Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 14. Cuddeslut

Eventually, an hour passed, and Kien was finished with healing himself.

His clothes were still bloody and there was a massive puddle of gore on the ground, but all of his wounds had sealed and he had even regrown his missing arm. Of course, by human standards, this regeneration rate was ridiculously overpowered, but demons generally had impressive vitality. It was often claimed that they were nearly immortal, in the sense that it was necessary to skewer a demon's heart with a special materials such as silver before they would truly die.

All other injuries were non-fatal, which always meant demons could suffer for an immeasurably long time with dramatic wounds. Incidentally, this meant that most weapons in the Underworld consisted of items such as silver-tipped blades or daggers coated with holy water in order to retain their effectiveness on demons.

Since he was fully healed, Kien was about to lift Xuelan's body off of his dick.

Unexpectedly though, the girl clung for dear life and refused to budge a single inch.

In truth, the demons had petrified her, and Xuelan was terrified by the prospect of being "idle". She had very quickly realized that the entire room had largely ignored her mainly because she was being "used", and there seemed to be some implicit rule of etiquette that one did not interfere with a demon's session with their slave.

However, if Kien stopped healfucking her and Xuelan was left unmolested, there was no telling when one of the other five demons would decide to come interact with her, even if it was just to use the toilet. Of course, they were unlikely to do anything if Kien didn't give them permission, but Xuelan honestly didn't even want to risk exposure with any of them.

She couldn't see any of the demons, and the entire railcar was dark. However, based on what she knew of men, they'd surely be feasting their eyes on a naked female slave in chains, quietly measuring her up to see if she suited their tastes. Some of the incubi did not have their own slaves, so it was reasonable to infer that they might even be jealous of Kien and the other slave-owning incubus. Their entire species depended on sex to level up, so an idle slave was probably analogous to wasting EXP that could otherwise be had for free.

In short, idleness was very very bad.

...Of course, Xuelan didn't know what they were actually thinking, but this was her impromptu assessment of the situation.

She clung to her ex-boyfriend tightly, not wanting him to pull out from inside of her.


He seemed confused by her behavior.

("I'm done already. I'm healed. You can get off now.")

Xuelan squeezed him even tighter and hesitantly shook her head back-and-forth. She motioned refusal with the tiniest subtle movements possible because she did not want any prying eyes to notice that she was resisting. If there was one word that was taboo for slaves, Xuelan knew that 'No' was absolutely forbidden. Slaves were never allowed to refuse their masters, and a slave that disobeyed a direct order was unquestionably setting themselves up to be punished severely.

Kien went quiet for a long time.

The 24-year-old trembled faintly, but she really didn't want to get off of him.

Kien wouldn't... be upset at her... right?

The incubus did not react, and he slowly turned his head away, apparently allowing her disobedience to slide.

Xuelan sighed in relief.

+ + +

A short while later, the door at the end of the rail car slid open, and a burst of bright light flooded in the dark space.

The train was still moving and shaking on the tracks, and someone had opened the connector between the freight cars.

Three intimidating demons outfitted in armor stepped in. They were dressed in eastern-style garments and each equipped with three swords, similar to a samurai's wakizashi, katana, and tantoo set. Long impressive crimson cloaks flapped in the wind, which streaked out of the open railcar door. At first glance, they looked like oni — the powerful demons of Japanese mythology — but then Xuelan realized that they were only wearing masks, and the long pointy horns above their head were an ornamental part of their helmets.

"Imperial guard. Inspection."

The demon's voice was not loud, and in fact it was almost soft and barely above the muted volume of a whisper. However, his voice carried an incredible presence, and it seemed to exude some kind of commanding and powerful aura. Everyone instantly stopped what they were doing.

It suddenly occurred to Xuelan that this was probably some kind of skill.

Kien had also demonstrated a similar ability earlier, but Xuelan was confused. Hadn't he only been here for a week? This didn't seem to be some kind of run-off-the-mill skill, and all the demons seemed to instantly respect anyone who possessed that characteristic dominant aura. Based on her knowledge of manga and wuxia novels, it reminded her a lot of Reiatsu ("Spiritual Pressure") from Bleach or Nen ("Sense") from Hunter X Hunter. However, this wasn't a low-level skill, and Xuelan doubted that a mere level 2 incubus could possess such an impressive ability.

Xuelan gradually realized that there was definitely something strange about her ex-boyfriend.

"We're looking for a werebeast. A black tiger. Male. Suspected terrorist."

Another one of the imperial guards added a brief and cursory explanation.

"The six of us are the only ones here. No one else passed through." Earl spoke helpfully, apparently taking the initiative to speak for the entire freight car of incubi.

"Yeah," Arteise added with a nod. "Any news from the city? How's the damage?"

"That's classified information."

"No worries. We don't want any trouble. Anything we can do to help?" Earl said.

"We need to see your Statuses."

"Captain, is that really necessary?" One of the subordinate guards spoke up. "There's only incubi in this car. We still have a lot of ground to search, and it's best if we don't lose any more time."

"We will not deviate from our assigned protocol."

"Searching the freight trains is a dumb order from HQ though... there's no way the terrorists would have fled towards the capital."

"Even if the probability is unlikely, we will continue with our tasks."

Two of the junior guards looked exasperated and helpless, as if they couldn't believe that their captain was so anal about the inconsequential minor details. From their perspective, their team had definitely been assigned the 'parking lot' mission, and it was extremely unlikely that they'd encounter any kind of real excitement or danger. It wouldn't hurt to relax their guard a little, especially since they were deep inside friendly territory.

Earl gave a friendly smile to the junior guards.

"Hey, at least you're getting paid to do good work," he reassured them kindly. "It's thanks to you folks that the streets are safe."

"Yeah. I just ascended from World 5 during the last Walpurgisnacht, and the administration here on World 4 is doing a fabulous job. You can barely tell the difference from the upper worlds. The Fourth Demon King really knows how to run an empire, and it's honestly a lot more comfortable than I expected." Neiel chimed in to the conversation.

"The Wastelands are hell though."

"I mean, no shit. It's lawless out there."

"Anyhow, I don't have anything to hide. I'll show you my Status." Earl steered the conversation back on track.

"Same here. Good luck with finding the terrorist."

Each of the six incubi opened their status screens and flipped it over to the three guardsmen.

Kien wordlessly did the same. During this time, Xuelan caught a brief glance of his transparent floating window.

...It really did say Level 43 under his demographic information...

A fake Status screen?

Xuelan clearly remembered that he had told her that he was level 2... and in fact she had previously seen the real number on his Status screen with her own eyes when they were fooling around in the hotel room...

The guard captain stopped in front of Kien's spot. Xuelan stiffened as she heard the captain's boots come to a rest.

"Your slave is unregistered. Explain yourself."

Kien slowly opened his golden eyes.

His dark expression was cold, and his intimidating voice was evenly matched with the guardsman.

"I just acquired her. Out in the Wastelands."

The room instantly went quiet, as if Kien had said something unexpected and taboo.

"So you killed the previous owner, then."

"And so what if I have?" Kien answered rhetorically, his eyes narrow. "Is there a problem?"

There was no response.

Even though frivolous murder was illegal inside the borders of the Fourth Demon King's Empire, the imperial guards could say nothing about the affairs that occurred outside of the dominion. As far as this Empire was concerned, once any demon walked in from the Wasteland, anything they were carrying on their body automatically became their rightful property, even if it was obtained through questionable and unpleasant methods.

Crimes only existed within the boundaries of the Empire.

Suddenly, Xuelan felt herself being lifted up.

Kien flipped her around and forcibly spread her legs to the audience, exposing her intimate and shameful place in plain view.

Xuelan immediately had the urge to struggle and cover herself, but she fought herself to remain still. A proper slave didn't have modesty, and it would ruin her ex-boyfriend's act if she began resisting and struggling like a wild untrained animal.

"My slave is branded. She is my property."

"So it appears."

There was a sighing exhale of admiration from the audience of incubi.

"Is that a soul brand?" Ranes whispered in the back. "The 【 Absolute Submission 】 kind? I've never seen one before."

"That's one hell of an expensive slave for sure."

"Heh, Kien is a sneaky guy. Hiding such a treasure right in front of us, right?"

"What kind of slave is she?" The captain asked.

Kien's immediately responded to the question without the slightest amount of hesitation.


He spoke with a straight face.

Xuelan's legs trembled powerfully at Kien's words. 

For some weird reason, it made her unbelievably and unfathomably happy to hear him say that. It was like the best news that she had heard in a million years, and it filled her with a stupidly irrational amount of elation and relief. Xuelan almost wanted to burst out crying.

A cuddleslut! She was a cuddeslut!

One of the junior guards looked at Kien skeptically.

"Really? You sure? If you're too soft on them, they'll start to lose discipline and fall apart on you."

"My slave never disappoints me." Kien spoke with unwavering confidence.

He wrapped his arms around Xuelan's midsection and fondled her breast.

Xuelan quivered a little and practically melted into Kien's arms. She didn't completely understand why she was so happy, but Kien could grope her all day and she wouldn't care. If fact, it was even better if he kept fondling her. He should fondle her until all those stupid demons grow tired of watching and leave them alone!

The samurai-like guard had a faint look of disgust.

"Just get your slave registered."

Kien nodded, shrugged, and said nothing more.

"Team, we're finished here. Let's move on to the next car."


I think it's important to give credit when credit is due.

One of the main reasons why this story exists is because I was secretly reading @Spectacular's Rapeworld Isekai without adding it on my "normal person" reading list (I'm sure that 90% of you all follow that story already). I encountered Chloe's character in chapter one, and then immediately had something click in my brain. Oh my god, she's the party healbitch! Somehow I felt incredibly jealous of her character, not necessarily because of the isekai monster rape part, but moreso for the fact that she actually has the guts to go play DnD with a bunch of pervy guys in a basement while quietly getting off on the idea of being banged and used by her friends.

...which is obviously something that I would never do, right?


Then I started writing a trashy fantasy and it turned into this.

It's curious how stories can exist in a dialogue, right? I think in many genres (porn in particular), nothing is truly original, and it's interesting to see how the media that we consume affects the stories that we tell. This story is absolutely an amalgamation of many people and many stories and many experiences, and it's only thanks to those combined influences that something like this pops out.

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