Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 20. Five points

Xuelan stared blankly and ignored his proposition.

"Why did you end up in Hell, if you don't mind me asking... Master Neiel?" She asked.

The incubus paused in the process of undoing his pants.

A smile slowly crept up on his face.

"I'll take that as a no, then."

He squatted down right next to Xuelan, who was still clearly uncomfortable with his presence. His belt was half-undone, and the 24-year-old girl could clearly see his trousers hanging provocatively low, to the point that there was only a paper-thin margin before everything would be exposed in plain view. However, the incubus looked neither angry nor savage. Neiel didn't even look disappointed. It was almost as if he half-expected the response that Xuelan had given.

"People tend not to brag about their Earthly crimes unless they are proud of their exploits," he said mysteriously.

"So you regret what you did... Master?"

Neiel continued to evade Xuelan's questions.

"Say, Xue? How many people do you suppose you need to murder before you get sent down to Hell? One? Two? A dozen people? A hundred victims?"

"I don't know. I'm not religious. In Buddhism, they are less tolerant of any form of murder, and slaughtering animals is also considered sinful. In contrast, a soldier's exploits in war is not usually considered that bad in Abrahamic religions."

"What if I told you that the criteria is different for everyone?"

"What do you mean?"

"People go to Hell if they subconsciously believe they deserve it. If a person violates their own moral worldview or begin see themselves as evil, then they condemn themselves to an afterlife of punishment in Hell."

Xuelan paused for a moment, processing Neiel's words.

"That's twisted."

"Is it?"

"Very. There are many horrible people who die totally convinced that they are doing good things. Like have you ever heard of the saying, 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions'?"

"Then you are saying that you believe even more people belong in Hell, Xue?"

The black-haired girl blinked, unsure of exactly how to respond.

"Well... I'm not sure... I'm a moral relativist. Everyone has their own point of view. Some people say that vegetarianism is morally good, and other people say that polyandry is morally bad. I'm not sure if there is an absolute answer."

The incubus suddenly laughed.

"Most people would say that murder is an absolute moral sin," he countered.

"I'm not like most people."

A menacing look suddenly appeared on his eyes.

"You don't believe that I'm pure evil? I am a sex demon, after all. I've hurt many many people."

"I'm not sure if good and evil exists, unless it's coming from someone's point of view."

"Then what about from your point of view? Am I evil?"

Xuelan frowned at the incubus.

"I don't know enough about you. You haven't hurt me. You hurt the other girl, but then you came back to heal her."

Neiel smiled and slid the water bottle through the bars of the cage.

Xuelan took it from him hesitantly, almost as if she suspected that it was a trap. 

"What about now?" Neiel asked.

The 24-year-old quickly opened the bottle of water and started pouring it in her mouth. Her throat genuinely was very parched, and Xuelan intended to drain it all before the red-haired incubus could change his mind.

It only took fifteen seconds before she chugged the entire container, and she wiped her mouth after leaving the plastic bottle empty.

"Five points." Xuelan said.

The incubus raised an eyebrow.

"Five points out of what?"

"A hundred."

"What happens at one hundred?"

"Then you've maxed out my affection meter, and I'll suck your dick."

Neiel immediately snorted.

He stood up and twisted the lock at the front of the cage until it turned green, unlocking the metal prison.

"I think you've had enough for one night," he said. "Go back to your cage."

+ + +

Xuelan stretched her legs momentarily for the brief moment of freedom that she had.

She was taking her time, and the black-haired girl had the vague idea that Neiel wouldn't mind if she loitered a little. Her impression of the incubus was that he was genuinely a soft guy, at least to the extent that he wasn't about to spontaneously rape and abuse her, as low as her 'standards' seem to have dropped ever since she came to Hell.

Xuelan stared up at the night sky.

The moon genuinely did look very odd, almost like a weirdly shaped ginseng root with multiple knobs and prongs. 

Based on her limited knowledge of astronomy and celestial motion, that type of irregular shape indicated that the moon certainly wasn't spherical. The rotation of rigid bodies in space is only stable with respect to the axes with the largest and smallest moments of inertia, so one would ordinarily expect a rotating moon to spin around its longest axis. 

However, it was hard to tell whether this hellish universe followed Galilean mechanics. It was probably premature to assume anything, and it frankly wouldn't even be that surprising if the world turned out to be flat. Xuelan had already seen a lot of magic happen in front of her eyes, and she was nearly prepared to throw all her common sense out of the window.

In either case, Xuelan had zero expectations for anything.

She had been summoned into an isekai nightmare as an accessory fucktoy, and this wasn't even her own story.

Xuelan was beginning to suspect that Kien had a variety of different cheats, but she was self-aware of the fact that she was clearly the supporting character. She wasn't anyone important, and her honest opinion was that Kien could have done just fine summoning virtually anyone else to be his sex slave.

"I know the stars are very beautiful, but you're dragging your feet," Neiel called out from the side.

Obviously, that was sarcasm, since there weren't any stars in the sky.

"You're literally a naked woman spacing out in front of a sex demon, and you expect me to do absolutely nothing?"

"I didn't ask to be here," Xuelan responded quietly, still looking up at the sky. "And you seem nice compared to the others."

There was a sigh from the incubus standing some distance away from her.

"You're too naive," he declared, as if pronouncing a verdict.

He walked up behind her, and Xuelan turned around slowly, perplexed by what he was saying.

Without warning, he grabbed her by the throat and shoved her on top of her steel cage.

He was choking her, and Xuelan couldn't breath. Her limbs flailed uselessly, and she tried to pry Neiel's hands off her her neck. However, his grip was impossibly strong, and his body was like a solid wall of iron. Panic flickered in her eyes, and she tried to shout out loud, but his hands were crushing her windpipe. Her naked back was shoved against the top of the steel cage, and the incubus was forcing her neck against the metal bars.

The black-haired girl was confused. She didn't understand why the incubus was suddenly doing this. It came out of nowhere, and she had thought that Neiel was one of the nice ones. There was no prior indication that this man was a psychopath, and she felt shocked by this sudden change in behavior.

"Don't trust anyone," the incubus whispered coldly.

He continued to strangle Xuelan's neck.

"Don't trust me. Don't trust Kien. Never trust anyone other than yourself. Remember that."

Xuelan was gasping, but no air moved through her throat. White stars were bursting in her peripheral vision, and everything was starting to fade to black. She could feel her consciousness slipping away from her.

Neiel spread her legs atop the cage, exposing her lower folds as he continued to choke the girl forcefully.

He dropped his pants and lined his cock up with her entrance.

"Let's make this into a lesson for you," he said quietly.

He began thrusting, but Xuelan couldn't breath. She felt like she was dying.

Soon after, she couldn't remember anything else.


Another poll to satisfy my curiosity!

How many of you readers are reading this story like it's a self-insert?

I'm just... curious... are some of you relating to Kien? I think most of the readers are men, and in a previous poll there were a lot of sadists. Does this mean that everyone hates this splash of NTR with Neiel?

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