Elwen the Conquered

Ch 37: Consummation

Elwen laid back on the bed, sinking into the soft mattress. She had insisted upon taking a bath before they... did anything. Partly as a delay tactic, but also because she felt unclean, even despite using her magic to take a quick 'shower' earlier.

Cladion had taught her two versions of the spell, one that worked more like an actual shower and a more advanced one that created a blob of water that flowed around her body and sucked up all the dirt. The main advantage of the second one was that she didn't need to take her clothes off, as the spell would clean them as well, and it didn't leave any water behind. It was fast and convenient, so much so that she could just cast the spell whenever and be mostly clean a few seconds later. Still, it wasn't as good as an actual bath, and it wasn't calming at all, rather, it was kind of unnerving. Like a vacuum was sucking away at her.

She was glad that they had a proper bathroom attached to their room, one with a full-sized bath she could soak in for a while. She must have spent nearly half an hour there; the water almost turned cold by the time she was done. Varian took his turn after she was done, which left her waiting in the main room with nothing to do but stew in her thoughts, which only made her anxiety grow with each passing minute.

But now, her time was out. Varian stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of his signature black pants. Only his pants. The rest of him was left exposed, sparse droplets of water flowed down his arms and chest, ones he didn't bother to dry off, too excited for what was to come. The ends of his long hair rested in a loose ponytail on his shoulder, their dampness fueling the trails of running droplets. For the first time, she could clearly see his chiseled abs and toned arms which were normally hidden by his tunic and armor. His musculature showed clearly on every piece of him, with just the right amount of fat smoothing the well-defined curves. His tall figure was imposing, not helped by his piercing red eyes stabbing at her or the growing grin on his face. Admittedly, a little part of her was terrified.

He wasted no time rushing over to her, picking her up and gently tossing her onto the bed. And that was how she got here, laying on her back. Varian loomed over her, straddling her legs, his hands placed on either side of her head. Her heart fluttered as she realized just how close he was, her thoughts racing to what they were about to do. His eyes wandered up and down her, making her feel like she wasn't wearing enough clothes. Why did she decided to just wear a nightdress? Suddenly, she became conscious of just how short it was, the hem resting mid-way down her thigh. A little movement and it could shift dangerously up! She instinctively pressed her legs together, pushing one knee over the other. She turned away, his stare proving too much for her.

“Don't look away,” Varian softly spoke, turning her face back to him. He leaned forward, reaching down to place a kiss on her cheek. Her ears started to burn in response. She tried to turn her head again, unable to bear his gaze, but his hand stayed firmly in place, forcing her to stay. “You look too cute, Ellie.” He leaned forward again, this time targeting something other than her cheek.

Her mind exploded when his lips touched hers. Her thoughts tumbled around, like she threw them in a washing machine. They came and went faster than she could complete them. Her heart pounded, each beat sending another pulse of warmth through her. Varian's tongue invaded her mouth, gently exploring its depths.

Was it strange to say that she enjoyed it? It felt so nice, she couldn't help but reach out with her tongue, the two doing a sloppy dance between them. For a moment, it felt like they were the only ones in the world.

Right when she felt like she needed to breath, Varian separated from her, a thin string connecting their lips, before breaking as he moved away. He smiled at her, his thumb swiping her lips. “You’re not acting shy anymore?” He placed another kiss on her lips, “But it was fun...” He complained, but her head was so fuzzy that she could barely understand his words.

His planted more kisses on her cheek, before moving down her neck. His hands wandered her body, tracing out sensual patterns, prickling her senses as they passed her sensitive spots. His kisses moved down more and more, until they plucked at her collarbone, pulling the collar of her dress down just a bit. Suddenly, he stopped and moved away from her, standing back on his knees.

“Mhmn...” She couldn't help but frown, feeling unsatisfied. Why did he have to stop? She shivered as his hand traced one last line down her as he stood back on his knees. Her heart fluttered as he reached down, unbuckling the belt of his pants. She gulped, knowing it was finally time. But now, she was ready for it. She wanted it.

Varian threw his pants on the floor behind them, his underwear quickly following. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, her hands instinctively moving up to her chest. She caught a glimpse of his thing dangling dangerously over her. It was much bigger than she thought it was, but then again she had never really seen any in-person before.

“Tell me if anything feels wrong, ok? We can stop any time, you just need to say so.”

“Mhm... ok...”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, his nail tracing out a line down the outside of her thigh, “It's not too late to stop, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to control myself if we do anything more.”

She nodded again, accidentally letting a small moan.

“Come on, I want you to say it.”

“Mhm-ah! Y-yes-mhmm...”

“Yes what? I want you to tell me exactly what you want.” His finger shifted to the inside of her thigh, slowly moving up toward her most sensitive area.

“I w-want you to h-have sex with me!” She screamed, partly from the pleasure and partly from embarrassment.

Varian's mouth blossomed into a smile. “Well if that's what you want.” He pounced, quickly grabbing her hands and pinning them above her, his fingers quickly interlacing with hers. He placed another moist kiss on her lips. He hadn't expected her to like those so much, but he was learning. And he would enjoy learning every single thing about her.

Elwen gasped, taking in a much-needed breath of air. She loved all of the kisses that Varian was giving her, even despite the almost painful heat that throbbed through her face. She was sure that she was as red as a tomato, but still, she was loving every second of it. If she could, she would never stop... Varian let go of her hands, letting his wander across her. Hers found their way to his back, hugging him close.

Just as she was starting to feel light headed, Varian pulled back again. She sat up, following him, not wanting to end their kiss. He shifted back a little more, sitting back on his feet, too far for her to reach. She pouted as she pulled her legs underneath her, letting her follow him.

“My, you're quite eager, aren't you?” Varian laughed, letting her wrap her arms around his neck, returning her kiss in kind.

She felt his hands wander down her sides, coming to a rest around her waist. He pulled her closer, forcing her to stand up on her knees. Their battle of tongues continues, only pausing briefly to catch their breath. As it raged, Varian slowly pushed her back until she was sitting on her feet, leaning back so much that she felt like she would fall if he wasn't there to hold her. One of his knees found its way between her, and a push to the side opened her legs.

Varian pulled back, licking his lips as they separated, keeping a firm grip on her waist. She let him go, panting as she tried to recover. “I think we're ready to take this to the next level.” He said, grinning madly.

Suddenly, he pushed her back, pinning her down on the bed once again. His elbows pushed her knees apart, exposing her delicate womanhood as he pushed himself forward, planting his knees on either side of her, forcing her to keep her legs folded up or wrapped around him. Her arms landed above her head, grasping the soft pillows behind her.

His right hand traced a line from her waist, flowing around her hip and along the curve of her butt, ending up sensually dancing on her inner thigh, sending shivers through her body. She reflexively arced her back, throwing her head back, unintentionally pushing her groin closer to his.

“This is a really pretty dress, I'm glad you decided to wear it,” His hand moved down, “But it does get in the way.” He flicked up the skirt, revealing her panties underneath. His fingers rubbed against her thigh again, but this time they didn't stop until they reached the mound her undergarments hid.

“Oh,” Varian said in mock surprise, “You're already wet. You naughty girl.” She blushed in shame, wanting to hide. It was true. She couldn't feel it at first, but as soon as he pointed it out she became conscious of the wet feeling between her legs.

The tips of his fingers swept against the surface of her panties, sending creating more pleasurable signals. “They even have a pretty little bow... How nice,” he commented, “I guess we'll have to go out and get more.” He pulled down harshly on the soft fabric, ripping it off her and throwing the remains off to the side.

She muffled a soft scream with a pillow, shocked at his sudden action and the fact that she was now completely and utterly exposed. She couldn't watch as Varian grasped his member, long stiffened by their activities, and positioned it by her delicate folds. It felt strange, feeling something poking her down there. It was hard, like a rock, unyielding as it pressed against her. She felt him rub it up and down against her groin, her heart pounding as it did. She couldn't take it, pulling the pillow over her head, pressing the cold fabric into her face.

“Don't hide,” Varian told her, pulling the pillow off of her, “I want to see your face.”

Now she had no wear to hide. All she could do was stare into his eyes. He leaned down, planting a kiss on her lips. They waited there for a moment, absorbed in pure bliss. She desperately wanted it to continue forever, but as quickly as it came, it ended. He pulled back, a beautiful smile on his face.

“Are you ready?” He asked, sweeping a strand of hair of hair behind her ear. She tensed, bringing her hands closely to her chest. She took a deep breath, trying to relieve some of it, before nodding.

She felt him guide his tip between her folds, gently pressing it in. She took a sharp breath in as he pressed deeper and deeper, closing her eyes. She winced as she felt a tingle of pain as he plunged deeper into her. He immediately stopped as she did, gently stroking her head. When it faded, she opened her eyes, letting out her breath as the pain left her.

Varian wiped a few tears out of her eyes that she couldn't even feel forming. “Are you ok? Do you want to stop?”

She hesitated for a moment. Frankly, it felt really weird having him... um... inside her. And it hurt a little to, but that seemed to be faded. It wasn't like all the wonderful kisses before, but it also didn't feel bad. And if it made Varian happy...

“Mmm... I'm ok,” she said, “You can keep going.”

“Ok. Tell me if anything hurts, ok?” He responded, slowly pressing forward again.

She squirmed as he pushed deeper once again. It was a strange sensation, like she was being filled up, being stretched to accommodate him. The last few centimeters only became more uncomfortable as he slowly pressed into her. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, Varian's pelvis finally hit hers. She had taken in the entirety of him. Still, it felt like he was pressing up against something, wanting to go further, but there was nowhere else to go She was completely full, unable to take any more. She took in a few tense breaths as they waited there. Slowly, she felt like she was loosening. Expanding? It became a little more bearable, to the point where she could actually think again.

“I'm going to start moving, ok?” Varian told her, squeezing her hands that she didn't remember him taking.

“Mhmm...” She couldn't even speak, she felt so stuffed. Slowly, he began to pull out, the pressure that had built up inside of her lessening as he did. Then he pressed in, going just up to the point where it started to get uncomfortable, before pulling back again. Over and over, he repeated this cycle, slowly and with care. Eventually, it started to feel better. Even a little good.

“You can... ahmnn... go... hmngh... faster...” She had to focus on the words to get them out, the sensations filling her body almost clouding her mind completely. Varian obliged, speeding up his strokes.

“Hahh... You look really... gha... beautiful. You know that, right?” Varian said, not really sure if she could hear him. He couldn't help but say it, and there wasn't a single fiber of him that would deny it. She was the best thing that ever happened to him. “I love you. I want you to know that, too.”

Elwen couldn't respond, being filled with so much pleasure she could speak. But she heard him, and his confession added to the torrential storm of emotion inside of her. She was happy. He liked her. This had to be the happiest day in her life.

A few tears leaked out of her eyes as she tried to clear her mind, tried to suppress the mind-breaking pleasure radiating through her.

“I love you, too.”

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