Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 246: Price to freedom

Now that his domain was ten kilometers in size, it could cover a good part of the city, more than enough to cover all the people currently residing in the city. There weren't that many of them after all.

None of the people in the city could even feel his domain, but suddenly they heard Adam's voice in their ears.

"Tazolos, newly ascended Demon King, has fallen. I now hold the core of the dimension." Everyone was stunned. That just came out of nowhere. Was the Aqua Sovereign pulling a cruel joke on them?

But unbeknownst to the common masses, or so to speak, the eight leaders of the racial powers, the descendents of the rulers of the various monster clans as well as the representatives of the different smaller power who managed to come were all called for a meeting.

A couple minutes later, they all gathered in the meeting room that had been created in the past five months, and the room was a little too crowded because it wasn't meant to have every leader present, but only the most important ones.

As they whispered to each other, doubtful but also excited at the prospect of finally leaving this forsaken land, Adam appeared in the room, stunning everyone. With their power, they could easily feel it when space was ripped open, and it would be an arduous task no Heroes could accomplish to hide it from them.

Hence, if Adam appeared without entering through a spatial rift, then it could only mean he had used the legendary teleportation ability of Legends.

The people here were all the heirs of the most powerful powers in Epoch, and none of them were ignorant. Even if Adam wasn't a real Legend as his Gold Rank was visible to all thanks to his status, they knew that the only way to use teleportation was by forming a powerful Space Essence. In other words, Adam was really as strong as a Legend.

Undisturbed by the strange stares sent his way, Adam said "What I announced earlier was true, Tazolos is dead. I now hold the key of this dimension."

Having the news verified, everyone present was obviously overjoyed. Adam continued "Moreover, I will allow you all to leave the dimension for a meagre price."

Instantly, the joyous faces turned a little sour, as they didn't like where this was going. How could they not understand? Adam literally held the lifeline of the strongest and richest powers of Epoch, how could he not take advantage of them?

Only a few who had good relationships with Adam remained neutral faced. Adam smirked and said "There's no need to pull such faces, I truly intend on letting you leave without making you pay too much. I have two conditions."

But before Adam could continue, a monster said "Don't be arrogant, you may hold the power of a Legend, do you think you can hold against the entire world by yourself? You better release us if you don't want to stay here for the rest of your life!"

Adam didn't even look at the monster as it suddenly was sliced into thousands of slices, dying without even realizing it.

Under the frightened and shocked glaze of everyone, Adam said "My two conditions are simple. First, I want to establish my very own kingdom, with this city as it's capital. For that though, I need to populate my land. I want you all to send craftsmen, farmers and about every person I might need for my kingdom. I want competent people."

The faces of many people turned strange, that really wasn't much of a problem for all of them. Now, they couldn't help but fear the second condition.

Adam continued "As for my second condition, I want everyone who has one of the Godslayer's Heart to hand them to me. For the powers with at least one Legend in their ranks, I want a Legend to come fetch you. As for those who don't… sending their leader will do."

As the faces of the people in the room turned dark, Adam said "Each of you are to choose a representative to send back to Epoch to relay the news. In three hours, I will open a portal to Epoch inside the city, your representatives better be there by then if they want to leave.. Also, don't get any strange ideas, if more than one of your members enter the portal, you will be wiped out, no exceptions."

With those words, Adam disappeared and went to complete the next step of his clan, that is truly submitting the strongest Sages of Providence. Until now, they respected him because of his strength, but he wanted them to truly serve him with their entire will to protect the dimension from dangers when he left for other lands in the future.

Before, he had no way to do so, but now that he had become a Gold Rank and his Soul had merged with his two Essences, he could proceed to create a spirit imprint, which would make those monsters absolutely loyal to him.

This was seen as something terrible to do, even worse than erasing someone's soul, as this was basically turning another into one's slave. This wasn't limited to monsters, but every being with a hint of intelligence could be enslaved by a sufficiently strong person.

The powers of Epoch would rather not use such means because if they did then no one would accept to join them and become slaves, so it simply wouldn't be worth it. After all, a Legend could see with a glance whether someone was enslaved spiritually or not.

Fortunately, no Legend other than Adam could appear in his realm, so no one would see anything. Adam didn't intend on using them for anything else than protecting this realm and his kingdom, so other people wouldn't suspect a thing.

Three hours later, every Sage above Level 180 had been enslaved, and no one other than them and Adam knew about it. Adam met with the representatives of the various powers and he created a portal. As he did, he used his domain to quickly scan the minds of everyone present.

It seemed they didn't try to play any games on him and so he didn't have to kill anyone. When everyone had entered through the portal, Adam didn't bother to close it and simply kept watch over it. Were any undesired guest to appear, he could instant kill them with his domain.

A week quickly passed, during which no one tried to enter the portal. Adam didn't expect for them to return immediately, the different powers would have to think of his words first.

But now, after an entire week of wait, someone finally entered through the portal. After seeing no one else was coming, he teleported in front of him, scaring that person a little.

The envoy's face was already nervous, and after he teleported in front of him he straight out panicked, and with shivering hands he said "L.. Lord… I have come.. to…"

Adam rolled his eyes and said "I'm not going to kill an envoy, so spit it out, whatever it is you wish to say."

The envoy gulped and said "Someone is waiting for you out… outside. They will explain the situation to you."

Adam nodded and quickly sent a few orders to the nearest monsters under his control to protect the gate in case anyone else other than him were to come back in. Then, he grabbed the envoy by the helm of his shirt and flew out through the portal.

The moment he appeared back in Epoch, Adam expected to be ambushed, but instead he saw his good friends, Henry, the king of Azure, who wore a helpless smile.

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