Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 435 Treasure appears! Reinforcements are arriving?

Chapter 435 Treasure appears! Reinforcements are arriving?

Bang! ! !

The pink moonlight exploded, and Gala Gala only had time to move the bone stick horizontally before being blown away.

It's the power of the moon!

Moonlight was interrupted by provocation, and Pixie became stronger even though her injuries were not healed. She directly hit Gala Gala hard in her first attack.

Purple light flashed, and the Sly-horned Deer used telekinesis to catch Gala Gala. Yueyue Xiong and Ye Yibu also rushed up at the same time, and Gengar had already penetrated into the ground and quickly approached Pixie.

Leaf blade! Pounce suddenly!

The green light sword slashed down hard, even making the slightest sound of breaking through the air.

And behind the leaf blade, the Yueyue Bear has been wrapped in a strong brown light and is heading straight towards it!


There was a clear sound of impact, and under the green light sword, the two white claws looked so small, but they stuck on the leaf blade.

At the same time, Pixie raised her left hand slightly, and an identical leaf-edged sword was condensed.

Skills, imitation!

As the green light flashed, Mimic Leaf Blade collided with Yueyue Xiong's sudden lunge!

Crash... Pixie was pushed back two steps, which showed the strength of Yueyue Bear's attack.

But the next second, a dull sound of pain rang out, and it was Yueyue Xiong who took the initiative to withdraw from the sudden lunge, and then leaned to the side to avoid the confrontation.

Looking closer, the pattern of clouds covering the moon between Yueyue Xiong's eyebrows was suddenly split into two halves!


Two rays of healing light flew out of the water and shone on Gala Gala and Yueyue Xiong respectively, quickly healing their injuries.

I saw the Water Arrow Turtle using healing waves while struggling to carry Metagross towards the shore. The latter was unable to fly on its own due to the gravity environment, and was extremely ashamed.


Mingming's voice was clear and sweet, but every time Pixie called, Mingzheng and his friends trembled.

An invisible spotlight beam was projected down, shining on Pixie, and the other party grabbed Yeyibu's tail and swung it out like a toy!

No matter how reluctant the Water Arrow Turtle was, the two healing waves in the cannon on his back still forcibly changed direction and hit Pixie!

Skills, spotlight, attract the attention of the audience, receive all skills for a period of time!

Pixie's reverse treatment move made Mingzheng feel amazing.

But then, Pixie looked at the slowly recovering wound on her stomach and curled her lips in disgust.

After all, a Blastoise without a super evolution is still a senior gym owner.

Spanning two major levels, even with the bonus of the super launcher, the healing wave has little effect on it.

When the Water Arrow Turtle saw this, he showed an expression of shame and anger in sync with the giant gold monster, and immediately forcibly interrupted the healing wave.


The fire light drifted away from behind Ming Zheng, and the overlapping heat waves spread, making the surrounding temperature instantly rise a lot.

The corners of Mingzheng's mouth curved slightly, and he moved two steps to the side to get out of the way.

The Ace of Flames was revealed, and his momentum reached its peak. The flame ball under his feet was so red that it turned blue, with purple in the blue.

Tap tap~ tap tap~

He took two steps forward gently, and the ground beneath his feet became cracked. The Flame Ace dribbled the ball with both feet, and under Pixie's slightly solemn eyes, he kicked out the flame ball!


The flame ball roared past, expanded rapidly in the middle, and finally formed a super-large flame ball of more than one meter, almost covering Pixie!

"Pike hee!!!"

The pink moonlight fell from the sky again, hitting the flame ball head-on before it hit, and also blocked Pixie.

Suddenly, the purple light and shadow flashed away under Pixie's feet, and Gengar quietly appeared behind it. He opened his mouth and fired an oval explosive bomb with a rich purple light!

Skill, sludge bomb!

Therefore, the Flaming Ace whose attack has been strengthened to the top level is not the ultimate ace. The function of the giant flame ball is still to attract most of Pixie's attention.

The real killer move is the sludge bomb!


A painful scream sounded, and Pixie finally suffered a lot of damage.

In the elf world, attribute restraint is an eternal law. Gengar is ready to go and the sludge bomb that hits it completely is already very powerful!

Boom! ! !

The flame ball was also actively detonated by Flare Ace at this moment, completely breaking through the interception of the power of the moon.

The next second, the elves who had basically recovered started a wave of concentrated fire.

<divclass="contentadv">Bone Boomerang! Cannon light cannon! Seed bomb! Water cannons!

Several attacks hit Pixie without any mercy.

The energy conflict directly caused an explosion, with flames shooting into the sky and thick fog rising.

Mingzheng's eyes flashed with purple light, and he quickly locked onto Pixie inside, and subconsciously pursed his lips.


He didn't even take a breath for long before Pixie's angry scream sounded again.

At the same time, the Water Arrow Turtle and Metagross exclaimed at the same time.

Having just climbed out of the spring, they watched the spring water turn red, and a large amount of red energy floated up and gathered crazily above Pixie's head.

Under the fire and smoke, the red brilliance kept flashing, and they were quickly dispersed, revealing Pixie, who had a gray face but extremely scarlet eyes.

Mingzheng stared at Pixie, whose momentum continued to rise, and he already had the intention of retreating.

The red ball of light gathered above the opponent's head is extremely bewitching, and it seems to be the king-level treasure they have been looking for.

Now it seems that he may have been mastered by Pixie for a long time.

This also explains why the surrounding area is so desolate.

I'm afraid this place has long become a paradise for Pixie hunting!

The next second, Pixie waved her hand, and the power of the moon wrapped in a layer of red halo tilted down. The range of the skill increased dramatically, covering almost Ming Zheng and most of the elves.

Such power is far beyond what it was before!


Mingzheng no longer hesitated, moved sideways out of the attack range of the power of the moon, and quickly rushed towards the Water Arrow Turtle and Metagross.

A red light flashed, and the two elves whose movements were restricted were immediately recovered.


The sly-horned deer followed closely and moved Mingzheng onto his back using telekinesis, while Gala Gala even sat down first.

Flare Ace, Ye Yibu, Gengar and Yue Yue Xiong are not weak in maneuverability. When Ming Zheng gave the order, they immediately retreated and rushed in the direction of Warrior Eagle and Edelweiss Moth.

If you want to escape, you must ultimately borrow the power of the warrior eagle. This is Mingzheng very clear.

Seeing Mingzheng and the others evacuate so decisively, the angry Pixie was stunned for a moment, and then became even more angry.

Jumping with big strides, Pixie raised her legs to catch up, but saw a large number of rocks falling from the air.

It did almost no damage, but successfully stopped its action.

The strange-horned deer, which was at the end, took the opportunity to speed up and quickly caught up with everyone with Mingzheng and Gala Gala.

From behind, Pixie tried to continue the pursuit after fending off the rockfall attack.

At this moment, a slender gray figure suddenly sprang out, with a ray of purple light and fiercely pushed Pixie back!


"Reinforcements? What reinforcements?"

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