Entertaining Children

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285 with no doubt

Chapter 1285 No Suspense

Next, everyone enters the formal rehearsal stage. Thanks to Xiao Yao’s advance reminder, the musicians no longer stunned by hearing the female voice sung by Xiao Yao, and stopped playing.

Compared with the previous song, Xiao Yao’s song is not very casual and improvised for the live version. However, the fact that a single person sings both male and female tones makes Xiao Yao this song. The performance of the song is attractive enough.

Xiao Yao practiced with musicians and harmony singers for a period of time, and felt that after the performance of the joint training had reached a certain level, he ran back to the former musician of Cordy Scott and lined up with them again. “The Remedy”. After lining up a few times over there, Xiao Yao ran back again.

After running back and forth several times, David Green’s preparation time for Xiao Yao and BTBS has arrived. The staff came to inform the other stars that the rehearsal was over and it was time for Xiao Yao and BTBS to perform on stage for alternate shows.

Since it is only a rehearsal of the award ceremony performance, it is not a recording of the program, and the two parties do not have to go to the backstage lounge to wait for the show. When one party is performing on the stage, the other party can sit in the auditorium under the stage to watch.

Xiao Yao wants to carry musical instruments here. In order to save time, David Green arranged for the Korean group BTBS, which sang and danced with an accompaniment table, to perform first. The staff conveyed that David Green meant that Xiao Yao, Cordy Scott, and Nicky Thompson should go there first and watch the performance of the Korean group with others, and the band members will carry their instruments and come back later.

When the three of Xiao Yao entered the performance hall, there were already quite a few people in the performance hall. Seven people from BTBS have already stood on the stage to warm up their hands and feet. Under the stage, some people are sitting in the front seats of the auditorium, among them David Green. The three of them saw the situation clearly, and walked to where David Green was.

Seeing Xiao Yao and the three approaching, David Green stood up and greeted him.

“Yang, let me introduce you to the judgment of BTBSPK this time!” After greeting the three of them, David Green pointed at the people around him and said to Xiao Yao.

The few people around David Green are all stars in the American music scene. Xiao Yao basically knows them, but it was the first time they met in private.

The stars are all guest performers at this awards ceremony, and the rehearsal time is arranged behind Nicky Thompson. During the rehearsal period, I heard that Hobson was accidentally ill and was hospitalized. Two groups of stars wanted to replace him as a guest performer and perform live stage performances. Several people expressed their willingness to stay and watch after the rehearsal. When David Green saw that they were willing to stay and watch, of course he couldn’t ask for it. Not only did he agree, he also asked them to judge together.

“Cordie and Nicky, you two are not in the judging lineup.” After Xiao Yao greeted several American stars, David Green said to Cordy Scott and Nicky Thompson, “You guys. The two can stay here to watch together, but you don’t have the right to vote, so it’s best not to comment.”

“Why?” Nicky Thompson said, “We are also performers! Why can’t we comment?”

“Because you have stated your position, it is clear that you are on Young’s side.” David Green said, “Yan is the stage guide you invited Nicky. You brought it. You have a personal relationship. Ke. Although Erdi only met Yang tonight, the musician that Yang used to perform was Cordy’s musician, and Cordy certainly hoped that Yang would be a guest performer. Both of you would favor Yang, so your opinions lack fairness. ”

“OK, I don’t care, I agree!” Cordy smiled indifferently, and then said, “But I’m a little curious, why did you only mention Yang Yong my musicians, and you didn’t mention Yang Yong Ni. Ji’s musician. Didn’t your people tell you that Young prepared two songs and two performances?”

“What? Young prepared two performances?” David Green was surprised. He really didn’t know.

“I know that even if I replace Hopson, I will only have one chance to perform at the awards ceremony.” Xiao Yao said, “I am preparing two songs, just to give you one more choice. You can not only choose I’m the substitute performer or BTBS. If you choose me, you can also choose which song you want me to perform. I think you shouldn’t mind spending a few minutes to listen to one more song, right?”

“This ” David Green hesitated.

“Young is going to perform two shows? This is not fair to BTBS!” John Lee said to the side.

As the agent of BTBS, John Lee certainly does not have the right to vote, but he can also watch the performances of both sides. He is also in the auditorium next to David Green. Like Cordy Scott and Nicky Thompson, he is not suitable for expressing opinions after the performance, but before the performance, he can still speak for his artist.

“I think there is nothing unfair.” Cordy Scott said, “The preparation time for both sides is the same…”

“No, look at the clothes they wear, and then look at the clothes Yang wears.” Cordy Scott paused suddenly and pointed to the seven people on the stage. “I even doubt the time you took to prepare. Bi Yang is longer.”

The clothes worn by the seven on the stage at this time were different from those seen by Cordy Scott at the end of the rehearsal. Obviously, they changed their costumes. They are all watching the rehearsal, so how come they have special performance costumes to change? It is likely that they have already prepared for this, so they actually took longer to prepare.

“We just heard about Mr. Hobson’s admission from Robertson earlier than you.” John Lee said anxiously.

“So you really took longer to prepare than Young.” Cordy Scott said, “I mean you are mentally prepared, not just the time for rehearsal.”

“Well, I agree with Yang to perform two shows.” David Green said, “Since Yang Hua is thinking about rowing, we always have to listen to it. Just like Yang said, we can have one more choice and don’t care how much we spend more. Listen to him sing one more song every minute.”

“Mr. Lee,” David Green turned his head to John Lee, “If you don’t need extra rehearsal time, you can perform another one immediately after a performance, and you don’t have to wait for you to rehearse, so can you. Perform two consecutive shows.”

“Performing directly without rehearsal, that is disrespect for the stage!” John Lee said.

“Let’s do it, you perform one performance, and Yang performs two.” David Green turned his head and said to a few stars, “Everyone, the alternate performers we selected have only one chance to perform a song at the awards ceremony. So we will look separately at which of these three performances is more suitable to perform at the awards ceremony. We cannot superimpose the two performances of Yang, because he performed two performances and is more biased towards him!”

“OK, no problem!” Several stars all said.

They have all heard of Yang Xiao’s name and some of his deeds, and they are also very curious about this Chinese star. To watch one more of his performances, they naturally have no opinion.

John Lee saw that David Green said so, and the stars agreed, so they didn’t say anything anymore.

Everyone is okay, the next step is the BTBS performance in the stands. Everyone looked for seats in the auditorium, and David Green waved to the sound engineer and made a gesture.

The seven Korean idols on the stage saw all the people in the audience sitting down, and the staff next to the stage also signaled them to stop warming up, standing in their respective positions on the stage, and dancing. Starting position, ready to perform.

Music sounded from the live speakers, and the seven people on the stage moved. There is no band on the stage, their performance is singing and dancing.

Seven people did not wear headphones, all of them sang and danced while holding microphones. Xiao Yao heard that only a small part of the accompaniment had some vocals in the high-pitched part, and the vocals on the stage were larger than those in the accompaniment, which was basically equivalent to a full-open mic performance. It has to be said that this combination can achieve certain success in Europe and the United States, and its own strength is still very strong. The full-open wheat sang and danced, and it was actually quite steady.

They sang an English song, but the music style and dance style are obviously still typical of Korean electronic dance music. From the perspective of curiosity, this foreign genre and performance style has a certain sense of newness to European and American audiences, so this combination can be said to be popular in Europe and the United States in recent years. However, Europe and the United States are different from China. Europe and the United States have not had a large-scale Hallyu wind like China and other Asian countries, nor have they launched various singing and dancing idol groups from Korea, so this style of things is in Europe and the United States. Popularity and popularity are limited.

Therefore, even if the stage performance of this combination is quite good to Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao did not feel much pressure. Fundamentally speaking, Xiao Yao wants to perform live shows with live bands and live singing, which is what most music fans in Europe and the United States really like.

After the   BTBS group performed, they all bowed to everyone in the audience under the stage. David Green simply thanked them for their performance, and asked them to step down, instruct the staff to set up the stage and put up the musical instruments.

Xiao Yao saw the band’s musicians on the stage, but did not sit idle underneath, and ran up to the stage to help with the instruments and equipment.

David Green did not take advantage of this time to ask other people about their evaluation of the Korean group’s performance. Everyone did not stand up and speak publicly. He just watched the crowds on the stage while they were busy. At most, they were tilting their heads and following them. The people discussed a few words in a low voice.

It didn’t take long for the stage to be ready. Xiao Yao put an acoustic guitar on his back and stood in front of the front microphone.

“This song is called “The Remedy”!” Xiao Yao briefly introduced, and then nodded to several musicians.

The drummer on the drum kit tapped the cymbals, the keyboard player and electric guitar got up and the performance began.

As soon as the melody composed of these three instruments came out, the few people sitting in the audience below unconsciously adjusted their sitting postures. It seems that from the perspective of melody and style alone, Xiao Yao’s song attracts them even more.

In the ten seconds or so at the beginning of the song’s prelude, Xiao Yao’s acoustic guitar was not involved. In this short period of ten seconds, Xiao Yao did not just stand with the guitar on his back. Instead, he leaned over and bent his waist slightly, his palms of both hands together and straight, the upper arms and forearms of both arms were bent. At right angles, they alternately swing the guitar back and forth, mimicking the movements of the robot in a funny way.

“Ha!” Seeing Xiao Yao’s weird action, the people in the audience below chuckled.

“At this time, is he still improvising?” Cordy Scott and Nicky Thompson glanced at each other, Cordy Scott gently shook his head and smiled.

They both watched Xiao Yaopai’s song just now. When rehearsing just now, Xiao Yao didn’t have this weird action in this place.

Although there is no TV station’s program team to come and shoot this rehearsal, for the effect of the rehearsal, there are cameras on site. Seeing Xiao Yao’s performance, a rocker camera on the side of the stage immediately pushed towards Xiao Yao, and then a close-up of Xiao Yao’s facial expression appeared on the background wall of the electronic screen at the back of the stage.

“Looking at his state, I think he must be better than that Korean group at least in mentality!” Nicky Thompson looked at Xiao Yao’s expression on the big screen.

“Of course!” Cordy Scott smiled, “Even if we two can’t vote, I never thought he would lose.”

The performance of the next few judges seems to confirm the statement of Cordy Scott. After the second verse of the accelerating variation began, the emotions of several celebrities who were judges seemed to be infected by the song, and they started to move while sitting in their seats. When Xiao Yao’s tongue came out at the end of the first sentence of the second verse, some of the stars even made laughter and exclamation.

After that, Xiao Yao’s state and speech speed while singing, the meaningless humming in the chorus of the chorus, the third verse of the song suddenly slowed down and then suddenly accelerated, faster than the second verse, almost comparable Rap’s singing speed all made the stars in the audience listen more and more energetic.

At the end of Xiao Yao’s performance of this song, applause broke out in the audience.

Although several stars feel that they can decide how to choose, there is a song behind Xiao Yao. David Green did not speak, and the stars did not say anything. They just clapped and waited for Xiao Yao’s next performance.

David Green and several celebrities have just heard Cordy Scott said that Xiao Yao’s two songs are composed of two groups of different musicians, and the musicians and instruments performed on stage after Xiao Yao’s singing. The replacement is not accidental, nor impatient, quietly waiting for them to be ready.

“The song name of this song is “Lucky”!” Xiao Yao briefly introduced the song name as usual, then nodded to the musicians and started to perform.

The prelude of this song is very short, and it is the acoustic guitar that Xiao Yao holds. Xiao Yao played two preludes, and then began to sing.

When Xiao Yao sang this song, his movements were different from those of the previous song. The rocker camera on the scene pushed it over again and gave it a close-up. The people below saw Xiao Yao’s expression when he sang. Xiao Yao’s time interval between singing two songs at this time is much shorter than during the previous rehearsal. Just now, both Cordy Scott and Nicky Thompson were surprised by the quick and thorough change of Xiao Yao’s performance status. Now these people in the audience are naturally surprised by the same.

Of course, the most surprising part of Xiao Yao’s performance is that he showed two different gender timbres. When he sang the second half of the first verse of the song, when a female voice came out of the live speakers, there was an unexpected exclamation in the audience.

“Oh, my God! Is this the voice Yang sang?” A group of people in the audience stared in disbelief.

This song is played and sung live, and there is no background music recorded in advance. They were sitting in the front row of the audience, relatively close to the stage. It was clear that when the female voice appeared, the few harmony singers on the stage did not speak, but Xiao Yao’s mouth was moving. This scene has actually subverted their cognition a bit.

The musicians and harmony singers on the stage rehearsed with Xiao Yao and experienced this kind of shock long ago, so the performance on the stage was not affected by the exclamation from the audience, and continued smoothly.

At the second half of the third verse, the female voice reappeared, and there was another exclamation in the audience. But this time, the eyes of the celebrities were less doubtful and more amazed. Because they appeared twice in a row, they had basically determined that the female voice was really from Xiao Yao.

“Okay, everyone, please vote first!” After Xiao Yao’s second song performance, David Green stood up and said to several celebrities who were judging them, “I guess you have something to say to Yang, yes I want to ask Yang a question, but first of all, I need a result. So everyone only talks about the result, not your feelings, not the reason, and don’t influence others!”

“I choose Yang!” A star said first.

“Which one?” David Green asked.

“I personally prefer the latter song “Lucky”, but as a performance for the awards ceremony, I think “The Remedy” is more suitable!” The star thought for a while, and said, “I choose “The Remedy”!”

“OK,” David Green nodded and continued, “Next!”

“The Remedy I picked up!” Another star said.

“Lucky” I picked up!” said the third star.

“The Remedy” I picked up!” The fourth said.

“No suspense!” Cordy Scott turned his head and smiled at Nicky Thompson.

(End of this chapter)

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