Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 62: Slime incident and new magic

After parting ways with Tristan-san, we headed for the lake in the Young Tree Forest to finish what we had left to do. On the way, we were ambushed by an unknown entity.

"Kya!? Wh, What!? This!?"

The one that attacked us was Ion. And there was a liquid-like being attached to Ion. Yes, a slime. I've seen it among Rook's summoned beasts, but never as an enemy.

"Ah!? Wa...it. Where do you touch..."

The slime crawls around Ion...gulp, it's an ungodly sight.

"That's enough!"

Ion attacks the slime with her dagger, but it doesn't do any damage. Eh? Doesn't physical attack work? This thing? Isn't he strong?

While I was analyzing, Ion, who had nothing to do, shouted.

"Don't just look at me, please help me! Lily! Setia!"

"I can't help it at all~Ion-chan"

Lily heads over to help with a smug look on her face. Oh, what a déjà vu. I can predict the scene after this. Setia evacuates as well, if that's the case.

And Lily who approaches Ion is captured by slime, but Lily also shows her own power.

"It's sweet! Deya!"

She tore the slime apart and threw it. The slime then hit Setia. There was a moment of silence.


"...Is there anything you want to say? Lily-oneesama?"

"Wa, Wait, wait! That was an accident! Kya!?"

Lily makes an excuse in a hurry, but she doesn't realize that slime is still on Ion. Apparently, even if this slime is torn, it just splits.

Lily, who was full of gaps, was caught by her feet and rolled away in dismay. And then a lump of slime attacked Lily from above.


In the blink of an eye, her body is covered in slime...it's a feast for the eyes.

"Uu...it's so sticky...ahaha! It tickles...ahahaha!! Stop~"

Is she being tickled? Lily is rolling around. I can totally see inside her skirt, but security is still intact. Slime, can't you do something about security?

And Setia, who was thrown a slime, is desperately trying to use magic, but the slime clinging to her body is blocking the magic chanting with some skill or an attack with an attack judgment.

"A!? Wh, What are you doing in my clothes...kya!? You can't go in there"

Where the hell did you get into Setia's clothes? Slime-san! Please tell me. I'm begging you!

However, will our three strengths be driven into incompetence so easily? Slime is scary.

"""Don't look, help me (Pl, Please)! Takuto (san, sama)!"""

I was furious. I had forgotten myself in front of such a wonderful sight. So I had to identify it before I could help...then I attacked it with magic and was able to defeat it without any dismay. Needless to say, the three of them became slime haters. I'd like to summon it, but I'm afraid it would be a big no-no.

I'll just have to hit it with a magic stone summon...

After the slime incident, we arrived at the lake. For now, I want to catch landlocked masu salmon. So I started fishing for three hours and to my surprise, I caught three landlocked masu salmon. I guess my fishing skill has improved.

I wanted to cook them immediately, but I was so absorbed in fishing that it was time for dinner. We'll have a nice dinner at the inn after we return.

I finished my supper and served the landlocked masu to Ion and the others. Then we went out for the night hunt as usual, but I decided to go to the forest with Lily and others.

And I'll try out my magic in turn. But first, let's start with the martial arts of the staff.

The magic circle seems to create a magic circle underneath you and when you're on top of it, your magic power slowly recovers. However, the duration of the effect is too short to recover much. If the amount of recovery increased, it would be a terrific technique, but it's not that great.

Entrust is a technique to transfer magic power. It seems to be a good match for Setia. It might be able to make up for the shortcomings of tree magic. However, my magic power will be reduced, so it's a double-edged sword.

Next, let's try magic.

Far Wind. It was the first ranged magic that created a whirlwind to damage the enemy. It seems that range magic doesn't choose its target, but rather each magic has its own type. In the case of Far Wind, it seems to be a technique where a magic circle is set up and the magic is activated on top of that magic circle. By the way, the wind flipped the skirts of the girls, but it was no match for the ironclad security. God damn it.

Atmosphere. It was a magic that inflicted damage by hitting the opponent with a mass of air. The image is like hitting a big ball in a ball rolling game. Naturally, it's large, so it can be rolled into multiple targets. The damage is moderate and useful.

Fire Shower. Sparks will fall and the enemy will burn. This is a magic with a fixed range. The range is large, but the damage seems to be weak.

Burst. The specified opponent burns. It looks like it's spontaneously combusting. It's scary. It seems that damage and abnormal burning may occur. This is exactly what I saw.

Tremor. The ground shakes. It seems to keep dealing damage during this time. The damage is subtle and you can't even feel it. Therefore it's hard for speed types like Ion.

Earth Wall. Creates a wall of earth. It's the first wall spell. I feel like it's super useful because it can create a wall in a specified location. However, it doesn't seem to be able to prevent multiple attacks. It was broken by a single attack from a Kamakiller. It's an earth wall. But I think it's important to be able to prevent it once.

Water Cutter. Unlike wind cutters, this one is like a high-pressure water gun. When the water cannon hits, it cuts the opponent. Yeah. It's a scary attack. In case you're wondering, real-life water cutters can easily cut through steel.

Splash. Shoot a lot of small aqua balls in front of you with your staff. Each one does little damage, but if you hit a lot of them, they'll do a lot of damage. It's a natural enemy of people who move around like Ion.

Sleep. Makes the enemy sleep with high probability. However, it seems to wake them up if you damage them in any way.

Illusion. Creates an illusion of you. Moreover, it seems that enemies will target it first. I think it's useful. It doesn't seem to have any effect on allies. Lily and the others found out easily.

Laser. It's a beam. It's nothing more than that. It's light magic's first offensive magic.

Clear. Abnormality recovery magic. For now, I was able to recover from debuffs, sleep, paralysis and poison. I think I'm going to need a lot of help from now on.

Appose. I return the small items to my possession. I tried various things. The ones I was able to get back were stones, Ion´s dagger and a potion. I couldn't get Lily's sword or big sword, or me and Setia's staff. It seems there are restrictions on size and such. But I'm thankful that the equipment I threw can come back.

Communication. It seems that I can communicate with my friends. I'm pretty sure that's what the info said. I'd like to try it out. I think it's super convenient.

At this point, I received a text message from Rook. I read it and found out that it was about yesterday's incident. It's just right, so I'll let him be my communication experiment.

"Ah...hello hello. It's me"

『Why is this like an scam call...I mean, it's obvious from the info that the communication is from Takuto-san』

Ah, is that so...boring. No, it would be a problem if I could make a scam call.

"I learned a new space-time magic. I think you need to talk to me, so I tried it out. Are you okay now?"

『I'm fine. It's useful magic. I'm sorry about the trouble you had yesterday』

He suddenly apologized. Why?

"Why would Rook apologize?"

『The tamers who targeted us were also involved, weren't they?』

I see. He has a surprising sense of responsibility.

"Yes. Is that why you went to the trouble of apologizing?"

『Yes. And...I saw the video』

"Hmm? Video? What kind of video?"

『It's a video of the whole thing from yesterday. This is a video of Lily´s duel and Takuto-san´s battle』

Ah...that's what Kaito was talking about.

"I saw that kind of thing. It doesn't feel good"

『I'm sorry. I was curious. And this video has already been deleted』

Yup. Kaito said that it's been seen quite a bit.

『I'm not sure if I should be asking this today or yesterday, but can I ask you a question?』

"Hmm? Please?"

『Yes...actually, there was talk on the internet that summoners would gather and set up a place to exchange information and when I saw Lily and Ion crying, I was told to gather in a hurry』

It's great that you're concerned about Lily and others, but there are a lot of hidden agendas at play here.

"Is that the way it is today?"

『...Yes. However, because of the circumstances, I decided to suit Takuto's convenience』

Well, what to do...I'm not particular about hunting, but I want to hunt when I come to the forest. However, considering Lily and others, I think it is better to have interaction with the players. I think so more by interacting with Tristan-san.

"I'm sorry, but I'm hunting today. I can participate tomorrow"

『Eh!? You're going to participate!?』

"Yes. Lily and others saw the malice of the players for the first time yesterday. I want them to know that there are some good people among us"

『That's certainly true. I understand. I'll talk about the situation. What time would you like to start?』

"Well...considering dinner, how about 8:00 p.m.?"

『I think that's fine. I'll send you an email if there are any changes』

"Okay. Then. See you tomorrow"


Cut off communication. Now, let's continue the night hunt.


Author note:

Slime is too strong. I didn't do much damage to it, though. I think slimes are one of the strongest monsters in the world. At the same time, I don't want to miss out on something like this.

Next time, there will be an emergency quest. I hope you enjoy it.

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