Epic of Vampire: The Crippled Vampire Prince Is Actually The Strongest

Chapter 13: Chris’ Life


The morning sun gently illuminated the interior of a messy room, with clothes thrown around the room, books and all kinds of drawing tools splattered over the floor, and even a bottle of paint barely about to spill its colors onto the beautiful rug.


The sound of the phone’s morning alarm clock started dinging loudly as a small figure resting beneath three different white and blue blankets slowly started moving, groaning because he wanted to continue sleeping some more.

“Fuck, shut up already.”

His hands quickly grabbed the phone, directing it to his face so he could quickly turn it off. His cute face was mirrored on the phone’s screen, and although he looked very sleepy and his hair was a mess, his cute appearance, soft features, and big blue eyes were still very stunning.

“Hmm… It’s already ten in the morning?! You have to be kidding me.”

His eyes opened wide as he quickly sat on the bed, looking at his messy room.

“Aahh, I haven’t cleaned this place in a while.”

Slowly, he walked out of bed, revealing he was only wearing a loose white shirt and black-colored sport shorts. His slender, hairless, and spotless legs stretched as he yawned.

“Hahh… Another day, I guess.”

Opening the window so more sunlight could come inside, he looked around the neighborhood, and then in the front yard, a tall man with a handsome face and long black hair was attending the garden.

“Oh, Chris! Good morning, son!”

“Hm, yeah… Why are you in the garden so early in the morning, Dad? Can’t you take a break?”

“Haha, well, I like the garden. Look, the tomatoes we planted the other day are already blooming!”

“Huh, so that’s how tomato flowers look like...”

Chris quickly stopped looking at his nerdy, plant-obsessed father and walked to the bathroom. In the way, though, he was stopped by someone much taller than him, looking down on him.

The only thing Chris could see as he lifted his eyes was the looming shadow of his sister’s large bosom. Her silky black hair and her sharp blue eyes, accompanied by her cute appearance, were all quite deceiving.

She might look like a very beautiful young lady, but...

“Hey brat, I was going to the bathroom first; move it.”

“Nuh-huh, I’m already touching the doorknob, you see.”

“I woke up first! You were still sleeping!”

“Yeah, but I got here first; first come, first served!”

“Hey, come here, you fat ass!”

Chris’ sister was about to grab him, but Chris quickly sneaked inside the bathroom. Her hands slammed the door, only for Chris to laugh as he pushed the door closed and locked it.

“Hey! I’m in a hurry; come on! I want to bathe first! You little…!”

“Maybe if you were nicer with your beloved little brother, I would have let you in!”

“Why would I be nice with a little devil like you?! Do you think I don’t know you ate all my pudding?! You’re on a death list, you imp! Manlet!”

“Hahah! I don’t care~”

Chris mocked his angry sister, and as he quickly took his time to undress himself, his beautiful, silky white body was covered in the sweat of the morning. The heat was rather intense here, even more so in the mornings of summer.


As he sighed in relief while taking a warm shower, he quickly remembered something rather important.

The homework.

“Ah sh*t, I didn’t do that.”

It was still a bit stupid that college gave homework sometimes, and the students were totally free to not even do it, but if they did, they could get bonus points for their tests.

So it was quite essential if they wanted to get a good grade that they had to do their damn homework. For programming, the first homework of the week was pretty simple; he just had to write some codes on paper to memorize their arrangements.


Chris smiled as he quickly thought of a quick solution!

And Paul’s handsome face appeared inside his mind.

“Yeah, I can just ask him anyway.”

He shrugged as he washed his petite body with warm water and a lot of soap, making sure to scrub every inch of it, even down there, from the back and front.

“Ahh… Did it get hard after I thought about him?”

Chris noticed that something had risen down there, and it was only because he thought about Paul, of all things.

He gently bit his own lips, thinking about that stud.

The very reason he had approached him in the first place was because Paul was really hot. From afar, he had noticed that he was really attractive and tried to interact with him for a change.

He was new there, so the excuse of making a new friend was quite a good one, but Chris never thought the hot, tall, brown-skinned, and muscular stud he saw from afar would end up being such a cute introvert.

“Nah, not enough time.”


His annoying older sister was already nagging him outside the bathroom, so Chris decided to not do what he was about to do and quickly move on.

He was going to see that hottie today too, so he didn’t mind just not doing it; he could always wait until night to imagine himself being embraced by him.

“Fuck, I wish he was gay.”

Chris thought for a moment as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips.

“You’re finally out! What took you so long?”

“What do you mean? I was super fast!”

“Shut up and move your fat ass already!”

His sister quickly dragged Chris out and entered the bathroom in a rush.

After Chris moved back to his room to get dressed, he decided to choose some cuter, bolder clothes.

“Hmm… I wonder if I could get a reaction out of him with these.”

A mischievous smile surged on the little devil’s lips as he quickly got dressed, dried his hair, and then applied a few essential oils to keep it shiny and puffy, like he liked it.

After that, some perfume was done.

“Shit, it’s already eleven? Gotta hurry…”

After putting on his black and white sneakers, Chris ran downstairs, greeting his father, who was just finishing preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, dear,” he greeted him.

“Hey Dad,” he said. “Hey, mom.”

“Ah, good morning, honey.” His mother smiled, quickly putting down the tablet she was using to read the news.

Chris’ mother was just as stunning as her daughter and son. She had long black hair, beautiful, clear blue eyes, slightly clearer than her children, and a sharp yet beautiful face. She was a beautiful Asian American lady, and she was also the breadwinner of the family. She was getting ready to go to work as of now.

"Here, I made you pancakes, son, your favorites~” His father quickly walked into the living room and placed the pancakes on the plates. There was caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and even strawberry syrup, along with whipped cream.

“Thank you, Dad.” Chris was such a spoiled boy; he always got whatever he wanted from his parents. His dad and his mom adored him, and just like any other day, he was being spoiled with his favorite breakfast.

“How’s the college doing? Has the first week been heavy on you, dear?” his mother wondered as she drank her coffee.

Although his father was much laxer, it was quite clear that his mother was the stricter of the two. She also had some standards, and although she admitted her son was making his own money with his art and writing, she wanted him to still graduate from college at the very least.

Naturally, she had high expectations for her son.

“Err, it’s fine, yeah!”

Chris was clearly lying; he had barely paid attention to anything and was just relying on Paul to help him with literally everything. He didn’t even want to go to college to begin with, but lacked the courage to confront his mother about it.

“Nothing too hard?” wondered his dad, sitting down and making himself an egg and bacon sandwich. “I’ve heard programming can be a bit heavy for those without prior experience.”

“Nah, I’m good. I’ve made a few friends already. Mostly gals, but there’s a guy too. Paul! He’s pretty nice with me; he’s a bit silly and awkward, but he helps me,” Chris smiled.

His parents quickly noticed the way Chris talked about Paul compared to the gal pals he had. For a while now, Chris had come out to his family, so they knew who he was.

“Is that so~? Well! I’m glad you’ve found another male friend for once, dear,” his mother smiled, clearly with a slightly teasing and expectant smile. “Don’t ruin it like last time, alright?”

“W-What are you implying?!” Chris got flustered. “He’s just a friend,” he said, looking elsewhere in embarrassment.

“Hahah! Yeah, it doesn’t have to be necessary to get into that territory,” his father laughed. “Glad you’ve made tons of friends, son. The college is like a hundred times tougher than high school, but if you have friends to help you out, it becomes a breeze.”

“Yeaaah…” Chris didn’t have any intention of even caring about college, but even his father was getting invested in his studies. “It’s pretty okay.”

He had to either take it seriously or end up disappointing his two parents. As spoiled as he was, he still appreciated everything they’d done for him, so he didn’t really want to make them feel disappointed in him.

“Well! Whenever you feel comfortable, you could invite your friends here,” his mom said. “It has been a while since you’ve brought anybody.”

“Hmm, well, I guess everyone got busy. I had so many friends in high school, but after I broke out with my ex, I kind of didn’t want to deal with anybody anymore,” sighed Chris. “So the college is like a new beginning... But I do miss some of my old friends. I should try to text them again.”

“You should.” His dad nodded, drinking some herbal tea. “Oh! Oh my gosh, look! The little cactus I planted the other day bloomed a little flower! Honey, look!”

“Very pretty, dear.” His mother nodded as she saw her husband’s little cactus, which was sitting in the middle of the table. “Ah, I should get going... Wait, where’s Kim? She’s going to get late to work."

“Mom! Dad! Chris didn’t let me bathe first, and it took me a while to get done!”

As she wondered that, Kim, Chris’ sister, walked downstairs in a hurry, already dressed up and ready to depart for her job.

"Well, maybe wake up earlier? Duh,” Chris shrugged.

“Why are you such a goblin sometimes?!” His sister was about to drag his hair, but their father stopped them.

“Come on, kids, get along. Don’t treat each other like this. Let’s eat together and have a good time as a family.” His father was the peace mediator between the two fiery siblings, but he didn’t help much either way.

“Well whatever, can you make me a sandwich quickly, Dad?” wondered Kim.

"Sure, dear, wait here.” Her father quickly flew to the kitchen and prepared her a lot of food for the go, giving her everything neatly packaged. “There you go, good luck.”

After kissing her cheek, Kim quickly moved out of the house with her mother.

“Have a good day, you two.” After the mom kissed Chris' forehead and her husband’s lips, she quickly moved out, taking the car to her job, which she shared with her daughter.

“Aren’t you getting late too, son?” wondered Chris’ father as he saw his son browsing his phone.

“Hm? Ah! Shit, yeah!” Chris quickly drank the last of the tea and kissed his dad on the cheek before rushing out. “I’ll take an Uver if you don’t mind~”

“Sure! Have a nice trip!” His dad smiled as he saw Chris walk away.

As Chris made his way to the college with the help of a Uver, he browsed his phone, looking for Spirit Magic, how to Contract Spirits, and all that mumbo jumbo that Paul wanted him to learn for the game.

“Maybe if I do all this dumb stuff, he’ll have a better view of me,” he thought. “It’s not like I enjoy being seen as some lazy ass guy.”

He found out a few interesting secrets and tips on the webpages; one of them was that there was a special Spirit Stat that could be unlocked, and that as it increased, Spirit Magic and Contracted Spirits became stronger.


As he browsed through “Obscuritas Spirits”, he only found the results for the vilest Death, Darkness, Blood, and Demonic Spirits, which were all qualified as monsters.

“You’re kidding me?”

He was growing more and more desperate as he realized that Obscuritas didn’t have good spirits!

This was because it was in the Realm of Fantasia where Fairies originated and where they contracted their first spirits.

In Obscuritas, the only spirits that existed were evil creatures that attacked people.

“How am I even going to do this now?”

And the weakest of them was Tier 4!

However, his worries quickly faded away as he thought about how OP his friend was.

Well, only for ten minutes a day.

“Paul will carry me anyway, right?”

A mischievous smile surged on his cute lips as the Uver quickly reached his destination, and he walked outside in a hurry.

After entering the college and walking upstairs to his class, he found Paul there; he was waiting outside the class for him.

“What’s up? Were you waiting for your bestie~?”

Chris went to tease him instantly!

“Bestie? Ah, no, I… I was just standing here.

Paul blushed a bit after Chris teased him, and then he slightly noticed what he was wearing.

Aside from the cute black blouse, he was also wearing jean shorts that were tight around the thighs.

Paul got a whole view of Chris' beautiful legs. Chris easily noticed his eyes, feeling happy that they got his attention.

He quickly took this opportunity to take a step forward, grabbing his big arm.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

Dragging him inside the classroom, Paul blushed even more, growing flustered as he was touched by Chris' slightly cold and soft hands.

“Hey, don’t drag me! Anyway, did you learn spirit magic or at least research it?”

“A-Ah! About that… Hahah…”


Paul didn’t know what Chris could be implying with that nervous laugh, but it was perhaps not something good.

As the classes began and the two had little time to talk, they had to wait until they ended to finally address what Chris had found out.

“What?! So they’re all monsters in Obscuritas?”

Paul was indeed shocked by the news.

“Yep, they don’t get the normal, good ol’ spirit there; they’re all just vile creatures.”

“But they’re still Spirit-type, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right... The closest to where we are located is the Everdark Forest, and that place is like... several hundreds of kilometers from Elderbridge.”

“Still, it would help you get pretty strong... It’s going to be a long trip; we have to prepare then.”

“Sure~ I mean if you insist so much! I guess I’ll have to tag along with my favorite crippled vampire, ahaha!”

“Don’t make fun of Vlad; he’s still kind of cool!”

As the two friends laughed and joked with each other, Chris couldn’t help but feel closer to the silly introvert.

A gentle smile surged on his lips as he saw him act all flustered and cute.

It was a big contrast with his tall and muscular figure, but to him, that made it even better, actually.

“Anyways, see ya in the game then?” Chris wondered, touching Paul’s nose.

“Yeah, yeah… Why are you touching my nose?” Paul gently put Chris' hand away.

“Nothing~ Bye!” Chris went to take the train, and Paul sighed.

He was hiding it, but his heartbeat was very fast too.

The moment Chris touched his nose... He just felt things.

Many things.

“Hahh… What’s even happening to me?”


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