Elegy for a Star

Chapter 145 – Warmth

Hello, everyone! I'm going to be dropping EfaS. I love it, but it hasn't gotten the traction that I needed it to get. I'd finish it off for the sake of posterity if it was close to an ending, but it unfortunately isn't. Instead, I'll use the time to focus on other projects that may perform better. I'll leave the current Patreon chapters (up to ch. 174) on Patreon for subscribers, but eventually all content will be removed from both sites. Thanks to everyone that gave it a read. You're amazing!


The anxiety about kissing hadn’t faded even thirty minutes later. Joyona could hardly keep up with the conversations that Mairaela was sharing with others. She was such a social butterfly where Joyona was not. That meant they were good together, right? Opposites attract, or something like that? That was never true where she’d seen it. Most of the couples she met at the Cairn, or even here, seemed to have a lot in common. All that she had in common with Mairaela was that they were in the same squad. Well, and that they didn’t want to dance, so maybe they shared other things that Joyona didn’t know yet. She hoped that was the case.

They’d finished talking to Esma. Well, Mairaela had finished, so Joyona followed her around like a humongous puppy. Somewhere along the way, Mairaela had also spoken to someone named Ellywick too, who was dressed in casual attire explaining how she’d forgotten about the ball entirely.

Eventually, however, Mairaela and Joyona ran into Sergeant Fao. Standing next to her was a woman that Joyona had seen before. That fire witch with the red, fiery hair and a scarlet dress. She was short. Shorter than Tess, even. Joyona always felt uncomfortable around especially short acquaintances. She felt like it made her size all the more prominent. Everyone must be looking at her. Joyona recalled Sergeant Fao. She was the Sergeant-on-Duty that escorted them to the Captain after they’d returned from the latest Void excursion. She seemed like such a serious person.

Fao was dressed in a white suit with a flowery flair of the Summer Court. It was as though someone mashed together Gwendolyn and Mairaela’s outfits into one. The Sergeant looked exceptionally put together and suave. She wasn’t Joyona’s type—then again, who was her type, except Mairaela—but even the giantess couldn’t deny Fao’s striking allure.

Her date’s dress was a beautiful one, but the woman herself did not seem to wear it well. It wasn’t that she couldn’t, but that she seemed very uncomfortable in it. She tugged at the shoulders, shifted the bodice, and apparently had already kicked off her shoes, wherever they were.

She was pretty, though. A cute face, green eyes to contrast the red hair. Her face contorted into all kinds of goofy expressions. It was endearing, seeing such an uncourtly person in such a courtly dress within this very courtly place.

“Hello, you two,” Fao said in greeting, giving a small bow. So chivalrous; She would’ve gotten along with Gwendolyn, some weeks ago. “This is my partner, Aziza,” Fao said, gesturing to the fiery girl.

Mairaela reached out to shake Aziza's hand, but the fiery woman shook her head, "Might burn you."

Mairaela chuckled and waved it off, "Name's Mairaela. Nice to meet you, Aziza."

Aziza’s hair dimmed a moment as she looked the two of them over, “I saw you at the food table. What do they got over there?” It was an interesting first introduction. Joyona had never seen one like it.

“Um,” Joyona started, though she immediately regretted it when everyone looked at her for the answer, waiting for her to finish her thought. “Well, a nice lady grew some salad off her body,” Joyona replied.

Mairaela snickered, but Aziza looked disgusted as she replied, “Gross. Any meat? Ham? Sausage? Bacon?” The more meat she mentioned, the more excited she became, and consequently the more fiery her hair became. It was an interesting pairing and Joyona liked to watch as Aziza's mood waxed and waned like the moons, if only to distract herself from anything social.

Fao patted Aziza on the shoulder, “We’ll go get some food in a moment. I need to keep an eye on our drunk friend over there, in case I need to step in.” 

While Joyona followed Fao’s gaze, Mairaela asked, “Why can’t you go and get your own food, Aziza?”

“I’ll probably just set something on fire,” Aziza pondered, “Which isn’t a big deal to me, but Fao said not to.” With a groan, Aziza added, "You start a fire at one lame event-..."

"It was Wickwheat's and Blake's wedding," Fao interjected.

"...and all of a sudden you're considered a 'fire hazard.'" Aziza rolled her eyes, "No one complains about my fire when we're in the Void." She groaned, "In the Void it's all, 'Aziza kill this' or 'Aziza kill that,' but out here it's all 'Aziza stay away from the curtains.'"

“Probably best to not risk it,” Mairaela replied, “I’ll go grab you something.”

Aziza looked absolutely thrilled.

Mairaela stepped away, so Joyona turned to follow, but the Summer Fey looked back and shooed her, “You keep talking to our new friends, I’ll be right back.”

Joyona must’ve looked terrified, because Mairaela whispered, “You’ll be okay.” Why did she give away so much emotion just then? She needed to keep that in. Now Mairaela was going to think that she was a coward.

Returning to face their new acquaintances, Joyona noticed Fao was still watching someone in the crowd. Joyona decided to avoid looking at Aziza and Fao by following the sergeant's gaze and trying to spot her mark. She saw the man quite quickly, if only because he was surrounded by women. He was handsome, charming even, with a glass of wine in one hand and a woman in the other arm. Brown, unkempt hair and a scruff of a beard—just enough to pretend he didn’t prepare for the ball. He was dressed well, but wore it all casually.

He was certainly having a good time, but did seem a little too drunk.

“Problem?” Joyona asked.

“Not really. He’s Prince Rian,” Fao replied, “Recent enlistee, but he’s caused waves here. I just don’t know him well, yet, and excess alcohol tends to cause problems.”

“Huh,” was all Joyona managed to say in reply, “Prince of what?

“Sevarra,” Aziza replied, “Prince Rian Carthyra.” Aziza gaped, “You really don’t know who he is? You been livin’ under your own Cairn?”

Joyona could tell that Aziza meant no harm, but it did sting her pride a little bit. She felt stupid for not knowing about the Prince, even if there was no reason for her to know about any Sevarran politics.

Fao had a much more polite answer, “With the rebel lord dead, the Carthyra famiy—the most prominent before they fled the Empire with the other rebels—announced their willingness to lead. A lot of the nation was onboard with that.”

Aziza continued, “Then Wexrush, Gerald or something-...”

“Gerfried,” Fao corrected.

“Yeah, some lord Gerfried came in with his army of zealots and kicked the Carthyras out of Sevarra,” Aziza grunted, “A lot of people didn’t like it, but Gerfried has the numbers, so too bad for them.”

Joyona nodded her head. It was sad, but it wasn’t her problem.

“Most of the family fled to the Dragon City. Prince Rian here, he joined the Corps. Gerfried probably doesn’t want to start a war with the Corps in order to get him back,” Fao explained, “But that isn’t our problem. He won’t be here long if he does something that he shouldn’t. Prince or no prince.”

“Fao hates royals,” Aziza clarified, covering the side of her mouth nearest Fao.

Fao rejected the notion, “I do no such thing.”

“You hate practically every great leader of the world,” Aziza huffed, her fiery hair flaring.

“Because they are all horrid people,” Fao rolled her eyes, “Or dragons, but that’s a given. All horrid. Except for Rotherham, I suppose. I like Glimsprigga. I wish more leaders were like her.”

There was a light touch on Joyona’s back, “I see you all survived without me.” Joyona knew that Mairaela was mostly speaking to her. The thought caused her to burn with humiliation, but that was quickly wicked away. The Summer Fey sidled up to her, wrapping an arm around Joyona’s waist and holding a plate of various meats in the other.

Joyona could feel her skin buzzing with nervousness, due to Mairaela’s proximity and physical touch.

Aziza collected the plate from Mairaela and immediately began scarfing it down like she was nothing but skin and bones. For how small she was, she could really put a meal away.

Mairaela asked, “Did this one introduce herself?”

Joyona realized that she hadn’t. Foolish, she thought, That’s the only thing you need to do when meeting new people, and I messed it up.

Fao nodded, “I know her, of course. Do you, Aziza?”

Aziza had a mouthful of ham when she shook her head.

“Well,” Mairaela said with a big smile, hugging Joyona’s side, “This is my beautiful date, Joyona.”

Date? Beautiful?

Joyona’s heart was pounding.

Should I put my arm around her? Should I be doing something? I’m not doing anything. Do I look weird? Awkward? Will she think I don’t like her back if I’m not doing anything? Joyona’s mind was racing with self-doubt, paralyzing her.

“You two look lovely together,” Fao said. Aziza was too busy with her meal to notice either of them.

The thought thrilled the giantess. They looked good together? Due to the compliment, there was a single little drop of confidence, pushing back against the tremendous weight of worry. Does that mean we’re a good match? Joyona wondered.

“It’s all her,” Mairaela replied, leaning against Joyona’s arm, “Strong, tall and gorgeous. I'm lucky, and on that note, I think she and I better go. Joy-Joy, you don’t have a roommate, do you?” Mairaela had a mischievous smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Joyona could feel her face burning up. She was trying to keep her expression calm, but she was certain that she was wearing her dual excitement and nervousness on her sleeve. She couldn’t speak, far too choked up to mention anything, but she managed to give an affirmative nod.

“I’ll walk you back, then,” Mairaela suggested, "Make sure you aren't accosted by anyone of ill-intent, and all."

Her intentions were clear.

Aziza didn’t seem to notice, too busy with her meal.

“Have fun,” Fao said, maintaining her post and polite demeanor.

Mairaela took Joyona’s hand and began to lead her away to the door.

Am I about to have sex? Joyona wondered, Does she really want to have sex with me? The thought was exciting, even if sex wasn’t anything that was a “need” for Joyona, the idea that Mairaela would want that with her spoke volumes about Mairaela’s feelings for Joyona.

Did she really feel that way about me?

Before she knew it, she had a key in her door, unlocking it and holding it open for Mairaela

The two entered her room and the Summer Fey immediately fell onto Joyona’s bed, bouncing a bit before coming to rest by the pillows. She was gorgeous. Queen of the Forest. Joyona would bet the Cairn itself that she’d never see a more beautiful woman than Mairaela.

“Hey, Joy,” Mairaela started. It took a moment for the giantess to bring her attention back from her thoughts. She hadn’t even moved from the doorway. “I wanted to tell you that I think I had sex with Miren,” Mairaela said softly, “At first I didn’t mean to, but it developed into something more.”

Joyona eyebrow quirked up.

“I’m sorry if that upsets you,” Mairaela added, “But I wanted to tell you that before… anything happens.”

“Was it fun?” Joyona asked.

Mairaela blinked, but nodded, “Yeah, it was.”

“Good,” Joyona nodded, “I’m glad. Thanks for telling me, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Joyona shrugged, "Just glad that it was a good time for you. Keep having good times with people."

Mairaela smiled, “You’re a good time, Joy.”

Joyona felt her lips turn upward, countering one smile with her own.

There was a moment of silence as Joyona shifted uncomfortably by the doorway.

“Do you want to come lay down with me?” Mairaela asked, patting the bedside next to her, “I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to do. I would never.”

Joyona nodded, but that wasn’t her worry. Her anxiety stemmed from something else. Something that had been on her mind all day.

“Mairaela,” Joyona started.


“There’s something I need to tell you, too.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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