Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 22: The Threesome

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

"Well, that escalated quickly." - Lucien probably.


“… Actually, I could use some help in handling him, sister.”

The awkward silence extends as both Lucien and Blackfire continue to stare at Starfire. Kori, what the fuck? Never in a million years would he have thought that she’d take the initiative like this. Offering to share him with her sister? Hah, if only she knew! Still, this was really out of left field and Lucien wasn’t sure how to respond.

Of course, Starfire wasn’t talking to him in the first place. She was talking to her older sister. Who, after blinking for a brief moment, tilts her head to the side.

“Excuse me?”

Starfire’s blush is positively incandescent and it’s obvious she’s regretting her words. Or maybe not, because she doesn’t try to take them back or tell her sister to forget them. Instead, squirming for a moment, Kori finally bites the bullet.

“He is… a lot for one woman to handle, sister. It would… be of great benefit if I had another… pair of hands to help lighten the load, so to speak.”

Did she even hear the words coming out of her mouth?! Sure, this was the plan… but Lucien hadn’t expected Starfire to be the one to initiate. And there was also one small hiccup… Blackfire was still very unaware that this was even a plan she’d signed off on in the first place.

“Tch. You would just offer your mate to me, sister? Just like that? You have ulterior motives, I can tell.”

Straight out of the mouth of babes. Even Amnesiac Blackfire could see something off about this. However, Lucien suspected she wasn’t quite connecting the dots here. See, he was starting to understand where Starfire was coming from. She was trying to use this as an opportunity to not just build a relationship with her sister that they’d never gotten to have… but also to rebuild some part of the relationship they’d had when Blackfire had quite literally owned her as a slave.

Starfire herself had all but admitted that she hadn’t truly minded being Blackfire’s property. She’d told him that it hadn’t truly been bad until Blackfire had given her up, throwing her to the proverbial wolves. Now… now Starfire was trying to include Blackfire in their relationship because she wanted to get some small bit of that back. The orange-skinned alien wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

Of course, Blackfire’s words cause Starfire to jolt as she realizes she hasn’t asked Lucien if HE wants to get involved in all of this. As the Amnesiac Tamaranean scowls and crosses her arms over her chest, Starfire shoots Lucien a wide-eyed look, as if expecting him to blow up at her. She looks distraught, clearly not having thought this at all through.

Lucien… well, he just shrugs and gives her an encouraging smile. Sure, this might all be moving much faster than he had anticipated or planned, but he wasn’t going to shut her down when she was handing him exactly what he and Blackfire had wanted on a silver platter. Unfortunately, while his encouraging smile causes Starfire to slump in relief, it does not go unnoticed by Blackfire.

The Amnesiac jumps to conclusions and scowls, suddenly beginning to glow with purple energy.

“Ah. I see now. It is not that you wish to offer to share your mate with me. No… it is that you wish to offer me up to your mate. Is that it, sister? All of this talk… you were just trying to soften me up. To weaken me so that you could sacrifice me to your mate’s insatiable lusts!”

Starfire whips back around, her relief short lived when she sees that Blackfire looks angry enough to fight.

“What?! No! Blackfire, I swear that’s not it! I would never… I don’t want to…!”

She can’t quite find the words to voice what she truly desires, but Blackfire doesn’t see that. She only sees her little sister struggling to come up with an excuse that she would believe. Further convincing her that her assumption regarding Starfire’s true goal was in fact right all along.

Blackfire is about to blow a gasket and either attack them both or fuck off. Neither is an acceptable outcome at the moment. But Starfire isn’t going to be able to defuse this situation, not as she is now. In the end, it falls to Lucien.


Both Starfire and Blackfire jolt, turning to him. But when Blackfire realizes he’s speaking directly to her and her alone, the Alien woman’s ire lessens ever so slightly. She still looks mad as hell though. Lifting his hands with his palms out in surrender, Lucien shakes his head.

“Starfire and I have not spoken about this at all. We have not discussed sharing you. I have not asked her to seduce you for me, nor has she offered. This offer of hers was not only completely spur of the moment… it was also genuine. And while I am willing to entertain the idea, neither of us wishes to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

He speaks with a completely honest tone, regulating his body to put his best foot forward so to speak. With his powers and his knowledge of Tamaranean physiology, he sends all the right signals to make it clear that he’s telling the truth… or the best liar that Blackfire has ever known. To be fair, he IS telling the truth, mostly. Not enough that he doesn’t use his powers to augment his words, but still, it IS the god’s honest truth. After all, he hadn’t spoken to Starfire about seducing Blackfire. Rather, it had been the opposite way around entirely.

But neither Blackfire nor Starfire knew or needed to know that at this time. All they needed to know was that this was a simple misunderstanding. Of course, as Blackfire slowly calms down, the glow in her eyes receding somewhat… her anger does not fade entirely. In the end, despite believing his words from the look of things, she still crosses her arms over her chest and huffs rather petulantly.

“Hmph. And how am I supposed to believe that, exactly?”

Lucien resists the urge to grin, because even with amnesia his partner in crime has set him up perfectly.

“Easy. Let us prove it to you.”

Both Blackfire and Starfire give him curious looks at that. But Lucien is in too deep to back out now. And frankly, this feels right… for all of them, amnesiac or not.

“You’re concerned that Starfire’s offer is based in some scheme to force you to submit to me, to allow her and I to dominate you. Well… what if we flipped the script, hm? What if you and I were the ones to dominate Star here… and I let you take charge? She’s the one who submits, while I promise to… follow your lead for the duration of the encounter. You’re in control from beginning to end.”

The alien sisters jolt at the idea, though for very different reasons. For Blackfire, she jolts out of pure incredulity. For Starfire… it’s shock and more than a little bit of interest. Of course, Blackfire immediately scoffs and shakes her head.

“As though my sister would ever…”

She trails off then, because in the middle of her sentence, she’d looked over at Starfire and seen the younger Tamaranean blushing profusely again and averting her eyes towards the ground. Blackfire’s eyes narrow and she huffs, her gaze darting between the two of them suspiciously.

“… Starfire. Would you… truly be willing to debase yourself in such a manner?”

“Y-Yes! I mean… yes sister… if it convinced you of my good intentions, I would do so h-happily! Please… give me a chance…”

Silence falls upon the rooftop again as Blackfire furrows her brow in consternation, thinking things over. Then, quite suddenly…


Starfire jolts at her sister’s order. She bites her lower lip and looks around the open rooftop for a moment… before slowly nodding and moving to obey. Lucien watches this from under his Remedy Mask, considering suggesting they move this to a more… discrete location. Certainly, it would be better if they did this in a hotel or something.

But he’d already promised to give this Amnesiac version of Blackfire total control, hadn’t he? He wasn’t sure immediately making suggestions would endear him to her at this point. Besides, Starfire is willing so he won’t step in.

Once she’s completely naked, Starfire stands there before them both, blushing… but also not making any move to hide her body. In fact, she seems almost happy in her nudity, happy to present herself to the both of them, even in a public place like this.

Blackfire, meanwhile, lets out a shuddering breath and then slowly nods.

“Come here, sister.”

As soon as Starfire walks within reach of the older Tamaranean, Blackfire grabs her roughly by her hair and forces her to her knees. But her younger sister doesn’t fight it. She submits to Blackfire’s hold completely willingly, biting her lower lip to contain a whimper, even as Blackfire forces her to kneel on the rooftop’s gritty surface. Then, she looks to Lucien and curls a finger inward.

“You as well.”

Lucien walks over wordlessly, body tense. He hopes that Blackfire understands she’s not going to degrade or humiliate him in the way she’s allowed to do to her sister. He’d tried to word things properly because at the end of the day, Lucien is not submissive. He doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body. At the same time though, he’s more than willing to let Blackfire take the reins here. Especially if it’ll make her more interested in maintaining a cordial three-way relationship between all of them going forward, even after he restores her memories.

“Take it out, sister. Take out your mate’s cock.”

“Y-Yes… of course, Mistress…”

Lucien raises an eyebrow, even as Blackfire’s eyes widen. But Starfire doesn’t seem to notice their reactions, focused as she is in slipping her hands into his costume and pulling out his sizable cock. Blackfire’s breath hitches at the ‘first sight’ of it, her gaze snapping to his throbbing member as Starfire moans, letting it drape over her face.

After a moment, the older of the two aliens regains herself, humming in thought for a moment before nodding.

“Mistress… I like the sound of that. Keep using it. And… take him into your mouth. Suck his cock. Let me be clear, sister… you are preparing him for me. You will get him wet and I will ride him. You will not make him cum. If you do, then I will punish you. Am I understood?”

“Y-Yes Mistress…”

There’s a note of fear in Starfire’s voice… but also anticipation and excitement. They fill her as she glances up at him for a moment, giving him a hesitant, slightly apologetic smile. Hah, as if she’s sorry that she got him into this mess. If only she knew…

Either way, Starfire follows Blackfire’s orders, gripping his cock around the base with one hand and fondling his balls with the other as she takes him into her mouth. Bobbing up and down his cock, Starfire wastes no time in getting to work. She sucks and slurps at his member, moaning all the while as she kneels there naked and exposed on the rooftop.

Blackfire, meanwhile, looks down at the exchange with an unreadable expression on her face. Her hand is still in her sister’s hair, but she’s not controlling the pace at the moment. She doesn’t need to, mostly because Starfire is doing exactly as she’s told. Just looking at Blackfire, Lucien can tell that the older Tamaranean is… conflicted to say the least.

She’s been hit with a lot of information in a very short amount of time, to be fair. With her amnesia being what it is, she’s coming to terms with the loss of their planet without even knowing that it was her fault Tamaran got conquered in the first place.

Meanwhile, she’s also having to come to terms with the fact that Starfire has a lot of negative feelings towards their parents and people over their treatment of Blackfire… treatment that this version of Blackfire has always quietly blamed on Starfire at least a little bit. Though not as badly as she would in the future.

And then, on top of all of that, Blackfire now has to wrap her head around Starfire seemingly willing to submit to Blackfire in this way. She’s happy to strip naked at her sister’s orders, happy to kneel at her sister’s feet, happy to call Blackfire Mistress. And she’s happy to suck his cock at Blackfire’s command.

It’s a lot, to be fair. The Amnesiac Blackfire clearly isn’t entirely sure what to make of it. Does she keep her guard up and continue to look out for the trap? Or does she let her guard down and enjoy this moment for what it is? Even though her expression is unreadable at the moment, Lucien doesn’t have to be able to read minds to know what’s currently going through Blackfire’s head. After all, he’d spent a lot of time around the alien woman. He knew the way she thought, what made her tick. And while this Blackfire was a little different from the Blackfire he’d gotten to know, she wasn’t THAT different.

… That said, as Starfire bobs up and down his cock, careful not to go too fast out of fear that Lucien might cum, he ponders if it’s time for this version of Blackfire to… come to an end. Sure, it’s a bit faster than he was originally expecting, but the whole point of the amnesia scheme was to get to this point. And they’d done it. They’d reached the point where Starfire was willingly submitting to Blackfire’s orders, even calling her Mistress of her own volition.

This was what Lucien had wanted. To show Blackfire that her sister wasn’t the problem. That she didn’t need to hate Starfire, or ruin Starfire’s life, or even kill her. She just needed to take the reins.

Amnesiac Blackfire was doing an admirable job of that at the moment, but Blackfire with all her memories would be much better suited for the threesome that was to come. All it would take was a single touch and he could restore her. He’d made sure of that.

Looking between Starfire’s bright green eyes staring up at him as she dutifully fluffs him in preparation for her sister to fuck him, and then to Blackfire’s unreadable expression as she watches her sister submit to her whims… Lucien contemplates his choices and then makes his decision.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Return Blackfire's memories to her now - 27%

[X] Hold off for the time being - 73%


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