Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 28. You’re my friend

Kien stared at Xuelan's eager eyes.

She looked so sure of herself — almost smug — as if she was 100% confident that Kien would do exactly what she said. Even though she acted demure and innocent, there was almost a predatory look in her amber pupils. It was obvious that she wanted his dick, and she was prepared to manipulate him like a puppet-master in order to obtain her lascivious desires. 

Kien knew exactly what she was doing.

The incubus had been extensively involved in the local BDSM community in the past, and Xuelan's behavior was essentially "topping from the bottom". There was a certain itch that she desperately wanted scratched, and many devious cats knew how to employ sly tricks to compel their 'hooman' masters into serving as their loyal backscratchers.

Just because the Dom was the one holding a whip, it didn't always mean they were the one calling all the shots.

Kien recognized this behavior, and he had mixed feelings about seeing Xuelan like this.

On one hand, it was reassuring that she hadn't completely disintegrated into an apathetic slave. The girl currently prioritized her own selfish desires rather than her partner's satisfaction, and the predominance of her own personal wishes (even if they were horribly misplaced) was a probably good sign. Total apathy was dangerous. Truly "broken" people stopped having their own desires and lacked self-will, and there was nothing you could do for an empty shell of a person.

On the other hand... he felt deeply uncomfortable about Xuelan's sudden sex addiction.

Kien had dated Xuelan for three years when she was in high school. Truthfully, he had known she was underage almost since the very beginning, and he had initially doted on her like an overprotective elder brother. The romantic aspects emerged later on, and even then, he had been very uncomfortable about drawing her into his seedy world of darkness. Despite the taboo feelings that he secretly held for the underage girl, they had a five-year age gap, and Kien deliberately tried to keep their relationship PG-13. He patiently answered her never-ending questions about BDSM, but he refused to actually roleplay as her Dom, and their digital relationship was mostly vanilla and fluff.

He had basically picked up an overly curious and innocent sweet kitten that he slowly grew attached to.

...A kitten that he shouldn't have taken home.

He fundamentally felt responsible for Xuelan's initial exploration into the darker online world.

Kien wanted her to have a positive and safe experience with BDSM, and at least guide her so she didn't feel as ashamed about her masochistic tendencies. Originally, it seemed like things were going incredibly well, and their close bond was wonderfully intimate. Even though it abruptly ended when he took their relationship a step too far, Kien possessed fond memories from the precious time they spent together.

After the day they separated, they spent six years apart.

Six years was a long time.

What exactly had happened to Xuelan in the span of those years?

He had briefly heard Xuelan mention that her college years were miserable, but Kien was unaware of most of the details. It was incredibly disturbing to see Xuelan slowly degenerate and unwind into something so twisted. Something critical had snapped inside of the girl's mind, and it was impossible for Kien to ignore the 180 degree turn in her behavior, even if he was a sadist with his own burning desires.

The obvious conclusion that was a multitude of horrible experiences compounded during her young adulthood. Her experiences had eroded her fundamental psyche. It sounded like she had been bullied, blackmailed, forced into non-consensual BDSM experiences, and potentially even raped by her classmates. Kien wasn't sure how he was going to address all of that trauma, and frankly he was just as much of a hypocrite for failing to control his sexual thirst and dragging her into Hell on a sudden sex-starved impulse in the first place.

Kien felt guilty.

The 'before' and 'after' image was seared into his brain, and he couldn't let it go.

He closed his eyes.

+ + +

"No." He said firmly.

Kien turned away from the girl and stood up from the ground.

Even though his dick was throbbing terribly from the interrupted session of fellatio, he couldn't let Xuelan fall apart even further. The premedical student seemed to be getting worse by the day, and he was self-aware enough to know that he was the cause of it. Kien had a monstrous level of self-control. He could undergo un-anesthetized surgery without screaming in a pain, and physical injuries were hardly anything that fazed him. Experiencing a bout of blue balls were hardly a drop of water in comparison.

"But M-Master, I'm hungry...?" Xuelan ventured, almost in confusion. "...and you need to eat breakfast too?"

The incubus faced the empty rocky wall of the cave.

He couldn't bear to look at her right now.

"Our relationship is over, Xue." He said slowly. "You are no longer my slave."

The black-haired girl immediately froze.

There was silence.

"...Not that we were in a relationship in a first place," Kien laughed self-deprecatingly with  a quiet wry voice. "I abducted you against your will and I'm a rapist."

"Y-You can't do this!" Xuelan suddenly protested, almost flabbergasted.

"And why can't I?"

Kien slowly walked over to Xuelan and placed his hand lightly on her collar. It slowly began to melt away and vanish, until the girl's pale neck was totally bare. The hefty weight and presence of the black metal evaporated from her throat, almost like it had truly disappeared from existence.

In truth, it wasn't possible for Kien to undo the enslavement ritual. However, at the very least he could turn the symbol of Xuelan's enslavement invisible. She wouldn't feel it on her neck, and maybe everything would eventually seem like a distant vague dream if she stopped seeing the constant visual reminders. He intended to treat her as a slave only on paper.

"From now on, we are strangers. Get out. And put on some clothes."

"Y-You're abandoning me?" Xuelan sounded horrified.

"You're my friend."

Kien materialized a large roll of black shadowy cloth and dropped it in Xuelan's arms. They weren't fashioned into clothes or anything specific, but Kien was sure that his ex-girlfriend would be resourceful enough to convert the magical fabric into something to wear. She was a smart woman, and he was fairly confident that she could take care of herself.

"We'll no longer live in the same cave. I'm okay with helping you out as your neighbor and acquaintance, but if I loan you money, I expect you to pay me back. I don't want to see you trespassing in my space, let alone my bed, so stop walking around stark naked."

"But what are you going to do about food? EXP and levels? Don't you need sex in order to survive?!"

"I don't need you. I'll find some other stranger to rape and feast on."

"No! Rape me! I'm 100% okay with you fucking and hurting me! And I thought you said you couldn't bring yourself to assault innocent strangers! I'm a willing victim, and I'll even volunteer! I can be your perfect toy, just tell me how you want me act! I don't have any limits! I don't need any safewords, and you can torture me any way you want! You don't need to corrupt yourself further raping strangers in this dark horrible place! You can give it all to me!"

"I'm not a good person, Xue. You helped me realize that." Kien responded.

She looked like she was about to cry.

Kien walked out towards the exit of the cave.

"I'd rather hurt, maim, and kill a thousand innocent strangers than see you break and fall apart like this, Xue." He spoke quietly.

He put on his long black cloak.

"So I'll see you around, maybe. Good luck with everything, friend."


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