Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 4. Demonic ritual

Warning: Too hardcore... mostly horror :c

A white silicone-like ball gag went into her mouth, right over the massive load of semen he emptied down her throat.

The incubus used his thumb to wipe away the tears rolling down her eyes, and he bent over to kiss her on the forehead.

Xuelan coughed and tried to turn away from his touch, still struggling to swallow any residual salty fluid that was stuck in her mouth. The aftertaste was overpowering, and the immediate addition of the gag guaranteed that she wouldn't be getting rid of the flavor any time soon. She hated how the demon pretended to be intimate, especially after all the unconscionable things he did. Did he think that acting nice would get her to forgive him? Of course not! That was a delusional idea! This man was insane!

"You did great, Xue." He brushed her hair warmly. "Thank you. Seriously. It was hard for you. I know."

Kien kissed her softly over both eyes and then pulled away.

She hated this. She hated all of this.

The incubus turned to face the sinister demon that was in the room with them.

"My seed and three arcane seals. It's done. What's next?" There was a serious look on Kien's face, in stark contrast with the tenderness he showed towards Xuelan. "You said there was a time limit... that if I fail to bind the girl's soul before the summoning magic expires, her wandering spirit will fall to the ninth circle of Hell."

The stranger suddenly laughed.

"Why do you care so much, friend? The girl is just a copy. It's no big deal if one or two replicas burn in Hades' undying hellfire for the rest of eternity. If you fail this time around, you can just summon another one and try again."

"I would prefer not to go through this more than once. It is not exactly a pleasant process."

"Heh. Sentimentality is a dangerous liability in this kind of place. You would do best to eliminate your superfluous emotions."

"I appreciate the advice, Vhodrar. You help has been invaluable. However, I will carve my own path."

The other demon shook his head helplessly and folded his arms. He pointed forwards.

"The ritual chamber is up ahead. I have already made the necessary preparations. Get the girl on the altar, and I will join you shortly."

+ + +

The ritual chamber was like a hybrid between a cathedral and and a medieval dungeon. The lighting was gloomy and dark, and a variety of frightening torture implements that Xuelan did not want to think about were displayed the walls. The ceiling was high and countless chains hung loosely from the rafters.

A long aisle ran down the center of the hall, much like the nave of Catholic church. Rows of empty benches lined each side of the aisle, until the carpeted runner stopped in front of the centerpiece of the eerie chamber, which was surrounded by a bloody pentagram marked onto the floor. The sigils were intricate and illegible, and they glimmered in the faint candlelight.

The altar was a large metal ring that was suspended upright in the air, fixed in place by a spiderweb of black chains.

Goosebumps rose on Xuelan's skin as the incubus carried her to the altar.

The gag in her mouth was uncomfortable, and she could feel thin trails of semen trickling down her leg. Each of the plugs that were inserted in her holes were very large, and they shifted inside every time her body moved.

Kien was silent while he undid her bounds and locked each of her limbs to the shackles that hung from the large circle. The chains were wound up until they were tight, and they rattled loudly as they withdrew. It felt like she was being pulled apart, and soon Xuelan was spread-eagled in the center of the demonic circle, her naked body on full display.

Her nude body was facing the floor-length window on opposite side of the altar. The semi-circular apse was constructed out of pure glass, and Xuelan was suddenly aware that she had a full panorama of the outside. For the first time since she was summoned to this hellish universe, she stared at the exterior world.

It was red.

The skies were blood-red like dusk, and three crescent-shaped moons lurked beyond the dark clouds. Grotesque winged creatures flapped around in the distance, and crowds of little moving dots on the ground were like ants.

They were on a tower, high in the sky.

She felt exposed, as if she had been placed here for the entire world to witness this unholy ceremony.

A ritual that was... going to make her into... a demon's sex slave...

Xuelan's throat felt tight.

Kien suddenly walked in front of the window, blocking her view of the crimson skies. The incubus was looking at her.

"You may begin when ready." The other demon's sinister voice suddenly came from behind her. At some point, Vhodrar had walked into the room, but Xuelan had missed his entrance.

The sigils on the ground started to glow red, and Xuelan abruptly felt a warm sensation inside her body. It gradually grew hotter... inside the cavities of her pelvis, down the depths of her throat, and into her stomach. She realized that the cum inside of her was heating up, and the stiff plugs in her orifices prevented the burning sensation from escaping. Soon, her insides felt like they were on fire.

Xuelan squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a moment, but when she opened again, she suddenly realized that a long cascading white gossamer gown had somehow materialized over her skin, flutteringly slightly on the altar.

"Her inner soul has been drawn out into the material world." The sinister demon commented with a wicked and almost giddy voice.

A faint breeze had started to circulate around the pentagram, and the current was cold as ice. Tiny flakes of frost drifted in the stale air, fluttering as they slowly descended to the ground.

The girl craned her neck down to get a better look at herself, and... 

...Why did it look so much like a wedding dress?

"The clothing symbolizes her privacy, dreams, and dignity." The demon spoke. "You will need to strip it all away."

Xuelan looked back up towards Kien, a look of confusion on her face. She didn't understand what Vhodrar was saying.

But then she realized that the incubus was holding a whip.

Her eyes slowly made contact with the man's amber pupils.

There was a splitting crack. Then her lower abdomen burst on fire with a searing gash of pain.

Xuelan screamed into her gag. The lash sliced through her dress, shredding the fabric, and leaving a bright red welt on her skin. It hurt more than anything she had experienced in her life, and she tried to wrench her body to the side. However, she was tightly stretched on the demonic frame, and there was no way for her to avoid any of the coming onslaught.

Her vision blurred with tears.

She couldn't even see through the water in her eyes, and the next lash landed on her left breast.

Her muffled wails and sharp screams echoed through the hall.

A crack, then a shriek. Over and over.

It didn't take long before Xuelan lost track of time.

Everything sank into a haze of terrible suffering.

+ + + 

When it was over, Xuelan hung totally limp on the upright demonic circle.

The white cloth was in shredded tatters on the ground all around her, and her entire body was criss-crossed with terrible welts and whip marks. A mixture of tears, saliva, cum, and body fluids streamed down her body, a majority of which leaked from the plugs that protruded rudely from her holes. Her braid of black hair was partially undone, and little strands of damp hair were plastered to her body from heavy perspiration.

Her mouth felt so dry.

Everything burned, and her brain was still screaming from hurt.

Her swollen and puffy eyes slowly traveled upward, but then she noticed a burning brazier on the edge of her peripheral vision.

The two demons were standing around the fireplace. 

They pulled out a red hot iron from the shadowy flame.

Xuelan's eyes widened, and she tried to move her lips despite the gag, but her mouth was too parched to even make a noise.

She shook her head back and forth frantically, and pulled against her chains weakly. Her entire body was trembling.

"A magical brand of hellfire. The symbol of a slave's submission." That hateful voice spoke.

Someone held her down, and the horrible sizzling brand went on her pelvis.

Her vision exploded in pure white.

+ + +

As her consciousness slowly faded back in, Xuelan was no longer suspended on circle. She had been taken down from the spiderweb of chains, and the uncomfortable plugs were gone from her body. Kien was holding her in his arms and stroking her hair softly.

"It's almost over," he murmured quietly.

Across from him, there was a silver tray with twelve black rings and studs of assorted sizes, and one circular black snakeskin cloth.

He picked up four of the larger circles and fitted them on her wrists and ankles.

Xuelan was too weak to resist. She was exhausted and spent.

As each ring slid in position, they immediately tightened and solidified as a stiff band. A second later, they started to dissolve and melt into her flesh, until they disappeared without a trace. However, even if they couldn't be seen, she could still feel the tightness and sagging weight of those ethereal cuffs. They were heavier than they looked.

"Cursed rings of restraint." Vhodrar added his emotionless comments from the side. "Ever present, ever lasting."

Kien extended his hands towards her face.

"To seal one's sight."

He wrapped snakeskin cloth around her eyes, which blinded her for a moment. But then it slowly dissolved, returning her vision for now.

"And for the rest..."

The incubus shifted for a moment, but then returned with a long and frightening needle.

Xuelan stiffened immediately in fear, but she was unable to move a muscle. She wasn't even able to blink. Nothing responded no matter how desperately she willed herself to move, and she realized belatedly that those four invisible cuffs sealed far many more movements than what was physically possible with just a few bands of metal.

He was going to pierce her.

She was terrified of needles.

There were a total of 7 smaller rings that still hadn't been placed.

Her tormenter stroked her nipples tenderly, and Xuelan felt her soul shrivel up on the inside.

+ + +

The last thing to be added was a plain black collar.

Tears were flowing freely. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut. Her entire body was traumatized and trembling.

He kissed her on the lips as the final ring tightened and stiffened around her throat.

Out of all the cursed restraints, the collar was the only one that did not immediately disappear after it was placed.

This one would remain. Perpetually visible as a sign of her eternal servitude.

"You are mine now," he said. "Forever."


It's over! My goodness, I'm so relieved ;-; I hated this so much. I couldn't write the piercing part because it just freaks me out idk how I came up with all this. Sorry for all the skips (or maybe it was preferable that way??)

Anyhow... now that everything's thoroughly broken and messed up, now the real story can start! q-q ...after I stop crying, that is...

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