Entertaining Children

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306 Sweet without singing

Chapter 1306 It’s Sweet Not To Sing

“The name of this new song is “Just Love You”!”

Xiao Yao introduced a song title to the cheers of the audience, waved the strings of the guitar on his body, and played the prelude to the song.

“Yeah Wohh Yeah lalalala ”

When the drum kit sounded in the prelude, Xiao Yao hummed. After the humming is over, the song officially enters the main song.

“I, I have always wanted to tell you that you give me unexpected happiness, like an oasis to the desert. Say, you will always be with me, be my root and my wings, let me fly, and have a nest to go back ”

From the four-character song title “I Love You”, the audience knew that Xiao Yao’s song must be another sweet love song of confession. Sure enough, when Xiao Yao’s first lyrics were sung, many audiences were moved by the lyrics of Xiao Yao’s song, and even “sour”.

It’s not just the lyrics in the opening paragraph that impresses and “sours” the audience. Following Xiao Yao’s singing, the audience found that the lyrics of the entire song were very “sour”.

“I’m willing, I can give everything and it won’t be a pity”, “Just be together, watch the passage of time, remember the way we love each other”, “Just love you and love you, there is sadness and joy, and it makes sense to have you plain “, “I love you, loving you, sweet and at ease, that feeling is you”, “You must protect you when you give everything”, “Don’t leave, don’t care how much wind and rain there are along the way”, “Put it in the palm of your hand, brilliant All my happiness is for you”…

Every line of lyrics that appeared simultaneously with Xiao Yao on the electronic screens above and behind the stage made the audience feel the taste of love.

Xiao Yao’s “I Love You” is a love song created and sung by Tao Zhe in the previous life. In that world, he has won awards such as “Chinese Song of the Year” and “Top Ten Golden Melody”. The first classic love song is a golden tune. In this world, the effect is also very good.

The beautiful melody, Xiao Yao’s gentle and magnetic singing voice, and of course those affectionate confession lyrics and sentences, all made the audience intoxicated.

After the end of the song, the audience naturally gave a warm applause again.

“Does it sound good?” Xiao Yao asked the audience below with a smile.

“It sounds good!” the audience shouted very cooperatively.

“Okay!” Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, then said, “I sang a new song, and then I will sing an old song.”

“The next song,” Xiao Yao continued, “I remember seeing some netizens commenting that this song is a rare song in my work that did not appear first and was released directly on the album. Here, I want to correct this statement. Actually, the live version of this song is also first available, but the live version is not in China, but on the streets of the United States. The version is also in English.

When Xiao Yao said this, the main camera on the scene gave Sun Tingting a shot.

After singing the first two songs with Xiao Yao, Sun Tingting retreated to the area where the live band was located behind and temporarily became an accompaniment musician. When Xiao Yao sang “Perfect”, Sun Tingting played the violin in the accompaniment. Although the light in the band area is relatively dim and the audience cannot see clearly, the effect of the camera zooming in is different from what the audience sees under the stage. In the camera preview, you can clearly see Sun Tingting showing a knowing smile.

The live audience of this show is very close to the stage. The large screens behind and above the stage are only used to display the special background of the performance to enhance the scene atmosphere and to display the lyrics. It will not cut the close-up picture of the performers on the stage by the camera. At this time, of course, the program team will not cut Sun Tingting’s expression on the big screen at the scene. This shot is only used for the editing material of their later program.

“What song?” The audience did not see Sun Tingting on the big screen. Without this prompt, many people began to think about what the English song Xiao Yao introduced was that he had sung on foreign streets.

“I’m here today, of course I will sing the Chinese version for everyone to listen to.” Xiao Yao didn’t sell the key to the audience to guess, and directly announced, “For everyone!”

“Oh ” the audience cheered.

“Listen to the English version!” Amidst cheers, an audience shouted loudly.

The Chinese version of the song “Love Must Have” was included in the double CD album released after Xiao Yao participated in the “Singer” program. Since Xiao Yao’s performance in the “Singer” program was very amazing, when the album was released, Xiao Yao’s enthusiasm for participating in the program had not subsided, and the sales of that double CD album was quite good. As the only “new song” on the album, Xiao Yao’s fans are quite familiar with this song.

At the beginning, Xiao Yao’s album was the Chinese version of this song. Fans had also heard the Chinese version. Many fans didn’t even know that there was an English version before this song. After hearing Xiao Yao’s introduction, many live audiences felt that they wanted to hear Xiao Yao sing an English version they had never heard before. As a live audience, everyone shouted what they thought.

“The English version is that the lyrics are different!” Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, “The melody is the same! There are already a lot of English songs to be sung tonight, let’s sing the Chinese version!”

“No matter!” shouted a young girl in the front row of the stage, “I haven’t heard the English version, listen to English!”

“Okay!” Xiao Yao thought for a while, nodded and said, “Then sing half of English and Chinese each!”

“Wow Xiao Yao actually compromised!” Some audience members were surprised in their hearts.

Xiao Yao rarely changes because of fans’ requests. Even if it is only half compromised, it is very rare for the live audience. Immediately, a louder cheer rang.

Xiao Yao waved his right hand, a familiar melody sounded, and the audience quickly calmed down.

Xiao Yao speaks English and Chinese and sings half of each, which means that the song is divided into two. The first verse and chorus are sung in English, and the second verse and chorus are sung in English.

This song “Love Is Already” is one of the most widely circulated songs of Harlem Yu Chengqing in the previous life. Xiao Yao went to the street outside Chambers Conservatory to sing to Sun Tingting and listened to his own translation of the English version. Although the English version of this song was not officially released, Xiao Yao had not forgotten the lyrics of the English version translated at that time.

In the first half of the English part, Xiao Yao’s English lyrics are exactly the same as those sung to Sun Tingting on the street outside Chambers Conservatory. Sun Tingting listened from behind and recalled the scene of the year. The corner of her mouth unconsciously smiled again, which caused a camera on the scene to zoom in again to Sun Tingting, and gave her a close-up of her facial expression.

After singing a song, the audience still gave applause and cheers without hesitation.

“Thank you.” After Xiao Yao thanked the audience as usual, he said into the microphone, “Next, is a new song!”

“There are new songs? Is this going to take turns from an old song to a new song?” The audience thought in their hearts, “Isn’t it that half of the songs tonight are new songs?”

After the previous song “I Love You”, the audience’s sense of surprise at Xiao Yao’s new song has dropped a lot. After all, Xiao Yao has always been called a “music genius.” Since there is more than one new song tonight, the difference between two new songs and three new songs is not very big for them.

It’s just that the performance arrangement of one new song after one old song made everyone excited and looking forward to it. If this is the case, it means that Xiao Yao will sing a lot of new songs tonight. Of course, the audience who thinks this way only remember that Xiao Yao seems to often talk about new songs and old songs tonight, and they will have the feeling of performing new songs and old songs in turn. They did not notice that the previous “Most Beautiful” and “Perfect” are two consecutive old songs. .

“I want to ask first, are there any friends from Guangdong today? Do you know many Cantonese?” Xiao Yao didn’t directly introduce the new song, but looked at the audience in the audience, “Thank you, friends who understand Cantonese. Raise your hand!”

“Huh? Isn’t it about singing Cantonese songs?” The audience was a little confused about Xiao Yao’s sudden questioning, but some people still raised their hands very cooperatively.

“Not much!” Xiao Yao looked at the arms raised sporadically, frowned slightly, and then said, “I have the lyrics in Mandarin and Cantonese for the next new song. Personally, I am Those who prefer the Cantonese lyrics version and want to sing Cantonese more, but it seems that not many people understand Cantonese at the scene!

“Oh ” The audience suddenly yelled, “Sing each of the two versions!”

“Not good!” Xiao Yao shook his head and smiled, “The lyrics of this song are a bit sweet, I don’t want to double the excitement for some people.”

” ” There was a booing sound at the scene, and an audience shouted, “Which song you sang tonight is not sweet?”

“Okay,” Xiao Yao smiled, “Actually, I think it would be silly to sing a song with the same melody twice, even if the lyrics are different!”

“Sing half of each!” someone shouted again.

“Are you coming?” Xiao Yao lost a smile, then shook his head and said, “No!”

“I think, even if you don’t understand Cantonese, you don’t necessarily understand Cantonese songs. Besides, there are lyrics at the scene!” Xiao Yao looked at the audience below, “Well, if you want to listen to the Cantonese version, please raise your hand! ”

A slap of arms was raised from below.

“There are more people raising their hands than those who don’t!” Xiao Yao looked down and nodded with a smile, “Listen to everyone, I’ll sing Cantonese!”

“Let the people who want to listen to the Mandarin version raise their hands more than those who don’t!” Sun Tingting, who was standing behind, said in her heart, “This guy is too cunning! Obviously I want to sing Cantonese by myself, so I have to make it. It’s to listen to everyone’s opinions!”

“The next new song, “Love You More Every Day” is for everyone!”

Xiao Yao said the title of the song, but did not start performing immediately. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the band area behind and took off the acoustic guitar he was carrying, and placed the acoustic guitar on a vacant guitar stand. While Xiao Yao walked back to play the guitar, Sun Tingting walked to the front of the stage, moved the microphone stand with microphone used by Xiao Yao to the piano on the side of the stage, and adjusted the height and position of the microphone to Xiao Yao sitting Approximate height and position when singing on the piano bench.

“Oh oh ” The audience uttered huge cheers and screams.

Sun Tingting’s actions indicate that the next song Xiao Yao will be piano playing and singing, but the audience cheered and screamed not because Xiao Yao was going to play the piano next song, but because Sun Tingting went to help Xiao Yao Move the microphone stand and adjust the height position to prepare for Xiao Yao’s performance.

“These two people are so tacit and considerate!” Many audience members exclaimed in their hearts, “Looking at them like this, it feels sweeter than listening to the songs they sing tonight!”

In the performance of this show, the staff will not be on stage without special circumstances, but most of the audience on the spot does not know this rule. When Sun Tingting and Xiao Yao sang “Lucky” earlier, it was Xiao Yao who helped Sun Tingting move the microphone stand, and thoughtfully helped her adjust the height of the stand. Now Xiao Yao turned to play the guitar, and Sun Tingting thoughtfully helped Xiao Yao prepare the microphone stand.

The actions of the two of them helping each other to place and adjust the microphone stand were very natural and not deliberate at all (Sun Tingting went back to the band area after the chorus and took the microphone stand by herself, but Xiao Yao didn’t grab it). They seemed to help each other. It is a matter of course, without any special expressions or movements. Compared to the songs they sang tonight, it seems that the two people’s inadvertent behavior is more exciting to everyone.

Sun Tingting seems to have a good understanding of Xiao Yao’s habit of sitting position and sitting height. Before Xiao Yao came to the piano and sat down to see if the microphone position and height were appropriate, he adjusted the microphone stand to the position he felt suitable and left. Went back.

Xiao Yao put down the acoustic guitar and walked to the piano on the side of the stage. When he passed by with Sun Tingting, he only smiled at her.

Because of the volume, the piano on the stage is placed on the side of the stage, but Xiao Yao is the performer, and his position is the center and focus of the stage. When Xiao Yao walked to the piano, the two spotlights above the stage adjusted their direction and angle at the same time, illuminating the piano and Xiao Yao’s position.

The audience can clearly see that after Xiao Yao is sitting on the piano bench next to the piano, the microphone on the microphone stand placed by Sun Tingting is exactly in front of Xiao Yao’s mouth, and the position is quite accurate.

After Xiao Yao sat down, he did not start immediately, but looked in the direction where Sun Tingting was. Sun Tingting, who helped Xiao Yao set up the microphone stand, walked back to the musicians, picked up the violin and placed it on her shoulders, draped the bow with her right hand on the strings, and looked at Xiao Yao’s direction. Seeing Xiao Yao’s opinion, Sun Tingting smiled and nodded.

At this time, another follow-up light above the live stage lights up and shines on Sun Tingting in the musicians’ area.

“Wow ” Seeing Sun Tingting appearing in the beam of light, the audience made some calls again.

Xiao Yao saw Sun Tingting nod his head, and pressed his finger on the piano key. As the piano sounded, Sun Tingting’s right hand holding the bow also moved.

When Xiao Yao sang “Perfect” before, Sun Tingting also played the violin in the accompaniment. But the difference is that the sound of the violin in the song “Pefect” is not particularly prominent, and in this song “I Love You More Everyday”, the beginning of the prelude part only has the piano and violin sound, and the latter is only added. For some drums, the main instruments are still these two. This is also the reason why the live director deliberately gave Sun Tingting, the musician, a chasing light at this time.

Looking at Xiao Yao playing the piano and Sun Tingting playing the violin in two bright areas on the stage, even if Xiao Yao hadn’t started singing yet, many live audiences were already moved by them on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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