Enemies by Fate, Lovers by Choice

Chapter 2 – Library

As Mira walk out of the library, her mind consumed by thoughts of the upcoming exam, she failed to notice the figure approaching from the opposite direction. In a moment of distraction, their paths collided, and Mira's heart skipped a beat as she felt the impact of the collision.

Instinctively, Mira reached out to steady herself, her hand holding the arm of the person she bumped into. To her surprise, the pull was stronger than expected, and the momentum sent the person straight into her arms. Mira's eyes widened in astonishment as everything happen so quickly.

Time seemed to stand still as Mira and the person in her arms locked eyes. The person's hand instinctively found its place on Mira's waist, their bodies close in an unexpected intimacy.

A blush crept onto Mira's cheeks as she realized their closeness, however it died down quickly as soon as she recognized the person she bumped into, but she's still worried and did not let go immediately.

Luna, who was in Mira's arms, quickly pushed Mira away. Mira was startled by the push, and her worried expression faded instantly.

"Pay attention next time," Luna said coldly. She knew it's not Mira's fault alone but she wouldn't admit it.   

Mira frowned and met Luna's cold gaze. There was a tense energy between them, almost visible in their eyes and to people around.

Luna picked up her textbook and other items that had fallen to the floor. Mira did the same when she saw her textbook on the ground too. 

Before Mira walked away, she responded," You too, next time, don't run around. You're too short for me to notice right away.. Sorry," She smile briefly after saying that, then returned to her usual expressionless demeanor and headed to her next subject as if nothing happened.

Mira doesn't like arguing because for her it's a waste of time, and she knew that Luna would never say sorry or admit that she also makes a mistake when it's between them. This is not the first they collided however Mira felt something different this time, she frown again and touch her heart that was still beating too fast. ' *Sigh* am I sick? 'Mira shake her head when she thought she's sick and didn't think much anymore

Luna, on the other hand, clenched her fist. "Is she mocking me? Calling me short? Hah. Childish," She muttered to herself ignoring the people around

Inside the Library, Luna sat beside the window with a few books she had borrowed and started reading. However, her mind would unconsciously drift towards the accident earlier.

Mira's comforting arms around her, Mira's scent, the way Mira quickly protected her from falling, and the way Mira looked at her with concern, it was the first time she had seen Mira with a different expression. The fact that Mira's worry was directed towards her made her feel something she couldn't understand.

'It's embarrassing to think that my rival for a long time was worried about me,' Luna thought with a smile that slowly faded, turning her head to the window. 

Luna sighed as she realized how she had acted earlier towards Mira. In fact, only she knew how much she had wanted to get close to Mira at the beginning, but who would have thought that Mira's mother would be her mother's most hated person.

Her mom once said that she had a best friend whom she treated like her sister but was betrayed by her just because of a man. Her mother didn't mention the name of her best friend, but she saw the photo that was hidden in a box. Although she understood her mother's hate towards that person, it still confused her how her mom still had the photo of a person she hated. A beautiful woman with indifferent look.

She had asked her mom out of curiosity before, but her mom only paused for a moment and answered calmly, "Because I don't want to forget the face I hated." However, her mother's eyes had tears, which hurt her as she had never seen her mom shed tears before.

Luna, who had a good memory, remembered the face of a beautiful woman. The same woman she saw on the first day of college. At that time, she had already met Mira at the office and had a pretty good impression of Mira as she liked beautiful faces and planned to get close to Mira. Fortunately, she found out who Mira was before she could get close to her.

Mira's mother still looked beautiful. Luna wanted to take the chance to talk to her, but before she could even get close, Mira's mother turned her head and met her eyes. Luna caught the shock in Mira's mother's face, then it turned cold. She got chills from this look.

Luna couldn't understand how the woman knew her, but after that, her plan to make friends with Mira changed. She wouldn't take an inch towards the daughter of the woman her mom hated. Even if they weren't supposed to be affected, she remembered how her mom cried silently, which broke her heart.

Luna took a deep breath. Although she still had a lot of questions about her mother's past, she couldn't rush things. And because of that, she studied more seriously to show that she, Luna Pattranite, was her mom's pride. But fate really wanted to play with her, and Mira, whom she half hated, always got in her way. That's when the rivalry happened, and Mira seemed to be aware of something too, which is why she wouldn't give in to her no matter what.

Luna sighed again, for how many times now, then she heard someone tap her table. She looked towards the source and saw Tina.

"You have been sighing, is there any problem?" Tina asked.

Luna smiled a little and shook her head, "No, just remembered something unpleasant."

"Are you sure?"


"Then let's go now, the class is about to start."

"Good," Luna brought the books with her and followed Tina.

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