Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 18: Honesty (to a point)

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien comes (mostly) clean with Starfire and is rewarded for it~


He catches Starfire’s hands by the wrists before they can creep too much further up. The alien princess freezes at that, blushing as they pull apart for a moment from their kissing. Far from being upset, however, the Tamaranean blushes and looks ashamed.

“A-Apologies, Remedy. I should not have…”

But Lucien just shakes his head.

“It’s okay, Star. I don’t mind you and you alone knowing my secret identity. I just… I hope you don’t see me differently, once you know who I really am.”

That gets the young alien woman’s interest, just as Lucien knew it would. It also prepares her for disappointment when she sees his face. The likelihood of her realizing right off the bat that he’s Lex Luthor’s son might be minimal, but Lucien doesn’t want to play games or be accused of withholding information… anymore than he already has and currently is, anyways.

Layers within layers. He’d ask when his life became so complicated, but then… Lucien already knew the answer to that didn’t he? Dying had made living so, SO much more complicated. Not that Lucien could complain. This second shot at life was, so far, the best thing that had ever happened to him bar none. And he wouldn’t let it slip through his fingers, no matter what.

Regardless, once Starfire nods in response, Lucien lets go of her wrists and allows her to finally reach up with trembling orange fingers to pull his mask bask off of his face. It’s not attached to his suit, so she’s able to pull it out from under his collar and remove it completely, revealing his true features and hair.

There’s a moment as Starfire studies his face, clearly looking for what he meant by ‘know who he really is’. But in the end… she doesn’t know. He can see it in her eyes, that she has no idea who he is or that he has a connection to one of the most infamous men on the planet. That’s okay though, because while he knows now that he COULD have gotten away with keeping that from her, Lucien has already decided he’s going to tell her.

“Ah… I’m sorry, I don’t… I don’t recognize you?”

Starfire sounds sheepish, causing Lucien to laugh a little bit as she blushes and ducks her head. Reaching out, he presses a finger under her chin and lifts her head back up so he can look her in the eye.

“Honestly, it wasn’t likely that you would. I share some similarities with my father, but I also take after my mother. And besides… I’m probably never going to suffer from the same malady that gives my father his most distinctive feature. Still, you deserve to know what you’re getting into, Starfire. My name is Lucien… Lucien Luthor.”

It takes her a second, but then, much like her older sister, Starfire’s eyes go wide in shock.

“You mean…”

Lucien nods, letting out an explosive sigh.

“My father is Lex Luthor.”

There’s a moment of stunned silence that falls between them as Starfire just sits there in his lap, struggling to process what he’s just told her. Lucien brings his hands down to her hips, gripping gently but not quite moving her yet, only making it look like he’s about to lift her off of him.

“I understand if you want nothing to do with me, Star. I lied to you and the others so-mmph!”

As he’d somewhat expected, Starfire cuts him off. Though he has to admit, he wasn’t quite anticipating her doing so by kissing him again. Her lips press into his once more and she wraps her arms around his neck as she clamps her thighs down, making it so he can’t just lift her off of him, not without using far greater strength against her than he would want to.

Her tongue pushes into his mouth and Lucien answers it with his own tongue. And as they makeout… well, he has direct contact with her right now through their lip lock. Exercising his powers to see what makes her tick is almost second nature at this point. He wants every moment with him to be amazing for Starfire… and judging by the way she starts to grind into his crotch a few moments into their renewed makeout session, he’s succeeding.

Indeed, even when Starfire has to eventually pull back for air, the Tamaranean seems reluctant as she gasps and pants, staring at him.

“You are… an exceptionally good kisser Remedy… err, I mean Lucien. I can call you Lucien, right?”

Chuckling, Lucien nods.

“Sure. When we’re alone, I don’t mind. Maybe keep it to Remedy with the others though. Unless you think I should tell them…”


Huh, he’d been expecting to have to convince her not to say anything. But instead, Starfire is already on board with hiding his true identity from her teammates. He wasn’t THAT good of a kisser, was he?

“A-At least… we can’t tell Robin. He wouldn’t understand. He’d use it against you, to drive the others away from you. I know… I know you’re not a villain, Lucien. Your father… does he even know you’re here?”

She asks that last question with a knowing tone, clearly already expecting the answer Lucien is going to give.

“No… he doesn’t know I’m here.”

Starfire nods, before following that up with another question.

“Does he know about your… abilities?”

At that, Lucien makes a big show of hesitating, even as he starts to weave a little white lie into the tapestry of truth that he’s currently creating.

“As far as I know, he doesn’t. But… he might.”

That causes Starfire to furrow her brow, her lips curling downwards into a slight frown.

“What do you mean?”

Letting out a low sigh, Lucien looks away for a moment.

“I wasn’t always like this, Star. In fact, until very recently, I wasn’t like this at all. I spent most of my life sickly and all but bedridden. It’s why you’ve never heard of me, why you don’t recognize me. I might be Lucien Luthor, but as far as the world is concerned, Lex Luthor doesn’t have a son.”

Starfire nods along with this, the Tamaranean Princess finding nothing to question in what he’s saying so far.

“But… one day a little while ago, on my birthday no less… I woke up like this. Feeling good. Healthy. Strong. For the first time in my life, I can do it all. More than I ever should have been able to. And… and I can even heal other people. I can save lives.”

A smile spreads across Starfire’s face as Lucien speaks, one that he finds himself matching with a smile of his own. It really is amazing, his power set. Of course, he’s very much not telling her the whole truth here. And while yes, he CAN save lives… Lucien is a fairly selfish man. His true goal remains the same. To finally stand on even footing with Death of the Endless, the woman he was quite literally made for and the woman he wanted nothing more than to bring to climax.

But Starfire doesn’t need to know that. Not yet anyways. That still means Lucien needs a reason for how he got these powers. Or at least a theory.

“The day of my birthday, my father had me driven to a facility where his scientists ran a battery of tests on me. A battery of tests that he’s had his people run on me every single birthday for my entire life.”

Starfire’s eyes widen at that. It is the truth, to be fair. But Lucien is definitely twisting it for his own ends.

“I don’t know what my father knows about my powers. I don’t know if he was responsible for them. Or if maybe he was responsible for suppressing them all this time and something finally changed. I don’t know what he’s planning. I just know that I’m not sick anymore… and Lex knows that too. But I haven’t told him anything about my abilities. And he doesn’t know I’m Remedy, hopefully.”

There’s a brief pause as Starfire processes all of this. And then suddenly, she’s kissing him again. Lucien is a little surprised, because he wasn’t expecting his little sob story to garner this sort of reaction. And yet, from her hands on his face and her lips on his lips, Lucien can FEEL how aroused Starfire is. Apparently, the act of bearing his heart to her has turned her on like nothing else.

Clothes go flying after that, the rest of his costume quickly removed and Starfire’s purple and silver outfit also stripped off of her beautiful orange body. They’re both as naked as can be in no time at all, which is when Lucien takes control, turning the tables ever so slightly and pushing Starfire onto HER back on the bed. He could have let her ride him like her sister did, but Lucien wants to wow her. And he gets the impression that Starfire LIKES her bedmates to be a little… dominant.

He's proven right when her breath hitches as he pulls her arms over her head, capturing her wrists in one hand and using the other to softly grope her beautiful tits. A low moan leaves Starfire’s lips, and her legs spread wide for him as his cock presses against her slit.

“You want it, don’t you Star? You want me to fuck you. You want me to make love to you.”

Mewling under him, Starfire eagerly nods her head. But Lucien doesn’t penetrate her. Not immediately.

“I want to hear it, Starfire. And I want to know this isn’t just about Robin.”

The alien princess freezes up under him at those words. Lucien knows he’s playing with fire here, no pun intended. If he doesn’t navigate this properly, he risks driving Starfire away. But still… he wants to get her out of the mindset of ‘revenge against her crush’ as swiftly as possible. And he’ll be honest, he doesn’t want her thinking about Robin… when she should be thinking about HIM.

Bringing his hand up from her chest to caress her cheek, Lucien smiles fondly.

“I like you, Star. And I think you like me too. But I’m not blind. I know you liked Robin as well. I’m worried that you’re going to break my heart, Starfire. That all of this is solely to get back at Robin, and not because you actually like me for me.”

There’s a quiet pause at that, before Starfire finally answers him.


Blinking, Lucien lifts a brow questioningly, making her blush.

“I-It’s my name… my proper name. T-Technically, Koriandr means Starfire in English… so that’s how I wound up introducing myself to all the others. Starfire is all any of them, including Robin, know me as. But in Tamaranean… Koriandr is my name. I would like it if you called me by it… or m-maybe… Kori?”

Lucien stares at her for a long moment, realizing as she spoke that… he already knew that. Because somehow, he already knew Tamaranean. How did he know Tamaranean? It was… an additional ability of Starfire and Blackfire’s species? He’d glossed over it originally when he was incorporating Tamaranean Physiology into his own, but there it was. Tactile Linguistic Assimilation.

He’d unknowingly absorbed a bunch of alien languages, Tamaranean included, from Blackfire. Starfire didn’t know any new ones, so he hadn’t gotten anything from her. Still…


He says it like he’s testing it out, before giving Starfire… or rather, giving Kori a broad smile. Then, just as she’s smiling back at him with hope in her eyes, Lucien thrusts forward. He fills Kori with his cock right there on the spot, stretching the Tamaranean Princess with inch after inch of his dick.

Kori’s beautiful green eyes go wide and her mouth opens in a silent scream as the air is punched from her lungs. She shudders under him as Lucien uses his physical contact with her to push down on the pleasure centers in her brain, making her cum from penetration. That’s not something Starfire would have ever experienced before, he suspects.

As the orgasm takes her, he buries his face in the crook of her shoulder, kissing softly at her neck, moving his hand back down from her cheek to her chest. He maintains his hold on her wrists however, and Koriandr never once tries to break free. Judging by the way she’s squeezing down on his cock, she quite enjoys having him holding her ‘prisoner’.

Her heart is racing a million miles a minute, and she’s perspiring all over her beautiful orange body. The sweat isn’t just from the physical exertion either… he’s hitting all of her buttons, both knowingly and unknowingly. Of course, the more he fucks her, the more Lucien knows. He has her entire body laid out before him, allowing him to ‘see’ through his power what each new thrust does to her. As he fucks her, he can tell what really turns her on and give her more of it. Like pinching her nipple every time he thrusts into her as deep as he can go. Or kissing her as he squeezes her breast.

Their tongues swap spit, but it becomes increasingly obvious that Kori is not interested in fighting him for dominance. She wants to submit. She wants to surrender control to someone… someone she can trust.

A small part of Lucien feels bad for how he’s still deceiving her, even now. But this is all that Blackfire asked for, and in turn he’s got a loyal alien brawler on his side, one who’s already taught him a lot about how to use his new alien strength and flight.

Lucien has no intention of betraying Blackfire. But the more he fucks Starfire, the more he wonders just how he’s going to get out of this. Because after spending the day with Starfire, he doesn’t want to hurt her like Blackfire wants him to hurt her. Not really. Getting her addicted to him would be child’s play, but as much as he’s making this the best sex of her life, Lucien isn’t going that far. He’s not using his powers to permanently alter Kori’s brain chemistry, nor is he making it so she literally can’t live without him or anything as twisted as that.

And yet… as she cums for him, over and over again, Lucien is left wondering what to do next. Keeping his word to Blackfire requires hurting her sister. And not just hurting Kori but destroying her. That was what Blackfire wanted. But was it possible to go a different route? Just from talking to Kori throughout the day, Lucien had got the impression that she didn’t truly hate her sister. Not in the same way Blackfire seemed to hate Starfire. Maybe there was a common ground to be found here, somewhere. Maybe there was something to be done?

He considers the issue, even as he continues fucking Kori into the bed, pinning her down and softly dominating her just the way she seems to like it. Lucien himself is in no danger of cumming unless he decides to of course, and he’s certainly not going to get tired any time soon. So really… he has all the time in the world to make a decision, even as he continues to blow dear Kori’s mind.


The Patreon Vote:
[X] Start working on drawing out Starfire's submissive side in earnest, testing if she might enjoy being a slave again - 84%
[ ] Half-ass his promise to Blackfire. Give Starfire the best sex of her life tonight and then vanish, claim that he's done what Blackfire asked - 6%

[ ] Betray Blackfire after all, get Starfire to help him apprehend Blackfire so Lucien can have a 'clean' slate - 10%


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