneasy about my looks and quite sure that I with no word agreed to do this.
On the other side, would every little bit of information from her side help.
So I wouldn't want to withhold anything.
Also, it might help my mentality to have a "person", as strained that definition might apply to her, who is informed about me and who I can act true to.


"What do we do if someone comes?" (I)

"No one will come. It's safe." (Z)

"A-alright then. But I'm really stressed about these looks, so please stay polite." (I)

"I'm a charmer, blending in. This is my nature." (Z)

"O-okay. I'll do it." (I)


I decide to detach all the blends I've put on me.
It is not that looking human was terrible straining.
But far at the edge of my mind, there was always this little urge to turn me back when I would let go there.

This shifting is a whole-body sensation.
Maybe I notice some of this black smoke but I am more distracted by the fact that hands turn into claws, the beast paws form so that I grow a little taller, and the horns sprout with a slight itch.
And naturally, the tail feels just wrong when it elongates.
Fortunately, I have no way to look into my eyes.
And no, that was no call that demands to get answered, eyes.


"And?" (I)


She stares rather hard.


"Huh, you've got the full course program, right?" (Z)

"Wasn't pretty over there." (I)

"Understandable, I already knew that there was a certain degree of corruption to expect. Yet this severe... Purely looking at your form of existence, we are rather out of any relation to humans. However, regarding your mentality, this is still as good as it could be." (Z)

"What is good about this?" (I)

"You've still got a basic humanoid shape. Considering all these critters you consist of you could as well have ended up as a wriggling mass of tentacles that covers a galaxy-wide range. So, I would say this is the preferable alternative for you." (Z)


I look at my body and am really troubled to find anything positive.


"No idea how I shall make do with this." (I)

"The main problem will be the signals you're emitting. No sane existence would approach you, yet the greater ones are another question. Hopefully, they ignore it. You should just lie as low as possible." (Z)

"Alright, alright. Now let me turn back. Don't even want to imagine what happens if someone comes." (I)


As hard as possible I try to think about my wanted looks and begin to feel the corresponding shifting around my body.
Zika starts to change as well, yet she says.


"I already told you, no one is going to come!" (Z)

"How do you know that? Some kind of magic? I am ready to believe in such stuff!" (I)

"While it would be possible to restrict access by creating a barrier, I haven't done such a thing." (Z)

"How do you know then?" (I)

"Simple. Class started half an hour ago when you were traveling the planes. No diligent student would be out at this time. So the floors are free." (Z)

"WHAT!!?" (I)


I think I panicked a little too much and lost control for a moment.


"No reason to sprout tentacles all-around your body!" (Z)


With all the speed I can muster I charge back to the classroom, after hurriedly quelling the inhuman features.
And well, I also had to quell all the tentacles that grew out of me.
Zika helped me a little to get them to retract.
I really hope I've got them all.

In front of the door naturally I grow uneasy, feeling bad to enter now like this.
As quiet as possible I press the door open and try to get to my place in the stealthiest way I can manage.


"Miss Nomia. How courteous of you to grant us the honor of your presence. We are talking after the lesson." (teacher)


Oh, great!
As if things would go my way.
The rest of class goes by without issues.
A bit later, I notice Zika suddenly being at her place without having an idea how she managed to get there.
Yet she might be more experienced than me.

By the way.
In an awkward motion, I try to conceal the eye which plopped up in her direction.
I guess they kind of instinctively react to noteworthy changes around me.

Finally class ends.
I have to wait for a bit to take my scolding from Mr. Reko and supposedly receiving some kind of punishment.
Like having to write an apology letter.

So I'm going.


"Iori. Despite your lack of participation in class you aren't one to skip like this. Any reasons?" (R)

"I am really sorry. Something came up and... I'm really sorry." (I)

"Sigh! What happened?" (R)

"I... I'm sorry." (I)


As if I could say that I had to clear something up with a demon.


"Under those circumstances, I can't do much for you. It seems I have to note it in your record and you will have to write an essay why..." (R)


Suddenly Zika or Karin as her ID reads prompts up.


"That won't be necessary! After all, nothing happened! So there is nothing she has to report! Absolutely nothing, right?" (Z)

"Yes, sure. You should leave now or you will come late." (R)

"Absolutely! We will directly get on our way." (Z)


Like this she a little pulling my arm is making both of us leave.
Out there I directly start.


"What was that?!" (I)

"He is a human. And not even trained. It's a rather simple exercise to influence his mind." (Z)

"You can control people?!" (I)

"The difficulty rises with the depth. Making him a puppet would be possible but simply not worth it. Also, I wouldn't be able to feed well on him with a shattered mind. So I tend to subtle little manipulation or what did you think how I've got admitted to this school? It's not like there's an organization distributing school IDs to supernatural beings." (Z)


Giving it some thought this comes rather clear.
She surely has no normal family background and is apparently centuries old.
Not school age.


"I didn't know this is possible." (I)

"Just had to convince the director and then the teachers that I am an exchange student and no one would ask questions. Also, I utilize a little trick that makes him ignore me during class. But you would wonder what is possible. Should really look into it. Maybe online or some books. There is always something to find. You would wonder how much there is accurate. Might at least help you with forming ideas for your questions. The great ones know you need education." (Z)

"Great ones?" (I)

"There's no time right now to explain to you the whole scale of structures of high lords on the way to class. For now, just make sure that you don't create waves. That might pique their interest. And believe me, you don't want them interested in you. However, at least one probably is already." (Z)

"H-how do you come to this?" (I)

"Even if these critters weren't hostile, it is strange that you could stay stable until you've reached the critical mass. You should have collapsed long before that happened. This tells me that you have either an unbelievable stable mind, which I doubt, or that someone intervened. Influencing the outcome to their liking." (Z)

"Wh-why should this person do something like that?" (I)

"Why do they do anything at all? The great ones aren't to understand with your common sense and their ways are whimsical at best. My best guess would be that this one was as old as time and bored. Then you give a good show while he watches and at the right moment decides to meddle a little bit in this affair. This is all there is to this. Don't look for reason or logic. Cause you will just be disappointed." (Z)

"This, this sounds unsettling." (I)

"Because of this humans shouldn't know. But as you aren't one and surely not as subjected as they are anymore to the endless drifts of the expanse, you should." (Z)

"Thank you for telling. Ehm, one last question. If some black liquid comes out of me, is it fine to just flush it away?" (I)

"What!!?" (Z)


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