Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 30

I leaned against the cold glass of the Hogwarts express watching the rain fall down from heaven.


Me and Tonks had broken up, I felt pretty bad about that basically five month relationship. We hadn't broken up with fire, brimstone and explosions. Just a silent whimper signifying the death of a flower that hadn't even had the chance to bloom yet.


I don't think I'd ever forget her crying form laying on her back telling me that she just couldn't deal with the secrecy. ( I probably would, being immortal and all, but it was the thought that mattered.)


I still remembered her last words to me. “Is it weird that I can love a person with so many attributes I absolutely despise?”


I had of course known that we wouldn't stay together forever.


You couldn't create a healthy relationship built upon lies. I had originally started dating her because I simply needed someone who would give me the physical and emotional contact I needed to stay a functional human being.


Somewhere in between I'd fallen in love. I sighed. Truly, tragic.


“You look sad.”


I deadpanned at Granger, who for some reason had decided to sit with me.


“Really how did you deduce that Sherlock?” She just looked at the ground at my rebuke, her self-confidence was at a really depressing state, having absolutely no friends would do that to you.


I didn't know how the girl could be sorted into the house of the nerds yet not make a single friend. Maybe she was just socially retarded?


Screw it, I'd befriend her, she was talented, desperate and friendless, prime minion material.


“Sorry for snapping at you, I just had a bad week I guess.” She nodded trying to appear sympathetic but obviously wondering how I could be sad at christmas.


Susan and Wayne finally burst in.


“Ron what the hell, you haven't replied to any of our letters.” They looked more worried than mad.


“I was in a coma for a week.” They both gasped, sufficiently dramatic.


“What happened mate?”


“Magical exhaustion.” Now they looked intrigued, well expect Susan she still looked worried. I gave a forlorn sigh.


“Remember this kids, trying to transfigure a christmas tree into santa is a bad idea.” I pulled out my deck of exploding snap cards.


“Anyone wanna play.”




After a few hours of play and visits from almost every Hufflepuff, all of them inquiring if I was ok, the question I had been expecting for quite a while dropped.


“So what did you get for christmas?” Coming from Granger weirdly enough.


“Well I got a lot of candy from my yearmates, my brothers old comet 360, a book about dueling techniques, some thick woolen socks, a book about household charms from Wayne and Susan sent me a pouch charmed to hold more than it should.” I stared at the ceiling.


And a leather bracelet from Tonks with the words 'traveler' engraved on a steel plate woven into it.


Tonks I had gifted a ring created by myself through my fire sorcery. It was a simple thing made out of iron. I wasn't sure what she had done with it.


“It's not charmed.” Susan said, to which I replied with an eloquent ‘huh?’

“It's enchanted.”


I had to sit back and marvel at that.


“Wow thanks.” The difference between a charmed and an enchanted object was simple. The charmed object would do what the charm commanded until it ran out.


Enchanting meant the attributes of an item were changed, by example of the leather pouch, it was brown, made out of leather and it was bigger on the inside.


One more thing you should know about enchanting was that it was hard as hell.


There were maybe eighteen enchanters in the entirety of Britain. Well actually competent ones that is.


Therefore of course enchanted objects were expensive.


Sometimes more expensive than a wand. If I had to take a guess the pouch Susan had given me would be worth about 10 galleons.


I would have to make sure to thank her appropriately later.


“If you were in a coma, have you done your homework?” Hermione's words made me groan and put my head in my hands.




Later at Hogwarts, I was looking at Potter while eating.


He looked happier, not as thin and was talking happily with my twin brothers. Interesting, him being friends with them. Would probably make it harder for me to steal his invisibility cloak but hey, good for him.


I had mixed feelings about the deathly hallows. Artifacts that had more legends woven around them than some gods.


The original story said that by uniting them you would become the master of death, which was honestly quite dubious.


But worth a try.


Even if it didn't work, every individual hallow was quite the powerful item.


Potter, an invisibility cloak that could hide you from magic itself.


Dumbledore, a wand so strong it almost enabled one dark lord to take over a continent.


Voldemort, a stone that let you talk to the deceased.


Definitely things worthy of being in my collection.


Just like the Mirror of Erised and the Philosopher's stone.


And maybe with my new skill in spatial magic I'd be able to pull it off.


Spatial Magic(active) lv. 1 Exp: 87

Manipulate the very fabric of existence. One of the true Magicks.


Trait: True Magician

Through your experience with the forces making up reality you are able to learn true magic at a faster pace. (20%)

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