Eleseed System

Now I feel pathetic

The cat turns her head behind and looks at me with her ruby eyes glowing, which send a chill through my body, and two horns on her head. Is it really a cat?

Such a question appears on my mind, but I didn't get an answer as darkness covered my eyes.

Am I going to die here?


The cat's ruby eyes, without any emotion, calmly walked toward the unconscious Noah.

The cat reaches Noah and looks at this man. She tilts her head and looks at Noah for a while, then she puts her paw on Noah's head.

Dark mana released from her paw. It's entered inside Noah, exploring Noah's whole body.

Cat ruby's eyes open wide, as her cat face shocked, she looks at Noah.

"Possession of Two Awakened Core, with two powerful abilities and body that have potential to become the Supreme God, What a terrifying existence this man is," the cat's ethereal voice sounded, and she take back her dark mana.

Cat raises her paw, and sharp claws come out from her paw.

'I should kill him before he becomes the threat.'

Cat thought, but she stop in midair, her tail swaying as she turns around and walk away.

'Anyway, if I leave him, he will die eventually. I don't have to do it myself.'

'Raina, you should be grateful to people who help you and help them when they are in need. Remember this and follow. Otherwise, I will kick you out from my house. Do you understand?'

Raina the cat shakes her head, and sighs, "that woman really made me softie, but now I don't need to live in her house, so I won't follow her rules."

She sways her tail walks away, then walking away some distance she turns and comes to Noah,

She put her paw on Noah's head.

"Thanks for trying to save me... although you failed in doing it, I still appreciate it... still, I didn't need your help from the beginning though I still need little help from you, so take this as a payment for your little help that I need soon,"

Raina said, as her dark mana spread inside Noah's whole body, healing every bit of his body, from his internal injuries to his external, making his body new, and mana increases.

"Phew, I'm injured here, still I heal you, so you better pay me back," Raina said as she look behind her. She saw a trace of Mana lingerie in the air.

"I have to clear this,"


When I open my eyes, I saw I was in bed, and in a familiar room. It's teacher's room.

My head hurts for a while before I remember how miserable I was there. I can't even dodge that man's attack. From the look I know that man was just playing around, I wish I had enough strength to run away.

My body trembled and recalling that it was terrifying to experience death too close. I didn't want to feel that feeling again. It's just better if I don't use my powers and live a pleasant life like a normal college student.

I sigh. Now I feel pathetic.

I feel something soft touching my legs. I looked and saw a beautiful black cat with bandages around its stomach sleeping peacefully.

This small cat killed that man, leaving only bones and it's terrifying ruby eyes and horns on top of its head. Last night I felt this wasn't a cat but a devil,

Anyway, this small cat is much stronger than me.

"System, do you know what this cat is?"


I shake my head. So system knows the answer but refuses to tell me.

I blink and again I blink.

I realize that I wasn't wrapped in bandages. If I recall correctly, then I knew my injury, my spine and skull should be spilt apart, but I don't see any of sign of that.

In fact, I feel I never get injuries at all, that's how better I'm feeling.

Then it means teacher healed me since I'm in teacher's room.

But I look at the cat and its warp-in bandage. If a teacher can heal me from death and make me like I was never injured at all, then she can easily heal the cat the same way, so how I'm in this better condition.

I look at the cat. I think this cat healed me and saved me back then. I think in this world, awakened animals exist as well. Anyway, I should be grateful to cat and repay back this life-saving help.

Sun is high, soon it will be afternoon.

I heard the door open and Charlotte walked in; she was wearing a black t-shirt and leggings, showing her body's perfect curves and crimson hair in a ponytail.

Charlotte saw me, she sigh and come to my bed, and sit at the edge of the bed. She closes her face near mine.

"It's good you woke up, but do you mind telling me what happened? Why do you pass out at a collapsed building with an injured cat?" she said, her face some inches away from me.

"First, do you mind making the distance between our faces?" I said.

Charlotte backed down and look at me with her intense glare. I found it cute though.

"Okay, first I was walking around there and saw the collapsed building because of curiosity I sneak inside the collapsed building and saw a man with black clothes and mask, he attacks me, but at that time another awakened come and kill that black clothes man, and I find cat there in injured state, I was about to take a cat in clinic but next thing I know is I wake up here,"

Charlotte's eyes glow, and then this glow fades away. She nodded.

"Do you understand? Because of you, our date gets canceled, and how I had to spend half of the night to find you, you should be grateful that I went out of my way to find you."

"Thank you very much for that, and sorry about the date. I can make up for that later."

"Hmph, you better," Charlotte said, crossing her arms,

"Yes, I will,"

Charlotte looks away, pouting, appear an angry mood, and I found this thing cute as well.

"You might feel hungry right now. Wait for some minutes. I go and bring some delicious pizza for you," she said and leave the room.

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