Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 35

I hadn't really appreciated how gigantic the three headed dog was when watching the movies in what seemed like a lifetime ago. It was overly gigantic. The thing took up almost the entire room.

Honestly why was this hellspawns’ name 'Fluffy'.

Six predatory eyes looked at me and thankfully closed as I played a flute I had transfigured from a pebble on the ground.

I had always found the challenges had been too easy in the books, made to test Potter.

Or simply to delay the thief until Dumbledore came.

In the end only he knew.

Opening the trapdoor I cast a spell to determine that the plant down there was in fact the devil's snare and not some other eldritch abomination.

"sphaera lucis" A sphere of light manifested and I was able to see that yes, it was indeed the devil’s snare.

I jumped and let the green thing break my fall, then I created fireball and used it as a guiding light towards the next chamber.

The key chamber was quite interesting from a magical perspective.Trust Flitwick to enchant each and every key personally.

Thankfully the door was already open so I could simply stride through.

The chess chamber was next. It was quite intimidating how every statue turned to me as one, sadly I didn't have time to figure out how they were capable of gazing through the invisibility cloak I was wearing. A pressure plate maybe?

The map showed Potter in the second to last chamber already. If things happened the same way as in the books the stone would be destroyed if I dawdled.

The gazes followed me as I moved.

Honestly was even the floor here enchanted to feel and relay to the chess pieces when someone was walking on it. I suddenly felt a change of atmosphere. The statues had risen up and were walking towards me.

Not particularly fast but still.

To open the next door I had to kill the king. Sadly he was staying right in the middle of his respective forces.

I stopped moving and threw one of the rocks in my inventory to the other side of the chamber.

They stopped stopped moving and looked in that direction as if confused. So, pressure plate then, in magical form.

I continued throwing stones as I made my way towards a better vantage point, the magical chess pieces seemingly confused did not react to my movement.

Once I reached a spot where I could aim at the king, through a crowd of soldiers, I concentrated on my magic and gathered my fire, a flash of bright green flames filled the room.

The stone statue of the king was a piece of molten stone on the ground.

Smirking I went around the now hysterical statues and went through the now opened door leading to the next room. Why had this door reset, and not the previous one? Questions questions.

The troll was still knocked out thank god, the smell was quite unbearable though.

A glance at the map told me I had to hurry up.

Dumbledore had just arrived at Hogwarts and was, looking at his speed, sprinting through the halls. I wondered why he didn't have his phoenix flame flash him here.

The thing was probably in it's burning phase, thankfully.

In the next room I found my twin brothers, apparently there wasn't enough potion for more than one person.

Or there was and Quirrell had already taken half. This was the point where I definitely needed the cloak. It should protect me from the black flames. I wasn't quite sure though.

Running towards the entrance to the final chamber I shrugged, I was immortal, who cared.

I jumped through.

The first thing I focused on when reached the other side was Voldemort's parasitic face on the back of Quirrell's head.

It would have been comical how ugly it was, if I wasn't in danger of dying by simply being in its room.

A look on the map showed me that Dumbledore was in the first room. Sadly I would have to move the cloak to my inventory or risk having it taken from me when the Headmaster came.

I watched in satisfaction as how both Quirrel and Potter flinched in surprise when I simply appeared out of nowhere.

I shouted at harry, who was still standing there gobsmacked, the little moron. "ATTACK HIM!" and cast my own spell right afterwards.


My DADA Professor visibly relaxed once he saw the new enemy was just another first year, scoffed and wordlessly cast a shield to block the flames.

"If that's all yo-" He started.

I rudely interrupted him by throwing a fairly big stone at him at the same time Potter finally managed to cast a flipendo.

I didn't believe a wizard of Quirrell’s caliber to be capable of blocking a physical and a magical attack at the same time with one shield and I proved to be correct. He was forced to transfigure a wall to block my stone throw. His paranoia was funny, it was just a stone after all.

While the Professor was coming out from behind his transfigured defence, I ran over to Potter and shoved both my hands into the pockets of his jeans before he could stop me.

"When I shove you towards him, grab his face."

The second I felt something even resembling the philosopher’s stone I whisked it away into my inventory and shoved the boy towards the emerging from behind his stone wall Quirrel.

Casting a red beam of unconsciousness at the man for good measure, making sure he couldn't block the boy missile coming towards him. I ran for the mirror.

By the adult male screams coming from behind me it appeared that Scarface had listened to me.

I tried putting the mirror in my inventory, but it was too big!

Being able to steal it as well would have been hoping for too much anyway. I saw that the face of my former teacher in the mirror, future corpse resembled more a screaming fireplace than an actual face. I pointed my wand at my head. My work here was done.


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