Eleseed System

A rich looking suspicious bodyguard


“Yes, what’s wrong?” I shouted back,

“Can you please bring me clothes, a white top, and a black long skirt?”

Did she forget the bring clothes to the bathroom before going there? Well, after what happened in the morning, obviously her mind is shaken a little, so forgetting clothes is normal. Don’t worry, I will bring you clothes.

“Okay, I bring you,” I said.

After I enter the room and head to the wardrobe, made of wood. This wardrobe is looking sturdy.

Now I will see those sexy panties and bras. The things that teacher always hides under her clothes. So let’s open the wardrobe and explore the mysterious clothes of teacher.

I pull the wardrobe door outside, opening the wardrobe I saw on one side many tops hanging and on the other side many skirts and some dresses.

My gaze attracts down to the drawer. This should be where teacher put her panties. I squat down and one the drawer.

and I saw panties and bra, but... seriously!

Teachers, are you serious? You got the hottest body in the whole college and you’re wearing these normal white panties, and there is no design, no fashion, just plain white panties.

And what is the deal with this? Why is every panty look the same? Don’t you have any variety, and this, the bra, your drawer is filled with a just normal bra?

Teacher, don’t you want any sex appeal at all? At least you should buy black panties, that’s its much better than white.

Let’s forget this, just get a white top and black skirt and give her.

I get up and saw all the clothes teacher has, and I know that teacher doesn’t like or care about fashion, but at least she should buy some new clothes, how old these clothes are.

I shake my head, and just take a black skirt and white top, leave the room and reach the outside of the bathroom room. I knock on the door.

I saw the door was fully locked this time. She might realize that the door was open a little before. Door opens a little and a beautiful hand gets out from the little open door.

I give the clothes to teacher and heard someone knock on the main door of the house.

“Noah, can you please check the door? I think Charlotte gets back.” Teacher’s voice sounded from the bathroom.

“Okay,” I said

Charlotte is the teacher’s daughter. From the photos I saw at home, I think she should be around 16 years old. If she is sixteen and the teacher is 35, then it means teacher gets pregnant when she was 19 years old.

That was too early to give birth to a child. Although it’s not rare in Riva to woman, have a child around 20, it still seems early to me. And the most important thing to me is who is the father?

Whatever I think about that later, one thing I’m certain of is that Charlotte is as hot as a teacher. After all, they are mother-daughter.

Now one thing I’m wondering about is how her personality is

*Ring* *Ring*

“Okay, Okay, coming,” I said.

Reaching the door and before opening it, I set myself and take a deep breath and smile.

After all, Charlotte is someone who can help me to make my teacher my wife or someone who can destroy any relationship with the teacher.

*Ring* *Ring*

Okay, okay, I am opening the door.

I open the door and saw,

Saw ah, a very handsome man, in a black suit, wearing black glasses, and a black earring. giving the feel of the powerful bodyguard of a rich, beautiful lady, but of course, I didn’t see any rich, beautiful lady here.

“Is Miss. Johnson here?” he said in a deep voice.

I was about to nod, but do you think I will let anyone meet the teacher without any knowledge?

I shake my head. “No, she already went out for work.”

The bodyguard nodded, and he asked, “Who are you?”

“I am his little brother,” I smile and said, “Are you my big sister’s friend or his boyfriend?”

The bodyguard shakes his head and moves his hand in his suit. After a moment, he takes out an envelope,

“No, I am not her friend or boyfriend, since you are a relative, then give this to her.”

He said and give me an envelope, and I can tell he is telling the truth. He isn’t even a teacher’s friend, so who is? And what is this envelope?

I smile and give a nod to the bodyguard, “Okay, I will give it when she returns.”

The bodyguard nods, and he goes.

I look at him from behind him and saw he has a black dashing car. This car might be too expensive. Who is this rice bodyguard? I look at the envelope and put it into my clothes.

That bodyguard is suspicious, I have to check this envelope before I give it to teacher.

I get back in the house and saw teacher just getting out wearing her white top and black skirt, and she looks hot, now I get it. Teacher doesn’t need new or fashionable clothes, she has natural beauty.

“Noah, who was at door?” Teacher asked,

I tilt my head for a second; I feel something about teacher has changed, but I can’t put my finger on it what’s changed.

“Actually a man, by mistake he thought of this house as one of his relatives,” I lie without much thought.

“Well, okay, I’m going to college, charlotte will be back anytime soon, then you can come colleague,” teacher said while sitting on the sofa, she raise her leg, and slide her black stocking up in legs, then she takes her other legs, slides the stocking said, “And come in my office afternoon, I talk to the dorm master to let you live back, Okay?”

“Okay” I nod

Now, what should I do? How can I stop teacher go to the dorm? If she somehow managed to convince the dorm master to let me back to the dorm, then my dream of living with her would shatter. I have to think about something fast.

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