Elf Leader

Chapter 312

Chapter 298 The war in the weird space

The pink-white elf had scars on his body, and seemed a little embarrassed. It seemed that he had just experienced a battle.

As soon as the two elves meet, they pose for battle with each other and fight in a strange space.

The buildings in the world were destroyed in the aftermath of the skills of both elves.

A variety of huge explosions sounded in time and space.

A beam of light flew past, directly destroying a ghost elf on the way.

Just as the two elves were fighting fiercely, one of the four-legged elves flew over.

The dark blue sauropod dinosaur with several light blue stripes on the elves. There is a square cone-shaped protrusion on the head, and the light blue stripes extend from the tip of the cone to the neck.

There are two horns on the head of the elf. These two horns grow on both sides of the body, each extending down to a protrusion on the eyes, and the two horns grow up to the mouth.

A closer look will reveal that on the back of the elf stands a young man in a suit, with a smile on his face, and his eyes watching the battle on the opposite side.

As the blue elves approached, the two elves who were fighting over there seemed to sense the arrival of the elves, and at the same time they stopped to look here.

The young man standing on the elf first glanced at the elf with the huge golden head next to him, then looked at the pink-white elf and smiled: “Paluchya, you really brought me a surprise! You actually took me I found a beast with the same strength as you.”

took out a weird elf ball with weird black light on it.

“Since you brought me here, I won’t be polite. I will catch you all.”

The young man pressed the switch of the weird elf ball, a weird black light flashed, and a elf sheep-like elf appeared in front of the young man.

It was a white elf that resembled a horse, unicorn, or centaur.

The dark side of its torso, bristles, tail, and face are all outlined by gray vertical stripes. Four hooves that are sharp enough to be golden are the tips. The bristles are raised high from the head. The face is gray with green eyes and Red pupils and green circular patterns surround the eye area.

The elf also has a golden pattern on the head, the ears are upright, and there are two protrusions on each side of the neck. The dark side of the neck has gill-like features that are the same color as most of the body.

The elves have a cross-shaped wheel connected to their abdomen. Four gems are embedded on the wheel, and the lines of the abdomen are reproduced at the waist.

The dark side of its limbs is gray, with a slight protrusion on the top of the four legs, and the tail is similar to the shape and coloring of its bristles.

Weird thing is that at this time, the elf is densely covered with weird black lights, and there is confusion in his eyes.

After the elves appeared, the young man pointed directly at the two elves on the opposite side and shouted: “Alzeus, go on! Destroy!”

As soon as the youth finished, Arceus rushed directly to the opposite side, and the flashing room disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had reached the top of the two elves, and directly opened his mouth to spit out a huge white beam of light.

The two elves below    quickly spit out a beam of light to greet them.


There was a loud noise, and the whole world was shaking.

But the two elves below barely caught Arceus’ attack.

The two elves did not wait to die, they released their skills to attack Arceus.


There was another trembling sound of the world, and Arceus was beaten back a bit.

The young man on the blue elf in the distance looked at the battle in the distance, and the corners of his mouth curled up and said to himself: “Hehe, it is really strong, but the more it is like this, the more I will conquer you.”

After taking out a yellow slate from his arms, he threw it at Arceus: “Change! Arceus.”

Alzeus did not avoid the flying slate, so he turned his head to meet him and caught the slate.

The yellow slate flew directly on Arceus’ back and floated on it. At the same time, the color of the rings on both sides of Arceus’ body began to change, gradually turning into yellow.

“Hehe, the electric slate you just got, just try its power, let’s release it! Arceus!”

As soon as the youth finished, a yellow electric light burst out of Arceus on the opposite side, directly permeating the entire world, and the elves in the world were destroyed directly under this electric light.

The Smurfs and the youth were not affected. If you look closely, you will find that the Smurfs and the youth are both shrouded in a light curtain.

The two elves who fought before showed painful expressions in the electric light.

When the electric light ended, a lot of scars appeared on the bodies of the two elves, and their eyes were full of fear.

Yes, it’s fear. Alzeus’s skills are really too strong. Paluchya is a water system, just to be restrained. At this time, he was panting heavily with fatigue in his eyes.

It was chased all the way to this side. It had gone through several battles before. After it came to this world, it fought with the elves here. At this time, it was hit by Arceus’s skills. It was the end of the crossbow.

Paluchyan glanced back at the young man on the blue elf, stubbornness flashed in his eyes, and directly raised his head and yelled: “Hoo————”

An invisible force radiated from   , the space in front of him was directly torn apart, and a pitch-black spatial crack appeared.

Paluchyan exhausted the last bit of strength and flew into the cracked Zheng

The youth behind    looked at this and his expression changed: “What? You can still run in this way.”

But the young man immediately calmed down, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised: “But are you afraid of falling? If I can chase here, I can continue chasing.”

After looking at Arceus in the distance: “Arcius, chase after the space.”

Then looked at the huge elf in the distance: “As for you, wait until I finish catching Paluchya to catch you again.”

But Arceus in the distance did not move, but was struggling in pain, as if breaking away from some kind of restraint on his body.

The young man gritted his teeth at this: “Damn it, this happens again, and you will be able to catch Paluchya immediately.”

The huge elf in the distance saw this situation, his eyes rolled, and then he shook his body and flew into the space crevice that Palkya had torn out, and disappeared directly.

Now the youth’s face is even more ugly. These sacred beasts are difficult to track. It took him a lot of work to find the location of Palkya.

But Palkya has the ability to tear space, and escape is simply superb. He was tracked by Arceus’ space ability.

There is also the elf who fought with Palkya before. It is not easy at first glance. Once you let them run away, you don’t know when you will find it again.

The young man’s heart was called an anger, and he would obviously be able to catch it immediately, but Arceus happened to have a problem at this time.

But the youth has nothing to do. Elves like Arceus can’t control and chat casually, so problems will occur every once in a while.

During this period of time, Arceus will constantly struggle with the shackles of the dark ball and will not listen to the commands of the youth.

Little Elf Lord ww.48490/

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