Elwen the Conquered

Ch 41: New Rules

“I think we need to set some ground rules.” Reia suddenly declared as they walked down the forest path.

They were traveling northward, out of Blackmarch and into the northern Medan Kingdom. Or should it be Queendom? As far as Elwen knew, it was ruled by a long line of succubus queens. Anyways, she knew that Varian didn't like a couple things about the culture in Blackmarch, so he decided they were going to move on. The fact that there was a dungeon in the capital city was also attractive. He had also considered going to the Urian Confederation in the west, but there was a wasteland between them, so it would be much harder to go there on foot.

“What do you mean?” Reia's statement peaked Varian's interest.

To Elwen, it seemed like it came out of nowhere, but that was mainly because she was only half listening to the conversation. She was too busy trying to practice her new [Earth Spike] spell. It seemed like it would have been useful during their fights in the Stony Heights, but she didn't find the spell until this morning.

“It would be nice if you told us what you want us to do.” She explained, “I don't know what you want from us.”

Elwen had to agree. She felt like she didn't really know what their relationship was. Sure, she was his slave now, but what did that mean? It was uncomfortable to be in this zone of uncertainty.

“You're my slaves.” Varian answered, “I expect you to do what I tell you to.” That seemed reasonable enough to him.

Reia frowned, “Yeah, that's a given. I meant what you want us to do when you haven't given us any orders. More general rules.” She fiddled with one of the buckles on her dress, before softly muttering, “Besides, it’s not like you give us orders often anyways...”

“Hm...” Varian thought for a moment, “Why?”

“Huh?” Reia tilted her head.

“Why should I make a bunch of rules.” Varian answered, “It seems to be working out so far, not having any.”

“But isn't that what masters do?” Reia retorted, “Aren't you supposed to be making up a bunch of rules for us?”

“I guess I could, but I don't see why I should. Not unless something makes me.” Varian responded.

“It could be fun!” Reia tried to convince him, “Isn't the whole reason why you decided to get a harem of young women is so you could play around with them?” She struck a suggestive pose, “It could be a new way to play. Plus, all the other masters are doing it. If you don't give some rules, how are we supposed to feel like your slaves?”

Varian thought Reia brought up a good point. It was considered normal for masters to frequently give their slaves orders and rules. Even one of the books he read in the city while trying to research how to unlock more features of his [Slavemaster] system. The book never explained it, so he thought that they would just unlock over time. Maybe he was going about it wrong? What if it worked more like a class, and he had to gain experience in it to level up. And if Reia really wanted some rules, he was fine with giving her some. “What do you think, Ellie?”

“Um... It sounds fine...” She didn't really have a strong opinion one way or the other. It would be bad if the rules made her do something embarrassing, but at the same time it did sound interesting. She trusted that he wouldn't do anything too egregious.

“Give me an example.” Varian demanded, turning back to Reia, “What type of rule do you think I should make?”

“Hehe, I don't know, let me think...” Reia smiled, mulling over the first few ideas that came to her mind, “Well, first, let's start with an easy one~” She practically sang, “Shouldn't we call you 'Master'? It only fits with your position.”

Varian's heart thumped as he quickly imagined a short montage of situations where the two called him 'Master'. “... That sounds good... Yes...” Varian played with how he wanted to phrase the rule, “From now on, you two will call me 'Master'.” He pondered it for another moment, “Or 'Sir'.” He didn't want to leave their options too narrow. He could always add in more later.

“Hehe, ok Master!” Reia cheered.

“Um, y-yes Master...” Elwen confirmed, feeling her cheeks rapidly warm up. Why was that so embarrassing? She had done something similar for all of the people at the training camp, so why was it hard now?

Varian looked at her in amusement, already feeling like it was worth it. “It sounded like you had other ideas, Reia. What are they?”

“Well, Master, you could always make rules on what we're supposed to wear.” Reia said, “For instance, is there something you'd want us to wear at night? Or maybe when we're in the city we could wear a special outfit when we're out, hm?”

“That... does sound good, too.” Varian responded, “But we don't have anything like that now...” He remembered that he forgot to take them to the 'specialty' stores in Blackmarch. Oh well, it could wait until they got to Meda. “I'll shelve it for later. What else?”

“You could set a service schedule or something.” Reia moved on to her next idea, “Like divvying up the chores so you can sit back and relax?”

Varian didn't like the idea of relying on them to do all of the work, but the idea of having set responsibilities wasn't bad. “We could try something like that... For now, let's start with you two being in charge of meals. You said they taught you how to cook, right Ellie?”

“Mhmm!” Elwen nodded, “I'll do my best!” This was her chance to put her skills to the test! They probably wouldn't be able to do anything super fancy on the roads, but that was fine. She wasn't confident that she could do something like that. But something simple would be easy! And she knew that they had all the necessary supplies, they would just need to pick what to make.

Varian laughed at her serious face, “Of course you will! I'm looking forward to it!”

“We'll do breakfast and dinner only. I don't think we'll need lunch, at least while traveling. It'll slow us down too much.” He declared, “We'll try this until we get to the city, then I'll decide if we continue or not.”

Breakfast and dinner? That didn't sound like too much to Elwen. She just had to figure out what she wanted to do...

“Of course, Master.” Reia responded, “Is there anything else you want to add? Maybe some 'special' service?” She licked her lips as she spoke.

“Eh, let's not. I'd rather not schedule anything like that. It's more fun to just do it naturally. Unless it becomes a problem for you.” Varian said, referring to the unique requirements her species had.

Reia pouted, but didn't complain, “Fine. What about money? Should us slaves really be carrying so much?” Reia held up her coin purse, completely filled with silver coins, “I mean, I'm not complaining, but usually masters exert more control over finances...”

Elwen questioned that, mainly because their individual purses weren't really that much, especially when they were only carrying silver coins. She had only used hers to buy a few snacks, or pay the innkeeper for meals when Varian asked her to bring them up to the room. Varian said it was a safety measure, so that even if their purses were stolen, they wouldn't lose too much. Any time they had to go buy something bigger or were getting a larger payment for a mission, Varian took care of it with a larger purse in the magic bag.

“Maybe we can make a budget or something,” Varian responded, “But I'd rather you two keep some money on you. It would be too much of a bother if you had to ask me every time you wanted something, and it's good for emergencies, too. I'll think about it, but let's just keep things as they are for now.”

Reia nodded, accepting his answer while trying to come up with another potential rule. “I don't think I have anything else...”

They spent a minute walking in silence as they continued to think, before Elwen finally broke the silence, “Um, I think I have extra stat points because my [Status] was locked when they were training me, so, um...”
Varian snapped his fingers, “That's an idea! How about you two don't assign your free points yourselves, but instead make a proposal and I'll approve it. That way we can make sure they're used well.”

“Hehe, now Master is coming up with his own rules!” Reia responded.

“But, um, what are we supposed to do with them?” Elwen asked, “I don't really know what would be good...”

“Eh, don't worry about it too much,” Varian told her, “I'll help you through it later. But this will be good because it should help us assign our points more effectively.”

“But what about emergencies?” Reia asked, “I've used some of my points in the past to boost my stats when I've needed them.”

“That's fine, do that if you need to.” Varian responded, “I don't want you to get hurt because you lose that flexibility, just make sure to tell me about it. Still, I don't think that will be as effective as we level up, individual points just won't make as much of a difference.”

“Ok Master!” Reia grinned.

“Hm... What about- No, that would be a problem...” Varian tried to come up with another rule, “This is difficult; Most rules I can think of would hurt us more than they would be helpful...”

“They can be fun too!” Reia interjected, “They don't have to be useful! But yeah, I can't really think of anything else...”

“Sure, they can be fun too... Do you have any more ideas, Elwen?” Varian asked.

She thought for a moment. There wasn't really anything that she thought had to be addressed, but there was something that was bothering her. “I think you should... um...” She tried to phrase it correctly, “Split your night time more equally!” She accidentally bit her tongue at the end, but she got her thought out.

“Hm?” Varian was confused for a second, “Ah, someone wants me to fuck her more? Hmph, I can do that. We don't even need a rule. We could do it right here,” he said, grabbing her waist and pulling her in front of him, “But I think it would be better to wait till we camp for the night. Then I can make sure you can enjoy it for as long as you want.”

Elwen's face grew beet-red, but he did accurately understand what she wanted. “T-that s-sounds nice!”

“Sounds like we do need to set some 'special' service rules,” Reia grinned.

“Ellie, I thought you didn't want to do that, that's why I wasn't asking you to do it.” Varian explained, “If you want something like that, just ask. I'll be more than happy to oblige.”

“Oh,” Elwen lowered her face, trying to hide, “I will.”

“And if you don't, I might have to take Reia suggestion.” He teased, “I might even have to punish you.”

“Oh!” Reia exclaimed, “That could be another one!”

“What are you talking about?” Varian asked.

“Hehe!” Reia giggled, “You have to tell us how you're going to punish us when we're bad girls, don't you?”

“Are you saying you're planning on doing something that might deserve one?” Varian asked.

“Of course not, Master! ~” Reia chimed, “But I have been known to be naughty~”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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