Entertaining Children

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293 Wedding venue

Chapter 1293 Wedding venue

Everyone smiled, and they all agreed to Sun Tingting’s request. Sun Tingting also didn’t want to be too deliberate. August 1st is Friday the day after tomorrow, and the 2nd and 3rd is the weekend. The Civil Affairs Bureau will not go to work, and finally set the date of obtaining the certificate on August 4th next Monday.

The date of obtaining the certificate is confirmed, and the next step is to discuss where the wedding will be held.

“I’ll get the computer.” Xiao Siqi stood up and said, “This time we went out, we took a lot of photos, you take a look first!”

“No, just say where your alternative places are.” Xiao Yao waved his hand.

“There are several places we like, Provence in France, and the small town of Gretna Green in Scotland,” Xiao Siqi began to count.

“Wait,” Xiao Yao interrupted, “I can understand that you picked Provence. There is lavender there, but why did you pick Gretna Green in Scotland? It was called “Elopement’s Paradise” back then. Well-known, I didn’t elope with Doer!”

“Do you even know this?” Xiao Siqi said in surprise, “We just heard that it is one of the places where wedding ceremonies are held in Scotland most, and that the small town is very beautiful, so we will go there. What do you mean by “elopers” Heaven”, we only heard about it after we went.”

“Do you know that there are alternatives?” Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Siqi helplessly, “Forget it, don’t talk about alternatives.”

“Anyway, I also listen to Doer!” Xiao Yao looked at Sun Tingting and said, “Doer, just say it, where do you want to go to the wedding most?”

“I want to go to Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany!” Sun Tingting said directly, apparently already thinking about it.

“Then go to Neuschwanstein Castle!” Xiao Yao said immediately.

Neuschwanstein Castle, the full name of Neuschwanstein Castle, is located near Fussen, south of Munich, Germany. When Xiao Yao accompanied Zhan Youcheng to Munich to order prostheses, he stayed in Munich for two days because he had to wait for Orgin to make the prostheses. At that time, BMW’s marketing director Martin Grotz suggested Xiao Yao to visit Neuschwanstein Castle. Although Xiao Yao didn’t go there, he knew about the castle.

This castle was built in the 19th century by a young king of Bavaria named Ludwig II. This monarch does not govern the country very well, but he is a monarch full of artistic temperament. This romantic and artistic monarch dreamed of turning Neuschwanstein Castle into a fairy tale version of the world, and personally participated in the design of the castle.

Although the monarch did not live to see the castle completed, he basically fulfilled his dream. This peculiarly shaped castle is built on a high mountain, often covered by clouds and mist, surrounded by mountains and lakes, beautiful scenery and different scenery throughout the year. It is indeed a very fairytale place.

This castle is also very famous. It is said that there are more than 14,000 castles still in existence in Germany, among which the most famous is Neuschwanstein Castle, which can be regarded as one of the symbols of Germany. This castle is not only the prototype of Disney Castle, but also the blueprint of the castle scene in many animation and game works.

Sun Tingting would want to go to such a castle for a wedding, Xiao Yao was not surprised at all.

“But Neuschwanstein Castle is a public attraction in Germany. Can a wedding be held?” Sun Tingting asked hesitantly.

Neuschwanstein Castle is now a very popular tourist attraction in Germany. Tickets are required to enter the tour normally. If a wedding is held there, it will affect the normal business there.

“Think of a way!” Xiao Yao said, “I have something to do with Germany. Find someone to help and do my best!”

Xiao Yao remembers that the wedding photos of former singer Jay Chou were taken at Neuschwanstein Castle. Of course, taking wedding photos and holding a wedding are definitely not the same, but Xiao Yao has a relationship with BMW in Germany. BMW is a very influential group company in Germany. Its headquarters is in Munich, not too far from Neuschwanstein Castle and Fussen. Xiao Yao felt that asking them for help and renting part of the area as a wedding venue shouldn’t be impossible.

“There is a relationship in Germany? BMW?” Ye Jiaying asked. She knew that Xiao Yao had cooperated with BMW.

“Hmm!” Xiao Yao nodded.

“That should be quite promising.” Ye Jiaying said, “Then the venue for the wedding to be held in Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany?”

“Tentatively, I will contact that side as soon as possible and confirm it as soon as possible.” Xiao Yao did not pack the tickets.

“Okay,” Ye Jiaying said, “Does the wedding date need to accommodate the factors of the venue?”

“It shouldn’t be used!” Xiao Yao said, “Neuschwanstein Castle is closed to the public for only four days a year. Except for those four days, it should have no effect on them at other times. I think the approximate wedding date can be set first. It is convenient for us to do the following things.”

“Then when do you plan to set it?” Ye Jiaying asked.

“How about early October?” Xiao Yao asked, “There are two months left, I think there should be enough time to prepare.”

“Anyway, you two don’t have to worry about the old ones. You can do it when you say it.” Xiao Siqi first expressed his opinion. For such a big event as marriage, he, the parent, must be involved in the preparations, but he has long been accustomed to Xiao Yao’s affairs and he makes his own decisions.

“Yes!” The other three parents also nodded.

“However, the size of this guest is more restricted by the venue.” Xiao Yao said, “When the venue is finalized, we know the number of guests that can be invited, and then we will discuss the detailed list of guests to be invited.”

“Okay!” The four parents nodded again.

“Okay, I’ll stop here today!” Ye Jiaying said to Xiao Yao, “Go upstairs to pack up, and go out for dinner later.”

“Wait!” Xiao Yao got up and walked to the door to bring the suitcase that was next to the wall, and opened it as he said, “I brought you gifts!”

Las Vegas is a famous shopping paradise. Xiao Yao did not accompany his elders to Europe this time. Knowing that he might be taught a lesson, he bought gifts for parents before returning.

“There are still gifts?” Hu Xuena smiled, “This time you won so much money in the United States, I’m not welcome.”

“What you said is wrong.” Xiao Yao said, “I will be your half son soon. You should be honored. Even if you don’t win money in the casino, you shouldn’t be polite to me.”

“Just your sweet mouth!” Sun Tingting yelled to Xiao Yao.

“Haha!” Xiao Yao smiled.

After sending out the present, Xiao Yao closed the suitcase and pulled Sun Tingting up from the seat, “Go, follow me up, and accompany me to organize my luggage.”

“Mom, I will go upstairs to help Bayi clean up together.” Sun Tingting said to Hu Xuena.

“Go ahead!” Several parents waved their hands and laughed.

Ye Jiaying and Xiao Siqi knew that Xiao Yao was coming back, so the room was naturally cleaned up a long time ago. After entering the room, Sun Tingting graciously opened Xiao Yao’s suitcase to help him organize his luggage, while Xiao Yao found out the phone and called Fang.

“Still, I’m back.” After the call was connected, Xiao Yao still said to the other party, “I will inform you that my focus will be on preparing for the wedding in the future. Now we want to hold it in Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany. At the wedding, I will call Martin Grotz from BMW and ask them to come forward to help. If there is no problem there, you are responsible for helping follow up the follow-up.”

Xiao Yao’s wedding doesn’t need his parents to work, and he can’t do everything by himself. Naturally, he will use people in his own studio. Xiao Yao had already said this to Fang a long time ago.

“Neuschwanstein Castle? Got it!” Fang still said, “I will arrange relevant people to apply for a visa to Germany as soon as possible.”

“Also, there may be a big news about me in two days, which is also from the United States,” Xiao Yao said again, “You tell the public relations and propaganda department people to be psychologically prepared.”

“What news? Good or bad?” Fang still asked.

“The news about why I went to the Las Vegas casino,” Xiao Yao said, “I don’t know if it is positive, but it is definitely not negative anyway.”

“Why on earth did you go to the casino in Las Vegas?” Fang still asked, “Now that you are all back, can’t you tell me? Must we read it from the news?”

“Alright, let me tell you now,” Xiao Yao said, “This time I went to the United States, and I won more than 20 million U.S. dollars from casinos in Las Vegas.”

“What?” Fang was still surprised.

“You can tell the people in the studio,” Xiao Yao continued, “but you don’t let the people in the studio leak to the media, let this news come from the United States.”

“I understand!” Fang still said, “But, is your luck so good? Also, are you sure that this is not news that is not good for you? Before the media said that you are addicted to gambling, there are many bad voices on the Internet. Now these voices have finally disappeared. If you publish so many news about winning in the casino, there will surely be another voice saying that someone will be stimulated by your news and go to the casino to gamble. You are for the public Set a bad example.”

“Ha, it looks so true!” Xiao Yao laughed, “but don’t worry, my winning is not just by luck, but also by ability. So the people who asked you to inform the studio should be mentally prepared. If that kind of sound really appears, you guys will know what to do.”

“Rely on ability? What kind of ability?” Fang still asked, “Are you still gambling and cheating?”

“Where is it easy to cheat out of thousands in a regular casino?” Xiao Yao said, “My skill is to count cards. Strictly speaking, it may also be considered cheating, but it is definitely not cheating and it is not illegal.”

“Counting cards?” Fang still asked strangely.

“I want to know what card counting is, wait to see the news, there should be a brief introduction, I won’t explain it in detail to you.” Xiao Yao said, “That’s it!”

Xiao Yao hung up Fang’s phone call, checked the time, and calculated the time difference with Munich. Originally, he wanted to call directly. After thinking about it, he first sent an email to Martin Grotz with his mobile phone. Briefly explain the situation.

While waiting for Martin Grotz’s reply to the email, Xiao Yao went to pack his luggage with Sun Tingting. Unexpectedly, it didn’t take long for the phone to send out a notification tone for new mail.

Although there have not been many contacts in recent years, Martin Grotz has a deep impression of Xiao Yao and has kept a certain attention to him. This time Xiao Yao asked for help, and things were not too tricky. Martin Grotz quickly replied to the e-mail, expressing his willingness to help.

After reading the reply email, Xiao Yao picked up the phone and called Martin Grotz. Martin Grotz already knew the general information from the e-mail. After he got on the phone, he first expressed his congratulations to Xiao Yao. As for Xiao Yao’s rental of the Neuschwanstein castle venue, Martin Grotz said he would send someone as soon as possible. I went to contact the person in charge of Neuschwanstein Castle, tried my best to facilitate this, and expressed optimism about the result, thinking that there should be no big problems.

After Xiao Yao expressed his gratitude, he explained that the follow-up matters would still be taken care of by his broker. Martin Grotz had met Fang still, and knew the relationship between the two, and immediately said that there was no problem. Anyway, he only needs to be famous for this matter. The people who do the specific work are also the people below. Then let the people below him contact Fang Wei and Fang Wei’s people, and help them communicate with Neuschwanstein Castle. All right.

After Xiao Yao made this call, Sun Tingting also helped Xiao Yao organize his luggage, and even put his suitcases away. Xiao Yao had nothing to do, and the two went downstairs holding hands.

When people get married, they usually ask a wedding planning company to do wedding planning. Xiao Yao’s studio has a dedicated planning department, so naturally there is no need to hire a wedding planning company.

In fact, Xiaoyao’s proposal was successful as early as when the wedding was expected to be held in the second half of the year. The planning department of Xiaoyao’s studio was thinking about the wedding. It’s just that the specific time for the wedding was not determined, and the location of the wedding was not determined. There were too many uncertain factors. The people in the planning department could not come up with a specific plan. They just designed some basic processes. I made some ideas and made some non-detailed plans. Now Xiao Yao has set a rough date, and with the target venue, the people in the planning department have really started to plan the wedding.

Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting have decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain the certificate next Monday, of course they will not go to Shencheng immediately. Now there are three days left until next Monday, and the two of them are on vacation, and they also contacted the people in the studio through the Internet and participated in the planning of the wedding process together. This process of wedding planning was only carried out by Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting with people from the planning department of Xiao Yao’s studio, and the parents of both parties were not involved.

Wedding planning is mainly done by the people in the studio. Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting just put forward some opinions and requirements. The main work is actually review and acceptance, so there is no need to contact the people in the studio every day.

The third day after Xiao Yao returned to China was August 1, which was Xiao Yao’s birthday. Xiao Yao never engages in birthday parties. His birthday is not celebrated every year, or is celebrated, and he only spends it with close relatives and friends. In recent years, Xiao Yao has basically not been in Yanjing during the summer vacation, and has not spent his birthday with his parents for several years. Taking advantage of this time in Yanjing, Xiao Yao also had a rare birthday with his family.

Birthday is one day, but celebrating, especially with family, is basically just having a lively meal together. Therefore, Xiao Yao’s plan for this day is to hang out with Sun Tingting during the day, and have dinner and celebration with his family in the evening.

This time, Xiao Yao’s birthday was mainly to spend time with his family and did not invite anyone. Even Zhao Rui, a little friend who was in Yanjing recently, did not notify him. Of course, Sun Tingting, who is the future wife, is already regarded as the Xiao family, and she has been almost inseparable from Xiao Yao in the past two days, so she naturally wants to participate. Xiao Chengru went into the filming crew some time ago. Recently, he was not in Yanjing, so there were only four people in the birthday dinner this time.

There are only four people, so there is no need to go out to eat. Ye Jiaying and Sun Tingting teamed up with the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get Xiao Yao a sumptuous dinner at home.

Xiao Yao’s birthday party was relatively small, but it did not seem deserted, and it made people feel particularly warm. Xiao Yao had a very happy time.

(End of this chapter)

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