Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 45: Honeypot

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Honeypot scheme is a-go!


With Blackfire still giving him an incredulous look, Lucien shrugs one final time and returns the look with a lopsided grin.

“Better the devil you know, right?”

Then, he goes ahead and answers the phone.

“Hello again, Ms. Laville.”

There’s a brief pause on the other end, before Not-Hope finally responds.

“… A-Apologies for taking the initiative, Dr. Luke, but I just wanted to… talk, if that’s alright. You’re not in the middle of anything, are you?”

Lucien smiles. It’s gotta be an act of some kind, but whoever ‘Hope Laville’ really is, they’re very good. So good that if he didn’t know from scanning her that she was born with red hair and green eyes, he honestly wouldn’t suspect anything was up. Impressive, to say the least.

“No, I’m not in the middle of anything. How are you feeling, Hope? Have you taken the first of your pills yet?”

He’s telling the truth when he says he’s not in the middle of anything. Him and Blackfire were already done, after all. Or so Lucien had thought. As if intent on making him a liar, or maybe just trying to teach him a lesson, Blackfire suddenly crawls under the covers. One of her hands wraps around his shaft and the other goes to his balls as she takes the tip of his flaccid cock in her mouth and begins to suck him back to full mast.

Lucien, of course, doesn’t react in any audible way. He does let a long-suffering expression spread across his face, even as he listens to Hope’s response.

“I… y-yes, I did. And I feel good, Dr. Luke. Better than good, I feel amazing. It’s been so long since I lost my legs… and you gave them back to me. I can never thank you enough… or repay you for this gift.”

Humming, Lucien tilts his head to the side, even as he lets his free hand drift under the covers as well and slide through Blackfire’s silken black hair. She pauses for a moment, but he doesn’t take control… rather, he just glides his fingers through her locks and his nails across her scalp as he gives himself a single second to contemplate Hope’s words.

Because that was the other thing he’d noticed while scanning her. The natural red hair and green eyes were the smoking gun to be sure, and almost drowned out the rest when it came to exposing the lie… but there were also other signs that ‘Hope’ wasn’t who she said she was. Like for instance, the timeline for the actual Hope Laville’s shooting would have put her as barely more than a child, not yet even a teenager when she would have been paralyzed by a bullet in her spine.

However, the ‘Hope’ that Lucien had treated hadn’t been shot that young. In fact, he’d say she was shot in her late teens, early adult years. And before becoming paralyzed, she’d been far more athletic than a girl of Hope’s upbringing should have been. He’d seen traces of the kind of physical training and conditioning that he’d expect on bonafide Olympic Athletes or something.

All of this passes through Lucien’s mind in just that split second… and then he shakes his head as he responds.

“I told you before, Hope… there’s nothing to repay. You paid me for a service, and I provided that service. I’m glad you appreciate what I did for you, but you owe me nothing, not even gratitude. It wasn’t like I did it out of the kindness of my heart.”

It’s far milder pushback than he could have provided. He’s acting warm with her, while also making it clear he doesn’t consider himself a good guy or any sort of hero. He’s curious how she’ll respond to that sort of self-flagellation.

Under the covers, Blackfire continues to work her way up and down his cock. He’s fully hard by now, though Lucien still doesn’t let her provoke so much as a sigh from him, let alone the groan she’s probably after. Instead he just sits there quietly, enjoying the enthusiastic blowjob while waiting for Hope’s response.

Instead of trying to argue with him though, ‘Hope’ latches onto something else he said.

“W-Well… service workers are often given tips when they do a particularly good job, right? And I say you did a spectacular job, Dr. Luke. So please… let me treat you to dinner.”

And there it is. At long last, they’d come to the point of this call. Blackfire was right. ‘Hope’, whoever she really was, wasn’t going to let this go. She wasn’t going to give up. She wanted something from him, and until Lucien found out what it was, he needed to play along.

“Well now, under normal circumstances, I would have to decline for professional reasons. That said, I can tell you’re very eager to settle this perceived debt between us. As such… dinner sounds lovely, Ms. Laville.”

“G-Great! I’ll get us reservations! How does The Ocelot sound?”

It sounded like one of the most expensive restaurants in the entire city, from what Lucien knew. It was also owned by Bruce Wayne. Though to be fair, it was one of several luxury restaurants that the man owned, alongside dozens of other businesses. Still, it fit in perfectly with the rich heiress act that ‘Hope’ had going.

“That sounds perfect, Ms. Laville. I won’t lie to you though; I’m not exactly used to the finer things in life. You’ll have to excuse me if I make a fool of myself.”

“O-Oh, that’s no problem!”

They quickly settle on a date and time, with Lucien rejecting the first and taking the second. Not because he can’t actually do the first, in reality his schedule is quite flexible. But he still doesn’t want to make things too easy for her, and having her second option for the day and time might just put her a little off her game.

“I’ll see you then, Luke!”

“Alright Hope, see you then.”

With that, the call comes to an end. Lucien sighs for a moment as he looks down at the head bobbing up and down under his covers. Finally, he grips down tightly on Blackfire’s hair and holds her in place as he begins to cum. She swallows every last drop of course, not hesitating to drink down his jizz.

Then, pulling back out from under the covers and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, the disguised alien princess gives him a narrow-eyed look.

“You’re really going to play along with this? It could be a trap.”

Lucien chuckles.

“It’s almost certainly a trap. But like you said, she’s not letting this go regardless. So I might as well get some free food out of the deal. Besides, I’m not going in without backup.”

Blackfire perks up at that, but before she can respond…


She and Lucien both look to the door, where a certain Snow Leopard Cub (albeit one that’s quickly growing up even now) is sat back, licking his chops while staring at his owner unerringly. Once he has Lucien’s attention, Spot doesn’t hesitate to lift a paw into the air and paw in his direction.


The ‘feed me now’ subtext is quite clear. Rolling his eyes, Lucien hops out of the bed, glancing over to Blackfire as he does so.

“We’ll discuss plans later. For now, seems like someone else is hungry.”

Blackfire just rolls her eyes and lays back on the bed, while Lucien lets Spot lead him to the kitchenette. Their new place is located above the clinic itself, with both the clinic and the residence being in the same building. Lucien had considered transforming Spot and disguising the Snow Leopard as much as he did Blackfire and himself, but in the end he’d left Spot alone.

For one, he didn’t want to mess with the Snow Leopard’s growth too much. Sure, he’d made some modifications here and there already, including to his pet’s intelligence, but there were some things that needed to happen naturally and Spot growing up was one of them.

As he gets Spot his food, Lucien can’t help chuckle.

“You know Spot, I’m going to a place called The Ocelot in a few days. And here I am feeding my Snow Leopard. Funny how that works out, isn’t it?”

The look Spot gives him is distinctly unimpressed. Something like ‘why are you making small talk with me, just feed me and go back to mating with the other one’, if Lucien had to guess.

Smiling awkwardly, Lucien finishes setting out Spot’s food, steals some scritches under the Snow Leopard’s chin for a moment, and then heads back to Blackfire. NOT to fuck her some more, but to strategize his upcoming date with ‘Hope Laville’. Though they do end up fucking again too.


Before he knows it, the evening of their arranged date arrives, and as he meets up with the fake heiress outside of The Ocelot, Lucien has to admit… she cleans up very, very nice. Clad in a tight black dress that goes well with her dyed black hair and a dash of red on her lips, ‘Hope Laville’ smiles as they greet one another, not even hesitating to scoop him up with an arm interlocking with his own.

“Thank you again for giving me this chance to further express my… appreciation for what you’ve done for me, doctor.”

Lucien hums as they walk forward together, waved past a line and into the restaurant itself with barely a moment’s hesitation from the doorman.

“Call me Luke tonight, please. We’re not at my clinic this evening, after all.”

Hope blushes and demurely ducks her head.

“Ah, of course… Luke.”

She’s a stellar actress, Lucien can’t help thinking. He’s not too bad himself, he figures, but to be fair, he’s cheating. He’s cheating massively. Regardless, they go right up to the counter and are being seated under a reservation for ‘Hope Laville’ practically instantly.

Lucien would be lying if he said he hadn’t had some pretty wild fantasies about how far his date for the evening might go tonight. He might have been born to one of the richest men in the world, but it’s not like Lex ever acknowledged him or his existence in any meaningful way. So no, he’s not had much in the way of ‘rich person’ training… or at least, Lucien figured that’s what normal heirs and heiresses to immense family fortunes got or something.

Part of him had wondered if ‘Hope’ might go all out and by out the whole restaurant for just the two of them. Another part of him had wondered if she would go for a private room, all the better to try and extract his secrets either through seduction or… enhanced interrogation.

But no, neither of those things happen. Their waiter does call their seats ‘the best in the house’, but Lucien doesn’t know enough about luxury restaurants to be able to say if he’s telling the truth or just talking up the table.

The place is crowded with other rich, fancily dressed folks as Lucien and ‘Hope’ get into dinner. They exchange small talk with one another while Lucien waits for his date to find a way to put the screws to him. Eventually, the questioning starts after their appetizers arrive, as he suspected it would.

“So, Luke… I won’t ask something so trite as where you’re from. But I have to know… what brought you to Gotham? This city… it’s not exactly the immigration destination of the country or anything like that. It’s not even a tourist trap. Why Gotham, of all places?”

It’s a good question, Lucien has to acknowledge. He, of course, has an answer already prepared. Smiling at ‘Hope’ over his appetizer, he chuckles.

“Well, as you know, the clinic is funded by LexCorp and I work for their medical division. I wasn’t forced to take the posting or anything though… rather, I volunteered to come here.”

That was all ‘true’, if one looked at the falsified documentation made for ‘Doctor Luke Maximillian’. Lucien thinks he sees a flicker of doubt in his date’s eyes though, and he wonders if she has access to those made up files. Does she believe what’s in them? Or does she somehow know they’re a lie?

“Pardon my French, Luke… but why the fuck would you volunteer to come to Gotham?”

Lucien grins… and then puts every bit of his power into delivering his next line with complete ‘honesty’.

“Because this city needs the support. And I wanted to make a real difference.”

His words stun ‘Hope’ into silence. His sincerity, as manufactured as it was, is clearly winning her over. She can’t detect the lie, from the look of things.

As she’s processing the ‘truth’ of his words, Lucien’s eyes flicker to the side, to one of the large potted plants lining The Ocelot’s main room. It would be an understatement to say that Lucien is on edge tonight. Every fiber of his being is on high alert, just in case ‘Hope’ turns out to be aiming for a more violent sort of confrontation. He’s already checked his food for any drugs or poisons, and only ate once he found nothing.

… And so, with how heightened his senses currently are, Lucien sees it coming before it truly begins. One of the potted plants is growing… and its roots are climbing out of the pot and starting to expand across the ground.

Ah… shit.


It all happens too fast for him to do anything, even if he wanted to. Shrieks and screams fill The Ocelot as the far wall, a wall with zero tables near it, suddenly explodes. At the same time, the potted plants all explode as well and Lucien has a moment to wonder why the fuck anyone would maintain greenery in a city with a villainess plant controller… before said villainess plant controller herself saunters through the hole.


Only, Poison Ivy isn’t the one to command the room. While she certainly has a commanding presence as she stands there with her hands on her hips and her shapely figure clad only in a green, leafy costume, its her partner who actually does the talking… and who everyone hastily listens to almost immediately.

The Joker might currently be in Arkham, something Lucien himself had checked up on when he’d first arrived in Gotham just to make sure he always knew where the bastard was… but his Queen was still out and about, and she commanded almost as much terror and fear as the Joker himself did.

Smiling wickedly, Harley fucking Quinn hoists a massive hammer on her shoulder like it’s easy, even as her gaze sweeps back and forth across the room and her tongue traces out to lick her lips.

“This, my dear rich folk… is a ROBBERY!”


A/N: Huehuehue

The Vote:
[ ] Stick with Lucien's POV - 28%

[X] Switch to Barbara's POV - 72%


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