Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 8: Pleasant Dreams

Unbidden, a very specific image appears in his mind’s eye. Before Lucien can banish it or even say anything, a laugh escapes from Death’s dark lips and a moment later, the world around them both suddenly changes. Before he knows it… their position has been altered. His hands are still on Death’s hips, but everything else is completely different.
Bent over, kneeling against a tree, the beautiful, pale personification of Death has her leather pants unbuttoned and unzipped and pulled down to her knees. As she clings to the tree, she looks back over her shoulder at him, a wicked grin on her face. Meanwhile, his pants are also no longer in the way, with his cock currently out and rock hard… and pressing against her pussy lips from behind.

The transition is both immensely jarring and incredibly natural. One moment he’s imagining himself fucking Death from behind and the next moment they’re set up to do precisely that. Even still, Lucien can’t help but blush and stutter a little bit. He hadn’t… he didn’t want Death to think he was demeaning her or anything like that. Taking her doggystyle might have been his immediate first impulse, but if he’d been given a second longer to think about it, he probably would have chosen something else.
“I-I didn’t-, err…”
Giggling at his reaction, Death wiggles her hips, her pussy lips flexing around the tip of his cock where his member is currently touching her entrance. A groan leaves Lucien’s lips right then and there, and he doubles over her, his mouth ending up mere millimeters away from her pale neck.
“You did, Lucien. Did I not tell you? This is my brother’s realm. And in the Dream Realm, all of your dreams will become reality. You wanted this, and now you have it. I hope you’re not going to back off now~”
Getting himself under some semblance of control is a challenge, which feels weird after how MUCH control he’d had over himself in the waking world. And yet, obviously this world doesn’t entirely work on the same logic as the real world. More than that, Death herself doesn’t work on any of that logic. Being with her… Lucien has a feeling it will always overwhelm his self-control, no matter what form their meeting takes.
Shuddering, he nevertheless pulls himself together… and forces himself to acknowledge the situation for what it is. Death had asked him how he would claim her, and this was where his mind had immediately gone. Luckily, she didn’t seem upset by the somewhat demeaning, degrading position he currently had her in. In fact, he got the impression that she’d be more upset if he DIDN’T fuck her doggystyle now.
Well… he wanted to make Death cum, didn’t he? So he couldn’t very well go around passing up opportunities to do exactly that. Letting out another breath of hot air across his beloved’s neck, Lucien gathers his courage and thrusts forward, grunting as he fills Death from behind. Her inner walls flex and clench around his member, just as glorious and wondrous as he remembered them to be. Meanwhile, his hips meet her pert and pale posterior, her heart-shape ass jiggling slightly from the impact.
Death giggles again, before letting out a soft moan as he fills her. Part of Lucien thinks it might just be faked though… he’s nowhere near close to his goal, is he? Indeed, the moment he’s inside of her, he can tell he’s not just going to manage to make Death of the Endless orgasm after one day back from the dead. But that doesn’t mean he’s just going to give up. He comes from a bloodline that simply doesn’t know when to quit.
Pulling back, Lucien makes to thrust in again, burying himself in Death’s tight, wet, and warm insides with a heartfelt groan. He quickly sets a reasonable pace, pounding into her pussy from behind. He doesn’t fuck her as hard or as fast as he probably could though. This isn’t a race. It’s a damn marathon, and one he knows he’s nowhere near close to finishing.
Still, every opportunity, every chance he gets, Lucien seeks to improve. It might be about the destination, but it’s also about the journey. As his cock thrusts in and out of the pale, gorgeous, gothic woman’s body, he looks for ways he can improve. His powers aren’t completely disabled in this strange world of dreaming, but they are a little haywire. He can’t do the same trick he did with Mercy, where he used his abilities to learn everything that made her tick and then… well, made her tick.
But he can use his abilities to hold off his own orgasm, at least for a time. Something tells him it won’t work forever, not like it would in the real world. Probably because in this place, his dreams can’t help but become reality… and in the end, he dreams of cumming inside of Death with almost as much fervor and excitement as he does of making Death cum.
Although… that was an idea. Lucien purses his lips together and focuses his efforts. In order to amplify his sudden scheme, he even moves his hands from Death’s hips, sliding them up under her black tank top instead so he can grasp her breasts. To his excitement, she lets out another soft moan as he touches her tits, his fingers immediately beginning to play with her nipples.

Death claws into the tree in front of him, all while bouncing her hips back into his thrusting cock. And Lucien… Lucien focuses with all his might on a singular dream of Death cumming for him. Of her orgasming explosively on his dick. If just one small thought about having her on her knees while he fucked her doggystyle was enough to make that become reality, then what if he pushed all of his focus onto that one singular task?
“Ahh… my clever boy.”
Lucien blinks, as Death turns her head to look at him, smiling affectionately. He flushes, realizing instantly that he’s been found out.
“It wasn’t a bad idea, my dear. Not a bad idea by any stretch of the imagination. Someone like you might have even had a chance of making it happen… if you’d tried it on anyone except for someone like me~”
Death’s teasing tone heralds the beginning of the end. Even though she’s still bent over the tree, even though he’s still fucking her from behind… Lucien feels the moment where the tide turns on him. Suddenly, she’s in control. Despite being in a position that most would claim the woman had no control in, she’s the one who’s suddenly setting the pace. She’s the one pushing back into his thrusting cock, and all he can do is hang on for dear life.
All the while, Lucien feels his balls churning. He feels that tightness heralding a coming climax. He can’t stop it. He can’t hold it back any longer. Death’s quim feels too damn good. Wrapped around his dick, clenching and flexing and rhythmically milking him of his release… Lucien passes the point of no return with a gasp, and finishes inside of Death. He fulfills one of his dreams, but at the expense of the other, the creampie feeling somewhat bittersweet as his little gambit fails him.
Collapsing forward, he pants into the back of Death’s neck, even as she lets him rest on her, humming and almost purring in contentment.
“Y-You… w-why didn’t it work?”
Even as he asks in a childish, almost plaintive tone… Lucien already knows the answer. He’s not an idiot. He’s already figured it out. Death likely knows that too, but she answers him all the same, reaching back behind herself and running a hand through his hair, petting him almost.
“In the Dream Realm, making your dreams come true is simply a matter of thinking quite hard, as you figured out. Almost anything you dream can become real here in this place. However, if your dream involves someone else, you will find yourself contesting your Will against theirs. I could have let your dream become reality, just as I did with your initial vision of me on bent over on my knees, ready to be taken from behind.”
Tilting her head to the side, smirking at him, Death hums.
“… But would you have truly been satisfied with such a thing, my dear Lucien? Would making me cum via a dream, rather than in actuality with your own strength and technique, truly have made you happy?”
Lucien opens his mouth… and then clicks it shut, finally regaining control of his breathing as he realizes that she’s right. It had been a spur of the moment thought, one he hadn’t really put due consideration into before trying to make it happen. But if he had managed to force his dream of making Death cum upon her, if he had managed to cause her to climax in such an underhanded fashion… she’s right, he wouldn’t have earned it. It wouldn’t have been satisfying.
Before he can reply, the world suddenly shifts again, and all of the sudden he’s leaning back against the tree, while Death is on her knees before him, now completely naked. Smiling up at him, the beautiful pale woman takes his cock in one hand while dipping another between her legs. She smiles as she nuzzles into his member, rubbing her cheek against his glans.
“My turn, beloved~”
Lucien watches wordlessly as she takes him into her mouth. More than that though, he watches as she touches herself while doing so. Getting sucked off by Death was one thing… a singularly spectacular, truly amazing thing to be exact. Don’t get him wrong, he was loving it. But it takes a backseat to getting a bird’s eye view of just how she pleasures herself. Because if he can learn how Death pleasures herself, he might just learn how to do it for her instead.
The next several minutes are filled with sucking noises and his honest, earnest groans. It feels like she’s sucking his damn soul out of his body. Of course, he knows she’s not. She wouldn’t need to. If she wanted his soul, she could have it. She already owned everything he was.
Unfortunately, even as he watches her finger herself, Lucien feels another climax approaching in short order on his end. He holds on as long as possible, even reaching back to claw at the tree behind him, digging into it with his fingers and using the pain from the wood going under his nails to ground himself. But it’s just not enough. Before Death can even make herself cum, he’s exploding once more, this time down her throat.
She swallows every last drop of course, the beautiful pale gothic goddess drinking his seed like it’s no big deal. Meanwhile, Lucien feels a certain sensation overcoming him. Almost like he’s passing out… but he’s already asleep. So really, isn’t it more like he’s waking up?
“Goodbye for now, my dear. Keep pushing forward. You’re so very strong, Lucien… I don’t think for even a second that you’re anywhere near your full potential.”
Lucien’s eyes snap open and he stares up at his ceiling, awakening in his bed in the apartment his father pays for once more. A shuddering breath leaves his lips, as he considers Death’s final words to him. She’s right of course. He’s nowhere near his full potential. But one day, he’ll get there. One day, he’ll be capable of making her climax. And whatever he has to do to reach that point, whatever power he needs to gather… he’ll get it. No matter what.
Letting out an explosive breath, Lucien smiles for a moment, and then laughs. Chuckling to himself, he shakes his head. He’s quite glad that Death took the time to come to him in his sleep. Not just because of what they’d gotten to do together, but because her presence had helped him to reaffirm his priorities. He hadn’t even realized it, but he was getting off track.
Sure, Mercy knew he’d lied to him. And maybe if his actual father showed up any time soon to replace that clone Lucien had uncovered, Mercy would even go and tell Lex what was going on. But for now, it didn’t matter. For now, Lucien had bigger fish to fry. For now-
The sudden knocking on his door startles Lucien something fierce. Blinking, he looks at his clock and realizes it’s actually the next morning. He’d slept all the way through the night, and honestly he felt great. Still… hopping to his feet, he hastily gets some clothes on as the banging on his apartment door intensifies.
His first impulse is that Mercy had caught him by surprise, and his father had sent a squad to grab him. But no, if that were the case, they wouldn’t have knocked. They would have just come in and tried to take him by surprise. It takes him a moment, but he remembers exactly what he should have been expecting this morning before he finally opens the door.
Thanks to that, he’s at least not very surprised by the presence of a whole delivery crew out in the hallway. Stepping to the side, he watches wordlessly as they deliver a whole variety of crates and boxes… and one large crate in particular with breathing holes on it and the words “CAUTION: FRAGILE” stamped onto the side.
None of the delivery crew says a word to him. They don’t even have him sign for anything, which makes it clear that his father had this done completely in-house. They must be LexCorp, or LexCorp adjacent or-
The door is slammed shut behind them, and suddenly Lucien is alone in his apartment again. Well, not entirely alone. Still, the whole process couldn’t have taken more than five minutes.
Slowly, he moves over to the crate with holes in it. Grabbing the lid, he begins prying it off with his bare hands. Only when he’s already halfway through does he realize he probably should have used the crowbar helpfully left leaning against the side of the damn thing. But no, he’s already used his newfound strength to get this far…
The lid comes free, and Lucien lifts it up and sets it aside. Even before he looks down into the crate, he hears it… a pitiful mewling that lets him know his new ‘pet’ has arrived.
Staring down into the crate at the Snow Leopard Cub he’d asked for from his father, Lucien realizes for the first time what it means to have the creature in his apartment. This isn’t just an easy source of new abilities and borderline superpowers. This is a living thing, staring up at him with big, soulful eyes.
“Well… fuck. I suppose you’ll need a name, won’t you?”
A quick glance reveals that his new pet is male, at least, though that doesn’t help him all that much. The cub just mewls at him again, crawling out of the straw it was shipped in and placing its paws as high up the side of the crate as it can get. Reaching for him. Seeking warmth and comfort. His heart melts immediately, of course. Damn it all.

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