Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 20: The Plan

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A plan is put into motion and we get a new perspective~


Starfire moans as she raises herself up and drops herself back down onto Lucien’s cock. Riding him in her bedroom in Titan Tower, she throws her head back and shudders as his cock hits all of the best spots inside of her. She has to admit… she sort of loves fucking Lucien. She really, really loves it.

If someone had told her just two weeks ago that she’d be fucking a man besides Dick, she might have punched them in the face. She had been so certain that she and Dick were going to become romantically involved sooner rather than later. After all, she’d had feelings for the leader of the Titans for some time at this point. And she’d started to think he might share those feelings.

But then… one thing had led to another. Kitten had fucking happened and thrown a bomb right into the middle of their relationship. And Starfire… Starfire had made a choice. In hindsight, she recognized that Robin didn’t do anything he’d done that day with any sort of eagerness or enthusiasm. He had been forced into an unenviable position, and even the kiss… that had been all Kitten.

Starfire understood that. She didn’t blame Dick for any of that at this point. However, she definitely still blamed him for how he’d acted afterwards. It didn’t matter that he’d been partially right. Yes, Lucien WAS keeping something from them. Something huge. After all, it wasn’t every day that the son of Lex Luthor showed up with healing powers and a costume and offered his assistance.

But Starfire believed Lucien when he said he wasn’t working for his father. And she felt like everyone was entitled to their secrets at the end of the day. Even among the Titans, not every single thing was known. They were friends with bonds forged in the fires of battle yes, but that didn’t mean they told each other everything.

Dick was jealous. That was the problem. It didn’t matter what Lucien’s secrets were, because the Titans’ leader wasn’t approaching it from a place of true neutrality. It wasn’t about operational security or anything like he tried to say it was. No, Dick had seen Starfire kissing Lucien and he had decided to take it out on the other man rather than directing his anger where it belonged, at her.

… She still cared for Dick, don’t get her wrong. He was still her teammate and friend. But seeing him act in such a petty, self-serving way… it had cooled her ardor towards him somewhat. While fueling the fire she’d suddenly had blazing in her breast for one Lucien Luthor.

So yes, she was bouncing up and down on Lucien’s cock right now, riding him cowgirl style in her quarters as he lay under her on the bed, smiling up at her. And y-yes, she was wearing nothing besides a collar connected to a leash casually wrapped around one of his hands. Starfire blushes as she enjoys how it feels every time she lifts herself all the way up to the tip of his cock, only to feel a tug on the collar as she reaches the end of the leash and has to come crashing back down.

Lucien knows her body so well in such a short amount of time that it’s not even funny. Not only does she feel like they’re quite… emotionally compatible, they’re also insanely compatible physically as well. She absolutely adores having sex with the handsome, powerfully built young man. She loves how his big cock feels inside of her. She loves-!

“Starfire! Starfire, come in!”

Robin’s voice, sounding terse and as high-strung as ever, comes over the intercoms. Starfire freezes up for a moment before remembering that there are no actual cameras inside of their quarters. At least, there aren’t supposed to be. Lucien gives her leash more slack as he looks up at her in silent amusement, and Starfire flushes as she reaches over and presses a button on her nightstand. She tries to catch her breath before doing so, but ultimately fails.

“Robin? What… hah, what is it?”

“Its-! Err… why do you sound so out of breath?”

Starfire’s face heats up and she feels Lucien’s silent amusement growing. She also feels him throbbing inside of her as she shifts on his lap, still impaled upon his cock.

“… Remedy and I were training. N-Nothing to worry about.”

“Training? But why would you be training in your room and not in the tower gym?”

Starfire really doesn’t have a good answer to that. Fortunately for her, she doesn’t have to come up with one, because Robin cuts himself off a moment later.

“Never mind all that! It’s your sister! She’s come knocking!”

Starfire’s eyes widen and to Lucien’s credit, he looks just as surprised. He also immediately lets go of her leash, allowing her to lift off of his cock with a hopefully quite squelch.

“Blackfire? Where is she? Remedy and I will be right there to try and stop her, hold her off until then!”

She quickly removes the collar from around her neck and all but flies across the room to gather up her discarded clothing and begin getting properly dressed. Lucien is doing the same, only for both of them to pause when Robin’s voice comes through the intercom again.

“No, you don’t understand Star. She’s literally knocking.”

Wait, what? Starfire’s brow furrows and she exchanges a confused look with Lucien. After a moment, she points.

“That button there.”

Shrugging, Lucien reaches over and silently pushes it, seeing as he’s closer. A moment later and a holographic interface springs to life on the far wall of the room, showing the front door of Titan Tower… and a very familiar black-haired, tanned Tamaranean, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and a mulish expression on her darkening face. Tapping her foot impatiently, Blackfire scowls for a moment before uncrossing her arms.

“I grow tired of these games! I know that my sister presides within this structure! Produce her IMMEDIATELY or I swear I shall destroy this entire place until she is in front of me!”

… What?


“So what… you don’t remember anything?”

Beast Boy scratches the back of his head as he asks that question, prompting Blackfire to stiffen and sniff haughtily as she glares down her nose at the green-skinned hero.

“Have I not made myself perfectly clear? I remember plenty. However, I know not how I wound up on this world. Nor why my sister and I are suddenly so much older. I refuse to believe I have this… amnesia you speak of. More likely, this is some elaborate joke!”

They’re all in the Titan Tower’s biggest common room. Starfire and Lucien, once again clad in his Remedy costume, plus her sister, plus all of the other Titans. Starfire finds herself torn. On the one hand, being alone with her sister has always been a recipe for disaster and she appreciates her allies as well as her current lover being there to act as a bulwark between her and Blackfire.

On the other hand, this is not the Blackfire who followed her to Earth. This is not the Blackfire who hated Starfire with all her guts, who not only tried to kill her at one point, but also enslaved her and then handed her over to her superiors when they demanded access to her. No matter how reluctant Blackfire was to do so, she still did it. She gave them Starfire simply because they asked and even if they weren’t taking ‘no’ for an answer, it still hurt.

Of course, it hurt a lot more that after Starfire got away, Blackfire had chased her all the way to Earth and continued to make her life a living hell on a regular basis up until the modern day. Family were supposed to be there for each other. They weren’t supposed to be constantly at one another’s throats like she and her sister had been.

Though in all fairness, it wasn’t like the rest of their family had ever treated Blackfire very well. And their people, the people of Tamarea, had despised her from the day she was born for things outside of her control. It was all such a mess and always had been.

But suddenly, that was all changed. This Blackfire, despite her firm denials, was apparently suffering from amnesia. She didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t remember trying to kill Starfire. She didn’t remember joining their enemy and conquering their people in the name of their adversaries. This Blackfire was still incredibly prickly, as to be expected, and she was obviously looking down on Starfire’s friends… as well as probably Starfire herself.

She wasn’t murderous yet though. She wasn’t… things weren’t unsalvageable.

“I don’t trust it. This is too good to be true.”

Robin’s voice cuts in from the side, the Titans’ leader sitting by himself with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed as he regards Blackfire with suspicion. Starfire feels a weird mix of emotions at that. On the one hand, she knows he’s only so distrustful and suspicious because Blackfire has always ever been their enemy.

On the other hand, her hackles raise at his tone of voice. Not least because it’s the same tone he’s been using whenever he’s talked about Lucien this past week or so. But also… if there’s even the smallest of chances that Blackfire can be rehabilitated and Starfire can have her sister back, warts and all… then how can she not take it?

Of course, there’s an easy way to check, at least on a surface level. Starfire’s gaze slide over to the half-demon in the room, causing Raven to stiffen up as they make eye contact.


Letting out a low sigh, the empath looks away from Starfire, glancing at Blackfire. Then, sighing again, she looks to Robin and delivers her verdict in her usual deadpan, no-nonsense tone.

“The amnesia is real.”

Robin stiffens up at that, even as Starfire perks up at the same time. However, Raven isn’t done.

“I can’t say for certain if it was by someone’s design or not, however.”

That sends waves of alarm through the entire room. Even Lucien, who has an arm wrapped around her shoulders, grips down a bit tighter at that. Starfire, meanwhile, looks at her sister, wondering who could possibly want to erase Blackfire’s memory.

“I knew it! She-!”

“I said I can’t say for certain, Robin. Not that she was obviously tampered with. Her mind… whatever gave her amnesia was not magical in nature and thus is outside my purview. But while there’s signs of a recent concussion from a few weeks back that’s fully healed, I don’t think that would have caused this.”

Starfire winces at that. The concussion from a few weeks back… that would have been her. A month ago, Blackfire had implemented her latest scheme. She’d set things up so that the rest of the Titans would be occupied, and then she’d forced Starfire to fight her once again. Starfire had managed to come out on top, but not before she’d slammed Blackfire into the concrete of a half-destroyed warehouse hard enough to make a crater outline with her sister’s body.

Sometime between flying off to assist her friends and coming back to take Blackfire into custody, her older sister had gotten up and walked off. But… what if she hadn’t? What if someone else had found her?

“Blackfire? What is the last thing you recall?”

Looking at her, Blackfire wrinkles her nose at being questioned and Starfire immediately dips her gaze submissively. It’s an old survival instinct she developed from when they were children. Most recently however, she used it when she was her sister’s slave to make herself seem as small and unthreatening as possible. It’s almost funny how easy it is to slip back into that dynamic, though Starfire admits that she can’t figure out which of the two dynamics she’s actually slipping back into.

Either way, Starfire’s submission bears fruit as Blackfire grunts and nods, clearly satisfied. Then, she furrows her brow in thought.

“The last thing I recall… metal. Chemicals. Needles. I woke up… underground. I did not hesitate. I immediately sought the sun, which causes me to tear through quite a lot of barriers before I made my way free. After that, I wandered until I heard something familiar. Your name. I was told you were here, so here is where I came for answers.”

That… made some amount of sense. Though it painted a strange picture. Did that mean that Blackfire had been captured? Experimented on? But by who? Who had taken her sister and what had they done that gave the elder Tamaranean amnesia? And… was it permanent?

Starfire flushes at that last thought, knowing it was unbecoming of her. No one deserved to lose large chunks of their memories like that with no way of getting them back. Not even Blackfire. But… it would be nice if maybe Starfire had a chance to keep this version of her sister, over the version that hated her and wanted to ruin her life at all costs. After all, if they were both here on Earth, then Blackfire would no longer feel the pressure caused by their people’s inherent distrust and dislike of her. They could… they could start again.

“Would you be able to take us to where you woke up? Do remember how to get back?”

Terra’s voice suddenly pipes up, the first time that the blonde has spoken since they gathered. Blackfire’s eyes snap to the geokinetic, causing Terra to immediately tense up like a prey animal who’s trying not to draw the attention of a big predator. Starfire winces at that, knowing full well that that’s not how you handle her sister’s glare.

But to her mild surprise, Blackfire doesn’t leap upon the display of weakness. Instead, letting out a quiet scoff, not even dignifying Terra’s question with a response, Blackfire looks back to Starfire.

“Sister. I would speak with you alone. Away from these… aliens.”

Starfire bites her lower lip, part of her yearning to take Blackfire up on that offer. Of course…

“Absolutely not! Out of the question! Do you even know-?!”

Robin’s attempt to shut down the idea is subsequently shut down by not one but two Tamaranean Princesses directly death glares in his direction. To be fair, Blackfire’s death glare might not have gotten him to shut up alone, but Starfire’s definitely did. How dare he speak for her? And was he seriously about to spill the beans and tell an amnesiac Blackfire how many times she’d tried to kill her own sister?!

In stark contrast to Robin’s reaction… beside her, Lucien just squeezes her shoulder again, a silent show of support that Starfire finds herself incredibly grateful for. Sure, he hasn’t said a word this entire time… but he doesn’t have to. He’s there for her, and she knows it too. A solid and stoic rock that she can rely upon even as her world is turned upside down.

Starfire hesitates, even as Blackfire sweeps her gaze back around to her expectantly. Her older sister does spare Lucien a quick glance, sizing him up, but to Starfire’s surprise, she doesn’t seem to have a strong opinion of him one way or another. Which admittedly gives Starfire an idea…

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Agree to Blackfire's demand to talk alone - 30%
[X] Suggest that Remedy be allowed to come along - 68%

[ ] Say that she would feel more comfortable with the Titans still there - 2%


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