Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 5: Answers

“So… you and my father have known each other for a while, haven’t you?”
They said curiosity killed the cat, but they also said satisfaction brought it back. As someone who had died and come back once before, Lucien found he wasn’t all that afraid of Death. Especially not when he and she had some sort of Friends-with-Benefits relationship anyways. So yes, he lets his curiosity get the better of him. But he’s not a complete idiot. He knows he can’t just blurt out the question he really wants to ask. He has to build up to it first.
That said, the moment the words are out of his mouth, Lucien also has another realization. He’s pretty smart now that he’s no longer permanently sickly, with a constant headache scrambling his brains. He’s inherited his father’s immense intellect, or at least part of it. And yet… no amount of intelligence can make up for the fact that his social skills are so terrible they might as well be nonexistent.
The look Mercy Graves gives him as she stops halfway down his cock and just stares is… well, it’s rather expressive. It’s the kind of look that Lucien can immediately decipher the meaning of. With her eyes, his father’s right-hand woman is basically saying ‘are you really asking about Lex right now when I have your cock in my mouth?’.
And… that’s fair. But Lucien doesn’t back down. He squirms a little bit before shrugging.
“I’m just curious I suppose. I imagine now that my father has taken more of an interest in me, I’ll be seeing more of both of you, won’t I?”
Mercy’s mouth feels good. Amazing, in fact. But his mind has caught upon this, and he can’t just let it go. Might be something he’ll have to consider later. A character flaw. Heh, funny, he’d spent so much time just trying to survive in his first life that he hadn’t had any strength or willpower to spare worrying about things like character flaws.
Seeing that he’s not going to let this go, Mercy pulls back off of his cock with a pop before sighing as she gives him a slightly exasperated look. Replacing her mouth with her hand, she jerks him off even as she nods her head.
“Quite some time, yes.”
Holding himself steady, Lucien kills the instinctive desire to squirm and uses his powers to stay still.
“How did you two meet, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Realizing that this was apparently not going to be a simple one question interrogation, Mercy quirks the side of her mouth up in a half-smirk.
“You’re more like your father than I ever really noticed before. Though he wouldn’t bother with asking questions. He’d demand answers.”
Lucien allows himself to flush at that, not wanting to take away too many of his biological reactions and potentially freak Mercy out. Of course, he has to fully blush when she reaches down a moment later and begins popping buttons on her top open. Soon enough, she’s exposed her breasts to him, pulling her bra down off of the beautiful, pale white tits.
Leaning forward, Mercy wraps her chest around his cock and begins to give him a proper boobjob, jerking him off with her chest now instead of her hand.
“Your father took me off the streets… after I stole from him.”
Lucien lets his eyes widen at that, and Mercy’s lips curl into a proper smirk at his reaction.
“Took his briefcase right out from under his nose. No money in it, but I knew that. The secrets that could have been extracted from the briefcase of Lex Luthor… that was worth more money than could ever have been packed inside.”
Chuckling softly, Mercy shakes her head and takes a moment to drool some saliva between her breasts, providing proper lubrication as she rides her soft tits up and down his throbbing erection.
“Of course, I never even got back to my crew. Your father’s men caught up to me before I could even properly go to ground. Brought me right back to him. Probably for the best, all things considered.”
Lucien leans forward a little bit, not really having to feign his interest, even if they’d gotten a little bit off track from his original curiosity.
Shooting him a coy smile, Mercy rolls her shoulders.
“Simple, really. If I had managed to sell any of the secrets, Lex would have had no choice but to make an example of me. Because I stole from him but didn’t fully get away… he could show mercy. Namely, he took me and reforged me into what I am today. I owe your father everything, Lucien.”
That… that made sense. Though, her word choice does catch upon Lucien’s mind, even as he’s thoroughly enjoying her chest wrapped around his dick.
“You said… reforged. But to reforge something… you have to break it first, right? Melt it down into its base components?”
He doesn’t say what he really wants to say. He doesn’t ask Mercy if his father tortured her or anything like that. Would Lex Luthor take a young female thief who stole from him but showed promise, and break her just so he could build her back up into a useful tool? Lucien didn’t doubt his father was capable of such thing for a moment.
And yet… Mercy was too loyal while also being a little too independent for Lucien to think it really went that far. At his query, the blonde just quirks the side of her mouth up again.
“Perhaps. But you don’t need to worry. I was practically unrefined as it was. Melting down what was already there… it didn’t take much.”

Was that her way of saying she didn’t need to be tortured, or that the torture wasn’t so bad? Lucien couldn’t say for sure. Possibly because he was trying to interrogate his father’s right-hand woman while also getting a titjob from her at the same time. In the end… in the end, he decides to just go for broke.
“If you and my dad really are close, you’d probably know why he’d have a nanochip in his brain, right? Something like that… you’d need to be aware, in order to keep him safe.”
Mercy freezes, his cock still trapped between her tits as she looks at him in wide-eyed silence for a moment. Lucien, for his part, does his best to continue presenting as wide-eyed and curious… innocent and naïve. Finally, Mercy narrows her eyes and frowns, but she also returns to sliding her breasts up and down his throbbing length as she answers him with a sharp, one word answer.
Elaborate? He felt like it was a pretty self-explanatory question, but he could try…
“I just want to know why my father might have a nanochip in his brain.”
Here’s the thing. Lex Luthor is a man that Lucien doesn’t know as well as he probably should. Being the man’s son and all, one would think he definitely should have had more to go off of. But he did know some things. And one of those things was that Lex considered his intellect, and thus his brain, to be somewhat sacrosanct. Never in Lucien’s previous life had he ever heard of his father willingly allowing anything to be done to his mind without his consent. His body? Sure, maybe. But not his mind…
Mercy, her brow furrowed, is frowning even harder now. Finally, she purses her lips together.
“Is this a hypothetical question, or a literal one?”
Looking her right in the eye, knowing he might be causing himself far more trouble than this is all worth, Lucien nevertheless stands his ground.
“Literal. My father had a foreign object smaller than a grain of sand in his brain when I saw him today. I want to know why.”
For a long moment, Mercy just stares at him. On her knees, her tits wrapped around his cock, she stares at him. But Lucien doesn’t feel like he’s in a position of power or anything like that. He does, however, feel like he might finally be in a position to ask questions. And the questions… the questions won’t leave him alone. Not until he has the answers he’s looking for.
When Mercy does finally react, however, it’s not what he’s expecting. She jerks away quite suddenly, rearing back from him and standing up as she lets out a slew of curses under her breath.
Her breasts bounce in a most satisfying manner right in front of his eyes, and then she’s swinging away from him, pacing the room for a moment. Lucien stays where he is, naked erection and all, sitting there on the edge of the bed. He watches Mercy pace, wondering even more now what it all meant and what his father was hiding. Would Mercy tell him? Or would she try and report him to his father? Lucien said try… because he was more than ready to act, if it came to that.
Finally, Mercy looks at him, her eyes almost seeming like they were trying to pierce through his soul.
“You’re absolutely certain, right? No question about it?”
Lucien doesn’t respond verbally. He just nods wordlessly, but with an expressed confidence that he can tell takes Mercy back. When she lets out another curse, Lucien finally breaks his silence.
“What does it mean, Mercy?”
He’s half-expecting to be shut down here, even if he’s gotten this far. He’s pressing pretty damn hard after all. And yet… and yet, Mercy only hesitates for a moment before letting out a sigh and turning to face him properly. Hands on her waist, the half-naked blonde presses her lips together in a thin line.
“It means… it means that the Lex Luthor we both saw today was not the actual Lex Luthor… but a clone.”
Lucien lets his eyes spring wide open even farther this time. He also allows his jaw to drop in disbelief. His reaction is one of shock, and he makes sure to express that even as Mercy just nods as though she expects it.
“It’s honestly not that uncommon. Your father… has his fingers in a lot of pies. His clones… his clones help him be multiple places at once. He can work in the lab all day long, while a clone of his carries out his public duties. And thanks to that nanochip you’re talking about, all of the clone’s memories are collected and available for download by the original once he has no need for them anymore.”
Lucien’s mind whirls as he absorbs this revelation. It wasn’t what he was expecting… and yet at the same time, it was exactly what he should have expected, wasn’t it? More than that, this explanation was pinging some old memories in the back of his head. Things from his previous life… but also from the past of this timeline as well, since they were actually one in the same.
“Don’t they… don’t the clones sometimes manage to take over? Don’t they realize they’re clones sometimes and take the original hostage? Could that be happening here?”
Mercy winces for a moment. She looks off to the side briefly, as if considering what she should say… but then a mulish, almost rebellious expression comes across her face as she turns back to him.
“No. That’s never actually happened, Lucien. What you’re remembering are the times Lex has done a… soft reset if you will. Sometimes his enemies try to pin things to him. They try to make him out to be a villain, rather than the visionary you and I both know he is. And sometimes… Lex needs to wipe the slate clean. One of his clones can take the fall… and then a few weeks later, it’s discovered that it was a clone all along and the real Lex Luthor comes out clean as a whistle.”
That was… Lucien might have fallen for it before, back when he could barely string two thoughts together, but right now it’s incredibly easy to read between the lines of what Mercy was saying. She hadn’t confessed outright or anything… but it sure sounded like she was saying his father tended to commit a lot of crimes, and when those crimes started to pile up and the heat from the forces of good started to get too high, Lex Luthor would replace himself with a clone, who would then take the fall for him, and he would come back afterwards with no crimes attributed to his ‘good name’.
“… Is that happening right now? Is my father getting ready to… soft reset?”
Frowning, Mercy looks off to the side again.
“No… or at least, I don’t think so. Damn it Lex…”
She grits her teeth and crosses her arms over her exposed bust for a brief moment before growling and finally looking back at him.
“I don’t know. This time… I don’t know what Lex is up to. He usually keeps me in the loop. I’m supposed to know when he’s doing these sorts of things for obvious reasons. But he didn’t tell me he was replacing himself with a clone. He’s… keeping me in the dark this time around.”
Lucien blinks at that. Before he can say anything, like maybe offering his condolences or something, Mercy seems to come to a decision. The blonde straightens up, squares her shoulders… and walks over to him. Lucien can only yelp as she pushes him back onto the bed and climbs on top of him.
“If Lex doesn’t currently have a place for me in his plans… if he wants to keep me in the dark and leave me on babysitting duty… then I might as well give you the best birthday you’ve ever had, Lucien.”
Well, on the one hand, Lucien didn’t really appreciate being called ‘babysitting duty’. On the other hand, he was still rock hard and so it wasn’t particularly difficult for Mercy to go ahead and mount him, impaling herself on his cock. Nor, he found himself thinking, did he have any problem with letting her do so as his hands go to her hips.
As she begins to ride him cowgirl style, a throaty moan leaving her lips, Lucien groans in response. Technically, he can control when he cums just like he can control every aspect of his biology. His powers allow him that. So… he can fuck Mercy as long as he wants. Gain some extra experience. Maybe learn some things he can use for his next time with Death of the Endless.
That said… right now Mercy is riding him just like Death did. She’s bouncing up and down on his cock, and has taken direct control just like Death did. Lucien… Lucien wanted experience. He wanted practice. He needed to learn just how he was going to eventually make Death cum for him. Mercy would be an excellent source of lessons if nothing else, he supposed.

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