Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 40: Putting on a Clinic

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien makes his choice.


Thinking about it long and hard in that moment of near-frozen time after speeding up his perception, Lucien can’t help but feel caught between two different goals. On the one hand, he wants to lay relatively low. He doesn’t want the Titans to be able to track him and Blackfire to Gotham. In that regard, perhaps the research lab or the shell company would be his best options.

On the other hand, part of him quite enjoys helping people. It’s a little silly, especially because he’s already decided he’s not going to be a hero, and yet… he likes how it feels when he heals someone. Whether their injuries are minor or certain death, Lucien enjoys helping them. He likes helping people.

Ugh. He needs to keep his eye on the prize, of course. Death is the goal. Death will always be the goal. He’s going to make himself into someone worthy of her, and he’s going to give her the companionship she needs and truly deserves. But… at the end of the day, there’s a multitude of roads that all lead to his ultimate goal of making Death of the Endless cum for him. He doesn’t have to take the one that seems the fastest or the easiest if he doesn’t also think it’ll be the most enjoyable.

Besides, in a way… it was merely doubling down on what he’d already decided, right? Like he’d told Mercy, Gotham was the last place Robin would ever expect to find him and Blackfire. The Titans Leader was almost certainly going to try to hunt them down once he found out they were gone and Blackfire had her memories back, but he would never think to check Gotham.

By the same vein, they would never expect Remedy, a healer, to just up and start a clinic in Gotham. Refuge in audacity. That was what it was, plain and simple. Would it work? Maybe not. But Lucien figured he could burn that bridge when he got to it.

Slowing down his perception and subsequently speeding time around him back up to normal, Lucien smiles, barely a handful of seconds having passed since Mercy had asked what kind of business he wanted to start. Down between his legs, Blackfire still sucks his cock slowly, practically nursing at his dick.

“A clinic.”

There’s a pause from Mercy’s end of the line. There’s also a pause down below from Blackfire, who looks up at him with a modicum of incredulity in her eyes.

“… a clinic?”

Smiling wryly, Lucien nods.

“Yep. I want to open a clinic. A place where I can offer medical care to people. And maybe… extra services to the particularly wealthy.”

“Extra services. Does this have to do with how you miraculously went from sickly and frail to in peak physical condition all those months ago on your birthday?”

Lucien could have held back the wince, but knowing Mercy is watching through a hidden camera right now, he doesn’t bother. He lets the wince come, knowing full well from the blonde’s dry tone that he’d definitely fucked up. To be fair, he’d known that of course. All the way back then, when he’d originally lied to her about his powers.

He’d told Mercy that he knew about the nanochip in Lex’s head because he’d suddenly developed a six sense that allowed him to see the entirety of someone’s biology with a simple touch. However, when she’d asked him if that was all, if there wasn’t anything else he wanted to tell her… Lucien had prevaricated and claimed that was everything.

It was a downright idiotic move on his part, all things considered. Mercy was one of the people who knew him best, even if she had barely known him at all before he’d come back in time. She knew him as a sickly, weak young man who had literally spent his entire life unable to do anything or go anywhere because of his frail constitution.

From her point of view, he’d suddenly become completely healthy and actively stronger and faster than he should have been out of nowhere one day. And when she’d given him a chance to come clean, he’d flat out lied about the full extent of his powers.

To Mercy’s credit, she’d never forced the issue with him. She definitely could have, but instead she’d simply stopped keeping touch and they’d drifted apart. In terms of reactions to his obvious lies, he’d probably gotten the best he could possibly hope for from her.

Now though, well…

“… Yeah. I can do a lot more than just look, as I’m sure you already knew.”

There’s another pause, with Lucien waiting for Mercy to lay into him, to read him the riot act… to do anything. Instead, after a long moment of silence, she continues on as if nothing ever happened.

“Very well. Forging the paperwork won’t be easy, I’m sure you know. And I won’t be able to keep things completely separate either. Everyone in Gotham is expected to have a little bit of sleaze on them.”

Lucien’s eyes narrow.

“What do you mean, exactly?”

He can hear typing on the other end of the call, meaning that Mercy is at a computer and is already going to work.

“It means your clinic is going to be funded by LexCorp. I assume you aren’t averse to disguises for you and your… friend, right? You’ll have to utilize such things if you don’t want to be caught with her immediately.”

Glancing down at Blackfire, Lucien nods.

“Yeah. I can handle the disguises.”

The typing pauses for half a beat before resuming.

“I see. Then you figure out your disguises and send me photos and I’ll get your identification and accreditation set up. There’s a small but somewhat famous clinic in Gotham City run by a woman named Dr. Leslie Thompkins. The Thompkins Clinic, also known as the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic, is funded by Bruce Wayne through the charitable Wayne Foundation.”

Lucien blinks at the impromptu history lesson. Heh, the last time he’d thought about Bruce Wayne had been back when he’d first got Spot and that invitation to the Wayne Manor Gala had arrived. He’d wound up ignoring the invitation, and at this point the Gala had come and gone, completely passing him by. Still… where was Mercy going with this?

“LexCorp’s footprint in Gotham City is practically nonexistent. That isn’t to say we don’t have any holdings there, but it’s all vacant real estate. Any effort to try and invest into the city is opposed by numerous different sources, though your father is convinced that it’s Bruce Wayne and Batman working together to oppose him. As you’re no doubt aware, Batman and Superman are allies on the Justice League after all, and it’s somewhat of an open secret that Wayne has to be the one bank-rolling Batman and his entire extended family of vigilantes.”

Ah, now Lucien was beginning to see what Mercy was getting at.

“You want my clinic to be funded by the Luthor Foundation, don’t you? The Powers That Be might be able to stop any sort of actual commercial business LexCorp tries to set up from getting a foothold in the city, but they can’t exactly prevent a free clinic based on charity without causing backlash, can they?”

He can practically hear Mercy nodding over the line as she continues typing away.

“That’s exactly right, Lucien. Not only that, but it’ll also put the focus on LexCorp, not on you and your… companion. Oh sure, the Batman will still look into you, and he might even be able to figure out that your papers are forged. But so long as your physical disguises are up to snuff, they’ll be looking in the wrong direction, trying to figure out what Lex is up to more than what you’re up to. The only question is… will your physical disguises be good enough?”

Considering Lucien could change himself and Blackfire on the cellular level if he wanted to… he smirks.

“Yes. They’ll be good enough to hold up under serious scrutiny.”

Pausing for the umpteenth time on her end, it’s obvious Mercy wants to demand answers. The only problem is… Lucien is loath to give them to her over the phone, even if this line is probably one of the most secure in the world all things considered. Still, if she did ask, if she did demand answers… he would have offered to meet with her so they could clear the air between them.

Instead, the pause ends without Mercy saying a word in that regard.

“Good. I’ll start getting everything set up then on my end and you get me those photos of what you and your ‘friend’ are going to look like once you get to Gotham. With any luck, if all goes according to plan, they’ll be more focused on LexCorp and what we’re up to then your true nature, and you’ll fly right under the radar.”

Lucien smiles. It was just like Mercy said. Everyone in Gotham was expected to have a certain level of sleaze to them. Even newcomers to the city couldn’t possibly be pure-hearted or entirely good-intentioned… because if they were, they wouldn’t be so stupid as to move to a place like Gotham in the first place.

If he’d just gone straight to Gotham by himself and tried to do anything he’d had in mind, it would almost certainly have shown up on Batman’s radar pretty much immediately. And so would this of course, but… by putting the Luthor Foundation’s charitable funds behind it, suddenly he, his ‘friend’, and their new clinic became just a pawn in a game between businessmen, rather than a curiosity and an oddity in their own right.

“Thank you Mercy, for everything.”

Mercy snorts.

“Don’t mention it. Seriously… do not mention it.”

Lucien grins at that.

“I won’t.”

With that, the line goes dead. The call is over. But the first steps of the next stage of his life have just been taken. On her knees between his legs, Blackfire looks up at him for a moment with his cock still in her mouth… and then pulls off of his dick with a pop and climbs up into his lap.

Lucien grunts, his hands going to Blackfire’s waist as she sinks down onto his cock without so much as a ‘by your leave’.

“You know we’re probably being watched, right?”

Blackfire just scoffs.

“What, by the woman on the other end of the phone? Is she ugly? Fat?”

Lucien blinks, picturing Mercy for a second before slowly shaking his head.

“Err… no. Neither of those things.”

Positively purring, Blackfire smirks as she grinds down onto his cock, swiftly beginning to ride him at a fast pace.

“Then let her watch.”

Blackfire makes a show of it, moaning up a storm as they fuck like there’s no tomorrow. She bounces up and down on Lucien’s dick hard and fast without hesitation, clearly wanting to give Mercy quite the spectacle, if the blonde IS watching like they assume. To be fair, Lucien thinks it’s probably a tossup whether she’s watching them or not. On the one hand, she’d been watching while they were on the phone together and working on setting up the clinic at the same time. On the other hand, now that they weren’t talking anymore she didn’t have any real reason to keep watching, right?

His alien henchwoman certainly seems to think she does, because Blackfire doesn’t let up for even a moment. She cums a few times before finally managing to make him cum as well, causing him to fill her with his seed. Then, without missing a beat, she pulls herself up off of his cock and takes him by the hand, tugging him up out of his chair and towards the bathroom.

Lucien realizes her intentions then, as they strip naked and climb into the shower together. It’s probably the only secure place in the apartment when he’s not using the scrambler… which Blackfire doesn’t actually know he has.

Once they’re under the hot, beating water, she narrows her eyes at him, finally saying what she wants to say.

“So… you’re going to change my appearance?”

Lucien tilts his head to the side, not really surprised that the cat’s out of the bag on that one.

“I’m planning on taking care of both our disguises, yes. We won’t be any weaker of course, we’ll still have all of our abilities… but if we want to truly make this work, we need to look like completely different people.”

Blackfire grunts, looking down at herself, and then eyeing him as well for good measure.

“… Yeah, that makes sense. So you’re going to make me look like a human. I suppose you’ll be the doctor of this clinic… and I’ll be the nurse?”

He can’t help but smile a little at that mental image. Blackfire, even disguised, in a nurse’s uniform. Of course, in his mind’s eye the nurse’s uniform is basically fetish attire instead of normal nurse scrubs. Alternatively…

“You could also be my receptionist instead if you don’t want to be a nurse.”

Blackfire as a secretary would be super fucking hot. Heels, pantyhose, pencil skirt, blouse, and jacket. He can see that in his mind’s eye as well and ho boy…

“… Hmph. I suppose either role is one that a henchwoman should be ready to take for her boss, is that right?”

Lucien grins at her.

“Well, you don’t have to go with me. Though if Starfire found out you’d bailed, she might be a little disappointed…”

Blackfire scowls at the mention of her sister before rolling her eyes and pushing him back against the wall of the shower. She kisses him deeply then, rubbing her tits against his chest, and it’s obvious they’re going to fuck again sooner rather than later. When they finally pull apart for air, Blackfire’s gaze is lidded.

“I get to decide what I’m going to look like.”

Blinking, Lucien chuckles at the ultimatum.

“That was always the plan, my dear.”

Pausing, Blackfire pretends like that doesn’t make her flush slightly in embarrassment.

“Well… good.”

The two of them talk for quite a while about what their new appearances will be. And once they’re both ready, Lucien goes ahead and does the deed before sending the pictures off to Mercy so she can build identities around each.

At this point, they’re locked and loaded. It’s only a matter of time now before they reach Gotham City, onto their next adventure…

The Vote:
[ ] Stick with Lucien's POV - 21%
[ ] Switch to Blackfire's POV - 14%
[X] Switch to Oracle's POV - 52%

[ ] Switch to Batman's POV - 13%


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