Elf Inventory: Starting from Rainbow Ash

Chapter 99

In the Sansheng Stone, the idea of devouring the three realms of heaven, earth and man was completely integrated with Tu Shanyiyi.

The golden light of reincarnation, the light of the Taiyin Divine Light, and the Treasure Light of Merit disappeared at the same time, turning into three ethereal avenues of Xuanguang surrounding the Sansheng Stone.

Taiyin Avenue is the foundation of Tu Shan Yiyi, which is the key to holding the Tao and three lives.

The reincarnation of the hundred generations is the foundation of Tu Shan Yiyi, which is ~ the key to understanding the three lives.

Merit treasure light is the root nature of Tu Shanyi, which is the key to deducing and deducing the three lives.

The right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable.

Tu Shan Yiyi's innate conditions have been perfected, but at this moment, he is no longer able to become enlightened.

In the middle of the city.

Emperor Xudu raised his eyes and found that Tu Shan Yiyi himself still lacked a cause, because Tu Shan Yiyi himself had not yet comprehended the meaning of love.

Other ways can be slowly deduced, but this love is the only way to feel it.

Love is the most common and complex cause and effect of the six desires, Tu Shan has never beheaded the corpse, he can't understand Taishang's forgetfulness, and he can't know his own obsession.

There is a way of heaven and earth before there is a way of one's own law.

Emperor Xudu saw Chen Ping'an's body with a wisp of will, and Chen Ping'an knew in his heart that his wisp of true blood was Tu Shanyi's obsession.

Emperor Xudu smashed the supreme power of the underworld into the red hydrangea, and this treasure bloomed with unimaginable reincarnation and merit treasure.

The next moment, the red hydrangea turned into a golden light and slashed towards the heavenly spirit of Tu Shanyiyi.

"Whether this idea is to behead the corpse or refine the feelings, it's up to you to decide. "

This is the power of Chen Ping'an's entrusting this cause and effect, and finally converges into a force to promote the cause and effect of the three lives.

Tu Shan Yiyi can use this cause and effect to use the red hydrangea to cut his own obsession to become enlightened, and he can also understand this cause and effect and understand the key to love.

Rather than saying that Chen Ping'an is doing a game by example, it can also be said that this is a kind of mutual compensation on the avenue, Chen Ping'an has never survived the catastrophe, if Tu Shan perfects this way, Chen Ping'an can also profit from it.

Moreover, the Three Lives Avenue involves the three tribulations of heaven, earth and man, and Chen Ping'an perfects the punishment of heaven and earth, and there is an inevitable connection between the two.

Tu Shan Yiyi has a great relationship with Chen Ping'an, and only Chen Ping'an can guide Tu Shan Yiyi's love thoughts.

At this moment, Tu Shanyiyi's primordial spirit and the cause and effect of reincarnation are fused, and she glimpses the mystery of marriage from the past, present, and future, and she sees all the past of Chen Ping'an in the reincarnation of a hundred lifetimes.

"Heaven is ruthless, marriage is the sentient fairy road in heaven, if I cut off my obsession, how can I understand this red dust cause and effect, marriage avenue. "

Tu Shan Yiyi felt the spiritual sustenance from Chen Ping'an, and his heart was warm.

Tu Shan Yiyi returned to her original heart, in the depths of her heart, Chen Ping'an was her deepest hidden obsession, after opening up this thought, Tu Shan Yiyi finally understood what the obsession in her heart was unwilling to cut off.

Tu Shan relied on the cause and effect of this hundred lifetimes, and Chen Ping'an became happy for a hundred generations, joys and sorrows, life and death are true, three lives are thoughts, and one thought is enlightenment.

On the Sansheng Stone, the three laws of cause and effect were concluded, and Tu Shan finally concluded a Dharma body.

Dressed in an ethereal white robe, a red red luan rope was tied to the sleeve robe, and the three lives mark was embellished on the center of the eyebrows.

A clear and graceful body, otherworldly, and incomprehensible.

Tu Shanyi, with the blessing of the power of the great momentum given by Chen Ping'an, finally transformed all the Taiyin laws in his body into the law of three lives at this moment, and the next step was to use the law of three lives and the marriage avenue in the red hydrangea to build the three-life marriage reincarnation avenue.

The power of the three lives in the Great Dao of Marriage has a great connection with the Great Dao of Reincarnation.

Sansheng Stone on Sanshengyuan, but under the bridge to ask Lechuan, the marriage avenue originally covers some of the causes and effects of the six reincarnations.

Reincarnation is the greatest place of cause and effect between heaven and earth, and the sentient immortal path is also the greatest cause of obsession.

Mount Tai Temple, a mighty god will come, it is Yang Jiao.

Yang Jiao was in charge of the crime of murder and knelt on one knee in front of the Taishan Temple.

"My Yang Jiao, pay homage to the Holy Emperor!"

Yang Jiao held the crime of killing gods in one hand and bowed to the front of the temple.

Chen Ping'an and Yang Chan came to the door of the temple.

Seeing Yang Jiao today, Chen Ping'an nodded with satisfaction.

The king of Naming was angry and not angry, and the weather around him was extremely condensed.

Yang Jiao cultivated a body of underworld merit in the underworld, and the Ming King's Dao supported his murderous nature and opened the eyes of the Ming King.

This luck of the Western religion is like the finishing touch for Yang Jiao, and it is also the key to Yang Jiao's enlightenment.

Although there are many great causes and effects in the Western Dao, such as forcible crossing, there are also merits, and when Chen Ping'an establishes the four elephants in the future, Yang Jiao can play a key role.

"Idiot, what are you still kneeling for. "

Chen Ping'an helped Yang Jiao up with a mana.

Yang Chan greeted her, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and my eldest brother's cultivation has improved a lot." The eldest brother left the underworld this time, and he could guard Mount Tai with Chan'er. "

Yang Jiao nodded and said, "If it weren't for the emperor's mediation, how could I be today." "

Chen Ping'an said:

"Needless to say, it's all my own family, and it's inevitable that there will be some extraordinariness to say this. "

"Yiyi is now perfecting the Avenue of Three Lives in the underworld, this Taishan Temple is temporarily handed over to Chan'er to be in charge, your Yin Yang Avenue has been completed, and it is time to cultivate the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and increase your knowledge. "

"From today on, you will be the Yuanjun of Mount Tai Bixia, in charge of Taishan affairs, and your eldest brother Yang Jiao is also in charge of you. "

Yang Chan looked at it blankly, and then said, "Master, shouldn't there be any big scene for a god like Bixia Yuanjun?"

Chen Ping'an knocked on Yang Chan's head and said, "Is it possible to let me put two on Mount Tai for you, and invite the immortals of the world to be a witness." "

Yang Chan and Yang Jiao both smiled.

Chen Ping'an and the three of them walked towards the inner hall, and Chen Ping'an said: "Yang Jiao, since you have returned to the world, now the pattern of the world is very different.

You have experienced a lot in the underworld this time, and you have grown a lot.

The ghost gate of Mount Tai has been opened, and the power of the city god and the yin division of all walks of life should also be gradually improved.

In the next period of time, you and Chan'er will improve the authority of the Taishan Ghost Gate, and assist Chan'er in contacting the various divisions of the prefecture.


"There should also be a detailed list of the causes and effects of the various city gods, the underworld, and the rulers of the year, as well as the sins that are seen in the underworld. In addition, you can order 3,000 Yin soldiers from the underworld, and use Taishan's luck to suppress Taishan's ghosts and gods. "

Yang Jiao nodded and said, "Follow the emperor's orders." "

After Chen Ping'an finished his order, he came to the top of the Nine-Layer Cloud Palace.

The passage between Mount Tai and the underworld has been opened, and it is time to merge the human cause and effect reflected by the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel with the book of life and death.

In this way, after these ghosts enter the eighteen layers of hell, most of them do not need the mirror to reveal the cause and effect of their predecessors one by one.

It can also greatly increase the efficiency of the city gods and yin divisions.

Since the consummation of the Five Elements, the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel has turned into a network of rules that spreads throughout the Earth Immortal Realm.

Because of the cause of the luck of the Pangu God in Mount Tai, coupled with the power of fusing the stars of the Heavenly Court, after this road was rolled out, the development was smoother than Chen Ping'an imagined.

Moreover, the rules in the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel can be gradually perfected with the improvement of Taishan's luck and the size of the accumulated cause and effect.

It's just that at this point, Chen Ping'an also has to make a choice.

Because the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel is in charge of the rules in the Earth Immortal Realm, the rules have a cause, either to reward the good or to punish the evil.

Chen Ping'an's original intention of shaping the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel was to make people feel inspired by the world, and there were gods in their heads.

Rewarding kindness is a combination of Fu Lushou and the God of Wealth, so the rule set by Chen Ping'an is punishment.

These causes and effects need to correspond to the major hubs in the heavenly court, the plague in the human world corresponds to the plague department, and the fire and flood departments correspond to the water department and the fire department.

Chen Ping'an wrote the folds one by one, and went to heaven.

After Long Ji, Luo Xuan, Lu Yue and the others formulated detailed rules, they would recruit the pivotal forces among the various departments of the Heavenly Court to further improve the rules of the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel.

In this way, Chen Ping'an can also be a hands-off shopkeeper.

The headache was thrown to them, and Chen Ping'an only needed to deduce slowly and intercept the fruits of their victory.

These were the responsibilities of their Heavenly Court departments, and they were also duty-bound, and this Heavenly Choice Dao Wheel also gave them a convenience.

After these great causes and effects are gradually perfected, they will converge in Chen Ping'an's humane qi and luck body, and complete themselves step by step. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After this thorough Mahayana, Chen Ping'an will be able to extract this ultimate cause and effect from it.

When the time comes, the Heavenly Chosen Dao will become a part of the rules of the Heavenly Court, and it will become a hub for mediating and balancing the three worlds of heaven, earth and man.

Chen Ping'an only needs to use this to improve his path of merit and transform his humanitarian luck to the extreme.

But the Mahayana of human luck, the perfection of the natural selection wheel is only a part, only when the world's nine tripods of luck condense, Kyushu dragon veins converge in Mount Tai, then the human luck can be truly Mahayana.

At that time, Chen Ping'an will be able to differentiate the Heavenly Choice Dao Wheel and pick its three paths of cause and effect.

One into the sky, one into the adult, one into the earth.

And Chen Ping'an detached himself from cause and effect and returned to himself, and at that point, the path of three-body cause and effect is about to be Mahayana.

Only in this way can the humane body be equated with the distraction of Emperor Xudu, and the cause and effect of the great road concluded by the integration of the three bodies will achieve Chen Ping'an's final avenue.

Above the nine-layer cloud palace, Chen Ping'an communicated the power of the rules in the Book of Life and Death and the Heavenly Chosen Dao Wheel, and through this ghost gate, there was a part of the cause and effect in the Taishan Temple and the Xudu City that confirmed each other.

Chen Ping'an ordered an edict, and the next moment, King Qin Guang, the head of the Ten Palaces of Yama, manifested from the nine-layer cloud palace.

King Qin Guang held the jade slip in his hand at this moment, bowed down, and said, "The little god greets the emperor." "

Chen Ping'an said: "King Qin Guang, you are in charge of the book of life and death, outlining the life and death of the three realms of heaven, earth and man. If you want to perfect the law of Mount Tai, you will fuse the law in this book of life and death with the wheel of heavenly selection, and the completion of this path will be indispensable to your benefit. "

When King Qin Guang heard this, he said respectfully: "What is the emperor saying, this is the duty of the little god. "

Chen Ping'an dropped a mystery, and after King Qin Guang received this mystery, he disappeared into the nine-layer cloud palace.

Chen Ping'an blessed his soul, and after the two realms of the earth and the underworld were connected, he sensed that his qi was perfected a lot, and his cultivation also stepped into the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal at this moment.

With Chen Ping'an's background now, cultivating to the middle stage of Da Luo Jin Immortal is almost a matter of course, and there is no need to deliberately sort out his own opportunities.

At present, the situation between Yin Shang and Xiqi has not yet completely achieved the momentum of water and fire, Yin Shang and Xiqi luck still exists, and the layout of trying to make money at this moment can be said to be the most suitable.

Everything in Mount Tai has its own Bixia Yuanjun Yang Chan combing, Chen Ping'an also feels that the time is right, he should go to Mount Emei to visit Zhao Gongming.

Chen Ping'an expected that Yun Zhongzi would suffer a big loss in his hands this time, and he would definitely not give up, after all, Yun Zhongzi had profound fortune, and without this wind and thunder to avoid the disaster, there should be many means.

This incident has its cause, but Yun Zhongzi calculated first, and fell into the handle, and Yuan Shi Tianzun would not punish him if he wanted to.

Even if the people of the Yuxu Sect protect their shortcomings, there must always be a fact.

But improving wealth and luck as early as possible, and having more good fortune in the body is the right way.

Chen Ping'an controlled a cloud and flew towards Mount Emei.

With Chen Ping'an's speed, he had already come to Mount Emei after a long time.

At the entrance of Luofu Cave, the purple mist is swirling, the sky is clear, and it looks like a fairy dojo.

When Chen Ping'an landed at the door of Luofu Cave, he saw two boys coming up.

"The little boy Qingfeng and the little boy Mingyue meet this immortal. "

When the two boys saw Chen Ping'an's extraordinary bearing, they immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Chen Ping'an said: "I was tired of the two boys passing it on, so I said that Taishan's old friends visited. "[]

Seeing this, Qingfeng bowed and turned towards the Luofu Cave.

Chen Ping'an was led by Mingyue to a gazebo.

Mount Emei is magnificent, Zhao Gongming is the head of the outer disciples of the sect, but the furnishings in this Luofu Cave are very simple.

The spiritual root is one or two, the flowing water is murmuring, and there is a unique elegant scene.

Just after Chen Ping'an sat down, he saw an ethereal fairy light, sweeping down from the void.

Chen Ping'an just glanced at it, and sensed the unfathomable mystery in it.

Mingyue's eyes moved, and said: "This lord, please wait a while, look at this weather, there should be a distinguished guest visiting." "

A moment after Mingyue left, an ethereal fairy came out.

Dressed in a pale cyan fairy robe, with long black hair sprinkled behind him, it is not decorated, but it gives people a feeling of being thick and majestic, and it is incomprehensible.

Chen Ping'an just glanced at it, and sensed that the person in front of him was far above him, and his light and graceful appearance made Chen Ping'an's eyes light up.

There are wisps of innate clouds and clouds on the other party's body, and among the disciples of the sect, there is no one who can have such an atmosphere than the cloud fairy at the head of the three nights.

Chen Ping'an immediately got up and said, "It turned out to be the Sky Fairy, Chen Ping'an, who is poor and polite." "

Yunxiao saluted slightly, and said, "Chen Ping'an, isn't it the Heavenly Court Taishan Rensheng Emperor mentioned by Senior Sister Jin Ling." "

Seeing this, Mingyue was slightly overjoyed, and said: "It turns out that the two immortals actually met, and the master is in retreat, so please wait a while." "

"It doesn't matter. "

Chen Ping'an said: "Poor Dao came to visit Zhao Gongming Daoyou, but I didn't expect to meet the Cloud Fairy, this trip was really not in vain." It is rumored that the Yunxiao Fairy is very good, and the three corpses have been thrown away, and the six qi are true, and it is really amazing when I see it today. "

Yunxiao said: "Daoyou's words are exaggerated, I am only one of the three immortal islands, but it is a big man like Daoyou, mediating the mysteries of heaven and earth, repeatedly proving great merits, and making Yunxiao envious." "

Just as the two were talking, Zhao Gongming strode out, saw Chen Ping'an, ignored Yunxiao, and hurriedly said:

"Daoist friends came just in time, poor Dao to comprehend this treasure money, seems to grasp the mystery, but never allowed to enter, always feel that there is a big stone blocked in the heart, depressed but not dispersed. "

"If Daoist friends don't come again, I'm afraid that poor Dao will also come to ask for advice. "

Chen Ping'an smiled loudly and said: "Daoyou's words are serious, with Daoyou's insight, you can see through the mystery of Luobao money." "

Zhao Gongming waved his hand and said: "I have comprehended the innate gold in this treasure money, and I have comprehended the key to the golden mystery, but why there is no sign of perfection in this way, please also ask Taoist friends to come carefully." "

Yunxiao was making a pot of tea for Zhao Gongming and Chen Ping'an next to him, obviously wanting to hear what the eldest brother was obsessed with during this time and why he was so anxious.

Chen Ping'an sighed slightly, Zhao Gongming was very fascinated by the Xuanjin in the treasure money during this time, and even forgot that the original gambling contract was to assist the dragon girl to become enlightened.

Chen Ping'an said: "Gongming Daoist friends participate in the enlightenment of the Shangqing Avenue, what they cultivate is their own avenue in the underworld, and what they comprehend is only the true nature of the innate Xuanjin Avenue, but the Xuanjin Avenue in this treasure and money is fundamentally in heaven and earth. "

Zhao Gongming nodded and said, "Please also ask Daoist friends to talk about it in detail." "

Chen Ping'an handed the teacup to Zhao Gongming's side, and then said: "The appearance of treasure money is the general outline of the way of heaven and earth currency. "

"If you want to complete this path, you must cultivate the luck of the world, the immortal gold nature in the treasure money, the luck of heaven and earth, and the merits of all things, in order to achieve the true transmission of this path. "

"If you want to take this path to Mahayana, Gongming Daoists also need to enter the heavens and the earth to cultivate great merits, and merge them into the treasure money, and use this path as the way of the world, then this path will become a sword!"

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