Entertaining Children

Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308 I have a wife

Chapter 1308 I have a wife

Xiao Yao stayed in front of the stage, and the audience quickly calmed down.

Sun Tingting turned to look at Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao nodded slightly, and put his hands on the guitar strings on his back.

“I want You are by my side…”

Sun Tingting turned her head and began to sing. At the same time, the guitar sound accompanied by Xiao Yao also sounded simultaneously.

The official studio version of this song has no prelude, but at the beginning of this year, Xiao Yao added a prelude to the midfield performance of the China National Basketball Association All-Star Celebrity Game and the two live performances of the Yanjing TV Spring Festival Gala. In this performance, Xiao Yao returned to the official version of the arrangement again, removing the temporary prelude added during the previous two live performances, so Sun Tingting turned her head to look at Xiao Yao before she sang, showing him what will start. signal.

The song “I Want You” was not only performed in the midfield performance of the Basketball All-Star Celebrity Game at the beginning of the year like “You Are the Girl I Want”, and it is related to Xiao Yao’s proposal to Sun Tingting in public, but also The theme song of the movie “Donkey Gets Water” and the only episode in the film. In addition, Sun Tingting also sang this song on the Spring Evening of Yanjing Satellite TV this year. Therefore, in terms of the popularity of the song, Sun Tingting sang this song “I Want You “It is much higher than the song “You Are the Girl I Want” that Xiao Yao sang just now.

The audience’s familiarity with the song “I Want You” is much higher than the song “You Are the Girl I Want” that Xiao Yao sang just now, plus the melody and rhythm of the song as a whole It was soft and soothing. When the audience listened to Sun Tingting’s singing, they were intoxicated. Some audience members even unconsciously sang together in a low voice, and there were also some low-pitched singing voices.

can make the audience sing intoxicated and unconsciously. Sun Tingting’s performance of this song is naturally extremely good. After Sun Tingting sang, the audience also gave a very warm applause.

“Thank you!” Sun Tingting bowed her head in greeting.

Sun Tingting raised her head and did not turn around to go back to the area where the band is located, but leaned closer to the microphone and continued: “I want to say the same thing to someone.”

“Huh?” The audience looked at Sun Tingting on the stage strangely.

“I just sang an old song, and then I will send it to everyone…” Sun Tingting said.

“Wow isn’t it? Sun Tingting also has a new song?” The audience was surprised. In this case, Xiao Yao has said it more than once tonight!

“A new song!” Despite some surprises, many audience members excitedly shouted out the second sentence for Sun Tingting.

“Yes!” Sun Tingting smiled and nodded, “Next, I will send you a new song!”

“Oh oh ” When Sun Tingting was really about to sing a new song, the audience cheered.

“The title of this song is “The Most Romantic Thing”,” Sun Tingting pointed to Xiao Yao next to her, “The songwriter, of course, is also the one next to me! So, if a single friend on the spot feels uncomfortable listening to this song, Please remember that the culprit is still him!”

“Ha ” There was a burst of laughter at the scene, “Has Sun Tingting started to abuse dogs?”

” ” Some people booed, and they didn’t know whether it was hushing Sun Tingting or hushing Xiaoyao.

Xiao Yao shrank his neck, and walked towards the back with the microphone stand in front of him. This time, Sun Tingting did not stop Xiao Yao again, because although Xiao Yao also had accompaniment to this song, he did not play the guitar but the piano.

Xiao Yao put the microphone stand on the band area, took the guitar from his body and put it on the guitar stand, walked to the side of the stage and sat down next to the piano.

The prelude part of this song started with several instruments at the same time. After Xiao Yao sat down, he turned his head and nodded towards the band. Several musicians moved at the same time and played the prelude to the song.

Sun Tingting in front of the stage listened to the prelude of the song, held the microphone with one hand, nodded gently, and his body moved gently to the rhythm of the prelude.

There is actually a violin soundtrack in the prelude of this song, but both Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting feel that it is not convenient to sing while tilting their heads when playing the violin. It looks good, so this song didn’t let Sun Tingting play the violin, only focused on singing, and gave the violin part to other violin players.

At the beginning of the song, the prelude is an ensemble of several instruments, and at the end, it is a short piano solo. When Xiao Yao’s piano finished the prelude of the song, Sun Tingting’s singing also rang:

“Sit back to back on the carpet, listen to music and talk about wishes. You want me to be more and more gentle, I hope you put me in your heart

You said you want to send me a romantic dream. Thank you for taking you to heaven. Even if it takes a lifetime to complete, as long as I tell you, you will remember it ”

“Wow ” When Sun Tingting sang the previous two short verses, many of the audience below were surprised in their hearts.

Although everyone knows that this song is still a sweet love song by listening to the title of the song and the introduction of Sun Tingting, they did not expect that this song written by Xiao Yao to Sun Tingting would look like this.

“The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you. Collect the little bit of laughter along the way, and save it for later, sitting in a rocking chair and chatting slowly.

The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you slowly, until we can’t go wherever we grow old, and you are still there. Think of me as the treasure in the palm of your hand ”

When Sun Tingting sang the chorus, the audience was completely moved and intoxicated. “The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you.” Such lyrics can almost be regarded as the most beautiful love words they have ever heard.

This “The Most Romantic Thing” is a classic love song composed by Li Zhengfan in the previous life, Lyrics by Yao Ruolong, and sung by Zhao Yonghua. Its warm and poetic lyrics are very moving, and many famous singers in previous lives have sung them, and the “lethal effect” is also very strong.

Listening to Sun Tingting’s singing, among the audience who came into pairs in pairs, the girl had already unconsciously put her head on the shoulder of her male partner next to her, and the boy had also unconsciously hugged the female partner next to her, turning his head. Side to the direction of the female partner, touching her head. As for the live audience who came single, they seemed to be caught in the mood and atmosphere of the song, their faces full of longing.

The second verse and chorus of this song are the repetitions of the previous verse and chorus, the lyrics are the same, and the melody and rhythm are only raised and paused in a few places, making an emotional progression, and the ending part It is also a repetition of the chorus, so in the back part of the song, the audience does not need to be distracted to watch the lyrics on the big screen above the live stage, and they are all immersed in the atmosphere created by the song.

At the end of the song, there is still a short piano solo by Xiao Yao. When Xiao Yao’s final piano sound disappeared and the scene became quiet, the audience woke up like a dream, and they straightened up and gave a burst of warm applause.

“Thank you!” Sun Tingting bowed her head to thank, and then said, “This song is my favorite among all the new songs he has prepared for tonight. I hope everyone likes it!”

“Like it!” the audience shouted.

“That’s good!” Sun Tingting smiled, and waved to Xiao Yao’s position sideways, “Next, return the stage to Xiao Yao, and I will go back to be my musician. Compared to singing, I still feel that I am behind. Give him a more comfortable playing accompaniment!”

“Ha ” Applause was heard again at the scene, and Sun Tingting’s last sentence also caused some laughter.

In the applause of the audience, Sun Tingting carried the microphone stand back to the band area behind, while Xiao Yao carried the microphone stand and came to the front of the stage again.

“Does the two songs sung by Sun Tingting just now sound good?” Xiao Yao asked the audience.

“Good!” the audience shouted.

“Then the guests I invited tonight were chosen well?” Xiao Yao asked with a smile again.

” ” The answer to Xiao Yao was a boo.

“Okay, let’s go on!” Xiao Yao smiled carelessly, and then said, “Before the guest sang, I sang “The Girl I Want Most”, an old song, so next… ”

“New song!” The audience replied concisely.

“Well, new song!” Xiao Yao nodded, “I wanted to sing the next song for tonight’s guests, but first, she only promised me to sing two songs tonight, one old song Singing a new song, she didn’t want to sing two new songs, saying that she didn’t want to steal my limelight. Second, she prefers “The Most Romantic Thing”, so I can only sing this new song!”

“So next is a song for girls to sing?” Many audience members thought to themselves.

“I won’t say the title of this song, everyone will listen first, you should be able to guess the title after listening to it!” Xiao Yao said.

“Huh?” The audience became curious.

After the audience calmed down, Xiao Yao waved his hand behind him, and then an electric guitar sounded through the effector, and then Xiao Yao waved his hand and played the acoustic guitar on his back.

On the whole, the sound and rhythm of the prelude of this song are relatively a bit weird in Xiao Yao’s songs, and the audience on the spot is also more looking forward to this song.

The prelude is over, Xiao Yao’s singing sounded:

“The second hand and the minute hand are ticking in my heart, my eyes are flickering and hollow, and my heart is throbbing and throbbing

I asked myself how strong I want you to love you, how impulsive I want to stay and fly with you, my heart is throbbing up and down ”

Compared with the songs before tonight, this playlist is based on the first verse of the previous song. Not only does the audience feel that the prelude and the melody of this song are a bit strange, it is the first verse of the previous song. The lyrics and the overall feeling of Xiao Yao are a little bit lonely and deserted, which is very different from those sweet love songs Xiao Yao performed before tonight. Therefore, after listening to Xiao Yao sing the first verse, the audience’s doubts in the hearts of the audience are deeper. Up.

“Tomorrow I want to marry you Tomorrow I want to marry you! If it weren’t for the daily fellowship, it would bother all my dreams ”

As soon as the first two sentences of the beginning of the chorus came out, many audience members were a little dumbfounded.

“I will marry you tomorrow?” The audience was speechless after hearing such lyrics.

“Tomorrow I will marry you, tomorrow I will marry you, if it wasn’t for you to ask me, if it wasn’t for you to persuade me, or if it wasn’t the right time, you made me move!”

Xiao Yao’s singing continued. In the second half of the chorus, when the audience heard “If it weren’t for you to make my heart beat at the right time”, they felt that this song has some sweet love songs that match the theme and atmosphere of tonight, but Xiao Yao This big boy sang affectionately “married” on the stage, which still made the audience feel a little weird.

This song is a song written and sung by Zhou Huajian himself in the previous life. Although the title and lyrics of this song contain the word “marry”, in the previous life, the original singer of this song was a male singer, and many male singers have sang this song.

This song was written by Zhou Huajian from the perspective of a woman. In this world, Xiao Yao did not write songs from the perspective of a woman. The reason why the audience felt weird was mainly because Xiao Yao’s songs from the perspective of a woman were basically written for The female singer sings, he rarely sings that kind of song himself. Although Xiao Yao has sang songs such as “The New Drunken Concubine”, he still has a more masculine impression, and does not have the image of a “Hua Dan” like Zhou Huajian in the previous life, so the audience listened to him sing “Marriage”. When I gave it to you, I still felt a little weird and not comfortable with it.

After the chorus, there is a slightly weird interlude with the same melody as the intro, with guitar strings with effects. After the interlude, Xiao Yao started the second verse.

The lyrics and melody of the second verse of the verse are the same as those of the first verse. It was not until the second chorus that there were some changes in the lyrics.

“Tomorrow I am going to marry you, tomorrow I am going to marry you, if it weren’t for the night of the power outage, I found out that I was lonely and empty ”

The second half of the second chorus is still the same as the second half of the first chorus.

“Tomorrow I will marry you, tomorrow I will marry you, if it wasn’t for you to ask me, if it wasn’t for you to persuade me, or if it wasn’t the right time, you made me move!”

After the second chorus, Xiao Yao vigorously brushed two chords, and then began another chorus singing.

“Tomorrow I want to marry you Tomorrow I want to marry you! If it weren’t for the daily fellowship, it would bother all my dreams ”

“I will marry you tomorrow, and I will finally marry you tomorrow, if it wasn’t for you to ask me, or if you didn’t persuade me, but I’m at this moment, afraid of fear ”

This time the chorus, the first half is the same as the first chorus, and the words are changed in the second half. The second sentence changed from “Tomorrow I’m going to marry you” to “I will finally marry you tomorrow”, and finally changed from “If it’s not the right time, you make my heart move” to “But I’m scared at this time.” “Fear” reminded the audience inexplicably of the term “premarital phobia”.

When they listened to Xiao Yao’s previous introduction of the song, they already knew that this song was still written by Xiao Yao for Sun Tingting, because Sun Tingting didn’t sing it, and Xiao Yao sang it himself. Someone thought of Sun Tingting.

“Could it be that Sun Tingting has premarital phobia?” Some viewers suddenly thought out of their minds.

After the chorus, a short guitar melody ended the song, but until all the music on the scene disappeared completely, the audience still had no reaction, and seemed to be confused by Xiao Yao’s song.

No one applauded, Xiao Yao stopped thanking him, and asked directly: “Can you guess the name of this song?”

“Oh ” Many audience members at the scene recovered, and soon some audience members guessed and shouted, “Tomorrow I will marry you!”

Many people use the chorus of the song as the name of the song, and with a little intentional meaning, the people who guessed the name of the song yelled out the same sentence, which is also the song name of the song.

“No!” Xiao Yao shook his head with a serious face, “I have received the certificate, and I have a wife!”

“Huh? Call ” The audience was stunned for a moment, and then reacted quickly, and then a huge boo rang again on the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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