Eleseed System

Spend Time with Teacher

"But... teacher I don't want you to do everything while I just sit here and do nothing."

"But," Teacher Olive hesitates, she looks into my eyes, then she gently smiles and nods.

"Okay, you can make dinner for today, while I take a quick shower,"

"Thanks, Teacher," I said my face shining with excitement as well as nervousness.

This is the first time I will make dinner for the Teacher, and if I make something the teacher gets addicted to, then she might even beg me to live with her, but if I mess up and then she might kick me out.

"Don't thank me, you are making dinner for me, so I should be one thank you."

Why is the teacher so kind, she can't understand how grateful I am to her.

"No, teacher, I am one who should say thank you, you let me stay here when I didn't have a place, so making dinner is a very small thing."

Hmm, dinner is a very small thing, from cleaning this home, making breakfast and lunch for you, waking you up in the morning with a kiss, then we bath together cleaning each other back, and down there in a private area as well.

Then cuddle on the sofa and watch tv, there are many more things I want to do.

Teacher Olive smiled, get up, and said, "Okay, then make delicious dinner, I go and take shower."

I smile and nodded and said, "Okay, a teacher I promise I will make the most delicious food ever."

"Hmm, I waiting for that, oh! yes kitchen is there," She point her finger at one door, "And I write names on boxes whatever ingredients boxes have, just check the name, Understand?" she spoke like a teacher telling her students.

And I am also a good student so I nodded, "Understand."

She smile and rub my head and said, "Good Boy."

Then she laughs, and I also laugh with her.

She laugh as rub my head and said, " Haha, you really have high height?"

"Well...what can I say?"

Then she takes her hand back, "Okay, now I am going, but don't make a mess in the kitchen, Okay?" she again behaves like a teacher.

And like a good student, I nodded "Okay, ma'am"

She nodded, "Hmm, good boy."

She softly laugh and went to the bathroom.

I smile, and the butterfly flies in my stomach, just talking with her makes me forget all my worries, how nice it would be if I can talk to her every day and every time.

No, I can I just have to make myself useful here and lie to her that I didn't get any place to live, then the teacher is kind, she will let me stay here with her.

But I sigh, there is another problem, she has a daughter, and if she has a daughter then she might also have a husband, and if she gets divorced then she might have a boyfriend or just her husband might be out of town for some time.

She looks gorgeous, there might be many men out there better than me, and there age gap between us, I am just 19, while she is 35, there 16-year gap, and I am also her student and she is my teacher, there are many problems making her my wife.

But I will, I will do my best to make her my wife.

I breathe a little deep and ready myself, after all, I have to make a very delicious dish.

I get inside the kitchen, this kitchen is small but you can get all things you need to make great food.

I check the fridge and other places, I saw there are many items to make Chinese dishes.

I didn't expect the teacher likes Chinese a lot, that is why the system quest said to make a Chinese dish.

Then I wear a cute pink apron and take a knife and start cutting veggies, and I made mistakes, many mistakes but at least there is not a big mistake.

I guess I just got knowledge of cooking, that's why it gets difficult when I want to move my hand but it won't move in a way I imagine.

I have to practice then I able to fully use my cooking skill.

Time passed, and I use all my focus just on making the food.

Then I was frying the noodles I heard a woman's soft laugh, I turned my head to see the teacher.

She was wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts, showing her thick milky thighs and legs just beautiful I thought, but again I get back the sense and ask,

"Um... Teacher...why are you laughing?"

A teacher come near, and said, "I was just surprised seeing you focus on something," then she sighed, "If you just use this much focus in class, then you might rank top in class."

Teacher, I focus with the highest ability in starring at your ass and boobs, now if you say then I can even buy a perfect bra and panties for you,

But obviously, I can't say this to her.

"Teacher, this... I will do my best in class from now on."

Teacher Olive gently laugh and said, "Okay, okay, I will see how you do in next week's test."

"I will get the top, I promise you."

Well, there is a skill related to study, so I have a complete the quest as soon as possible and earn points.

"Hmm, you better complete this promise, because I hate people who break their promise."

"Yes, I will."

Look like now I have to get top, or else it might leave a bad impression on the teacher.

Fifth Quest: Get top in class and then celebrate with Olive Johnson

Points: 2500 Points

Now, I get Quest as well, so I have to get top in class.

"Hmm, this looks delicious, I can't wait to eat,"

I saw the teacher look at the food she said.

I began making food more focused, the teacher also helped in making this dish, and I felt happy I never thought someday I make food with the teacher.

As I share many tips with the teacher about cocking, mostly knowledge that I have very difficulty applying, but nevertheless she gets impressed with me, and writes down all tips.

"Noah, I never thought you know this much about cooking and many ways to make food, you really talented in cocking, just these notes alone are worth a lot," she said as look at the notes, biting the pen in her mouth, she also put glasses on.

"Noah, if you want then I can book out of these notes, what do you think?" The teacher said. as her eyes shine, she look excited about writing books.

I immediately nods and said, "That would be a great teacher, I know, you might write a great book."

"Why do you think I will write a great book? just because I am a teacher," the teacher asked as she smile and look at me.

"No, is just I believe you," I said, but then felt my cheek get red, I feel I said something cheesy but then my embarrassment get away when I saw the Teacher, cheek get red, she really looks beautiful.

"Uh...thank you," she said with a blush little like a young teenager.

Hmm, wait, she blushes like a teenager? this feels off, but I saw noodles get ready as I said,

"Oh!! the noodles are ready, teacher, do you want to taste this tasty noodle?"

The teacher look at the noddle's gulp she nodded" hmm, Chef. Noah, please will you serve me"

"Yes, My Lady, with pleasure please take a seat," I said, bringing noddles on a plate with little decorative I present in front of the teacher.

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