Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 34: Hate Sex

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Blackfire gets it out of her system. And then...


“… Fuck you.”

There’s not nearly as much vitriol in Blackfire’s voice as he’s expecting to accompany such words. So Lucien lets a crooked smile spread across his lips and raises an eyebrow.

“That a promise?”

With a snarl, Blackfire lunges at him. But there’s not nearly as much aggression in the move this time, so while he does stay on alert, he also lets her do it. Instead of trying to punch him in the face again, this time around she grabs him by the shirt… and drags him into a savage, tongue-filled kiss.

Lucien doesn’t hesitate to reciprocate of course. His hands go to her hips… and then, because it feels right to match Blackfire’s energy, he instead circles past her hips to her ass, gripping down tightly and squeezing her ass cheeks. In response, she lets out a muffled growl and bites his lower lip hard enough to draw blood.

As the coppery taste mixes between their dueling tongues, Lucien gives as good as he gets. She tries to push him back against the wall again, but he holds his ground and sets himself in place. He’s physically stronger and tougher than the Tamaranean Princess at this point. His body is all of the best bits of everyone he’s gotten his hands on so far.

Don’t get him wrong, the Tamaranean part of his physiology has to be the strongest he’s gotten his hands on so far, but Raven’s half-demon biology is a close second. And combined, they make him very strong indeed. On top of that, he also still has the Snow Leopard stuff he got from Spot, along with Beast Boy and Terra’s powers.

Terra’s geokinesis in particular comes in handy here, because Lucien can more readily set himself in place with that new power, using his control over the earth to find his center in a way he couldn’t before.

Blackfire doesn’t like this, of course. In fact, she struggles to overpower him all the same for a couple of minutes, trying to dominate him physically even as they continue to rather violently makeout. Lucien doesn’t bother with the kid gloves as he handles her, but he also doesn’t respond to her violence with violence of his own. Well, not too much anyways. He probably could have slammed her into the ground or the wall if he wanted to, but instead he just squeezes her ass cheeks hard enough that they’ll probably be a little bruised in the morning.

Finally, Blackfire changes tactics… and suddenly leaps into his arms. Lucien grunts but still manages to hold himself in place, even as she winds her limbs around his body, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she lets out another growl. Pulling back from his mouth, Blackfire’s eyes smolder with need as she glares at him.

“Mine. You’re mine. Don’t ever forget that. You were mine before you were my sister’s, even if she doesn’t know it.”

Lucien cocks his head to the side and smirks at that.

“Was I? If I recall correctly, you were my henchwoman, Blackfire. Getting your sister was supposed to be your signing bonus.”

Blackfire shakes her head at that, grinding her crotch against his now, rubbing her tits along his chest. She’s like a fucking cat at the moment, though instead of purring she’s still snarling. But it’s obvious she’s mostly feigning anger because she thinks she has to. The truth is, she just doesn’t want to admit what she really feels.

“My signing bonus was you helping me ruin my sister’s life. All you’ve done is helped her since we started this shit. Besides, what kind of hero needs a henchwoman, eh Remedy?”

… That said, she sort of has a point there. Lucien smiles ruefully, almost sheepishly as he holds her up in his arms.

“Hey now, who’s to say I’ll stay Remedy for much longer, eh? It was just a throwaway identity…”

But that just gets a scoff from Blackfire, and another shake of her head.

“If it was a throwaway identity, you wouldn’t have revealed your true name to my sister and her little friends.”

He wants to protest that he hasn’t revealed his full name and true identity to Robin and Beast Boy at least, but he knows that would be a weak excuse at best. Especially since that still means more than half the Titans know who he really is. Though… given Tara Markov’s current status, it was technically only half, right? Since she might be kicked out of the Titans by the time this was all over…

And Starfire… well, she had to know. Still, Raven knew. And if Raven thought Robin and Beast Boy needed to be told, she would do so in a heartbeat, Lucien was sure of that.

In the end, Blackfire is right. He’s put a little too much of himself into the Remedy identity and his heroic persona at this point. He still has no intentions of being a hero full time, but he also can’t just switch and be a villain without somehow turning Starfire, Raven, and Terra all to the dark side as well. And seeing as he never really wanted to follow in his father’s foot steps in the first place, Lucien was loath to do so.

All in all, this whole venture had been about helping Blackfire get over her issues with her sister without having to ruin Starfire’s life in the process. Blackfire was right, that wasn’t really the work of a villain, now was it?


“Quit your fucking introspection and fuck me already you fucking bastard.”

Blinking at Blackfire’s curse-laden demands, Lucien laughs and nods. In a few quick movements, he frees his cock from its confines and slips Blackfire’s panties aside under her skirt. And then he’s inside of her. He doesn’t do it gently or slowly of course, correctly deducing that as she currently is, Blackfire wants a little pain. She wants to be distracted from having to confront her own feelings.

Perhaps if their relationship was healthier, Lucien wouldn’t have gone along with this. Maybe he should have been the bigger person, put a stop to this, and truly forced Blackfire to confront her feelings regarding both him and her sister and their past experiences once and for all. But not only did that stand the greatest chance of driving her away at this point in time… Lucien was no therapist.

The one thing he did know beyond all else… was Blackfire’s body. He knew what made her tick, he knew what made her arch her back and moan, and best of all, he knew her limits. He could give her what she wanted, while also giving her some of the best orgasms of her life. So why the fuck wouldn’t he?

Driving deep into her from below, pounding her down the length of his cock right then and there, Lucien immediately sets a harsh and brutal pace. His ‘take no prisoners’ attitude has Blackfire gurgling for a moment before she tosses her head back and howls in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The way she clings to him all the harder makes it clear he’s doing something right, even as her cunt walls tighten and flex around his cock.

However, that tightening does nothing to stop Lucien from slamming her down onto his mast again and again, taking her right there in the empty warehouse in a standing fuck. He plows up into her with a gusto second to none, his hands continuing to claw at her ass cheeks as she holds onto him and rakes her own nails down his back.

There’s nothing gentle or tender about this. There’s nothing loving or joyful. In a way, Blackfire is letting it all out on him as he fucks her. Lucien just heals the worst of the damage as they go, her clawing hands definitely drawing blood but the wounds vanishing in mere moments. All the while, he’s ramming into her cunt, reshaping her pussy to his cock for what feels like the hundredth time at least.

Blackfire is right. She did have him first. Starfire might believe that he and her were together before Blackfire ever came onto the scene, but that wasn’t true. Perhaps they’d tell the younger Tamaranean that one day. She probably wouldn’t even be that upset given how everything had turned out. Hell, if Blackfire could forgive him for manipulating her into finally seeing that her sister wasn’t the source of all of her pain and suffering, then Starfire could probably forgive him as well.

At the same time, Lucien would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about the Titans. He understood why they had all but kicked him and Blackfire out so they could deal with Slade Wilson on their own terms. Deathstroke was serious business, but the Titans had fought him before. And after just finding out that Terra was a traitor, they were undoubtedly gun shy when it came to newcomers like Lucien or former enemies like Blackfire.

Still, for Starfire’s sake if nothing else, Lucien would keep an eye out and step in to help if it proved necessary. For now though, Blackfire occupied much of his attention as he drove in and out of her. She was insistent about things, incredibly demanding… but Lucien was well-equipped to give her what she needs by fucking her silly. Eventually, she’ll tire herself out completely and finally pass out on his cock.

And ultimately, that’s precisely what happens.



I know buddy, here you go.”


Lucien tilts his head to the side as he tosses the ball and watches Spot chase after the bouncing thing. Snow Leopards weren’t exactly made for playing ‘fetch’ of all things, but poor Spot really didn’t get out as much as he probably should. Thanks to Lucien’s powers, he didn’t have to worry about the cub getting fat or unhealthy or anything like that.

Indeed, all Lucien had to do was make sure Spot got lots of meat, and then a single petting session would allow Lucien to direct all of those nutrients where they needed to go so that the cub continued to grow into the perfect specimen of health.

… Eventually, Lucien wanted to incorporate other things into his pet. Once Spot grew to his full size, he would be quite the big strong lad anyways. However, compared to the dangers of this world, and especially the dangers that Lucien had a feeling he would invite simply by existing as he did now… Spot wouldn’t be ready for any of that. Not unless Lucien made him ready.

But he wanted to let the Snow Leopard Cub grow normally for a while first. Or rather, as ‘normally’ as he possibly could when he was keeping Spot confined in the apartment and using his powers to make sure he stayed healthy, nonetheless. Still, he could worry about augmenting his pet once Spot was a little further out of adolescence.

For now, Spot comes bounding back to him with the ball clenched firmly between his teeth, having literally chased it all over the room as it bounced from wall to wall just like it was designed to. With Lucien’s hand-eye coordination being a hundred times better than it ever was before, he could literally plot out the exact trajectory of the ball in his mind ahead of time, allowing him to plan a course that would result in minimal damage to the apartment itself.

… There were still scratch marks everywhere, of course. Spot’s claws were getting bigger day after day. But the place was still relatively intact. Taking the ball from his Snow Leopard after a short tug of war with the cub, Lucien rears back to throw again… only to pause at hearing the change in breathing from the other room. Tilting his head to the side, he gives the expectant cub at his feet an apologetic smile.

“Sorry bud, last throw.”

He rises to his feet and tosses the ball one last time. Spot chases it down of course, but this time, showing his enhanced intelligence already, the growing Snow Leopard doesn’t return to Lucien’s side. Instead, he takes his ball under the table for a nice long chew session, while Lucien moves to the bedroom to check on Blackfire.

He finds the exiled Tamaranean Princess laying where he’d left her. The difference this time is that her eyes are open and she’s staring at the ceiling in silence. Leaning against the doorframe, Lucien clears his throat. She barely reacts, making it clear she’d already detected his approach.

“… How are you feeling?”

Blackfire huffs after a moment and floats up into the air.

“Like I need a shower. Make us some food.”

Lucien raises an eyebrow at that, but he’s not so insecure that he can’t help out a very close friend when they’re clearly going through some shit. With a shrug, he turns back to the kitchen and makes them some food, just like he was asked. By the time Blackfire is out of the shower, freshly cleaned and freshly dressed, Lucien is already plating the quick meals and setting them down on the table.

Unfortunately, before either of them can sit down to eat… something else happens that gives them both pause. Namely, the entire room turns red. Lucien blinks and so does Blackfire, while Spot growls under the table. Both of them look towards the apartment’s sliding glass door, where the red is all coming from.

Moving over, they look out… and then up, to see that the source of the red is the sky itself. No longer blue, the sky has turned blood red… and instead of the big white fluffy clouds from a moment ago, there are dark portals swirling into existence as far as the eye can see, going far beyond the city’s limits from the look of things as well.

“… Shit.”

It was an invasion, that much was for sure. Creatures were already starting to pour out of the portals. Lucien doubted it was localized either. It wasn’t just the city, which meant it was more than likely the entire world.

Except… looking out into the distance, there was a massive dark pillar coming down from the sky over near the center of the city. Much bigger then the portals that were even now disgorging enemies. And if that meant what he thought it meant…

“The Titans. Something’s gone wrong.”

Blackfire gives him a look, her face cycling through a number of emotions. In the end though, she stays silent. She neither demands they go to help her sister, nor does she say anything like ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’. Instead, she leaves the ball in Lucien’s court.

But even still… what is he supposed to do? If the invasion is world-wide, the Justice League will surely step in right? Even if the Titans are at the center of all of this, they’ll receive assistance from other heroes soon enough. Right?

Lucien’s jaw clenches as he looks at the distant pillar. Screeching sounds make it clear that even if they don’t do anything, they’re still going to have to hunker down and defend themselves until this is over. But that’s far more likely to end with their lives intact then doing anything else…


The Vote:
[ ] Hunker down and defend themselves and Spot, let the real heroes handle this - 11%
[ ] Evacuate entirely, there's probably somewhere less populated to hide out - 4%

[X] Go straight for that pillar to try and stop this and save the Titans - 85%


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