Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 11. Overstimulation

Within five or ten minutes, Xuelan was 99% positive that Kien was angry at her.

This wasn't intended to be pleasurable.

It was definitely much more of a punishment.

The incubus's message was obvious: 'If you don't want to be raped by me, then can you endure a sex machine?'

It made Xuelan so upset, and the unfairness of all this made her hate this despicable universe even further. That man hadn't even been the one that was suffering, yet it had been so trivial for him to condemn her to hours of crazy sexual torture at the mere drop of a dime. All she had said was that she didn't want to be raped while awake or asleep, yet somehow the psychopath was unhappy about her response... and unreasonably determined that she needed to be punished for it.

She wished that there was somehow a way to make him learn what this felt like, helplessly tied and forced to endure hours of nonstop overstimulation of her most sensitive organs to the point that she was basically crying from numbness and pain.

These types of excessive punishments were definitely more of a sadist's fantasy. Xuelan doubted whether there were actually masochists who genuinely found this kind of torture appealing, aside from in fiction. Without any breaks to rest, a strong vibrator could rapidly overshoot pleasure and transform into pain, and there probably wasn't a single ordinary person in the world who could take continuous vibrations for very long. The overstimulation would just feel like pure agony.

Xuelan was both fortunate and unfortunate that a magical toy was being used on her.

She was fortunate because this device seemed to magically detect her arousal and mental state. When it sensed that the pain from overstimulation was too severe, it would automatically shut off or change to a lower speed for a brief period of respite. It also secreted some kind of aphrodisiac substance that amplified the pleasure and numbed the pain, making it more tolerable for marathon use than an ordinary "regular" vibrator.

She was unfortunate because it was merciless, and it didn't give her a single millimeter of breathing room. As soon as it judged that she was capable of handling more, it would come roaring back to life, resuming the sexual torture. The device was so well-attuned with her body that it always knew when to speed up and slow down, effectively chain-orgasming her from peak to peak in a fashion that was optimized to achieve the maximum number of orgasms per hour with her poor shuddering body.

Kien had also cruelly set her collar on 【 Quiet 】 mode.

What this meant was that if Xuelan made any noise above a certain number of decibels, the collar would shock her with all her restraints, including through the piercings on the sensitive parts of her body.

The simultaneous use of the magic vibrator and the collar was a truly despicable combination, and Xuelan was forced to endure the entire ordeal in silence. Of course, that feat was nearly impossible, and the poor girl was shocked many times, sometimes in succession, since the first shriek would often trigger the next shock.

Although Xuelan was never a particularly loud woman when it came to sex, she hated this collar.

The infernal vibrator pushed her to the very limit of her sanity, and there was nothing that she wanted more than but to be able to scream bitterly into a pillow. Xuelan wanted to swear at Kien and curse him for the rest of eternity, but the forced silence was also its own form of torture. It was a thousand times worse than being gagged, since she could at least cry and wail into a regular gag, but the collar permitted none of those things without inflicting more punishment.

The entire ordeal was just unimaginably horrible... and she was already a sweaty sobbing mess in just thirty minutes...

Being forced to endure this for hours simply broke her outright.

The intensity was too much, and she fell apart into pieces.

+ + +

The door of the room burst open.

The incubus stumbled inside and slammed it shut behind him, grabbing a wooden bar to bolt the entrance shut. He was bleeding profusely, trailing a large puddle of blood behind him, but his movements were purposeful and swift.

The first thing he did was eject an empty cartridge from the firearm he was holding, and he immediately reloaded the spare magazine with one hand.

With the muzzle aimed at the entrance, he backed off to the bed, and quickly checked on the quivering mess of a girl on the mattress. She was basically unconscious and bathed in a large mess of various fluids, with her body still convulsing periodically. 

"Bad timing." He muttered ruefully, and he remotely shut off the vibrating toy in Xuelan's pussy with a mental command.

He hadn't really intended to leave her alone for more than an hour. 

"Sorry for putting you through this. This is my fault."

Kien gritted his teeth as he focused his attention back to administering his own first aid. He craned his neck, trying to tighten an improvised bandage that was slipping around his shoulder with his teeth.

His entire left arm was missing and the stump spilling blood onto the floor.

But honestly, that was just a flesh wound.

He had much bigger problems to worry about.

He had really hoped to get at least one more quiet day with Xue, but his pursuers had picked up on their trail earlier than expected. They needed to get out, and as soon as he was done patching himself up, he planned to take the girl and run.

The incubus gently touched Xuelan's forehead. There was a faint glow of light as a mysterious power was transferred in between them.

"Only half a level..." He sounded deeply troubled, especially since the girl had been on the vibrator for far longer than he originally intended.

It wasn't enough.

It wasn't anywhere close to enough.

LVL5 was the bare minimum he needed to fulfill his end of the bargain, but there was no way of knowing he'd get the Skill that he needed on his first try. Furthermore, the EXP needed to rank up was exponential with each level, so there were diminishing returns if he always resorted to the same tactic.

The sex toy EXP farming plan was less efficient than Kien had hoped.

For everything that he had put poor Xue through, it absolutely wasn't worth it. 

Maybe it would have worked better if he had a hundred slaves hooked up on some kind of prison farm, but that type of strategy was repulsive to him. Kien did not inherently enjoy the idea of owning sex slaves, and that kind of fetish was clashed uncomfortably with his personal beliefs. On Earth, his gang regularly clashed with sex traffickers that operated out of Thailand, and he had many traumatic childhood memories of when his twin sister had been abducted and killed by those brutes.

In truth, he deeply regretted the entirety of the enslavement ceremony that he had undergone with Xue. It caused everything to start off on the wrong foot, and now she currently despised him. She would probably continue to detest him forever, and her hatred was a fitting punishment for all his sins.

He deserved it.

He recognized a terrible monster in his own nature, and he shuddered from the fact that his worst sadistic impulses were glaring right in his face. On Earth, he always used to feel disgusted at himself on the rare occasion that he indulged in pornography of those dark fantasies, but now he was the living embodiment of it. Incubi literally preyed on women for food, and the uncontrollable lust in his body was at least a hundred times stronger than what it had been when he used to be human.

Occasionally, he just couldn't think clearly, especially if his demonic body was starved for flesh. He craved his dark impulses like a drug addict that was starved for cocaine, and he lacked the self-control to renounce those sick desires. Sometimes, he even caught himself salivating over elaborate plans about how he could realize his fantasies and inflict more of those sinful passions on his helpless sex slave.

Kien hated himself. He hated his lack of willpower and his lack of strength. He was the worst kind of hypocrite.

It was horribly ironic that he became a slave-owning incubus in the afterlife, especially when he spent half of his life fighting against underground prostitution rings.

A while ago, he had naively believed that maybe Xue would be the answer to everything.

They seemed to complement each other naturally, and it was hard to not notice how their desires were perfect inverses of each other's most disturbing twisted fantasies.

But now he knew he had been horribly wrong.

He kept making mistakes.

Xue would never forgive him.

And he was plummeting deeper into the heart of darkness.


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